Yes, she is actually the girl Gaston is talking to in the omakes that DaOneInDaCorner did. I would put her at about 12-13 years old, if even that. Maybe 11-12. So yeah, definitely off the table as a waifu.
in ck2 there is a certain mod +18, that among many things puts disney princesses I have had games and games returning to Alice (whose event together with the beauty and the beast came out a lot) as a lover having many bastard children, and it was a mod + 18 so let's say there were options to try to start a family without depending on luck
Yes, she is actually the girl Gaston is talking to in the omakes that DaOneInDaCorner did. I would put her at about 12-13 years old, if even that. Maybe 11-12. So yeah, definitely off the table as a waifu.
Huh, *Neat*...but the only Villain of her story would be the Queen of Hearts and without Alice getting her head chopped off I don´t see that tart Win without rehashing the movie nigh-1:1
...Maybe the Jabberwock (who was slated to appear in the movie, but got cut) did something?
If this Alice was as old as Alice Liddell (the girl Lewis Carroll based her on) when the movie happened and if her story started right afterwards, she´d have been *6 - 7 years old*, thanks for the passage of time
in ck2 there is a certain mod +18, that among many things puts disney princesses I have had games and games returning to Alice (whose event together with the beauty and the beast came out a lot) as a lover having many bastard children, and it was a mod + 18 so let's say there were options to try to start a family without depending on luck
Huh, *Neat*...but the only Villain of her story would be the Queen of Hearts and without Alice getting her head chopped off I don´t see that tart Win without rehashing the movie nigh-1:1
Alice: The destruction of *Wonderland* is the destruction of *me*?
Queen of Hearts: Indeed! And *vice versa*...
That being said, since Wonderland seems to be part of Alices *imagination*, her "surviving" without it means that now she is left without the ability to dream
...Or are you saying that Wonderland is now sorta keeping her prisoner in her own mind? Pretty grim fate...and also already sorta-done by McGee as well.
Alice escaped Wonderland, but without her there, it's beginning to become static, especially with the Queen of Hearts making anyone that dares argue with her contrary rules a head shorter. Alice's imagination populated Wonderland, so the Queen wants her back to continue creating more subjects for the Queen to behead. Basically repopulating Wonderland whenever it suits the vain queen. And she'll reach into the realms of nightmare and dreams themselves to pull out creatures to recover Alice for her.
"All rise, the honorable Huntmaster Charles Muntz presiding!" The stentorian bellow of Gaston rang out over the gallery of The Spirit of Adventure. From the side of the room, Percival C. McLeach rose to his feet from the plush cushions of his chair as the oldest huntsman of the Elite Global Huntsman's Club and captain of The Spirit of Adventure walked to the front of the room.
It was an odd gathering, in McLeach's opinion; it wasn't often that even the pretense of justice was given to those who had run afoul of the Club's rules. Usually offenders were just tossed over the side of the dirigible, or exiled in the most inhospitable locale they could find. But the man on trial today was a legend even amongst their own, and the respect every member held for the man's capabilities and achievements, if not for his values, held that he be given a trial before having a sentence passed down upon him.
The man in question was deceptively normal-looking. A full handspan under six feet, his shoulders were broad and skin weathered by decades spent under the African sun. A full grey beard covered his face, and piercing blue eyes scanned the room. They were filled with an odd mixture of contempt, anger, and pity, and McLeach felt his ire raise as he remembered some of the words he had exchanged with the man shortly after he had been rescued from East Africa.
"You're no hunter, just a poacher with delusions of grandeur. Your only contribution to the world has been robbing it of its greatest treasures!"
McLeach had tried punching the old man, only to be laid out by a right cross that came close to breaking his jaw. He'd been subdued only after McLeach, Gaston, Amos Slade, and Fergus had practically smothered him under their combined weight, and even then he'd bit and scratched like a cornered lion. A rifle butt to the head had finally knocked him out, leading to the trial here now.
Muntz took his place at the front of the room. "You may be seated." After all did, he continued, "We are gathered here today to judge one of our own. One of the greats, who has regrettably opted to decline our future companionship. Frederick Selous, you stand accused of assault upon a fellow huntsman and refusing to assist our little band as we partake in the grandest sport upon this fine world. How do you plead?"
Frederick Selous's eyes narrowed. "That lout was no more a huntsman anymore than I'm the King of England. He's a butcher and a criminal who ought to be in stocks, not counted as one of your own. You disgrace yourself by including him amongst your number!"
Muntz raised a brow. "I suppose we can take that as a guilty plea. Has the defendant anything to say for himself before the sentence is announced?"
"Yes." Selous pulled himself to his feet out of the kneeling position in which he'd been forced by Gaston. "You all know me. Or at least know of me. This world in which we find ourselves is an odd one, but some things have stayed the same. I've made mistakes, I admit that. I've poached, trespassed, and fought when I ought to have kept my piece. I killed when I should have held my shot. But the difference between myself and you lot is that I learned from my mistakes. When it became clear that the elephants were dying out, I spoke out to conserve their numbers and place limits upon their hunts! I never killed for the sake of it, my kills always went to the feeding of others or the expansion of human knowledge. You butchers-" he spat the word - "you killers, you feed and gorge yourself upon the misery of others. You lay waste entire ecosystems. For what? Trophies? Fashion?"
Selous shook his head. "I'm not one of you, and I'm ashamed that I could ever be counted unworthy enough to join your number. Kill me, cast me ashore - either way, I'll consider myself fortunate to be rid of your company."
Rage built up in McLeach's heart - how dare the old man speak to them like this?!? They'd rescued him from death from thirst and exposure, and this was how he repaid them, with self-righteousness and slander? Looking around, he could see that most of his fellows held similar views to himself. The only exceptions were Gaston, who had a thoughtful look upon his face, and Clayton, who just looked pained.
Of course the former Game Warden would be sympathetic. And the other African huntsman would naturally respect Selous's opinion. He'd have to keep an eye on those two.
"You've all heard his scorn, is there any doubt as to his guilt?" Muntz asked.
A resounding "NO!" was the response, McLeach's voice the loudest of them all. A few voices declined to join the chorus, but they were heavily outnumbered. Fergus in particular was silent as usual, doing his level best to drown himself in a mug of ale.
Muntz looked at the shackled Selous, a genuine look of regret upon his face. "Frederick, no man was happier than myself when we rescued you last month. I wish we could have been comrades, and it truly pains me as to what I must now do."
McLeach leaned forward. Here's hoping the old man gets fed to the crocs…
"Frederick Selous," Muntz continued, "I sentence you to exile. There is a place not far from here overrun by the most savage beasts I have ever seen, cruel and cunning in equal measure. I shall leave you there to learn for yourself the necessity of the work we perform. May God have mercy on your soul."
Exile? Exile?! The old man was getting off so easily? How could Muntz-
McLeach paused in his internal rant. Wait, weren't they near India at the moment?
He suddenly realized what Muntz had in mind, and grinned. Let's see how Selous liked dealing with Shere Khan! See if he's such a bleeding heart after the tiger ate it!
Frederick Selous sighed as he watched the massive dirigible fly away. As loathsome as the so-called "Elite Global Huntsman's Club" was, Muntz had at least had the dignity to leave him with a rucksack and his old rifle. It was one he'd adopted during the War, an old breech-loading Sharps chambered in 45-70 caliber. It was, in fact, the self-same rifle that he used to destroy the railroad artillery Lettow-Vorbeck had been using in East Africa mere weeks before he found himself in this strange new world.
Muntz had left him two dozen rounds, along with a Webley revolver and three reloads. Selous had a feeling that he'd need it. It had been a while since he'd gone hunting in India, and if the rumors aboard The Spirit of Adventure were anything to go by, he'd need every scrap of skill and experience he had acquired to survive it.
His thoughts wandered for a moment. Whatever had happened to young Mr. Jones after sailing off in that balloon with his friend after they had kidnapped Lettow-Vorbeck? He could only hope that they, and his fellow soldiers, had survived the Great Upheaval.
Adjusting his pack, he began scanning around for signs of civilization. He'd need all of the help he could get.
Martial: 12 (Large and brawny, McLeach can hold off multiple crocodiles in a fight, and is an excellent marksman and knife fighter to boot.)
Stewardship: 8 (While his mathematical skills barely transcend basic addition and subtraction, McLeach always managed to keep himself well-supplied while on the range. He's also one of the most successful hunters in the Elite Global Huntsman's Club.)
Diplomacy: 3 (McLeach's idea of diplomacy is to yell at someone until they comply; notably, this tactic didn't even work on a little boy.)
Intrigue: 14 (Cruel and cunning, McLeach had a long and successful career as a poacher in the Australian Outback, always managing to keep one step ahead of the local rangers. He's an expert tracker, hunter, and trapper, and has the kill count to prove it.)
Learning: 4 (McLeach is a proud graduate of the third grade.)
Occult: 7 (Ever since almost being thwarted by a group of mice, McLeach has tried to keep an open mind as to what, exactly, is possible.)
"Poacher, and Proud of It" - McLeach is an unrepentant poacher who has done his level best to drive multiple species to extinction. He gains +15 Martial and Intrigue when acting as a hunter, trapper, and tracker. This skill also translates fairly well into direct combat, and he gains +10 Martial when using firearms against human or monstrous opponents. Finally, he gains a bonus of +15 Stewardship when seeking to off-load his ill-gotten gains and +10 Learning when dealing with survival skills and practical outdoors knowledge.
"A Base Cunning" - McLeach is not a people person, and his extended time in the Australian Outback has left him poorly equipped to deal with people in a formal setting. However, he is rather tricky and decent at figuring out people's weaknesses. In conversation, McLeach can substitute his Intrigue score after a failed Diplomacy roll when attempting to gather information, and he gains +5 Intrigue when conducting an interrogation.
"Well-Supplied" - McLeach has spent years building up his base of operations in Australia, and has offered it up to the Elite Global Huntsman's Club as a position to resupply and conduct their hunts. While at his camp in the Outback, McLeach gains +5 to all of his rolls.
Ancillary: "Joanna the Goanna" - McLeach's pet goanna Joanna has semi-faithfully served him for several years now, and he has trained her to function as a tracker, sentry, and pursuit animal. She gives him +10 Intrigue and +5 Martial when hunting, but -2 Stewardship since she refuses to work without being paid in eggs.
Secret: "Child-Killer" - After he led him to the Great Eagle, the boy Cody had outlived his usefulness, so McLeach threw him to the crocodiles. While it seemed like a good idea at the time, it's a stain that never washes out. He's hardly alone in this particular crime amongst the Elite Global Huntsman's Club, but should he find himself amongst company that punishes it appropriately, if the truth is made known McLeach will find himself suffering a -20 Diplomacy malus and potential arrest.
Martial: 20-2: 18 (Selous was a legendary hunter, scout, and soldier, who went so far as to create his own volunteer unit when the British military wouldn't let him enlist on account of old age. He's 64 years old, and still going strong.)
Stewardship: 15 (Selous was an incredibly successful hunter and guide who made a fortune in a hard business. Not only that, but he was responsible for handling logistics for both military units and massive hunting parties, and did so well and successfully.)
Diplomacy: 12 (Selous was well-known for his many powerful connections, and rubbed shoulders with princes and presidents alike. Much of his success can be attributed to his ability to promote his own skills, and earning the genuine friendship of the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and Hugh Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale.)
Intrigue: 18 (A lifelong hunter, Frederick Selous stalked the deadliest of game all over the world and emerged unscathed. His skills translated well to warfare, and he served as a scout in several conflicts, including World War 1.)
Learning: 15 (Selous was a recognized expert in firearms, zoology, conservation and wildlife management, and natural history. He spoke several languages, and was very well-read and traveled alike.)
Occult: 8 (Selous grew up in the midst of the Occultic Movement of the 19th century, and is by no means ignorant of what's commonly considered to be the supernatural. That said, recent events have led him to take it more seriously than he might have otherwise.)
"Great White Hunter" - Frederick Selous is such an archetypical huntsman that he was the real-life inspiration for Allen Quartermain. As a result of his career, he gains +30 Martial and Intrigue when hunting animals, +15 Stewardship when selling his gains and managing groups of people up to the scale and complexity of small-scale military units. Finally, he gains +10 Learning when working with firearms, and +20 Learning on the subjects of Natural History and zoology.
"Conservationist" - While Selous was responsible for killing thousands of beasts, he was also one of the first to recognize the importance of responsible wildlife management if the species were to survive for future generations. He holds a -10 Diplomacy malus when dealing with careless, excessive, or malicious hunters, +10 Diplomacy when advocating on the behalf of wildlife to a sympathetic audience, and +10 Stewardship when managing animal populations.
"Military Man" - Selous served the British Empire in the First and Second Matabele Wars and in World War One, his experience as a hunter and marksman translating well to work as a scout and sniper. Selous gains +20 Martial when operating as a scout or sniper, and +10 when in melee combat. With that said, his advancing age has lowered his Martial base stat cap from 20 to 15; should he find a treatment that mitigates the effects of old age, his Martial will return to what it was at its peak. (Thanks to his achievements, Selous's Martial base cap has been raised to 18!)
"Seen It All" - Selous has had a widely varied life, and very little surprises or intimidates him. He suffers no diplomacy maluses when dealing with those of superior rank to himself, and reaction rolls to the shocks of the amalgamated world are reduced in severity.
"Enmity of the Elite Global Huntsman's Club" - Selous parted with the Club on terrible terms; in his opinion, they embody all of the worst aspects of hunting. He considers McLeach in particular to be the most loathsome of the lot. He suffers a -15 Diplomacy malus with the organization as a whole (although individual members might hold a different opinion), and a deep and abiding enmity with Percival McLeach. Should they encounter each other, they will do their level best to see the other dead.
A/N: Frederick Selous is historical domain, but also part of the Disney legendarium due to his appearance in the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Stay tuned for the sequel!
Alice escaped Wonderland, but without her there, it's beginning to become static, especially with the Queen of Hearts making anyone that dares argue with her contrary rules a head shorter. Alice's imagination populated Wonderland, so the Queen wants her back to continue creating more subjects for the Queen to behead. Basically repopulating Wonderland whenever it suits the vain queen. And she'll reach into the realms of nightmare and dreams themselves to pull out creatures to recover Alice for her.
The Queen of Hearts doesn't have Alice. That's why she's traveling with the Hunter's Association as a "guest." The Queen wants Alice back, and is sending all sorts of things to retrieve her, things which the HA are very interested in as trophies.
"What sort of circus are your people running!?!" Henry Jones Jr., better known to his friends as Indiana, grimaced as their prisoner, recently awoken, took loud and vehement objection to the situation in which he found himself.
Not being captured, no. Rather…
"They send rank amateurs to kidnap ME?"
"You don't have to get insulted, it's not our fault they didn't tell us the plan!" Indy defended himself as best he could while his friend Remy stood in one corner of the basket of the balloon in which they were currently drifting.
"Of course I'm insulted!" Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, commander of the German Army in East Africa, shouted at them. "How dare you be so unprepared, it's an utter disgrace!"
Indy shook his head, balancing on the edge of the basket. "It's like kidnapping my father!"
Remy leaned over from one side. "Indy, we can't drift in this balloon forever," the heavy-set Belgian said.
Von Lettow, his back straight as a ramrod, stood on the opposite side of the basket.
In all fairness, they hadn't planned on kidnapping a senior German military officer via hot air balloon. When dragging the man out of his camp, they had tried hiding from the guards in what they thought was a small sentry post. Von Lettow had alerted the guards to their position, saying in German "We're hiding in the balloon basket!" Indy, speaking German, had understood what they said, and in a fight that saw Von Lettow get knocked out on a metal canister and the two brawling with the guards, had eventually managed to untie the balloon and offload enough ballast that it caught air.
Really, it was all Selous's fault. If he'd just told them the plan from the start, they would have been better prepared! Instead Indy had to put up with a cranky German officer who took their amateurish kidnapping as a personal slight.
Granted, Indy wasn't sure if it was their amateurishness - or the fact that it had, by all appearances, succeeded.
Von Lettow spoke in response to Remy's statement. In a tone that was almost bitingly articulate, he said "First thing to do is to determine which way we're headed." Indy looked away in irritation, did he have to sound like he was talking to idiots?"
"If we're heading towards the German side, you might start thinking of yourselves as my prisoners."
Irritated, Indy snapped back "Yeah, that's great, but we don't have a compass."
Von Lettow leaned forward, anger momentarily giving way to incredulousness. "What?" he all but hissed.
Remy sighed.
"What sort of imbecile crosses Africa without a compass, don't they TEACH YOU ANYTHING?!?"
"Pft," Indy exhaled.
Von Lettow's expression had shifted from angry to murderous. "If you were my troops, I'd have you flogged!" The lean German officer turned around, his back to his captors. Reaching into one pocket, he pulled out something which he examined closely. "We're heading south," he said shortly. "I'll accept your surrender now, you'll be fairly treated."
Indy exchanged glances with Remy. "South, huh?"
"Give us that compass," Remy ordered Von Lettow. "Come on." The general reluctantly passed it over, and Remy handed it to Indy. Indy looked it over in confusion.
"How can you tell which way we're heading, the needle's spinning like a gyroscope!"
Von Lettow barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "What, they didn't even teach you to read a compass? No wonder my men are running circles around you!"
"No, really, it won't point in a consistent direction," Indy countered. "Look for yourself!"
Von Lettow stepped across, and his anger turned to confusion. "What on earth…"
Remy gulped. "Indy...I think we have a problem."
Indy looked at Remy, who was pointing at the sky. Following the line of his hand upwards, he gawked as billowing black clouds filled the sky. Within seconds, the blue had turned to black, and lightning could be seen flickering amongst it.
"We must get to ground!" Von Lettow said, his tone verging on panic. "The lightning will burn us out of the sky!"
The wind picked up, sounding like the screams of the damned as it did so. A falling sensation filled his stomach, and it took actually looking at the ground to assure himself that the balloon wasn't free-falling.
The next few seconds were very frantic. Abruptly, the balloon lurched, and Indy looked up to see that the envelope was deflating. "Hold on, we're gonna crash!"
Then they did.
With a groan, Henry Jones Jr. opened his eyes. His every bone ached like that time he had the flu, and he felt exhausted. "What the hell was that?"
"You're awake. Good." The clipped tones of Von Lettow greeted him, and Indy rolled over to see the man sitting beside a hastily-made fire. It looked as if Von Lettow had taken bits and pieces of the basket and had used them to make a campfire.
"Where's Remy?"
"Your rotund friend is relieving himself behind a bush. He'll be back shortly."
Indy blinked. "Why are you still here? I was unconscious, why not take the opportunity to run?"
Von Lettow gestured around himself. "We have larger problems facing us at this time. See for yourself."
Slowly pulling himself to his feet, Indy looked around for the first time since awakening, and realized that the German was right.
One of the nice things about the balloon ride was the incredible view Indy had gotten of the African savannah. The plains went on for miles and miles, with grass and trees.
This looked like a wasteland, like a fire had just gone over it. And while Indy could be oblivious on occasion, he liked to think he would have noticed something like a massive grassfire covering the entire plain.
"It gets worse," von Lettow said glumly. "My compass is still not working." He opened it for Indy to see.
"I don't understand, it's not moving like it was."
"That may well be the case - but that direction is not North."
"It isn't?" Indy felt like a fool for asking, but it was all very odd.
"No, the North hand is pointing South. Something that should not be possible."
"I see." Indy swallowed. "Well then. What do we do?"
"Collect what we can from the wreckage of the balloon," Von Lettow said, stretching as he pulled himself to his feet.
"And then?"
Martial: 14 (Henry is a talented soldier and has survived his share of scraps and firefights.)
Stewardship: 8 (Careful, considered stewardship of one's resources is not this young man's strong suit; he has been living hand-to-mouth for several years.)
Diplomacy: 12 (While highly socialized, Henry is a bit on the naive side and has been known to stick his foot in his mouth on occasion.)
Intrigue: 16 (Henry can be very sneaky and duplicitous when the occasion calls for it, and has pulled off a number of cons and gambits. With that said, he has also been the victim of several cons, most recently at the hands of Mata Hari herself.)
Learning: 20 (Henry learned at the knees of his father, a famous classical scholar. He has also met a wide range of people, all of whom had some useful skill, knowledge, or bit of wisdom to pass onto him.)
Occult: 10-5: 5 (Henry's knowledge of myths, legends, and other supernatural elements is nearly encyclopedic; actually taking them seriously is another matter entirely.
"Omnidisciplinary Scholar" - Henry Jones is an incredibly well-read and highly educated young man, and suffers no maluses when studying or learning about various subjects. That said, his intellectual upbringing has left him somewhat skeptical when it comes to the occult, and he suffers a -5 malus to his base Occult stat as a result.
"Advanced Polyglot" - Henry speaks 26 languages and knows sign language; barring rare occasions, he suffers no communication maluses with other people, and gains +10 Learning when studying a new language.
"World Traveler" - Henry has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. He suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.
"Making It Up As He Goes" - Henry has displayed a talent for improvising plans and adapting when things go awry; he suffers no maluses when faced with the unexpected, and gains +10 on all rolls when on an adventure.
"His Father's Son" - Henry's father was a classical scholar, and he ensured that Henry knew just as much as he did. Henry gains +20 learning when studying history and the humanities. Furthermore, upon passing an Occult check of 25, he can substitute his base Learning stat for his Occult stat when studying ancient myths and legends or confronted by the same.
"Soldier" - Henry survived the hell of the Somme and Verdun, and helped mastermind a strike against a German rail line in East Africa. Thanks to his experiences, he gains +10 Martial when in direct combat, and an additional +5 when utilizing a weapon with which he is familiar.
"Diamond in the Rough" - Henry's potential is greater than even he knows. ???
Martial: 5+3: 8 (Remy can follow orders and hold his own in a scrap, but is no great leader or fighter.)
Stewardship: 12-5: 7 (Remy is fairly capable at making money and running a small business; it's holding onto the money that he struggles with.)
Diplomacy: 10 (Remy is a friendly chap, but possesses a temper and can be impatient at times.)
Intrigue: 14 (Tagging along with Henry has taught him a thing or two about improvisation and pulling the wool over people's eyes.)
Learning: 10 (Remy completed school, but is no great scholar.)
Occult: 6 (Remy possesses only the bare minimum of knowledge about the supernatural, but is more open-minded than most.)
"Lesser Polyglot" - Remy grew up in Belgium, and speaks French, German, and English with an accent in addition to his native Belgian. Remy suffers no communication maluses in those languages, and gains +5 to Learning rolls when studying new languages.
"Bon Vivant" - Remy enjoys the finer things in life - wine, women, and wealth in particular. Should he enjoy a windfall, he gains a -5 Stewardship malus as he spends it on his vices. This trait can be modified or lost with time.
"Soldier" - Remy survived the hell of the Somme and Verdun, and helped mastermind a strike against a German rail line in East Africa. Thanks to his experiences, he gains +10 Martial when in direct combat, and an additional +5 when utilizing a weapon with which he is familiar.
"Trained Cook" - Remy has experience as a chef, and considers himself to be something of a gourmand. He gains a +10 bonus to Stewardship when assisting with tasks that involve the care and feeding of others.
"World Traveler" - Remy has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. He suffers reduced maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than others.
"Acrofatic" - While a large man, both in height and width, Remy is far more agile than his size would suggest. He gains +3 Martial thanks to his surprising agility.
Martial: 20-5: 15 (Paul is a career soldier, widely considered to be one of the most capable military commanders of the 20th century and certainly the greatest of World War I. His abilities in personal combat are somewhat hampered by his blind left eye.)
Stewardship: 24 (Paul managed to keep over 14,000 men fed, clothed, and watered while leading one of the most successful guerilla campaigns in history. The man is a master organizer and leader of men.)
Diplomacy: 25 (Paul is a soldier, not a diplomat; nonetheless, he is experienced leading military negotiations and keeping people from widely disparate backgrounds working together smoothly.)
Intrigue: 26-6: 20 (Paul possesses a keen mind and credited his military success to his flexible and accurate collection of information and the abilities of his scouts. That said, being partially blind somewhat hampers his fieldwork abilities, and his base Intrigue is lower than it would be otherwise.)
Learning: 20 (Paul is a well-educated man, a product of Prussian military academies. Furthermore, he is intensely curious about the world around him, and always seeks to improve himself however he can.)
Occult: 8 (Paul lived through the 19th Century Occultist movement, and possesses a general knowledge of things like spirits and ghosts. It wasn't until recently that he began taking it seriously.)
"Purple Heart" - Paul received injuries during a gun battle with Jacob Morenga in 1906 that left him blind in his left eye; accordingly, his base Martial and Intrigue are lower than what they would be otherwise. Should he find a replacement, the cap will be removed. He also suffers a -10 Martial malus when being attacked in his blind spot.
"Guerilla General Genius" - Paul is considered to be one of the greatest German commanders of the 20th Century, and certainly one of the most successful commanders of a guerilla campaign in history. When commanding troops, Paul gains +45 Martial and Intrigue, and upon inflicting an opposing Martial check loss, can cause a malus in his opponent's Martial/Intrigue of up to -15 as he runs rings around his enemy. His bonus to organizing troops is also substantial - +20 Martial and/or +20 Stewardship, as applicable, when organizing and training military units and analyzing defenses. Finally, the man is no slouch in personal combat, and gains +15 Martial when in direct combat.
"Savannah Survivalist" - Paul made a deep, in-depth study of the art of survival on the savannah while stationed in Africa. He suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain, and actually enjoys a +10 bonus to all rolls while in East Africa as a result of his decades of experience there.
"We Are All Africans Here" - Paul was noted in life for being not just tolerant, but accepting, of every man under his command. His acceptance and respect for native troops was groundbreaking, and Paul correspondingly suffers no maluses when leading troops from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. His fluency in Swahili also grants him +10 Diplomacy when speaking with people for whom Swahili is their first language.
"Lesser Polyglot" - Paul speaks German, English, Swahili, Belgian, and French, and possesses a working knowledge of Chinese and Dutch. He receives no diplomacy maluses when speaking in those languages, and gains +5 to language learning rolls.
A/N: This omake is dedicated to Remy's actor Ronny Coutteure, a famous celebrity in France and Belgium. When I was researching this omake, I discovered that he committed suicide back in 2000. Ronny, this is for you. RIP.
Well, while he was kind of a racist, anti-semite Scumbag, he also told Hitler and the Nazis in so many Words to f*ck right off when they came to him to ask if he would be willing to take a Position in their Regime, so...mixed bag for me, that Guy.
He was also apparently one of the first officers to openly promote bringing in natives as soldiers and treating them as equals to the men that had come over from Europe. To the point of appointing black men as officers, and at one point stating "We're all Africans here". He was a complicated man who was a product of his time, good and bad.
He was also apparently one of the first officers to openly promote bringing in natives as soldiers and treating them as equals to the men that had come over from Europe. To the point of appointing black men as officers, and at one point stating "We're all Africans here". He was a complicated man who was a product of his time, good and bad.
Amen to that brother. Supposedly when his nephew was asked if he'd told Hitler to go F**k himself, the reply was "Yes, but not in nearly so polite terms".
The last few months had been full of surprises, good and bad. Though the good outnumbered the bad, the bad still left Aladdin with an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomache.
[X] Plan: Keep Your Friends Close
- [X][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
- [X][Stewardship] Friends in Deed
-[X][Diplomacy] If you Give a Parrot a Job...
- [X][Intrigue] Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things
- [X][Learning] Over Hill and Dale
- [X][Occult] Golden Afternoon
- [X][Personal] Visit Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
--[X] Will
- [X][Will Personal] A Strong Back
--[X] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
Aladdin watched in bemusement as the creature that Frosting had called him down to examine paced back and forth in the cage. Its tufted tail flicked in obvious agitation, as a serpentine tongue tasted the air. Sunlight glinted off of golden scales and ebony spines, while an amber eye watched the black-haired young man cautiously. Aladdin gave the cheetah-sized creature it's due, not getting in reach of those claws or teeth. "What am I looking at here?"
"That," Frosting said with a glint in his eye, "Is the critter your hunters saw signs of during their hunts last month. I had to do some digging in the library. Apparently it's a juvenile Sirrush. When they're full grown, they're as big as a horse. Supposedly they're related to dragons." Aladdin nodded as he looked the beast over.
"Yeah, I can definitely see it. I assume you're planning on training it?" Frosting nodded even as he slid a hunk of meat, a leg of lamb it looked like, into the cage through a special slot. The Sirrush fell on it instantly, and Aladdin winced as the cracking of bone filled the air, the Sirrush barely pausing to chew as it horked down pieces of the leg, bone and all.
"Planning on it, but it'll be a while before he gets his full growth. I think that's why he was eating pretty much everything but the hair and hide of his kills. Calling his appetite 'voracious' right now is a serious understatement." Frosting produced another leg, sliding it in again. This time though, the Sirrush tried to grab onto the meat and pull it in, along with Frosting's arm! Thankfully the man let go quickly, and the creature made an odd wheezing sound, looking pleased with himself before settling down to eat his prize at a slightly more sedate pace.
Frosting looked absolutely thrilled. "Finally got a challenge on my hands. I'll keep you informed of his progress. And thank Turner for me will you?" Will's help in capturing the beast had been instrumental, he'd used some vines quickly tied together with a series of complex knots to make a secondary net when the Sirrush had been about to break free from the initial trap. Then the mad man had actually gotten in close, wrapping ropes around it and essentially entangling it in a web of ropes that lifted it off the ground and had left it to exhaust itself thrashing about, making bringing it back in much easier. He'd ended up straining himself some though, and was being seen to by one of the doctors at the university.
Juvenile Sirrush added to the Menagerie!
Will reach full growth by Turn 10
The cutoff for the Juvenile was 85. 90 would have seen you getting a single adult Sirrush, and 100+ would have been a mated pair.
Aladdin and Sinbad both let out sighs of relief. It had been touch and go, and Sinbad had been especially cautious after the debacle with Agrabah. Which had made the representatives of Xiang-Wu think that Ababwa was somehow reconsidering the deal. It had taken some last second explanations, several rounds of drinks (which Aladdin had abstained from, too used to needing to keep his wits sharp) and a visit to the menagerie where a bemused Frosting had shown them the "great honkin' lizard horse".
After the shenanigans had died down (and the representative and Sinbad had recovered from their hangovers) the negotiations had gone smoothly. The final agreement had been drawn up, Aladdin and the representative had signed off on it, and the representative was on his way back to Xiang-Wu. Along with another caravan laden with trading goods, the first of many.
As Aladdin and the two guards he'd elected to take with him alighted from Carpet, the first person to meet them wasn't the one that the Prince had been expecting. Iago flapped up, looking an odd mix between irritated and relieved. "It's about time you showed up 'your highness'. C'mon, let's get this show on the road!"
Aladdin scowled, holding Iago's beak closed with two fingers to stop the parrot's haranguing. "We'll leave in a while Iago, I'm here to see Jasmine too, not just to pick you up." He turns, hearing a scoff from the entryway of the room, to see an unimpressed Razoul standing there, arms crossed.
"Good luck with that st-hem, I mean prince. The Princess has been spending a lot of time down in the bazaar and the city as a whole lately. Ever since your little jaunt through the bazaar she's absolutely refused to stay in the palace as she should. It's made my men's job that much harder keeping her safe." A frown crosses the burly man's face. "She's also taken to associating more with commoners. Though after dealing with that diplomat you sent..."
Aladdin raised his hands in supplication. "He was never supposed to be the one negotiating in the first place. He's been recalled and he's shoveling dung for the rest of his career." Razoul considered that before nodding.
"Good, the other man is tolerable at least. Since you're interested in seeing the Princess, I can at least show you to where she is." Razoul turned, gesturing for the others to follow him. Iago landed on Aladdin's shoulder, murmuring in the prince's ear.
"Seriously kid, can we get out of here? Ever since that sandstorm I've got an itch in my feathers that feels like I'm being watched." Aladdin side-eyed the bird, giving a minute shake of his head before murmuring back.
"That's part of why I'm here, Jasmine's letters have been out of character from what I know of her. Like she barely knew me again." Iago closed his eyes as if pained before dragging his wing down over his eyes and beak and giving a pained groan.
"News flash kid, she doesn't know you that well. Absence may make the heart grow fonder but it also makes memories fainter. And the cock-up with that negotiator sure didn't help either." Iago settled himself, feathers puffing out a bit before he settled them back in place with his beak. "But fine, so long as we get out of here sooner rather than later." Iago took wing once more, coming to light on Carpet as it followed them curiously.
Disembarking from the palace was an interesting experience. While stairs were in the process of being carved out, a system of pulleys and large baskets being raised and lowered by wheels spun by donkeys was currently the fastest and easiest way to get up and down the cliff face. While they could have taken Carpet down, it would have been a bit of a tight squeeze with Razoul on there, and Aladdin figured it was also a show of trust in Agrabah's security.
Following Razoul through the familiar markets, Aladdin noted more than one shopkeeper giving him wary glances. Many of them ones he'd stolen food from to survive. But his attention was taken up by the sound of laughter as he approached the square and the fountain that many used to get water from. Rounding a corner, he gaped slightly, seeing Jasmine laughing merrily as she tickled a young girl, a slightly older boy hanging from her shoulders in a hug.
There were other children around as well, many of them enjoying fruit and bread that looked like it had come from the palace. Two of them Aladdin recognized from that fateful encounter in front of the palace gates. Abu immediately dropped from his shoulder, scampering over to see them and get scritches. Razoul stayed at the entrance to the square along with Aladdin's guards, while Iago took a perch on an awning and Carpet curiously followed the prince. Jasmine caught sight of him as he entered the square, her eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh! Aladdin... Tanti, Adela, this is Aladdin." The two children she'd been laughing and playing with both turned to regard him with solemn eyes. Aladdin gave an awkward smile as he waved.
"Nice to meet you two." The two children looked at each other, then back to him. The girl seemed shy, but the boy, Tanti, certainly wasn't.
"You're the guy that sent the nasty man that insulted big sis?" Aladdin started at the accusation, as well as the title that Jasmine had apparently earned for herself. Tanti scowled, as fiercely as a young child can, before crossing his arms. "You better be here to say sorry!"
Aladdin rubbed at the back of his neck, before giving a rueful grin. "Yeah, I am. Sorry in letters just doesn't cut it." For a moment he sees something vulnerable in Jasmine's eyes, before she occupies herself with straightening Adela's clothing, the little girl leaning trustingly against the princess. "So Jasmine, I'm sorry for what he said to you and your father, and for how he dismissed your capabilities." Jasmine sniffed slightly, before looking at Aladdin through her lashes and giving a nod.
"Very well, your apology is accepted." Anything more she was going to say was cut off by the sounds of wonder as the children finally noticed Carpet. The shy cloth waved a tassel at the children, fluttering around them, curling gently as it ruffled hair and patted heads with its tassel. Watching the children's reactions, before glancing at Jasmine, Aladdin felt an idea spark off.
"Jasmine, why don't you take the kids up for short rides? Abu and I can keep them entertained down here while you do." Jasmine looked surprised, before carefully considering Carpet, who was pointing a tassel at itself as if to say "Who, me?" After a moment of thought, she nodded.
Aladdin spent the next couple of hours entertaining the children with stories about Ababwa, his days as a thief, sleight of hand tricks and a few small acrobatic feats. By the end of it, while Jasmine was hardly showering him in praise, she was no longer acting as cool as before.
"The stress of learning all of the laws and the rules that I'll need to know to pass fair judgement, along with dealing with that odious little man set me off. And there were constant reports coming from the city of missing items. Fine foods, clothing, even gems and gold! And Father was caught up in the refugee crisis that we're experiencing, people being driven up out of the south, so he wasn't really there to help... And... I took all that out on you." Jasmine looks apologetic as she relays this to Aladdin during the ride back up to the Palace.
"Do you still want to keep trying?" Aladdin asked with unease. Jasmine appeared to give it serious thought, which in some ways was better and some worse than an immediate agreement or denial.
"Yes. I still want to try. Maybe it would be a good idea for me to pay a visit to you in Ababwa soon." She looked thoughtful. There were no goodbye kisses, though she did deign to allow a hug, before Aladdin took back off for Ababwa, now with an extra rider.
Martial - 4: Iago's a parrot not an eagle. He's better served making use of the environment to do damage to his enemies rather than fighting them himself. Stewardship - 15: Iago helped Jafar keep track of his lab spaces, their various ill-gotten gains, and the sundry compounds and components that Jafar utilized. He's decent at tracking stuff. Diplomacy - 7: Iago's got a fowl mouth and a short fuse when he's able to actually speak up. While he's an able translator, leading delicate negotiations isn't a strong suite for him. Intrigue - 23 Iago has a twisty scheming mind, and learned at the shoulder of Jafar when it came to plotting and planning. Learning - 16 Iago has absorbed quite a few facts and bits of knowledge over the years just from exposure. Occult - 19 Iago has seen and heard much about magic while working for Jafar, and is a source of many pieces of trivia in regards to magical creatures, places, and items.
"Bird's-Eye View" - +20 Martial/Intrigue bonus when acting as a scout or providing a diversion.
"Looking Out For Me" - Iago is a coward, and hates taking risks, but deep inside is a seed of courage. Iago must pass a Diplomacy or Intrigue check of 70 to take genuinely risky actions.
"Distracted by the Shiny" - Has to make a DC 50 Diplomacy check not to steal treasure when presented with the opportunity on a mission and a 50 Intrigue check not to get caught should he fail the first one.
"Former Familiar" - Iago gains a +10 Intrigue bonus when investigating Jafar and his various hidey-holes.
Gained Iago as a Hero Unit!
Jasmine has... taken a greater interest in the poor of Agrabah?
Relationship with Jasmine sort of on the mend?
The men Haroud sent to Agrabah never report back. No one seems to know where they are, or if they even reached the city. It's like the desert swallowed them whole. Haroud is completely flummoxed. "These were some of my better trained agents, My Prince," he says in an apologetic tone as he makes his report. "Not my best to be sure, but for a plum assignment like this one they were practically overqualified. I'll keep my people on the lookout for what happened to them, but unfortunately I can shed no light on what's happening in Agrabah at the moment."
Aladdin shook his head. "It's... well not fine, because we've got people missing. But I don't blame you Haroud. And I'm confident that whatever happened to them, you'll be able to figure it out." He rose and clapped Haroud on the back, feeling the taller man stiffen as his shoulders straightened. Good, Haroud's head was back in the game.
Aladdin wiped the sweat from his brow as he moved through the forest. It wasn't the heat or humidity so much as the exertion. Back in Agrabah he'd been one for action in short staccato bursts, acting and reacting as the situation changed. Which meant brief periods of rest to catch his breath before he had to keep moving. Here it was a relatively slow-paced hike, but one that he couldn't stop on. Chiron had given him a map and a compass, then directed his guards to ride him out into the woods blindfolded, before following the Prince back.
Which meant that not only was Aladdin trying to figure out where he was, but he was also dealing with the fact that if he didn't make it back to the city it meant that his guards were going to have to spend the night out here in the forest with him! "Oh sure. No pressure Chiron!" he bit out under his breath.
As the sun was finally setting though, the group made their way through the gates of Ababwa, to find Chiron standing there with his arms folded and a worrying smile on his lips. "Ah, excellent. Perfect timing for where your woodcraft was. We will do it again tomorrow. Different direction once you enter the Forest."
Aladdin stared slack-jawed at the centaur, before beginning to sputter. "Hate you..." was all that he was able to force out due to his fatigue. Chiron clapped him on the back, laughing heartily.
"That's the spirit my prince!"
Aladdin no longer has a malus to move or navigate through rural or forested terrain.
Over Hill and Dale: 30 + 30 (Chiron) + 11 (Aladdin) = 71
DC: 40
Cost: 1500 Gold
Once the hefty chunk of funds had been issued for the greenhouse, the Mage had at last emerged from his seclusion, along with his other acolytes. However they remained robed and cowled, coming out at night to work with the assistance of small lamps. But the building they constructed in the cool of the night wasn't what anyone expected.
The general expectation had been for a normal rectangular building made of panes of clear glass. Instead the frame that had emerged was a massive dome with several smaller domes half-way budding off of it. The glass had been cut into triangles, and the acolytes busied themselves with etching and painting oddly flowing sigils around the edges of each pane, before with a sonorous incantation and a display of eldritch light, each panel of glass was lifted into place and set, Cade quickly securing it for the next panel to go up.
What should have taken the better part of a year with conventional construction times instead took weeks, In the meantime the Mage had ordered a large number of additives and types of soil, which Leah was engaged in mixing in different quantities and batches. Aladdin didn't know the first thing about farming beyond "put seed in ground, water, get plant"; so this was something rather odd. But the girl went to it with a will, and even seemed to be using it as some kind of stress reliever, her face more often than not set in an angry frown as she shoveled, mixed, stirred and fertilized.
Her expression took the attention of those who came to see her. Meaning no one noticed the sparks of green light grounding out of her hands, into the stirring rod or shovel, and from there into the soil.
Once the greenhouse had been finished, the Mage and his helpers, along with the hired hands that had been paid for, began to cart the different mixtures of soil in, depositing them in different areas as directed by the Mage and Leah. Many hands made for a quickly completed job. But the Mage didn't consider it done until they had something planted and growing, according to Leah. Which is when all of those there to see the ceremonial first planting of the greenhouse were given a huge shock!
Leah was translating for the Mage as he spoke, producing several shriveled berries, and with great care, placing them in small divots in the soil. This area was set back furthest from the entrance, one of the secondary Greenhouses that were budding off of the main building. As he covered them and watered them, he patted the soil, gloved hands gentle even if his face was still obscured.
That was when the shaking started. Green energy began to emanate from where the seeds had been planted, before with a rumble that sent the mage sprawling and everyone backing up, bushes burst out of the ground, attaining months worth of growth in only a few moments. They flowered, releasing a sweet perfume as bees from a small apiary that had been installed were immediately drawn to the freshly blooming flowers as opposed to the cut flowers they'd been expected to sustain themselves on.
Suddenly Ahmed let out a gasp. "Leah, your hands!" He pointed at the named extremities, and the girl looked shocked and afraid at the green sparks dancing between her fingers; even as energy of the same hue continued to fuel the growth of the bushes. The Mage, recovering quickly from his tumble, (though his legs had apparently been rather stiff) had moved over and patted her on the shoulder. He spoke soothingly to her, and after a moment Leah began to breathe again. The sparks died down even as the accelerated growth of the plants slowed.
Cade looks absolutely shocked, before coming over and giving Leah a small hug and a few murmured words of what sounds like encouragement or comfort. He quickly breaks off, the two teens getting a bit red in the face. It's obvious that Ahmed and Sinbad; who had accompanied Aladdin to see the planting, had questions, but Aladdin held up a hand for quiet. This was a major shift for the girl from what he was picking up. Finally, Leah looked to the others, seeming to have gotten herself back under control.
"It appears, your majesty, that my bloodline had some latent magical ability connected to plants. My master has agreed to help me cultivate this gift." Aladdin gives a nod, before pausing and looking at Leah with a raised brow.
"Cultivate it? Really?" Leah realizes the pun and immediately breaks out into a fit of giggles, managing to explain the joke to Cade and the Mage between gasps. The rest of the party breaks down in laughter, letting the tension that had mounted with the unveiling of Leah's abilities fade away.
New actions unlocked
Actions affected
Leah has unlocked a forgotten family power!
With some training, Leah could become a hero unit unto herself.
Golden Afternoon: 81 + 30 (Mage) + 12 (Aladdin) = 138 (CRIT!) +11 (Exploding Die) = 149
DC: 60
Cost: 15,000 Gold, Upkeep Cost of 3,000 per turn afterwards
Visit Jasmine: 28 + 3 (XP) = 31
"Hey Will, how're you holding up?" Aladdin had swung by Will's blacksmithy during one of his few free moments, checking up on his new friend of sorts. Will grunted from where he was attempting to wrap his sides, and Aladdin grimaced. "Ah, ribs're still bruised huh? Here, let me help you with that." Aladdin had gotten adept at binding wounds quickly as a child, until he'd been fast enough and strong enough to dodge the various dangers that faced a young thief. Will let out a quiet groan as Aladdin finished tying off the wrapping for his ribs.
"Guh. Thank you. I hate being laid up like this. I've got orders coming in to be filled and I have to delay them. About the only positive thing is that I've been able to get into the library more to get a better understanding of the maps of the area." Will's expression took on a determined cast. Aladdin patted him gently on the shoulder.
"I'm sure you'll find her Will. You're one of the most tenacious people I've ever met. Speaking of, I've gotta ask. Where did you pick up that crazy trick you pulled with the ropes?" Will's brows rose, before understanding dawned. His face filled with something like self-recrimination.
"I just... thought like a friend of mine. Well, sometimes a friend. But he's gone now." Will's mood has gone dark quickly, and even when Aladdin tries to get him to visit the palace for a meal, he's politely asked to leave Will alone. Aladdin returns to the palace, leaving the blacksmith alone with his thoughts.
Will is currently recovering from injury, and depressed. Takes -10 on rolls for actions in the next turn.
Get to Know Will Better: 31
Start Turn City Coffers: 29,500
Turn Income: 8,500
Turn Expenditures: 22,000 Gold
Total Expenditures:13,500 Gold
End Turn City Coffers: 16,000 Gold
Your scouts and hunters have reported a most odd occurrence lately. On the far side of the Forest, a massive flying machine has been sighted. Strange explosive noises have been heard in the vicinity, and there has been a sharp decrease in signs and sightings of both large predators and game animals in that area as well.
Actions unlocked for the next turn
Random Event Roll: 15
The Elite Global Huntsman Club has entered the area.
Club will be in the area for 1 turn
-1000 gold income due to drop in number of furs and pelts for trade for the turn
Random Event Roll: 15
The Elite Global Huntsman Club has entered the area.
Club will be in the area for 1 turn
-1000 gold income due to drop in number of furs and pelts for trade for the turn