Do you think White Hawk might take Perspective and Plasticity to task for "mutiny"? When this is all over?
I don"t think he's stupid enough to call it mutiny outright when they were fighting the team that killed Seraph, and Silvio and Sunlight Knight and even The Brass Shield did the same thing. Every concious member of Crusade present except White Hawk helped us fight the clones.
So hopefully yes and then everyone else says "What are you fucking talking about."
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I don"t think he's stupid enough to call it mutiny outright when they were fighting the team that killed Seraph, and Silvio and Sunlight Knight and even The Brass Shield did the same thing. Every concious member of Crusade except White Hawk helped us fight the clones.
So hopefully yes and then everyone else says "What are you fucking talking about."

Well, Ronin didn't either, but that is because she wasn't there.
Was Ronin the only member of Crusade not here? I don't think there's been any indication that she's not trusted, so why leave her out? They even brought the telepath what's-her-face which would be a PR blow if it became public.
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BTW Soraia was part of a group that provided adfordable medicine that makes her fitting as our healer.

Need to figure out Biokinessis and how to make that into a healing power but I think it would be a fitting power.
telepath what's-her-face which would be a PR blow if it became public.

Her name is Seraph, but it really doesn't matter because that coward got killed by SB.

Dreamer From Beyond Our World
DNA Profiles: Seraph (6), Memoria (4), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 13
Keywords: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Senses], [Enhanced Strength], [Invulnerability] + [Teleportation] + [Transformation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Phasewalking]

This power plan would make for a very intresting continuation for this omake series.

A Stage Slightly To The Left: Goldnine-Soaked Dreams

A Stage Slightly To The Left: Goldnine Soaked Dreams II
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Nice try! +1!
Wait arre the mets good in this timeline?
They're good in every timeline.
I believe its total Potency that is relevant. The hint was saying that a high potency build would be strong even without any special combo's (and that likewise having good keywords and a low potency will be weaker).
That is correct. If your only keyword is "Elemental Manipulation" but your P13, you'll be the goddamn Avatar with whatever secondary powers you need provided for. If you P1 with nine keywords, your going to be constantly sweating yet somehow in a polycule with two of the coolest metahumans alive and once somehow involve the world's most famous sapphic couple for a night during one very messy Arbor Day (LaTrell had game).
What was so surprising about our choices of Dynamite, btw? What did you expect us to do?
I didn't see Justiciar coming!
Ronin didn't get left out, she was delayed like Plasticity and Perspective and didn't manage to make it in time.
She also not here because the fight was complicated enough without having to include "she's on your side but has to hide that fact" in my writing.
If you P1 with nine keywords, your going to be constantly sweating yet somehow in a polycule with two of the coolest metahumans alive and once somehow involve the world's most famous sapphic couple for a night during one very messy Arbor Day (LaTrell had game).
Hydrocity continues to give the vibes of side character who got promoted to main character and did surprisingly well. I apologize for the time I insulted him in that one Omake, I was not familiar with his game.
I didn't see Justiciar coming!
That's my line! Looking back, I'm kind of kicking myself about how we didn't guess that Justiciar was SB's trump card:

. . . guys it's an arc about someone who has their dead sister high up on a pedestal, an enemy who's following in what he believes are the footsteps of his dead mentor, and a person who's power is to create a copy of someone and strip them of all agency but worship of her!
IIRC we focused on how that meant Stockpile would probably come here, but we totally missed the idea that SB would have Justiciar (because frankly she could have had anyone that was public enough and we couldn't focus on which one in particular we should worry about).
Honestly Im more suprised how SB managed to touch Justicar since she was normally trapped in her room.

Even woth Mr whaa that cant have been easy.
I think theres been some implications that getting her deployed during the movement was part of the Mysteries' plans, presumably so that SB could copy her
reread the bits i was thinking of, misremembered it. Justicar did deploy during the movement and would have been vulnerable then, but no real indication the Hand and Mysteries were behind it.
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I think theres been some implications that getting her deployed during the movement was part of the Mysteries' plans, presably so that SB could copy her
I don't think so?

"As ever," Moon-over-Crown says, "Dominion's pillars cannot remain secret any longer. If we do not reveal them, then Lady Leizi will. To that end, I've reached out to the Americans and Allied Global Logistics. You'll see the announcement in the coming days."

"They're cooperating?" Star says, "How unexpected."

"Yes," Moon-over-Crown agrees, "However, after their sacrificial dragnet of Justiciar turned up nothing but your genuinely ignorant predecessor, they're desperate. [...]"
To me this passage means that the Mysteries are aware of the Americans' plans (either via exchanging information or spies), but they don't control them - otherwise Faust/Moon-over-Crown wouldn't say he 'reached out' to them, and Star wouldn't express surprise over them agreeing.

But who knows? Maybe AGL is secretly controlled by some hidden puppetmaster other than the American government.
You know what I just realized?

RH had Clairvoyance and Energy Manipulation.

Justicar had another Clairvoyance.

HA had Flight.

This might just confirm Telekinesis if my Flight theory is right.
I don't know if this is been answered, but I have a funny question:

Since we know what the spoopy organization's name is now... do we know how they would feel about the name we call them by?
Like... Mysteries? That has the same vibe as calling yourselves "The Wonders of The World", a bit on the nose you know?
Honestly Im more suprised how SB managed to touch Justicar since she was normally trapped in her room.

Even woth Mr whaa that cant have been easy.
Mr Whaaa was probably extremely simple: He was a minor celebrity, probably had people shake his hand regularly.

Justicar was likely more challenging, and involved using Mr Whaa to sneak into the global justice base when security was low.