Yara spontaneously awakening her own powers because of Dynamite shenanigans would be funny, but would kind of lose us out on one of the p13 candidates so I think it's not super likely.
You know im in the Middle of some stuff but I just had the weirdest day dream of a certain Video game character and them living in Horizon as the Hammiest Villain ever.... I wonder if we could make a hero that could come to a Fraction of their awesomeness...

Plan: Troughout Time and Space...HE Is the Koopa King!
Daggermaw (1) + Hidrocity (1)+ Adamant (3) + Frostbite (3) + Deadman (5) = 13 potency
Key words:
Transformation 2x
Regeneration 2x
Enhanced Strenght 3x
Enhanced Senses 1x
Elemental Manipulation 3x
Invulneravility 1x

How about this for a front liner? Fire and enough strenght to throw someone into orbit (lol)
And yes its basically Bowser.
Yara spontaneously awakening her own powers because of Dynamite shenanigans would be funny, but would kind of lose us out on one of the p13 candidates so I think it's not super likely.
I think the situation is stressful enough that if she'd ever manifest them naturally, it'd be now, with or without Dynamite. I'd accept that being the case.

And besides, raw Potency isn't everything. Bitterman's been very clear on how a P12 played smart can be better than a P13 used wrong. We are on Jojo rules, after all.

...Bitterman also occasionally emphasizes that P13 is a saying and due to potency reductions the limit is technically 10. So a natural potency 9 hero is nothing to sneeze at.
If Yara Spontaneously awakens then can we at least know if it's a P13 power?
I mean we've made so many plans we will probably never get to use.
Sent early
That we have a natural awakening is not bad .... Per se
But we do need powerful heroes .... Or just something to keep the rest of us alive.
You know thinking about it we could give Cain ....
Deadman and Regeneration galore ....
Give the greatest killer ... The ability to come back from the dead .... And say he was such a a good killer he never died until recently and activated his powers?
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I get the suspicion the Invulnerability tag on Frostbite is probably more focused around being immune to temperature changes though.
I expect that's part of it but think its more focused on the elemental armor protecting the body by taking hits and being reformable in the same way Golem's is. Still can fail but but it is still a defense while providing an elemental manipulation on a build that seems primed to build out a FFM.

Considering it has Teleportation + Invisibility/Invulnerability, is it not psychic evasion instead? Which is also a form of "psychic defense"?
If you told me it was being able to teleport through something and functionally hide in them from things like psychic effects I wouldn't be surprised. So hiding and teleporting through shadows for example. If its something like this, it'd just be a question of if they could drag someone else in with them or if it'd purely be a solo ride deal.

It was at that time that Bitterman realized what he had done.

Well, the good news is you'll have some time to think about it! You, uh, might want to start taking other candidates for now!
What did you do Bitterman? :squint: We know she didn't get touched or die at this point from prior responses from you, so this kind of just has to be her awakening to powers. Since her supposed cover based on her circumstances from you was also a actual perfect situation for her to manifest powers in the first place.
What did you do Bitterman? :squint: We know she didn't get touched or die at this point from prior responses from you, so this kind of just has to be her awakening to powers. Since her supposed cover based on her circumstances from you was also a actual perfect situation for her to manifest powers in the first place.

Well, keep in mind Bitterman said "we'll have time to think about it" and "for now", which does sound more like Yara is temporarily unavailable rather than permanently gaining her own powers.
Well, keep in mind Bitterman said "we'll have time to think about it" and "for now", which does sound more like Yara is temporarily unavailable rather than permanently gaining her own powers.
I more read it is as having more time to think on the capped out builds since we need to do Homer's questline to get him and Cain/Shelley are not built up yet, so we can't do them right now given Yara manifested powers.
The QM never say anything about Yara manifested power. He just say, we should plan around the other candidates.
No, but circumstances mean it's suspiciously likely Yara just got powers. And unless she was severely injured it doesn't make too much sense for there to need to be a delay on giving her powers.

Especially since he earlier said Yara rolled well during the fight, which makes the most sense if Yara could actually have a metahuman effect on it.
What I've gotten from this conversation that we're all really, really good at speculating even if we're rocketing in the wrong direction with our ideas.

Anyways, if Valkyrie shows up and goes "YOU! Small child personally hurt by the effects of capitalism and being put on a pedestal! Take my powers!" That would be hilarious.
Plan: deadly before becoming undead
Daggermaw (1) + Hydrocity (1) + Multiplex (1) + The Outsider (4) + Soldier X (1) + Deadman (5) - (Reduction) 3 = 10 potency
Key words:
Transformation 4x
Regeneration 3x
Enhanced Strength 2x
Enhanced Senses 1x
Fitness 1x
Elemental Manipulation 2x
Energy Manipulation 1x
Invisibility 1x
I envision this as being kind of like a Cain says his powers only worked after he died but in reality he can transform into a fire breathing lizard whenver he wants and he has insane regeneration. Plus he doesn't have invulnerabiltiy so he can be taken down and maybe harder to kill but not immune to anything,. If his identity is ever discovered then we an say we had to hire him.... He was such a good fighter even before he got powers since he never got killed. Now that he has powers we can either kill him or hire him cause we don't think even wonderland, The Frozen throne or prison can hold him.
Name: The Outsider, Kwame Davis
Power: Transformation, Energy Manipulation, Invisibility
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 4

Name: Multiplex, Ahn Jin Soo
Power: Transformation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1

Name: Deadman, Richard Michaels
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Regeneration
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 5
Name: Adamant, Rakeem Wade
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Strength, Regeneration
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Potency: 3

Name: Hydrocity, LaTrell Johnsmith
Power: Elemental Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1

Name: Soldier X, True Name Unknown
Keywords: Fitness, Regeneration
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 1

Name: Daggermaw, Christian Soler
Power: Transformation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Senses
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1

Or if we dont boost Cain with Spoonful
Plan: deadly before becoming undead lighter Lite version
Daggermaw (1) + The Outsider (4) + Deadman (5) - (Reduction) 3 = 7 potency
Key words:
Transformation 3x
Regeneration 2x
Enhanced Strength 2x
Enhanced Senses 1x
Elemental Manipulation 2x
Energy Manipulation 1x
Invisibility 1x

these plans best of all don't give Cain Invulnerability so we can.... you know snip him if he becomes troublesome.

Oh and since I am on a plan making roll right now
Plan: Insanity
Zeno (9) + Fast Track (3) + Millions Minefield (1) - (Reduction) 3 = 10 potency

Name: Zeno, Camdyn Poole
Power: Space-Time Manipulation, Invulnerability
Faction: The Defiance Unit
Potency: 9

Name: Fast Track, David Rhodes
Keywords: Self-Enhancement, Ally Empowerment, Enhanced Speed
Faction: Independent hero.
Potency: 3

Name: Millions Minefield, Russel Whitney
Power: Energy Manipulation
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 1
Space Time Manipulation 1x
Invulnerability 1x
Self-Enhancement 1x
Ally Empowerment 1x
Enhanced Speed 1x
Energy Manipulation 1x
Space Time manipulation plus speedster plus energy manipulation..... I'll admit i kinda just want to see if there is a synergy here.
I envision thiss as kind of being like a Zeno only his ability is more like Reverse Flash.
"You misunderstand. I mean the surface." His eyes glitter. "Growing up in Elysium gives one a . . . skewed perspective. So many forget that Jacob's Ladder is supposed to lead to the heavens, not be a destination in of itself. And yet, the spaceport has lain unfinished for decades. The number of people who understand how to maintain the Ladder dwindles by the day, the actual labor left to discarded children. The stewards of this world are more concerned with their next idle pleasure than securing the future."

Black Swan narrows her eyes. "Are you monologuing?"

"What's worse, the 'elite' of this world have forgotten the inconvenient fact that life in Elysium is dependent on the surface. And without their guidance, what has Horizon become? A series of feudal states governed by corporations and metahumans vying for power. The people are left at the whims of their masters, unprotected, uneducated, and uncared for. A firm hand is needed to set things right."

He resecures his grip on your neck.

"That is the source of my philosophical disagreement with you, Justice Unlimited. You would merely staunch the bleeding of this world, not excise the cancers necessary to rebuild it. You would let people live as they are, rather than what they could be."

"Such . . . inspiring words . . ." you manage to choke out, "But . . . I preferred it when Memoria said them . . ."

Something dark flashes in his eyes. "You take issue with what I have to say?"

". . . I just know when I'm being sold something . . . darling . . ."

"Yeah!" Black Swan shouts, "You don't care about any of that! You're just . . . justificating or whatever!"
Bit of a doublepost but .......
Reading what Whit Hawk says again I come to two possible conclusions

One that Elysium was meant for something other than just a spaceport.... and it is serving that purpose.

Two something went wrong whether it is because of Valkyrie and the susurraation, Osayin and whatever happened with Uiara, Elysium itself being flawed, The Movement, The philosophers, or the corporation itself that makes finishing Elysium aand the spaceport unnecessary or inconvenient.

Don't know what it is but..... Hmm wonder if Leviathan is the ONLY the only thing that came from outer space. Or even if Leviathan is the only source of powers in the world.

Although Black Swan...... We need to get her more interested in good grammar or language at least.

"Justifiicating" I mean really........ We gotta assign her homework at least... lthough since we don;t care if she goes to higher education.... We could just make her homework transcribing anime.... Or comics, manga, lightnovels.... Or make her watch and write rports on TV..... Before slowly transitioning her to opera.
One that Elysium was meant for something other than just a spaceport.... and it is serving that purpose.
Note that Elysium is just the rich people heaven on the way up to the space port. The Ladder as a whole was supposed to be leading up to that spaceport, but it still hadn't happened.
Note that Elysium is just the rich people heaven on the way up to the space port. The Ladder as a whole was supposed to be leading up to that spaceport, but it still hadn't happened.
Because the spaceport isn't actually important. Once they had elysium they stopped caring about the ladder actually being finished. In fact, they want the spaceport to remain unfinished to limit how many people come around and notice something is up with elysium.
Note that Elysium is just the rich people heaven on the way up to the space port. The Ladder as a whole was supposed to be leading up to that spaceport, but it still hadn't happened.
Yeah that never quite made all that mcuh sense to me. I mean why build a rich neighborhood there. s far away from anyone else

I knew a guy who worked in real estate and property development and specialized in property and mansions for the "well off" before retiring in the 90's wquite well off himself.
Asiides from the value of the property the most important thing to him was location. Why because it is convenient. Gated communities to him never made much sense as an investment because it was inconvenient for the really rich to get places like restaurants, stores or other places to have fun or do their business. It also made delivery inconvenient. It is why gated communities mostly went to the well off but not quite rich (what is called middle class, not trying to be offensive) because the properties were attractive enough but not quite expensive enough for the really rich to buy since the location made them unattractive when they could just buy an apartment or building downtown near wheere the stores were.

Now assuming that Elysiumm had infrastructuur to provid all that it still doesn't make sense... because the ultra wealthy might emotionally divest from the rest of society but they don't physically divest. Because of FOMO.
Anyoone who gets stuck in one place is going to get wanderlust.

And even if they did want t ostay In one place. Who would spend so much money as to build the place and infrastructure for a place like that to be functional and comfortable.

Especially in a place that was supposed to be for business like a spaceport.

Americans being stupid enough to build a collapsing spaceport makes more sense than building a neighborhood for the rich in the Space elevator.
come to think f it in the first place why would AGL and the Americans not just invest in the space elevator. Offer to fund the finishing of the spaceport to the corporations behind elysium for voting shares and a percentage of space elevator profits and just enjoy the power that comes from owning part of the wealthest piece of property in the world. Maybe 20%

IIn the first place how did building Elysium make money.
Corporations and the weaalthy might be stupid and make impossible to understand decisions but one thing they ted to be good at is not paying so much for something that doesn't make money. Otherwise they go bankrupt and are not wealthy.
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It's been theorized since this update that it's because the Elysiumites are sapping power from the Leviathan, and using it to turn Elysium into a place that passively gives you powers after you live there long enough.
Yeah.... whywasn't Yara or Yazmin living there to begiin with .... Why wasn't Harper. And after all this time why haven't more Elysiumites except presumably the Philosphers tried taking over the world?

I mean the entire problem with a superpowered population is you cant control what every last persoo nwill do at all times. I dont think superpowered individuals would keep from causing some sort of chaos if there as many as we think.
It's been theorized since this update that it's because the Elysiumites are sapping power from the Leviathan, and using it to turn Elysium into a place that passively gives you powers after you live there long enough.

It is why White Hawk and Belle Sabruese are very powerful becuase they spent their lives in the Ladder. The Ladder boosts your powers and makes you more likely to gain powers.

And Superpowers is the new power and the rich want keep power so it makes sense for them to live in a place where they are more likely to get power.
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And after all this time why haven't more Elysiumites except presumably the Philosphers tried taking over the world?
Because it's probable that since Elysium was built only 20-ish years ago, they still might be waiting for the good superpowers to kick in for everyone who was born there. Only White Hawk and Belle read as P10+, while both Seraph and Sunlight Knight are somewhere around the P6-7 range. One or three White Hawks isn't enough to take on the entirety of a super powered city, so it's only the Philosophers who are making moves via espionage and corporate deals— things easily obfuscated by enough opsec.

As for why Harper and Yazmin didn't live there, there might have been some sort of approval process, or we'll find out in Reality Check.
"Justifiicating" I mean really........ We gotta assign her homework at least... lthough since we don;t care if she goes to higher education.... We could just make her homework transcribing anime.... Or comics, manga, lightnovels.... Or make her watch and write rports on TV..... Before slowly transitioning her to opera.
In fairness, that was Handyman pretending to be Swan.
Putting the speculation aside, here's a Memoria build I put together:

Plan Infiltration Nightmare
Memoria (4) + The Outsider (4) + Multiplex (1)
Teleportation + Clairvoyance + Transformation x2 + Energy Manipulation + Invisibility

I initially started on the idea of an invisible teleporter, and picked Outsider over iSpy because I wanted it to have some combat capability as well, Outsiders shape changing is complemented very well by Multiplexes versatile shape-shifting, and their ability to alter their mass also covers Multiplexes weakness

This build would be great for Shelley, going very well with her personality and already high espionage, and doesn't need us to spend extra money on spoonfuls.
Ah, Noelle raises an excellent point. Was Mr. Whaaa? just sandbagging, holding back his true power so that he'd seem like less.of a threat? Or does Socialite Butterfly has access to someone who can boost powers, whether temporarily or permanently? And if the latter, how does that interact with SB's power?
We have no proof that Mr. Whaaa? didn't operate a gang of mundane criminals that used his power to rob places blind.

Socialist Butterfly is off in her AU trying to get universal jealthcare set up
jealthcare is like regular healthcare, only you have to wear denim whenever you see a doctor :V