If we make Yara a Metahuman, the cat's out of the bag. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if by that point, people will already know that goldnine can do crazy stuff, whether from buffed villains or those magical girls. But knowing Justice Unlimited can make Metahumans is gonna make us a target by literally everyone, so we need to prep for the reveal.

The best way to prepare is by getting more Metahumans, which will make the reveal occur quicker, so it's a true catch-22.
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If we make Yara a Metahuman, the cat's out of the bag. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if by that point, people will already know that goldnine can do crazy stuff, whether from buffed villains or those magical girls. But knowing Justice Unlimited can make Metahumans is gonna make us a target by literally everyone, so we need to prep for the reveal.
having 3 black swan level Heroes would help :V.
It might be worth losing out on new recruits if it means getting a high tolerance candidate.
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If we make Yara a Metahuman, the cat's out of the bag. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if by that point, people will already know that goldnine can do crazy stuff, whether from buffed villains or those magical girls. But knowing Justice Unlimited can make Metahumans is gonna make us a target by literally everyone, so we need to prep for the reveal.

The best way to prepare is by getting more Metahumans, which will make the reveal occur quicker, so it's a true catch-22.
Yara was Uiara's younger sister, if my data is right, and if given the neuro-plasticity science, if she's high Tolerance, she's low stat. Maybe she's 18, 19, 20-ish and still within the Mona Cover Story Hidden Powers Range.
Yara was Uiara's younger sister, if my data is right, and if given the neuro-plasticity science, if she's high Tolerance, she's low stat. Maybe she's 18, 19, 20-ish and still within the Mona Cover Story Hidden Powers Range.
ah yes little sis doing secret grind soo shee can jjoin her big sis

She's 18. Noelle is 20.

No, they're still in the Apiary.

noelle can be her mother not wanting her to join new dawn. Considering novalight grudge with her.
@MrKermie you missed YeehawBody in you list of users. Also EphemeralIgnorer would have unmanaged ADHD :V

Also methinks Ellie_Starfish23 might be the daughter of poor deceased Han Yu aka Heavenly Astrologian
One thing really gets me, rereading our flashback with Nora.

". . . how much is Scarlet Maturity asking for again?" you sigh.

"Eight-hundred million, unlimited access to your lab, and three free commissions from you," Moon River says.

Scarlet Maturity is a lot of things, but one thing we know he isn't is an Algernon. He could just be regular human smart, unrelated to his powers, but I honestly think this is less about wanting a place of his own to build stuff (I'm certain Powers probably has an R&D division) and more a chance to investigate Nora's equipment and projects. And given all of that, plus Powers managing to come away the least hurt of anyone from Leviathan, it makes me wonder if he somehow has insight into The Stage and Psychic Bullshit and our big ass metaplot
One thing really gets me, rereading our flashback with Nora.

Scarlet Maturity is a lot of things, but one thing we know he isn't is an Algernon. He could just be regular human smart, unrelated to his powers, but I honestly think this is less about wanting a place of his own to build stuff (I'm certain Powers probably has an R&D division) and more a chance to investigate Nora's equipment and projects. And given all of that, plus Powers managing to come away the least hurt of anyone from Leviathan, it makes me wonder if he somehow has insight into The Stage and Psychic Bullshit and our big ass metaplot
Personally, I don't think he himself has it, but he knows someone who does, and has a strong connection to them somewhere in Dominion. >.>
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We can reassess this line of reasoning once we get the info from our Seasons quest. After all, our concrete data on him is, "uses he/him pronouns", "is asshole mercenary" and "is very tough".
We can reassess this line of reasoning once we get the info from our Seasons quest. After all, our concrete data on him is, "uses he/him pronouns", "is asshole mercenary" and "is very tough".
I think I've also mentioned his publicly know powers before:

Regeneration on a level that's so fast that he appears to never actually be injured, the greatest superstrength ever recorded (can split the earth's crust with his hands), is twelve feet tall.

Lady Leizi thinks there's more to it, but isn't sure what exactly.
...which in that case, begs the question of how he could even fit into the lab, given that it doesn't say if he can turn normal size.

Unless it was Powers's R&D division who would have actual access and not him, on a personal level.
...which in that case, begs the question of how he could even fit into the lab, given that it doesn't say if he can turn normal size.

Unless it was Powers's R&D division who would have actual access and not him, on a personal level.
You can assume he meant "I can come and go with whomever I please whenever I want to."

Also, the ceilings and doors in the Apiary are *high*. Apiary herself was eight feet tall.
You can assume he meant "I can come and go with whomever I please whenever I want to."

Also, the ceilings and doors in the Apiary are *high*. Apiary herself was eight feet tall.
Makes sense. If Horizon has the most metahumans in the world, then it's just insulting if you don't have accommodation for metahumans that are weirdly tall or short.
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I think I've also mentioned his publicly know powers before:

Regeneration on a level that's so fast that he appears to never actually be injured, the greatest superstrength ever recorded (can split the earth's crust with his hands), is twelve feet tall.

Lady Leizi thinks there's more to it, but isn't sure what exactly.
hmm I. wondeer if his a projection or someethiing.
Set-up/planning question.

If we do a plan that is technically, if only barely, out of our reach (for sake of example, we're 3 Operations short) at the moment, but the plan also involves doing stat-boosting personals (in the same example, Mona, Rhys and Maddie are all doing Operations training) first to boost it to the required stats, would that be technically kosher? Or a no go?
Set-up/planning question.

If we do a plan that is technically, if only barely, out of our reach (for sake of example, we're 3 Operations short) at the moment, but the plan also involves doing stat-boosting personals (in the same example, Mona, Rhys and Maddie are all doing Operations training) first to boost it to the required stats, would that be technically kosher? Or a no go?
It would, but only in the circumstance where the boost is guaranteed. For example, Lady Leizi can fail to increase a stat, so you cannot consider those in your plans.
Hmm Emergency gives ouur only dose of ambrosia until we can complete mahou and gett a suplier or R-Train.

Should we saveee. it up for a high Tolerancee candiddate annd just power level john?
I'm definitely in favor of boosting John a bit, but I also think it's a good short-term proposition for the cash and the equipment and DNA, as well.

Honestly, while I haven't run the math stats, my plan is probably Cenotaph/Meet The Rookies/Hero Worship/Break Glass.