Where Are They? Part 5 (Turn 10)
Holmes and Watson
"Another successful case, Watson. What shall we do next?"
Does Watson's injury act up? 1d4: 2! No, his injury does not act up.
Does Holmes take a job with the Sultan? DC 50-25 (ID'd threat): 1d100: 86! Yes! What job? 1=Spying on the EITC, 2=A Golden Opportunity, 3=Charting A Course, 4=Scouting Out Ababwa. 1d4: 3! Charting A Course! Which Pirate Lord? 1=Sinbad, 2=Nemo, 3=Davy Jones. 1d3: 2! At the Sultan's request, Holmes begins investigating the Pirate Lord Captain Nemo. What are his goals? Is he a threat, or can he be made an ally?
Does Watson accompany Holmes? DC 75: 51! No, he remains in Agrabah to perform his usual work. DC to accompany Holmes on a case in the future has been temporarily reduced to 50.
Charting A Course (Nemo), DC 80/100: 1d100+30+30-20 (???): 105! Success!
As it so happens, Holmes has
read the novel by Jules Verne, and his memory recalls a great many details to the surface. He's also read "The Mysterious Island", the stealth sequel where Nemo's backstory was revealed. While he doubts it was the case here in the amalgamated world, he knows that Nemo's true name is Prince Dakkar, that he built the
Nautilus at a remote base about 2,500 kilometers east of New Zealand, and that he swore revenge on the British for murdering his wife and children during the Sepoy Mutiny. He reports as much to the Sultan, who muses that it explains a great deal about the man. Given what they know about the EITC, Holmes believes that Nemo could be an ally to Agrabah, and suggests making contact with the man.
Princess Jasmine reveals that Prince Aladdin has already made contact with Nemo, as was reported in a sealed diplomatic packet from Haroud to the Mukhtar, and may well be able to assist them in this regard. Said hopes are dashed, however, when they receive word from the EITC that Nemo and his submarine were destroyed in a battle in the Indian Ocean - or so they think; the massive plume of air and foam from where it descended suggests that it was hulled and the air all left in a rush.
As it was more of a consultancy than a true case, Holmes is left bored.
1d3: 1! "A 7% Solution" does not activate! What does Holmes do instead? 1=Work on a new chemistry lab; 2=Explore Agrabah; 3=Meet someone new. 1d3: 3! Meet someone new!
Who? 1d6: 6! Holmes seeks out someone who truly intrigues him: Sadira, the Sultan's newest advisor. The former street rat not only can use magic, but helped slay the Sand Witches, and he is interested both in her former profession and her new one.
What do they discuss? 1d2: 2! Magic!
Diplomacy Contest, Holmes vs. Sadira.
Holmes: 1d100+12: 81!
Sadira: 1d100+12+5 (Friend to Power): 101!
Sadira success!
Both people make a good impression on the other. Sadira is awestruck by Holmes's blinding intelligence, and Holmes respects her tenacity and kind spirit.
Result: Holmes has developed an unlikely friendship with Sadira! Personals have been modified accordingly.
Watson: Work for the Sultan. 1d100+16+10: 85! Watson's health regime for the Royal Family is paying dividends. The Sultan has lost a significant amount of unnecessary weight, and feels better than he has in years. Jasmine practically glows with good health. The staff are all strong and healthy. He also undertakes the cleaning and sanitation of the septic system and plumbing and institutes a boiling order for the city. Honestly, Agrabah has never been better.
As a result of Watson's string of successes, his "British Physician" trait has been modified! He gains an additional +5 bonus when working in Agrabah in general, and +10 for the palace and the Royal Family!
Moriarty and Moran
Moriarty: One action. 1-2: Going for a second Learning action; 3=Something else. 1d3: 3! What action? Auto-choose: Star Charts!
Star Charts, DC 40: 1d100+25+30: 155! Nat 100! Explosion reroll: 38! Total: 193! Planetary-scale critical success! Having adjusted to the oddness of the skies, Moriarty swiftly charts it. In the process, he discovers, for lack of a better word, 'gaps' where space bends and touches widely disparate points. Whoever controls the 'gaps' has unparalleled access to the world.
How much does he share with Frollo? Intrigue check, Moriarty vs. Frollo:
Moriarty: 1d100+25+15: 93!
Frollo: 1d100+21+10 (suspects everything: 56!
Moriarty success!
Moriarty opts to share the star map, but conceals from Frollo the information regarding the gaps. Frollo, gearing up for his grand crusade, is so grateful to have a map with which his troops can navigate that he doesn't even stop to suspect that Moriarty might not have told him the entire truth.
Result: Frollo now has updated star charts! Moriarty knows about the 'gaps', but has neglected to share the information with Frollo.
Thanks to the incredible critical success, Moriarty has gained +1 Learning!
Moran: Two actions. Actions list: Launch the Eastward Crusade (locked); Recruit troops; plan a counter-offensive against the Cauldron-born; scouting expedition; push against Maleficent's forces. 1d4: 2! Plan a counter-offensive!
Counter-offensive plans, DC 75: 1d100+20+10: 76! Bare success! Time spent on the crusade limits the focus Moran can bring to the northern threat of the undead, but with that being said he does manage to draft up a good plan. Undead are not fought like one does the living; they have no morale to break, no lines of communication to disrupt, cannot starve, thirst, or drown. They are very vulnerable to fire, and from what he's learned and seen they appear to rely upon the Cauldron mists for motivation. As such, he prepares plans for formations that utilize weapons to burn the monsters, explosives to blow them to smithereens, and artillery to smash holes in their lines.
The Eastward Crusade, DC 90: 1d100+12+20+10+10 (Long-term preparations): 93! Bare success! The crusade is off to a start, but Frollo's armies barely cross the border into Germany before they encounter resistance in the form of Queen Grimhilde's armies.
Grimhilde's general: 1d3: 1! Sigmund Igthorne!
To Be Continued…
Creating a network, 321/500: 1d100+25+30+20+10+20 (gap knowledge): 185! 506/500! Network complete! Moriarty and Moran have used their time wisely, and now have infiltrated the entirety of Frollo's government! Even the legal and diplomatic corps are their.
Does Frollo suspect? DC 85+20, 1d100+21+10: 83! Frollo, focused east, is clueless as to the threat posed by his general and chief scientist.
Trait gained! "The Spider's Web" - thanks to his thorough infiltration of Frollo's government, Moriarty gains +60 to all Intrigue rolls within France, and +10 with its immediate neighbors. He can use this network to launch a coup against Frollo, and his opening move, thanks to having passed the competitive checks, will retain its full advantage when supplanting the Demon Pope.
Action unlocked! "Memento Frollo Mori" - Slay the Lich, and take over France for your own!
???, DC 80: 1d100+25+30+10+10: 147! Massive success! As the tendrils of Moriarty's network creeps over the world, they run into those of another network heading the opposite way. Moriarty is left with a burning question: Who is the man, the myth, known only as "The Raptor"?
Iago is left with a burning question: Who is the man, the myth, known only as "The Professor"?
Flynn Ryder
Ryder has two actions. What does he choose to do? 1=Study Arabic, 2=meet people, 3=Explore Ababwa, 4=Find somewhere to live. 1d4: 1! Study Arabic! Does he do it alone, or seek out a teacher? 1d3: 1! He tries doing it alone.
Arabic practice, A1: 0/100, 1d100+6: 28! Flynn tries, he really does. And to his credit, he did manage to teach himself Italian back before the Upheaval. But Arabic is known as one of the most difficult languages for a non-native to learn for a
reason. It takes him two weeks before he realizes he's supposed to read it from right to left, not left to right.
Some progress is made - he learns a few basic greetings and now knows how to ask for the toilet - but little is accomplished beyond that.
Trait unlocked: Student of Arabic! His current progress is A1, 28/100. His efforts at communicating in Arabic suffer a -20 malus, instead of an automatic failure.
What else does he do? 1d3: 2! Explore Ababwa! Intrigue or Diplomacy? 1d2: 2! Diplomacy DC: 50. "Gentleman Thief" activates! DC 40, 1d100+10: 25! He's feeling cocky, and that rubs people the wrong way. -5 malus. 1d100+10-5: 66! Success! Flynn's strut around the town is a productive venture; he checks out most of the public venues, and learns street names and regions as a part of his efforts to learn Arabic.
Result: Flynn has familiarized himself with Ababwa, and can no longer get lost when roaming the city. His effort in learning the names of places and buildings has granted him (1d5+1: 6!) +6 to his Arabic studies, leaving him at 34/100!
The Maldonia Contingent
Von Lettow
Von Lettow's priorities: Martial, Learning, Personal: Self-Reflection.
Martial: 1=Drill your troops; 2=Patrol. 1d2: 1! Drill your troops! After Staquait's encounter with Chaos, Von Lettow decides to take some time to drill his men on anti-magic tactics. He leverages his own experience fighting Queen La and his close call with Ursula to help his men learn how best to combat them.
Drilling the troops, DC 35/70/100: 1d100+20+20-5: 67! One degree of success! Being the commander of a ship, perhaps the greatest threat his men face is creatures that can manipulate the weather; accordingly, he drills them in the procedures one would use when adjusting sail, combat, and other considerations when dealing with rapidly changing and/or extreme weather conditions.
Result: Von Lettow's men suffer reduced maluses when battling a foe who can manipulate the weather to their advantage.
Learning: Study Arabic (locked). Current progress: A2, 27/150. 1d100+20+5-5: 81! Language mastery progresses to 108/150! Von Lettow's fluency grows by the day, and within two months he can hold basic conversations with people in Arabic.
Self-Reflection: Learning DC 60, 1d100+20-5: 38! Failure! Von Lettow is still angered and grieved by what he has learned about the future, and his friends worry that it might see him slip into a depression. -5 malus to all rolls retained.
Jean Staquait
Colonel Staquait's priorities: Intrigue, Martial, Stewardship!
Intrigue: Chaos. Staquait will never forget the sheer horror he felt upon being played and manipulated by that damned cat, and he will never let himself be caught by surprise again.
Intrigue DC 75: 1d100+12: 43! Failure!
d1-fish=Table Flip Interrupt! Auto bare success!
Maldonian archives have nothing on the creature, and the vague reports from Egypt contribute nothing that Staquait doesn't already know from his own encounter with Chaos.
…until he sees reports about a strange upheaval coming from Egypt. People and buildings appearing from nothing, wearing strange clothing and speaking ancient languages. It would appear that Chaos has power over time as well as matter. How utterly terrifying.
Martial: 1=Train the troops, 2=go on patrol. 1d2: 1! Training! On what? 1=Swordsmanship, 2=drill and marching, 3=artillery, 4=experimental tech. 1d4: 3! Ammunition is limited for the artillery they have, but Staquait manages to get his old light artillery piece attached to his unit.
DC 40, 1d100+17+5: 54! Success! Within two months, his company has all been trained in quick-firing light artillery, although the small amount of ammunition means that they only fire a few shots in training. Maluses when using artillery have been eliminated!
Stewardship: 1=open a bank account, 2=invest in Dumont and Friends, 3=buy some personal supplies. 1d3: 2! Staquait uses some of his paycheck to become an investor in Renard Dumont's new conglomerate.
DC 0, 1d100+13: 57! Staquait earns a 5.7% return on his investment, and is quite pleased with the dividends. He (1d2: 1) saves the profit, and plans on opening a bank account soon.
Dumont and Friends:
Renard Dumont
Run your import/export business: 1d100+20+10+20: 95! Thanks to the influx of visitors celebrating the birth of the heir, business is booming! Dumont is quite pleased with how business is going, although he is aware that recent successes are due to a temporary state-of-being and he needs to develop more constant sources of income.
Remy Baudoin
Run your restaurant: 1d100+12-1+10+20+5 (Patronized by the Prince of Ababwa)+5 (Letters from Indy): 115! Between the hundreds of foreign visitors, the benefit of a visit from Prince Aladdin, and the morale boost from receiving news from his friend Indy, life is going well for the Belgian. There's even a lovely lady who has taken to eating most of her meals there, and seems to favor him with her smile.
Hooft and Hugo
Run the brewery: 1d100+15+6+15+5+20 (Amateur Brewers): 122! Massive success! In addition to making alcohol for Remy and Renard, the two friends have also started their own bar. They specialize in beer, wine, and whiskey, and have begun experimenting with scotch. Both men are happy as clams, and reveling in their new-found popularity and wealth.
Albert and Joey
Run the stable: 1d100+17+20+5+20: 118! Albert's stable is booming, and Joey is having the time of his life. The old war horse is in high demand as a stud, and seemingly half of the brood mares are carrying his foals. Between his form, temper, and seemingly endless strength and endurance, his progeny promises to be of the highest caliber of equines.
.9+1.1+1.2+1.2=4.4. 4.4% growth in their conglomerate over the past two months.
Dantes and Madellaine
Study time! 1d6: 6! Nothing is learned, but both manage to keep up the other person's morale.