I mean if it takes G9 to kill thats means your pm safe from all metahumans.

The leviathan is N1 in the Stage and Im pretty none of the runner ups come even close

I didn't say they all died to goldnine, my point is there is something that can bypass even extremely strong forms of invulnerability, and then there are 6 other [Invulnerable] metahumans who managed to get offed somehow. That does not mean they all died to goldnine. Zeno probably didn't die in the QZ.
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What does this thread think of Seraph/Memoria/Eastwood/Mister Hunch as a combo ? Three Clairvoyance tags and the emotional manipulation from Eastwood could be quite interesting.
I really don't want to fudge a psychic build to have Invulnerability though: I want things to be interesting, and a psychic will be on the backlines anyway.
And the Osanyin-Horae Guard partnership seems somewhat beyond them, which appears to be a matter of quite some consternation!
It's worth noting that the Philosophers are fractured, and that Key/Socialite Butterfly is particularly dysfunctional (see: her comment about Speaker, and the way she acts around Moon-Over-Crown).
Key calls Moon-over-Crown filthy names that do nothing to diminish his grin. Key gets even angrier,
Moon-Over-Crown/Faust seems to be fully backing Crusade from the info given during Faustian. SB was mad at him which explains her current behaviour.

Star is also possibly involved with the Horae Guard, considering the "prepare your charges" line.
It seems that SB's partnership with the rest of the Philosophers is strained, in part because she would like to be able to add them to her Admirers but can't.
You, my dear Key, are what one might call 'eusocial'. You believe society should be organized in a strict caste system organized around the needs of the reproducer.
Also this is pretty terrifying considering recent revelations.

Btw, SB can make as many copies as possible of someone once she has them ? Or does she have to touch the clone again ?
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There's also something I wanna ask for clarification: when people say "psychic defense", it means something like general psychic damage mitigation, right? Not a specific psychic damage like "oh this only block telepathic attacks but not this other psychic move".

Whenever Bitterman mentions anti-psychic not being like Pokemon, I get really confused about what that has to do with it. I was thinking more of a mental barrier or something. When I see stuff like "only telepathy can fight off telepathy", I don't know what to think about it? Which makes me not truly know what Shroud's keyword actually defends it from?

Btw, SB can make as many copies as possible of someone once she has them ? Or does she have to touch the clone again ?
As far as we can tell, it seems like she can only make one copy of that particular clone at a time, clone has to die in order for her to make another one, it seems. Otherwise, she'd have a multiple Uiara/Man o' War or something all around.
Whenever Bitterman mentions anti-psychic not being like Pokemon, I get really confused about what that has to do with it.
I think Bitterman is referring to Type Advantages.
The thing Bitterman probably meant is that "psychic" encompasses many different things and you just can't have a wall to defend against various methods of attack.
I was thinking more of a mental barrier or something. When I see stuff like "only telepathy can fight off telepathy", I don't know what to think about it? Which makes me not truly know what Shroud's keyword actually defends it from?
The thing is there isn't a mental barrier that can exist.

You just can't have a power that blocks psychic attacks, it has to be able to attack and defend if you want other people to have it as opposed to Nora or Ellie's passive resistance.

Also not a fan of building our team around supporting Mona. It kinda sucks.
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Im just gonna say that I personally just want a strong psychic to see if we can push back against that perticular avenue of attack.
As for "building a team around Mona" I dont really see it?
ITs not like we are going to glue Yara to Mona 24/7 or its going to be a solution to all our problems. A psychic is just a powerful tool we can use.
Also I doubt we can "build" around Mona. Unless we have a flier who can go light speed and has something she could feed off, Mona has her own niche in the team. Just like everyone else.

Besides we still need to GET to the next issue. We still have at most 2 more chapters to this pro haha. Im still wondering what Bs SB is going to pull.
Alright, here's my next question then: What does Shroud's synergy keyword actually do? Why are we going out of our way to get it. I legitimately don't know why if we're assuming "psychic defense" doesn't actually exist.

Considering it has Teleportation + Invisibility/Invulnerability, is it not psychic evasion instead? Which is also a form of "psychic defense"?
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Socialist Butterfly is off in her AU trying to get universal jealthcare set up
Oh wait I just thought of something demonic. Scarlet Maturity enhancing clones and then their loans being repaid to him when they turn to mush. It doesn't seem likely, and we would notice when SM turns up later in this issue, but still.
I don't think SM's power would work right on the clones, because I don't think they count as ditinct people that have powers. If they did, Seraph and the Seraph clone would have suffered ontological resonance. Best case scenario, SB refuses to let SM empower her for trust reasons. Worst case scenario, he empowers her and that boosts all her clones, making them more powerful than the originals

Btw, SB can make as many copies as possible of someone once she has them ? Or does she have to touch the clone again ?
She probably doesnt have to touch them again, given she has several clones of people who have been dead for months or years. She can only do one clone of a person at a time tho
Alright, here's my next question then: What does Shroud's synergy keyword actually do? Why are we going out of our way to get it. I legitimately don't know why if we're assuming "psychic defense" doesn't actually exist.
Ok but if ya want my honest opinion. Its less a general "team defense" and more a " Yara gets some kind of defense" / (harder to kill) since psychics are usually the first target to get rid off (the healer principle).

If I were to take a guess as to what Shrouds sinergy is (mind you I remember zilch what that missions said since I dont usually go back to look) is maybe a type of elemental "dodge" i.e just literally jump into a particular element. Reaaally hard to kill someone who can merge into shadows/ a element. And actually hurt them.

Like a more op version Of One Pieces Logias. Cant exactly hurt a Literal Fire with your fists or punch a shadow. Well you csn break the wall of the latter but thats not exactly "hurting" them...

Thats my take at least. Debate it you like its honestly speculation at this point.
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It was at that time that Bitterman realized what he had done.

Well, the good news is you'll have some time to think about it! You, uh, might want to start taking other candidates for now!
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It was at that time that Bitterman realized what he had done.

Well, the good news is you'll have some time to think about it! You, uh, might want to start taking other candidates!
Bitterman....what the fuck did you/SB/Ellie do!?
What Chaos has been brought upon our idiots (affectionate)!?
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2000/20 VISION
Memoria(4)+Chatroom(4)+iSpy(4)+Mr. Hunch(1)=(13)


Memoria allows for keeping track of pictures and teleporting to them.

ISpy can tag people, so then the people could teleport to each other. She also allows for sense sharing; which could be transferred to being able to turn the photos into dioramas.

Chatroom brings the 5 and 12 limit for the previous two up to UNLIMITED PEOPLE, as long as they're in range. She also combos well with iSpy, allowing for the chatroom to be a mini-Stage.

And Mister Hunch would allow anything to be transformed into a way to connect to the instantaneous psychic network. Awesome.
This build has also yet to slip my mind throughout the whole psychic discussion
I legitimately don't know why if we're assuming "psychic defense" doesn't actually exist.

He's going to scratch his head and ask what "anti-psychic" even is.
Because Bitterman said so.
It was at that time that Bitterman realized what he had done.

Well, the good news is you'll have some time to think about it! You, uh, might want to start taking other candidates for now!
Oh no.
Something happened to Yara, didn't it ?
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"Hmmm, two arms next time!" you proclaim, "I was holding back too much on that last one! This isn't even a teeny-weeny amount of my true power!"
So, I got curious about how much an arms worth would actually be of the total power of her construct body.

Assuming her body is sufficiently similar to a normal humans that the mass distribution, barring her core, is the same, a female adults arm is on average 4.97% of their total mass, which I'll round to 5%.

However, her core replaces an unknown, throwing calculations off. So I'll provide a rough calculation with them removed, granting us a range.

The head and thorax together are ~25%, so that 5%, or 1/20th is now 1/15th, or 6.67%.

Now, if that's not the case with the mass distribution but volume instead, it becomes much harder as there's very little data I could find for me to use, ad the stuff I did find was dubious. As best I can tell from the numbers I found, it's about 7.25% of body volume on average? Which I suspect is wrong, but it's the best I've got. And I gave up trying to figure out head and thorax volume.

Regardless, this gives us a range of an arm being in the 5% to 7.25% of Mona's power/body.

Never mind I shouldn't get so annoyed at such a seemingly glib answer
If you're asking if you can make a specific build to disrupt psychic attacks the same way E-B or the Apiary does, then the answer is yes. You can make whatever power you want. If you're asking if there is a specific keyword or synergy to block mental attacks, then the answer is no. In the same way there is no specific keyword for blocking physical or energy attacks.
If you're asking if you can make a specific build to disrupt psychic attacks the same way E-B or the Apiary does, then the answer is yes. You can make whatever power you want. If you're asking if there is a specific keyword or synergy to block mental attacks, then the answer is no. In the same way there is no specific keyword for blocking physical or energy attacks.
I mean, there's the Invulnerability keyword, and Force Fields?
To be clear, my annoyance is less about psychic defense not existing and more "what is this build even being built around in the first place" and all the discussion making it seem like something exists that persisted a misunderstanding. Which then I got replied with something I felt didn't answer my question at all and made me feel stonewalled.

I feel like I have to ask if a psychic attack can disrupt something like Nox's emotional vampirism and general Mental Manipulation.

Anyways, apologies for the series of the rants (2-3 paragraphs of which I deleted)
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There is no "physical invulnerability" nor "energy invulnerability". It is the concept of "being unable to be hurt" that manifests through the build you make.

Ok, so like, if we had a build with invulnerability, ally empowerment, and probably some psionic key words, we could potentially make a hero that could empower others with (among other things) an immunity to mental attacks?

Edit: or perhaps use invisibility to make someone's mind 'invisible' to those who sense minds?
It was at that time that Bitterman realized what he had done.

Well, the good news is you'll have some time to think about it! You, uh, might want to start taking other candidates for now!
...did Yara spontaneously manifest her own metahuman powers or something? That'd be pretty funny in its own right.
Ok, so like, if we had a build with invulnerability, ally empowerment, and probably some psionic key words, we could potentially make a hero that could empower others with (among other things) an immunity to mental attacks?

Edit: or perhaps use invisibility to make someone's mind 'invisible' to those who sense minds?
If you mean complete protection that seems overpowered from a gameplay standpoint. Similar to Doc Silver's power, I think it would have to be something like shielding or resistance. Or if going with invisibility, a dodge chance.