I forget if I mentioned here or if it was a PM with Kermie, but every route had a "You Can Be Moment".

Nora's was: "It has to be you" vs "They can do it"

Yazmin's was: "You need to be Yazmin" vs "Uiara is who they want"

Towarri's was: "It's up to You" vs "It shouldn't change"
Well, I did vote for leadership shenanigans while knowing about the potential change in YQ's fate. There's parts of me that sorta regrets it, but another that's curious on how leadership goes this coming issue. I'm sorta holding on to the hope that Leizhi and friends somehow cut in space right in the middle of the Puella fight, but I'm aware that's a bit of wishful thinking.
Oh no, way darker.

Especially in the "Uiara is who they want" route.
...She would start trying to mold her into a second Nora, possibly up to flirting with a relationship. If she knew Nora was in there, possibly even trying to reverse it so Nora's dominant and Ellie just sometimes let out.

"Uiara and Valiant Silver(Gold)".
I forget if I mentioned here or if it was a PM with Kermie, but every route had a "You Can Be Moment".

Nora's was: "It has to be you" vs "They can do it"

Yazmin's was: "You need to be Yazmin" vs "Uiara is who they want"

Towarri's was: "It's up to You" vs "It shouldn't change"
I'm not sure if Nora's "It has to be you" is the good one or bad one. Can't tell if that's a "I can't trust anyone else" vs "I can rely on others" thing, or a "sacrifice myself" vs "sacrifice others" thing.
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LL was a crime lord before being a hero I suppose i can see RSG trying what VS and Uirra did with LL.

PC!Uiara would have reacted to Ellie

Uaria would have NOT like someone using a piece of armor (even if it no longer had the negative affect) that basically accelerated her on and off girlfriends death.

Oh no, way darker.

Especially in the "Uiara is who they want" route.

Off destroying Yazmin to make Uirra greater in the eyes of others.

Or Yazmin effectively being supress in favor of Uirra.

...She would start trying to mold her into a second Nora, possibly up to flirting with a relationship. If she knew Nora was in there, possibly even trying to reverse it so Nora's dominant and Ellie just sometimes let out.

"Uiara and Valiant Silver(Gold)".

It is spelt Uiara, I don't like the fact that people are constantly spelling her name wrong.

Am I correct in assuming "Uiara is who they want" is her equivalent of the Dark!Leizi route?

I was just worried about Uiara's imposter syndrome and possible survivor's guilt (She is one who rallied the Horizon's Heroes to Leviathan's Awakening and most of them died). This sounds horrible and makes me more glad that we chose Lady Leizi.

LL seems to have been the best choice.

"You Can Be Moment".

Don't you mean "You Can Be More" moment?
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Ouch, Bitterman, imagine had we gone RSG route and we the thread had have been convinced the whole time that Automne was curable when she is in fact dead, and we are just in denial like Towarri. :V
An immersive copium experience. Bravo Vince

Not that much actually. Time loops are pretty popular in some fandoms, even those without time travel.
I feel like you don't see it much in purely romance stories though, mostly action stuff.
I forget if I mentioned here or if it was a PM with Kermie, but every route had a "You Can Be More Moment".

Nora's was: "It has to be you" vs "They can do it"

Yazmin's was: "You need to be Yazmin" vs "Uiara is who they want"

Towarri's was: "It's up to You" vs "It shouldn't change"

The major reason, why Leizi is the best, is because our matter (You can be more vs. You are a monster) hasn't caused any real negatives so far.

It seems Uiara was right when she said "The right thing is always the best thing in the long run."
...wait, shit. That actually gives me an idea.


Memoria (4) + Daggermaw (1) + Soldier X (1)

Sure, this loses out on the Telekinesis synergy. But we still get Battle Precog, the youth of X, and a teleporter in Song.
Battle Precog + teleport + actual martial skill? Wild. While also still being deniable-- "Do you really think Just Teleport Yourself is gonna be useful for teaching? Almost nobody can do that. Plus I'm just good at reading people in a fight. Always have been."
The major reason, why Leizi is the best, is because our matter (You can be more vs. You are a monster) hasn't caused any real negatives so far.

It seems Uiara was right when she said "The right thing is always the best thing in the long run."
In fairness, LL got stabbed and nearly died trying to calm down Maddie when they first met, and she got down to critical health from facing the clones that were attacking the Crusade soldiers.

Doing the right thing is the best thing in the long run, but damn if it isn't risky in the short run.
Battle Precog + teleport + actual martial skill? Wild. While also still being deniable-- "Do you really think Just Teleport Yourself is gonna be useful for teaching? Almost nobody can do that. Plus I'm just good at reading people in a fight. Always have been."
Now I'm just imagining a battle shonen where an opponent sees Song's afterimage drawn for figurative effect and does the stereotypical "H-he's fast!" :V
Regarding Apiary vs Scarlet Maturity, I always interpreted his regretfulness as evidence that it was a Hand of Mysteries hit-job, especially since to this day they still mald about what remains of Apiary, plus it seems like the perfect opportunity.
Random thought I had in a theoretical yazmin lead quest would there be an opportunity to fight a yazmin clone
Nora clone fight is just kind of sad without the armor, Leizi clone fight is similarly lopsided with the clone's limited cognition effecting hand to hand and both of them being effectively immune to each other's power.

...what if killing Apiary was the mission that lead to his initiation as Crown-Over-Moon's second in command?
I would be surprised if Faust valued dueling ability more than the bait of his power boost to lure people into signing contracts
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I didn't get the impression the clones were notably worse at fighting outside not being able to handle unpredictable tactics. I guess the Uiara clone was noted to be untrained at hand to hand but the flashback suggested, at least to me, that that was because it was grabbed before she did the training.
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