Yeah that never quite made all that mcuh sense to me. I mean why build a rich neighborhood there. s far away from anyone else
I knew a guy who worked in real estate and property development and specialized in property and mansions for the "well off" before retiring in the 90's wquite well off himself.
Asiides from the value of the property the most important thing to him was location. Why because it is convenient. Gated communities to him never made much sense as an investment because it was inconvenient for the really rich to get places like restaurants, stores or other places to have fun or do their business. It also made delivery inconvenient. It is why gated communities mostly went to the well off but not quite rich (what is called middle class, not trying to be offensive) because the properties were attractive enough but not quite expensive enough for the really rich to buy since the location made them unattractive when they could just buy an apartment or building downtown near wheere the stores were.
Now assuming that Elysiumm had infrastructuur to provid all that it still doesn't make sense... because the ultra wealthy might emotionally divest from the rest of society but they don't physically divest. Because of FOMO.
Anyoone who gets stuck in one place is going to get wanderlust.
And even if they did want t ostay In one place. Who would spend so much money as to build the place and infrastructure for a place like that to be functional and comfortable.
Especially in a place that was supposed to be for business like a spaceport.
Americans being stupid enough to build a collapsing spaceport makes more sense than building a neighborhood for the rich in the Space elevator.
come to think f it in the first place why would AGL and the Americans not just invest in the space elevator. Offer to fund the finishing of the spaceport to the corporations behind elysium for voting shares and a percentage of space elevator profits and just enjoy the power that comes from owning part of the wealthest piece of property in the world. Maybe 20%
IIn the first place how did building Elysium make money.
Corporations and the weaalthy might be stupid and make impossible to understand decisions but one thing they ted to be good at is not paying so much for something that doesn't make money. Otherwise they go bankrupt and are not wealthy.
I mean, we see that not everyone up there is perfectly content to stay there. That's why Sunlight Knight came down. And we know that there's families that own/run megacorps that don't live up there, so it's only a portion of the global wealthy population living up there.
But the big thing, I imagine, is/was safety. The world is dangerous! Climate Change, social unrest, war, metahumans and Behemoths, along with the threat of the Leviathan and Goldnine. They've literally put a huge amount of distance between themselves and all that! You can't get much further without traveling to the Moon or other planets and they're working on that right now!
For those who knew/know, the power is another big thing, as has been pointed out.
Thirdly, we know that the ultra rich have access to stuff the rest of society doesn't:
It's pretty uneven, related to wealth. The Gini coefficient is WAY out of control in the future, so if you have money you live in the world of tomorrow. No money and is late 20th and early 21st century for you.
Except phones, which are just referred to as "screens" which are even more general handheld computing devices than today. Hologram tech is also commonplace.
It's quite likely, plausible even, that there's a bunch stuff up there that simply isn't available on Earth.
As for who paid for it, that was Osanyin, both the man and his company, he was the one who started it and it continued after his (fake?) death. And Osanyin was fucking rich:
That's also why the American's didn't/couldn't invest in it: it's entirely owned and operated by Osanyin the company. Something you asked about before:
They control the Ladder and PubTrans (the trains) as well as the best hospitals in the city. There's also some miscellaenous manufacturing (mostly pharmaceuticals) but that's it. Their powerbase is now in Brazil-proper instead of Horizon.
Hypothetically we could use the leverage of owning shares to try to wind up with some empowerment of the locals/etc, since most of the company seems to be in Brazil rather than here. So in the right circumstances there could be a degree of changeover to self-rule/etc without making an enemy for life of those sorts of people... or at least not PARTICULARLY an enemy?
Maybe? We've got like 3 main builds that make sense with his tolerance, if including the chance of 2 Spoonfuling considering the reduced cost. The 3 cost core of Soldier/Daggermaw/Hunch + 1 of {Adamant/Sewer Rat/Deadman}.
For Soraia, pretty sure we end up in an ISpy/Miss Conception core build or Seraph/Crimson Soprano core build just in terms of being a more support/backline character as that is a niche we are genuinely somewhat lacking barring Wolong (at least for the ISpy build).
I don't imagine the Rebound helped while he was growing up, but a lot of people grow up with ailing parents and still go on to be reasonably decent people.
I'd say that even a hypothetically shitty childhood does not excuse what we've heard about thus far.
Also his mother would still be fine and considering how Yazmin seemd to trust her alot and ask to investigate harpers parents though I can see struggling to care for her husband leading to mishaps in raising their son.
Oh no, I do not mean to absolve Jair. Just looking for a reason, a goal, an explanation.
Hell, I can actually see it as jealousy. Jair is only human, while Osayin was an Algernon. Maybe all of this is just Jair trying to live up to the impossible standards that Osayin placed on his shoulders inadvertently.
Oh no, I do not mean to absolve Jair. Just looking for a reason, a goal, an explanation.
Hell, I can actually see it as jealousy. Jair is only human, while Osayin was an Algernon. Maybe all of this is just Jair trying to live up to the impossible standards that Osayin placed on his shoulders inadvertently.
A long time ago there was a great upheaval. From the heavens a dying monstrosity fell, bringing with it fear and new beginnings. The name of this beast was Chaos, for all manner of monsters sprung from its divine ichor without rhyme or reason. All the monstrosities that sprung from it raised their many horrible mouths and assorted limbs to the heavens and inflicted destruction and misery to the rest of the world, and humanity shuddered with their passing.
But despite the many beings born from Chaos, there also came to be humans who yet had a portion of Chaos' otherworldly power. They were named Titans, for they shook the world with their passing, and their passions and dramas astonished humanity.
Of the many Titans who walked the world, there were two who are important to this story, two that were representative of humanity, siblings. The first sibling's name was Prometheus, whose name means 'foresight' or 'forethought', for she was clever beyond measure.
You are the most intelligent person in Horizon. […] Your versatility in battle was unmatched—many a foe of Justice Unlimited's was defeated with your bag of tricks.
Prometheus saw the plight of mankind and her heart was moved by it. Mankind had very little in the way of inherent gifts, and were constantly at each others' throats. She realized that the heavens kept mankind's potential shackled, and that if no one did anything, this state of affairs would continue. So Prometheus did something very brave and very foolish. Something she knew would slowly kill her, for she lived up to her name and foresaw what this deed would cost: she strained her great mind and reached for the heavens, and with two naked hands took divine fire from them - the knowledge that Chaos' ichor, from which sprung so many monsters, could create more Titans like herself if applied cleverly to humanity. Though her hands perpetually burned from then onward, and would never be put out.
She kept this divine theft secret, and very carefully safeguarded it, for she knew fire needed to be used carefully, lest it burn future users. But the heavens would tolerate no interlopers, and would repay this boldness tenfold. Though no being knew of this cunning act, misfortune went in the direction of Prometheus anyway.
Fate played an awful trick on Prometheus' twin sister, whose name was Epimetheus, a name that means 'hindsight' or 'afterthought'.
The heavens provided Epimetheus with her the idea to open Chaos' dying dreams to obtain its power. And though it is said someone warned her not to accept any gifts from heaven, the temptation was too much. She wrested open the original monster's mind, and from it sprung all the evils in the world, every illness and every sickness, old age and death and misery and destructive passions, and all its nightmares made themselves manifest.
Well, not entirely your fault. Theodore was the fool who went ahead with the experiment without proper testing. Kyoko enabled him. Now he's dead and she's unresponsive.
Oscar is gone. Run away, as always. Like a child hiding his soiled sheets under the bed. He's used your device and gone so far, you doubt he'll ever come back.
Yemọja has rallied the metahumans in the city—even Novalight's remnants of New Dawn—but they will make no difference. It's just a fragment, but even a fragment of a god is a god.
It's your fault. All of your faults. You were not just Icarus flying too close to the sun—you all were flying into the sun. And you—the mother of psychic technology—built the machine that let them.
Perhaps Oscar had the right idea. Perhaps . . . you should run away too.
Not satisfied with the misery all the evils in the world had brought forth, the heavens moved on to punish Prometheus. Though dying from the burns she had suffered while stealing fire, her suffering was to be far worse than Epimetheus'.
The heavens lashed Prometheus to a rock high in a mountain…
…And every day, an eagle would tear at her stomach and eat her liver, and be sated from it. The liver, it is said, is the seat of human emotion, which is why it always regenerates itself. But this meant the eagle would always have something to eat.
"You'll fail," she says looking to the golden sunset, "People you love will die in front of you and tear another hole in your chest. The pain is inevitable. It will hurt forever."
She turns to look at you.
"You do it anyway. You let them in and you let yourself love them knowing it will hurt."
It is said that one day a hero will rise up, one who can strive past coldness and fear and misery and all the evils in the world. And in doing many great labors, she may yet free Prometheus from her torment. So it is said.
I've been trying to articulate this omake over the past few days. Some of this is drawing from my own speculation on the nature of the Woman in Blue and how she may well be an alternate-universe Nora Kim, but shrug. It's still speculation, hence the title. We have yet to put all the puzzle pieces together.
I don't know how much of the Prometheus-Nora parallel Bitterman might have had in mind when writing the story, if at all, but... even if it wasn't conscious at all and I'm seeing patterns where there aren't any, he cooked.
Say has anyone given any thought to metntal powers not Algernon like Wollong?
Say what would happen if we put mental Manipulation and Self Enhancement together?
See, Wolong's Clairvoyance + Strength combo "seemed familiar" and I have to imagine it's because it's of a kind of his Analytical Precognition. Hence, why we've guessed that it's not!Spider Senses.
We saw that Doc Silver can make his barriers opaque before, but I had a thought that might not have been possible but if it had been would have been cool.
If his barriers could be made soundproof, cover SB's head in a circular barrier that's opaque and soundproof so she can't say anything to the clones, rendering them unable to do anything aside from their preprogrammed actions.