Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)
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Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back".

NOT a Genie.

Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least.

Aladdin is, of course, the MC. He's got a genuinely loyal country, since the Genie's an absolute bro, and gave him people he could save, and, well, saved them.

The whole premise is that Genie created an entire nation whole cloth, complete with a population and history. And while Aladdin did know that he only became Prince Ali via a wish, presumably, not being a total dick, Genie gave him the knowledge necessary to be Prince Ali, and didn't just make him the prince of a forged nation without giving him any information about it.
A Hidden Treasure of the Kingdom of Ababwa (Canon)
(I was feeling inspired by how this could work out, so have an omake.)

A Hidden Treasure of the Kingdom of Ababwa

In the kitchen of the palace in the kingdom of Ababwa, a pair of cooks watches as one of the oldest members of the kitchen staff toddles past carrying a jar almost as big as herself.

"You need any helps Agnes? You have been working late so often and those jars are so big."

"That would be awfully kind, but I'm still able enough for the work. Just need to get this down to the storehouse."

Agnes walks through the doorway, ducking down to keep the jar from clipping the doorframe. The cooks return to their work, though one keeps looking at the other. After a moment he speaks up.

"You know she's a witch."

"A hedgewitch, she doesn't have enough magic to do more than have a spoon stir itself. Besides, you know how the wish worked. She wouldn't be here if she had malice, and she does good work."

"For now, but she's obsessed with something. You can see it in her eyes, I remember seeing that look. And even if she means no harm, obsession always leads to trouble. Besides, do you even know what was in that jar?"

"Well, no. But you worry too much."

"Someone has to."


While the cooks talk, Agnes herself heads down the hallways of the palace, turning corridors and stairways, heading further and further down into the depths of the palace. Few give her mind, having gotten used to seeing her past by with those large jars. Down at one of the lowest levels of the palace she puts her jar down by a locked door. She looks to the right and the left, then withdraws from her sleeve a key which she turn widdershins in the lock.

Upon opening the door, Agnes takes the jar inside to rest with the forty other large jars, above rests shelves holding countless lesser jars of glass compared them to the jars below.

"Got to have a nice wedding gift for the lovely prince. Needs to be just right."

Agnes moves deeper into her private storage/workplace where a large cauldron rests. She lights the fire beneath it, reheating the liquid resting within it while a spoon starts to stir the mixture on its own. Taking a bottle from her belt, she pours it in, smiling as red fumes rise up.

"Excellent, the essence is bending perfectly. Soon it will ready, having all these herbs makes this much easier, no risk of burning for asking questions."

She takes another spoon from her belt and helps herself to a slip.

"Mmm, fine taste this one. One last mix and then cooling and my gift will be ready. I'm certain that he and his bride will love this supply of exotic jams! Hahahahah!!"
Investigations of a Lost Lair (Canon)
Well bunnies bit so why not?

Investigations of a lost lair

Razoul was far from happy about the current situation as he marched into a side room of the palace accompanied by a number of his men. His majesty, the Sultan and Princess Jasmine had just barely escaped Alleh-knows-what at the hands of the vizier-turned-usurper-and-sorcerer; the filthy street rat that had been the eternal bane of his (and just about every other member of Agrabah's guard) existence had become a 'prince' of a magically-created kingdom; said 'prince' had been wooing the Princess and finally; the never-sufficiently-bedamned Jafar managed to escape the city with his life.

'Though' Razoul chuckled to himself 'missing a few parts.'

"Hey! If I could drag you away from memories of bloodshed and mayhem can we get a move on here? None of us are getting any younger!"

And that was the final straw stacking up in an overall miserable day. The creature everyone had seen as Jafar's pet parrot was in fact far more intelligent then it had let on. Fortunately it still only had the capabilities of a mundane parrot meaning a metal cage was sufficient to keep it captive. Unfortunately they couldn't simply kill the bird or throw it in a cell since the street rat has pointed out (and the Sultan had agreed) that it might know the locations of any bolt holes Jafar had made. A reasonable point (even if agreeing with the street rat on anything made his guts turn) but what he was currently being told was ridiculous.

"Really, a passage hidden here?"

The parrot snorted, looking disgusted and waved a wing at one of the hanging lamps. "Really sword-for-brains? It would be stupid of me to lie to any of you about this because my life is on the line. And I like living! So yank the cord and we'll see who looks like an idiot today."

Biting back a growl Razoul nodded to Abdur, the guard in question proceeding to pull of the indicated lamp cord. At the sudden 'click' and the sound of grinding stone as one of the walls slid away his blood went cold. As the captain of the Royal Guard, he was one of the handful of individuals with complete knowledge of the numerous secret passages and rooms that threaded the palace; from the escape tunnel in the back of the throne room to the vast siege stores kept in case the city was attacked. That a hidden passageway existed this close to the throne room and royal bedchambers that he didn't know about?! Even if the traitor had stored nothing here, it had to be rectified at once.

"Nabeeh, go to architect el-Farha and inform him the guard requires his expertise at once. He'll understand the situation when he gets here. You two, stand guard. Do not allow anyone to enter or leave. Aaish, Saqr, Saleet; with me."

Storming up the revealed staircase, he idly noted that the parrot was attempting to be as small and quiet as possible. Apparently it had figured out that nobody present was going to accept any back-talk or comments right now. Throwing open the heavy wooden door at the top of the stairs the guards (with caged bird in tow) barreled into the room. Even having no true experience with the arcane, Razoul could tell this place was Jafar's lair. Selves covered with strange reagents and tomes in a multitude of languages covered the walls; work-tables with strange devices and tools scattered about along with a massive metallic structure suspended above a pillar in the middle of the room.

"Reference books are over there, Jafar's personal notes and journals are in that pile, the two heaps on the left should be safe to shove aside but don't go anywhere near the blue shelves without some good gloves and wraps. Whatver's in there made half my feathers fall out the one time I made that mistake." Iago quirked a brow at the looks the guards were sending him due to the freely offered information. "What? Jafar may have been great at finding all sorts of magical trinkets but he couldn't organize to save his life. I don't want to end up roast parrot because you lot poked or shook the wrong thing up here."

A low grunt was Razoul's sole acknowledgement of the point. Still, the amount of materials and records scattered about the lair where far too much for his men. He was going to have to grab a dozen or so scholars from those working at the palace to help catalog everything and put together a proper report.

"Sir! You need to see this." came Aaish's exclamation from the top of the pillar. When Razoul saw what had disturbed the normally level-headed man so much, rage boiled in the back of his mind all over again. Suspended above a cobra-themed hourglass was a ring. And not just any ring but one that should have always been with the Sultan; the Blue Diamond of Agrabah. Something that was as much a symbol of royalty as the sultan's robes and turban. A ring that he now recalled had not been worn by the Sultan recently.

"What. Is. This. Doing here?"

Iago simply blinked and gave a shrug. "That thing? Jafar needed the Blue Diamond as a reagent to scry which smuck could enter the Cave of Wonders, so he took it. Guess he never got around to putting it away when we were done."

Making a mental note that if Jafar was ever captured, he was to go into the crocodile pit toes first; Razoul set the parrot's cage down and removed a small bit of cloth from his belt. Removing the Blue Diamond from the snake-like contruction and carefully wrapping it, he headed towards the exit while ordering his men to keep inspecting the room. He had an initial report to give to the Sultan and an heirloom to return.

'At least one thing is going right today.'

AN: The Agrabah palace canonically has a bunch of secret passages as per 'Destiny on Fire' and Razoul knows them well. As for the Blue Diamond, the sultan said "But it's been in the family for years" so I'm reading it as more of an heirloom than just something he started wearing. And yes, over the course of the movies and series Razoul has been shown to be extremely loyal (but not blindly) to the Princess and Sultan while not being a person who shies away from violence.
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If At First You Don't Succeed... (Canon)
If At First You Don't Succeed...

Prince Hans Westergaard, one of the many spares of the Southern Isles, found his panic intensifying.

"Sir, the storm has no end!" The helmsman shouted back to its Captain, as Hans found his throat dry despite the wetness of the sea. No. He couldn't die here.

Before him was a never ending storm, shards of hail plummeting down like daggers from the sky, the storm clearly magical in nature. It roared down upon them with a murderous fervor, his ship swaying back and forth in response, as if threatening to tip over.

"Keep pushing onwards!" He managed to yell, forcing his body to move through the terrifying winds, the sounds of his crew, the remnants of his very Kingdom, screaming with fright, some being taken by the sea's grip and forced off the wooden sanctity beneath them. "We move South, until we've found shore! We can't be long for it now!" His cries were met with a lack of enthusiasm by the remainder of his people, though they followed his orders regardless - what choice did they have left?

They'd left off the Southern port of Arendelle in a frenzy, ships being torn asunder by icy winds without comparison, a shrill scream carried throughout the furious icy winds, one of heartbreak and loss. There had been no time for plans, or great manipulations; the instinct for survival and self-preservation was all that kept him alive.

He'd had his sword at the ready, prepared to bring it down on the Queen, reap the rewards he'd been setting himself up to plunder. But something in her voice brought him down, maybe it was the sobs of despair - perhaps he could have controlled this situation? After all, all the easier to take over the Kingdom if there was still a Queen in charge. Yes, he could work with this.

That quickly came crashing down when those sobs turned into screams. No longer just despair, now there was a fierce rage and hatred in her cries; the winds picked up and with a cry, the prince found himself flying back at the furiousness of it; feet lifted off the ground, he landed harshly on the solid ice, wind forced out from his lungs. The sky above began to pick up, thunder crackled overhead, and Hans felt true fear. Looking back to the Queen, he found her huddled in on herself, vulnerable. Yet his hands shook, and his fear forced him back. Hans fled.

In the present, Hans knew he'd been overly lucky as it was, to have avoided death so many times already. It appeared that luck had run itself dry, as with a mighty wave, he felt the floors beneath him disappear, the ship toppling on its side. All around him, voices cried out in distress, but there was nothing to be done about it.

As the icy cold beneath him enveloped his form, Hans prepared himself for a slow death.

It was to the sounds of voices chattering in a foreign language that the prince awoke. His eyes flickered open, the skies above a clear blue that he couldn't be more thankful for. Tilting his head, he eyed a few soldiers, metal plated helms, and swords at their sides. Their language was familiar, and he quickly picked up on the nationality - German. He'd learned a few languages in his youth, and German was one he'd picked up on almost as easily as his native language. The men were going on about the multitude of bodies that littered the beach, and that the "Queen" would need to be informed.

Something inside of Hans snapped back into place at the words. With a great strain on his muscles, he barely lifted himself up, a man squawking at the sight, before quickly surrounding him, weapons pointed at the nearly dead man. A few notes of warning were shouted out at him, but even so the prince stood, and with a heavy breath he spoke to the soldiers.

"I… am Prince Hans Westergaard, of the Southern Isles. I believe your Queen would be most interested in what I have to tell her."
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The Robin Cries (Non-Canon)
The Robin Cries

Time: The Future
Type: Communist Robot Dystopia

Lewis breathed deeply, then he did it again, faster and faster. Panic overtook him. His body was shaking now, calm illusive.

"Clang" Lewis dropped the screwdriver he was holding. He couldn't fix the time machine. If he couldn't fix the time machine he'd be stuck in a world of nightmares. Tears clouded Lewis's vision, calm hopeless.

The mind-controlled hat people were still hitting the front-view window of the time machine. Behind them was a industrial landscape filled with smoke, red light, and shadows. Lewis's breath had turned into sobs, which he knew would eat into his time to repair the machine if he didn't fix the machine, right now! Snot now clouded Lewis's nose, messing up his breathing, another thing to ignore.

Shattering glass gave the signal, the time machine's front window was broken. Lewis had run out of time. The hat people easily dragged Lewis out of the time machine. Doris's voice came from one of the hat people.

"You were never going to escape. The future is now," the hatted-person said. Silently, Lewis stared into the neon light of the robot hat. He was trapped, with no way out. The hatted people carried Lewis away from the time machine.

"None of that now, I have a deal for you kid," a voice came into his ear. Lewis moved his eyes, without moving his head. The hatted people marched with Lewis, as if they didn't hear the voice Lewis did. Lewis still had a hope of a chance to fix the time machine!

"Agree to become a citizen of Ababwa and I can take you away from here. Fair warning, I can't help you fix the time machine. I can't help you escape these golems by fighting them, or causing a distraction. I'm restricted in ways that are unfair and crazy. You have until you reach the hat chair to verbally say yes or no. That's about an hour." Then the voice went silent.

Lewis was left to think on his options. Surrounded by Doris's goons made trying to ask the voice questions a bad idea, he might get hatted sooner. Lewis couldn't take a third option right now. If he could get away from here though...

"Yes," Lewis spoke. Some of the hat people turned their faces to Lewis. Red lights on the hats shining bright.

"Yes, I agree to become a citizen of Ababwa. I need the whole thing," the voice said. The hat people once again did not react to the voice in anyway Lewis could see. Still carrying Lewis to an unknown destination.

"Yes, I agree to become a citizen of Ababwa," confirmed Lewis.

With the words spoken, Lewis immediately found himself on a balcony overlooking a stone city. The heat of the sun giving Lewis pain. Lewis had always been an indoors person. At least Doris isn't here.

Lewis smiled, he was free. He didn't know where he is, but he could now face the future with more time available. More importantly, someone teleported him here. That person should have the tech to build a time machine. Then Lewis can leave this future and fix it.

"So, a few things," the voice came from Lewis's right. The same voice that had given Lewis the deal. In a lounge chair lay a blue half-naked man, near the blue man was a wooden barrel of water, a table with cups of water to the blue man's left, and an empty lawn chair Lewis bumped into as Lewis turned to the right.

"I'm a genie with phenomenal cosmic power, but better called magic. I grant three wishes to each master. You being here is a result of a wish granted. And this is far in the past of a version of your world, around a thousand years. Give or subtract a few centuries," the genie's words flowed fast. Lewis heard words he was unfamiliar with, in a language he was familiar with, which took a few minutes to process what he was hearing.

"What? Could you send me home?" If this is the past, that would mean he time traveled again. Why didn't the genie send him home?

"Yeah, I cannot send you out of this time. I was able to pluck you from your time because a wish I stretched really far, with some limitations, was made. You had to agree to be a citizen of Ababwa, and because you are a citizen of Ababwa, I have no power to send you to your own time. The role of my powers with you in the wish, ended by bringing you to Ababwa. If you want to travel to other years you have to do it on your own, or become my master, make a wish, and to your time you go. This city is Ababwa, home of some really good doctors, war animals, many citizens that are willing to be citizens of Ababwa under Prince Ali, or Aladdin, a street child turned prince from a wish." The genie explained.

"What was the wish?" asked Lewis as he sat down on the empty lawn chair near the genie.

"I wish to be a prince. That's the wish. Normally, to fulfill this wish, a person would need to be born into the position, or put there by people. I went with the people's choice. More people can be helped with a prince in the right location."

Lewis is a terrible people person, he knew that. His struggle to notice other people is part of why the bad future he was saved from happened. Repeatedly making the mistake to ignore people was something he needed to fix. Which is why Lewis asked, "Who would make a wish like that?"

"Aladdin, the guy I'm trusting a lot on. Aladdin is human, like you. Unlike you, he is a thief with no other way to survive, until he became my master. If he wasn't human he wouldn't have wished to be a prince." The genie paused, then continued, "Aladdin made the wish to talk with a princess."

"All this, because a guy wanted a girl?!?" Lewis threw his arms to the side gesturing at the city, the trees, the sand, everything. How dumb, to be rescued from a horrible fate because you are not important, merely a part of the color scheme.

"You have freedom. If you don't want to be a citizen, you can leave the city and go elsewhere in the world. You won't be magically transported to the time you came from or magically forced somewhere unpleasant for backing out on the deal. No way to stop natural predators and dangers on the road, that responsibility is your own. If you stay, I can give you a house to live in and help you adjust to being a citizen of Ababwa," the genie's tone stayed at an even pace, no hostility, no irritation, more of a statement of fact retold thousands of times.

"Sounds like no choice," Lewis grumbled.

"There's always a choice. I could have chosen not to make you the deal at all." The genie pointed out.

"Why didn't you take the deal to the hatted people?" Lewis quetioned.

"Because you could take the deal, those hatted people had no will that is not the golem's will. I do not make deals with golems, their purpose is fulfilling to them. They have few desires outside their purpose."

Lewis took a cup of water on the table between himself and the genie. The genie left Lewis to his thoughts. After the cups of water had all been drunk, Lewis made a choice.

"Alright, I'll stay."

The genie cheerily spoke, "Great, I'll show you around. Introduce you to people. Welcome to Ababwa kid, what's your name?"


"Hi Lewis, I'm Genie."

The future is now. Keep moving forward.

AN: Genie took "From across the ages, he took the desperate, the dying, the sick, and the poor, and gave them all the knowledge of their new lives, gave them a home, gave them so much." Given the setting of the villains being almost victorious, "Meet the Robinsons" does not end well unless that happy ending is achieved. And Genie's three rules, cannot kill people (people is a very vague term), cannot force someone to fall in love, and cannot bring back the dead. I choose to interpret those three rules as cannot kill members of the animal kingdom, cannot mind control, and can't do incredibly obvious necromancy. Lewis failing to fix the time machine due to stress, only to be saved by Genie, a possible time traveler. This scenario is something I could see Genie do, and I want to see someone call Genie out on selling a paradise to the desperate just so one guy could try and impress a girl. I doubt I got the character "voice" right.

Without proper infrastructure, Lewis isn't much help with his intellect, and he could always try to build a time machine to go into the future in the background, or never become a character Aladdin interacts with.

Edit: The language conflict possibility is something I imagine is smoothed over by magic. Being able to speak with the fellow citizens of Ababwa is something so obvious genie wouldn't voice it, and everyone would eventually realize that everyone in Ababwa speaks the same language, so long as they were picked up by Genie.
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Family Bonding (Canon)
Family Bonding

The downtrodden prince of the Underworld sulked in isolation, the overbearing sense of responsibility beating down upon the young God. With an inability to remain idle, the boy strummed his fingers along his cool, almost obsidian colored wooden desk. Upon it, the last of his uncle's and aunt's letters.

"Dear Zagreus! I hope you'll be able to make it to the festivities this time around! I know your father is a bit of a party pooper but that's no reason to beat yourself to death over it… ha! Your Aunt Hera misses you terribly, and Demeter was asking for you last I heard. Hope to hear back from you soon.


The boy skimmed the letters again, all asking for him to make their acquaintance on Olympus when he had the chance. It left him feeling loved and welcomed in a way the Underworld never had. A slow knock echoed in his room, and Zagreus turned for a moment, considering the idea of leaving the person waiting. However, with a sigh he stood to answer it.

"Yes?" He asked, opening the door just a crack - blue, hellish flames were immediately apparent, as Zagreus recognized his awkwardly scrawny, bony father. He looked somewhat sheepish. With a sigh, the boy couldn't help but glare. "Yes father? Here to leave me in my room for another couple decades?"

His old man coughed, a puff of smoke exiting his lips as he did, but waved his arms in the negative. "Actually, ugh, kiddo! I wanted to say that your grounding is officially lifted!" Father was being remarkably cheerful, the teen noted with a raised brow. "I finished what I had to do, and you're welcome to peruse the Underworld at your leisure once again."

"I see…" the boy remarked, a spark of excitement entering his form. "And Olympus? Am I welcome to visit now?" He asked against hope, but somehow, against all odds, Hades just smiled, an air of cheerfulness to his father that was simply odd.

"Zag, I'll be showing you around Olympus personally when I get the chance! You've missed a lot, and boy have there been some changes!" Zagreus felt a cold chill go down his spine at the suggestion of changes. Father was always ambitious, and spiteful but… he'd have never struck out against family, would he? Despite himself, Zagreus knew the answer to that already.

"Anyways," his father cut off those terrifying thoughts, "why not go hangout with Achilles, talk with Medusa, or heck go play with Cerberus! Old boy has missed you, I can barely get him to stop whining nowadays." His father grumbled, Zagreus scowling in return.

"And whose fault might that be?" He questioned coldly, Hades flinching in return.

"Look, Zag… we haven't exactly, talked much," his father tried to broach it carefully, Zagreus only scowling further.

"Ever," he corrected his father. "We've never really talked."

Hesitation, and then a nod. "Right. Yeah, we don't talk at all. That's probably my fault, but hey, I've been pretty busy! Well, my schedule just cleared up, and I was thinking, you and me kiddo, we could go fishing on the River Styx if you want! Would be like old times, what'dya think?"

The teenager stared at his father for quite some time, stunned by the suggestion. "Is this mother's doing?" He eventually asked, crossing his arms, "did she ask you to do this?"

Hades looked offended for a moment, before shaking his head. "Your mom thinks we should talk more, but this is all Hades right here! C'mon Zag, have more faith in your old man than that!"

"... Two days then," Zagreus said, feeling his heart pickup, but unwilling to let himself hesitate. "River Styx… I want the good rod." He shut the door in his fathers face, the gust of air threatening to put out his flame.

Hades stood at the door, before a rather bright smile lit his face, "Ha! You can have it!" He said loudly, content to know he'd have some time to bond with his son.

Now. He had a visit to pay to some prisoners.
Butterfly Wings and Stranger Things (Canon)
Butterfly Wings and Stranger Things

The large hunter fiddled furiously with the itchy collar strapped to his neck. His nice clothing had been replaced with dreadfully boorish cloth of a more alien make. It was among the articles of clothing provided to him by Muntz, better at least than the rags he'd been wearing when they'd found him. Gaston took an idle glance out the large glass window of the airship, feeling himself grow queasy at the vast expanse before him, the ground so far away from his feet. Best to look away, he thought to himself, holding back his food.

With a sigh, he bent down in his seat, securing his boots for the third time in the last few minutes, tying them tightly, before moving to secure his blunderbuss, the only comfort he'd had afforded to him in this… this prison! Oh sure, being surrounded by men like Clayton and McLeach sounded like the best time, men that could share his passions with him! But this damn collar! It divided him from his fellow hunters, pointed him out as a Frenchman that couldn't keep up with these… these American's! As far as they were concerned, he was just another one of the dog's for now.

"Hello." A gentle, tiny voice shook the man from his furious thinking, being translated back to him through the damned collar. He swept his head toward the voice, prepared to roar at their interruption, before stopping suddenly. A petite child, blonde of hair and wearing a knee length dress, blue and white of color, the girl herself no more than twelve. She fiddles with her hands momentarily, before offering him a slight bow. "My name is Alice, and I've, well I haven't the chance to speak to anyone aside from some delightful dogs, for quite some time, and you seem… new, yes I do believe that's the right word for it."

Gaston allows the girl to speak, taken aback by her cheerful nature. It's the first anyone has bothered speaking to him in quite some time. And even so… "Leave me be." He decides on, gruffly shooing her with a hand. His only speaking companion, a child? Ha!

The girl frowns suddenly, letting out a sigh. "Oh, I… I apologize sir, I haven't had the chance to speak to anyone for some time now, as I said before, and I thought…" her eyes begin to water and for a moment Gaston can't quite process what's about to happen, before he realizes suddenly. She's about to cry.

"Stop, stop," he begged with desperation, waving his hands about. She sniffled, holding in a breath, Gaston sighing. "Sit." He remarked coldly, pushing out a nearby seat for the girl. She sniffled once more, choking down the beginnings of a sob before complying. In silence they sat, Gaston angrily cleaning his gun, while Alice sat with her hands in her lap.

"Do you shoot many things?" She asked eventually, tone more even, though still with the lingering threat of tears on the precipice.

The hunter waited, considering. "I'm a hunter, actually." He clarified, a note of pride coming out through his voice, the girl's eyes appearing to light up. "Game Warden of my hometown, in fact." He boasted, for what felt like the first time in ever, the child leaning forward eagerly.

"Oh, that sounds most dangerous - did you ever get frightened?" She questioned with childish innocence, Gaston laughing in a bestial manner in response, Alice jumping at the sudden sound. He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I've never been scared before," he offered with a boisterous grin. The memories of an animal, double his height and with the wits of a man, flashed through his mind, and Gaston went silent. He remained silent a few more seconds, before sighing. "... Once, actually." Alice tilted her head, legs swinging below her seat.

"Might I ask about it?" She inquired curiously, Gaston gritting his teeth. Still… he could occupy the girl, and he'd never had the chance to tell anyone this particular story.

"It was… a beast, unlike any other." He offered quietly, unlike him, his hands clenching tightly into fists.

"A lion? Perhaps a tiger… no, a bear, wasn't it?" Alice asked quickly, Gaston eventually settling on an amused smile.

"Larger, and more dangerous than all of them put into one." He said with an ominous air, Alice gasping dramatically, but utterly sincerely. "It was the toughest hunt I've ever had… and I almost died in the process." He spoke solemnly, leaning back to remember the moment.

Alice waited along with him, before speaking, "How did you kill it?"

The sight of the Beast roaring above him, claws at the ready and prepared to kill him in a single blow, felt as if it were happening all over again. But then… the roof gave out beneath the creature, sparing him as the Beast let out a guttural and mournful cry, plummeting to its death.

"Ingenuity and quick wits," he answered back eventually, flashing a smile to the child, which she met back with one of her own.

"How brave," she said with a note of awe, before pouting. "I've never been much for bravery myself. Foolishness, my sister used to tell me, was more of what I tended to act upon," Alice appeared to go sullen, sinking into her seat. "I… do miss my sister. I wonder what happened to her?" Gaston winced at the sound of the child's heartache, struggling to muster the compassion to say something… compassionate?

"Foolishness and bravery are two sides of the same coin," he settled on, drawing the girl out of her thoughts. "Without being at least somewhat foolish, you'll never have the drive to be brave. Being courageous is rarely the smart thing to do." He spoke boldly, crossing his arms and speaking with a fervent passion.

Alice hung on the words, before smiling brightly. "I suppose, you must be right." She said back, appearing tickled by the thought of being brave. "I must be very brave then," she spoke, ending with a giggle, the first since Gaston had met her.

Gaston felt rather pleased with himself at having gotten the laughter out of the curious child, before continuing to regale her with tales of his exploits. "Hunting isn't all I've done," he enticed her with a grin, the girl leaning forward eagerly at hints of a new tale. "Why just a few nights before, I was evading the dastardly grips of these lunatics!" Alice gasped, while Gaston allowed his story to intensify with passion. "Following the deranged orders of their leader, the 'Immortal Pope Frollo'," Gaston let out a scoff at the name, Alice nodding with wide eyes, "they apparently heard rumors of 'magic' in our town, and set to burning it to the ground! Well, I managed to take a few shots at those crazies, and I escaped their torment."

The girl could hardly contain her excitement, eyes wide like saucers and firmly gripping the edge of her seat.

"I was rescued by our… 'illustrious leader'," Gaston rolled his eyes, "a few miles from town. A shame, as I'd finally managed to gather up a pittance of funds through hunting the local wildlife. Though I imagine that's what drew the attention of this lot." Gaston settled back in his seat, more cheerful than he'd been, but once more reminded of his current situation - forcibly admitted into the ranks of this… Hunters Guild.

"I…" the girl began, looking around carefully, with fear. Cocking a brow, Gaston twirled a finger round, gesturing for her to move along her words. "I don't much like… That Man." She eventually said, clearly referencing the leader. "His eyes are cold." She settled on, looking in this moment very frightened.

The larger man frowned, letting out a sigh. "You're safe here at least," he offered his reassurance to the girl, who looked up before nodding with a gentle smile. "Besides," he spoke with a grin, "we're both prisoners here in a manner of speaking."

"Misery adores company." Alice agreed.

A few miles away

From the view of the treetops, a giant figure hung atop one, his form too large and bulky to seem as if it could possibly manage such a task as dextrous as climbing it. Nonetheless, the beastly figure somehow did, letting out an angry huff. Adorned across the creature's neck, a bright green amulet in the shape of a reptilian eye, hung ominously. Eyeing the fleeting foreign vehicle that traveled across the air, the creature gazed at it with a deep set hatred.

With quick movements, it climbed down to the bottom level of the forest, comfortable to apparently continue its travels on foot. The Hunters Guild traveled, searching for its latest hunt, and the Beast followed.
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The Gur Khan's Journey (Canon)
The Gur Khan's Journey

The steppe was cold at night, but Jamukha was too deep in contemplation to notice. Around him, the assembled khans of the great Kurultai bickered and shouted, filling the yurt with an incomprehensible din - few words could have been understood over the clamor, but few were necessary. All of them - Merkits, Tatars, Mongols of all tribes - knew why the assembly had been called, the Khamug Confederation reforged. All knew the great menace they faced, Jamukha better than most. Yet few could agree on a path forward.

It was fear of Shan Yu, the great Hun, that had gathered these myriad people of the steppe in Jamukha's yurt - Shan Yu, once only a single warlord among hundreds, now a juggernaut. Many of the gathered leaders had ridden with their soldiers into China in years past, stealing trade goods or livestock before disappearing back onto the steppe. Shan Yu had sought a larger prize - China itself. Shaming them all with his daring and ambition, he had crossed the great wall and shattered the Imperial armies set before him. How long, now, would it be before the Emperor fell? And once China fell, how long could the Mongols remain free?

Shan Yu would brook no rivals to his new Hunnic Empire, Jamukha knew that much. And so many tribes bad been absorbed into the triumphant ranks of the Huns already - those gathered before Jamukha would be little match for the conqueror. What, then, to do? Some counseled to strike at Shan Yu now, with his conquest still unfinished and his armies still fighting Chinese remnants. Jamukha knew better. Lured by the chance to plunder the Middle Kingdom, how many would defect to the Hun's banner?

Others suggested they launch their own invasion into beleaguered China, build an empire of their own to stand against Shan Yu's. Or perhaps they could conquer Qigong, said others - Lord Qin was a child of a man, and had made no effort to save his ally China from the Huns. Who, then, would save Qigong from the Mongols? Yet Jamukha saw the dangers in this path just as clearly - they would spend years fighting and bleeding while Shan Yu consolidated his conquests and gathered his strength. When the time came to fight - and it would come quickly indeed - the Mongols would be at their weakest, and the Huns at the peak of his power.

Perhaps their path went West, not East.

Tribes of Turkmen had been traveling down the Silk Road into Persia, Agrabah and lands beyond for centuries now. Some, like Ertugrul, had entered the service of the lords of that distant land. Some had raided and plundered, and some like Sabuktigin had build kingdoms of their own. More had made the trek in recent years than before, displaced by the Huns, and Jamukha would do the same. Bringing with him not a tribe, but a nation.

(Thought Process behind this:
While the Mongols do not appear in the final DVV map, their role as the villains in Mulan 2 means they are presumably still a major actor at present - if this is set at the moment things are going to crap, then it must be either during or just after Mulan. Presumably in the canon DVV timeline they're conquered by the Huns, and the mighty Jafar Empire to their West isn't exactly easy pickings. Things might well go different here though. There's a good deal of precedent for this plan of Jamukha's - Persia was mostly ruled by Turkish dynasties that migrated from Central and East Asia from the time the Caliphate collapsed right up until the Mongol Empire invaded.

The Mongols were an incredibly significant part of the history of Persia, forming the Ilkhanate and serving as the inspiration for Timur's empire, which made me think they deserved a chance to shine if that's where Ababwa was placed! This would also be a more direct challenge to Ababwa if it was made canon, since all the action's been in Agrabah so far.

However, as they're coming as displaced refugees rather than having the weight of the Mongol Empire behind them, they're not the unstoppable force Genghis Khan's invasion was. Meaning Ababwa could reach out to make a new ally, try to destabilize the confederation, or maybe just have an epic horse archer duel!

As for Jamukha, he's a real guy, friend turned rival of Temujin before he became Genghis Khan - the Mongols barely feature in Mulan 2, there's no leader established for them, so I picked a likely candidate while steering clear of the can of worms Genghis would open)
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Second String (Canon)
Second String

With a grumble, the Satyr rose from his bed, the clatter of his hoof's on the stone floor echoing around the room. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and the fog from his brain, he answered his door with a gruff, "What'dyou want?"

At his doorstep, an old man with a pointed cap fiddled with his slippers in a befuddled manner, before peeking his head up, spectacles seeming to shine with joy. "Ah, Philoctetes, I thought I might find you here!" He said with a croaking chuckle. "And just my luck that you're in, too! I'm in need of a favo-" With the slam of his wooden door, Phil rubbed his horns, muttering to himself angrily as he retreated back for the comfort of his bed. He was stopped rather abruptly by a puff of smoke appearing in front of him, the Satyr coughing and waving it from his eyes, the form of the man from before appearing in front of him, arms crossed and eyes narrowed in displeasure.

"Quite rude of you indeed to just be leaving before I could even complete my sentence!" He chided with an accusingly pointed crooked finger. With a growing temper, Phil let out a short growl, shaking his head.

"Look pal, I didn't ask for some random old-timer to come barging into my place asking for favors. Now beat it!" He ordered, the man stammering something about, "Old timers?!" in a stunned attempt at a rebuke. Content with having left him at a loss for words, Phil hoped to be able to achieve some silence for himself.

"Hey, umm… Phil?" A voice from the front door sounded off, one that he could recognize easily enough. "You've got some company out here…" Phil froze, letting out another growl before stomping back to his front door, throwing it open to look outside. What he found waiting for him only made the infamous trainer of heroes' temper rise further.

A young boy in oversized robes, blond hair and fair faced, stood nearby in the grass, pushing away an inquisitively clingy girl with red hair, constantly looking about. At his side another lad, perhaps in his younger teens with rust colored hair and wearing a green tunic, also stood, though he looked around in wonder at the area - at his side he held a simple club, though it was more of a stick in all honesty, probably a broken branch stripped of bark given its edges. At least one was a more recognizable Hercules, glancing around him in curiosity, mounted upon his mighty steed, Pegasus, a lady behind him with her arms wrapped around the waist, though Phil hardly counted the temptress as a person at all.

Last of all was a broad shouldered man with dark red hair and a strong face - he looked unsightly, wearing peasant garb and a quiver on his back. At least he had some sort of weapon unlike the other two newcomers, arming sword and bow attached to the man, even if the way he looked about with narrowed eyes suggested he wasn't the brightest lamp in the room.

"Oooooh no!" He shouted then and there, crossing his arms in the shape of an 'X'. "I already swore this stuff off before, and I'm not going to babysit a bunch of brats!" Hercules had the decency to look confused, suggesting he had nothing to do with the arrival of all these people, but the old man took that moment to come out again, a pipe in hand that he puffed on before blowing out a ring of smoke.

"Au contraire," the man in robes said with a chuckle. "I believe you'll find these rapscallions most interesting indeed. Why don't you all introduce yourself to the Satyr?"

They all paused, before the oldest of them walked up with a snort, "Name's Sir Kay," he remarked with a nasal like quality to his guttural voice. "I rescued this lot from undead knights before the old man poofed us away with 'is magic." He took a moment to think before continuing, "Weren't much besides a pile 'uv bones really. Coulda taken them if 'I'd wanted." He boasted, to which Phil couldn't help but give him a nasty glare.

There was a lapse, as the two young men behind him seemed to procrastinate, giving glances to one another as if urging the other one forward. "Arthur," the old man eventually remarked in a chiding tone, apparently the use of his name all the boy needed as the blond stepped forward with a groan.

"Yes Merlin," he said tiredly. Looking at the Satyr directly, he hesitated before speaking. "I'm Arthur… just Arthur." He settled on, before another voice chimed in with ferocity

"King Arthur!" Sir Kay cut in angrily, his reproach catching the boy off guard as he stumbled in his talking.

"King I suppose," he amended, looking to Merlin for support, though the old man only nodded supportingly. "I pulled this… sword from the stone, and Merlin has been holding on to it for me. I suppose it makes me King… though not of much at this point." He spoke tiredly. "Merlin said we'd be safe here, though I can't imagine any place safe after what I saw." He paled significantly, head turning down while Sir Kay scoffed.

Merlin was silent, humming to himself, while Phil turned his eyes to the girl latched to the blond's side.

"And you?" He asked the young teen, who glanced at Phil, turning her head just slightly. Then she… was that a chirp, a click of some kind? Whatever it was, it was damn freaky. He makes out at least one word, the girl managing to eek out a brief, "Hazel" before returning to her alien chatter.

"She doesn't talk much, sir." Arthur clued him in, trying to push the girl away as she suddenly nuzzled her cheek into his neck, though it only made her giggle and intensify her efforts.

Phil decided to let that one go - better not to ask about that kind of weirdness. Instead, he looked to the final person, who hung at the back with a melancholic and lost look in his eyes. "Now what about you, kid?" Phil asked despite himself; he might not be letting them stay, but he could admit to being a bit curious.

He looked up, somewhat confused before appearing to realize he's being referred to. "Taran," he says, and that appears to be all he's willing to say, before he continues in a quieter voice. "I'm a pig-handler." He stops talking, apparently believing that to suffice.

With a growing fury, Phil let's loose his anger, "You gotta be kidding me! You're dropping some "King" with oversized clothes, a pig-farmer, a girl who can't even talk, and a dimwit in my lap?!" He shouts to the old man, who appears to think, before nodding wisely. "Forget it!" He screams, face red with rage.

"Phil," Herc speaks suddenly, dismounting his steed and walking up to the Satyr, Meg apparently content to remain on the beast. "I need to tell you." There's something broken in his eyes as he bends down to eye level, and Phil understands immediately that the hero had failed.

"I know," the Satyr says with a groan. "We all know… you can tell, by the way things look." It seemed as if everything was teeming with death nowadays, the way the land appeared grayer, and the life around them had lost its sheen.

"Hades… he has Titans patrolling everywhere, and Olympus is a fortress," Herc says hopelessly, fists clenching. "I tried to get through but… I wasn't enough. I need help." There's a plea in that statement that Phil recognizes, one that has the Satyr looking over his shoulder to the group behind him.

"Kid… I'm done, you know that. You were my last shot." He says back with a bone deep exhaustion. "I can't take it anymore. I quit." He says with a finality to the statement. Hercules grasps the Satyr by the shoulders, his grip firm but not harsh, though he can feel the kid's palms shaking despite himself. Phil has never seen him so close to breaking - despite having his strength back, he's more fragile than ever.

"Please, Phil." He asks desperately. "The world needs more heroes… I can't do it on my own."

The old mysterious Merlin takes another puff of his pipe, turning to speak to the group.

"All of you behave now. I'm off to search for more hopefuls!" He says cheerfully, Arthur looking incredibly confused in that moment.

"Didn't you hear him Merlin? He said no - he's not going to train u-"

"I'll do it." The short trainer of heroes spoke firmly, the edge of rage in his voice gone for the moment. "I'll train these losers. The world needs a little hope put back into it I guess." Merlin offered a brief thanks, before walking away, quickly poofing into smoke.

"... Okay where'd he go?" The Satyr questioned in exasperation.

"Something about finding other people for you to train I think," Sir Kay answered, cleaning out his ear with a pinky, glancing at it and looking displeased with the haul.

"..." The eruption from Philoctetes was impressive, though with it, came the slim hope that the world would find itself with more heroes once again.
The Beastmaster (Canon)
The Beastmaster

The past few months was something of a trial for Aladdin, busy familiarizing himself with his nation, his people, his advisors, his, his, his...

For a street rat that rarely ever had two coppers at once, suddenly having everything was overwhelming. More then that, being responsible for everything, people lived and died based on his actions.

Which is why he was currently at the Menagerie, "inspecting" the war mounts.

"Ah, nice to meet ya again, your Highness."

Aladdin turned, surprised at the sudden voice, and saw a man covered in scars. Claws slashes, bites, horn punctures, he obviously been around many animals, though surprisingly, he didn't seem to be missing any bits.

"Oh, yes, er..."

"It's all right, your Highness, the whole memory thing and all. I am the Royal Beast Tamer, James R. Kreemy." He held out his hand for the prince to shake, "Though, I'm mostly known as the Frosting."

Aladdin's hand froze before he could complete the hand shake, "... Why?"

James' face went strangely blank, " really want to know?"

It seemed like such an innocent question, yet Aladdin couldn't help but feel a chill, so "No."

And just like that James was back to smiling, "Like I said, I'm the Royal Beast Tamer. Haven't met a creature alive that I haven't been able to wrangle."

"Really? With a claim like that I'd have expected to see our soldiers on flying horses or something."

James nodded in understanding, "Well, two reasons there, Sire. One, I can keep a flying horse or rock drake from killing any potential rider, but that doesn't mean I can teach a person to ride one, especially not for war maneuvers."

Aladdin supposed that made sense. "And the second?"

"We don't exactly have a surplus of more extraordinary animals here." Right. That would make it hard to field flying riders. "Being honest, your Highness? I'm actually a bit bored. Your man made it out that I might be able to work with all sorts of animals, not just the rhinos and horses, but also shield toads, razor boars, griffons and the like. Really put my skills to the test."

Aladdin raised an eyebrow at that, especially the assortment of creatures he hadn't even heard of. James must have seen something in his expression as he hastily modified his statement.

"Not that I'm about to just leave or anything," James waved his hands as if to wave off the concern, "But, if you happen to hear about any strange beasty, I'd like to take a crack at it."

Aladdin nodded, "I'll be sure to keep you informed, in that case."

"My thanks your highness." James made a small bow, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some men I need to make sure aren't about to kill themselves." He waited for the Prince's nod before heading off, voice raising to yell at some of his subordinates.

When he was gone, Aladdin released a breath. Yet one more thing to add to his country sized burden.
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Troop Movements (Canon)
Troop Movements

Your family follows you from a short distance, the entire troop cold and afraid. The jungle itself carries within it an ominous air of chaos and terror, and even as your arm shoots hot fire deep from your forearm into your shoulder with every movement, you refrain from anything more than the subtlest wince with every step.

"K-Kerchak." A voice calls shortly behind you, the abnormally soft voice of your niece turning your head just, the young gorilla clearly tired as she hurries to your side. "We can't keep this pace, we need to slow down." The single question has your mind flashing with utter horrific fear, the thought of cages appearing before your eyes, nets and other things imprisoning your family - your son shot and falling cruelly to his death.

"No! We march on until we find safety!" You roar back with finality, Terk shying away in intimidation, enough to have you internally scolding yourself. Were Kala here… She isn't however, and you brush the thought away with practiced ease now. Your troop has done nothing but travel week after week, the jungle inhabited by those creatures, turning into an utter realm of chaos even after you'd narrowly escaped that man-thing. In your mind, you've burned that name into your thoughts with a cold hatred: Clayton.

"Terk," you eventually speak in a tired voice, the voice of a father who's lost his family twice over now, who can hardly even push himself to move forward anymore but for the simple fact that there are those around you who are still relying on you. "We have to keep moving… we can rest once we've found it. Here, there are too many dangers." Terk hesitates, before slowly falling behind you without further comment, falling in step with her enormous friend. Said friend has the ground quaking with each mighty step forward, enough to have you grunting to yourself in anger; you'd taken in the lone survivor of elephants in the area - the rest couldn't be found, likely prey to the creatures which had so thoroughly taken over the jungle.

With tired movements, you parse through some thick vines, wiping them from view, only to stop suddenly at the view which awaits you.

Upon a clifftop you stand, the view from this peak offering you to see far off in the distance. Desolation across a large open savannah, an area you'd never known to exist in the past but apparently has - you don't allow yourself a chance to question it, instead analyzing the area before you. There's some greenery to be found of course, but the land itself looks to be yellowing and dying off. No animals frequent the grounds as far as your eyes can see, and with a frown you wonder what it is that's left it in such a state. You're ready to accept that this direction is a lost cause and have your family begin marching back, to head forth to a new area.

A glimmer in the distance stops you, and with squinting eyes, you can barely see it. A forest, far off in the distance. Perhaps a few days journey, manageable if tiring. While there's little vegetation as far as you can see, you'll have to make do with insect life for the time being.

With a heavy sigh, you turn, motioning for your stunned troop to follow. "We keep going," you order with a heavy heart. "Safety awaits us there." You point to the forest so far away with a thick finger, and though you hear no cries of dissent, you can feel it amongst them. Even so, you bear with it and continue forward, hoping against hope that you don't run into danger.

Such hopes are dashed only a day into your trek. Deeper now in the savannah, you were lucky enough to find thinning sources of water that haven't yet dried out. You were right about the insects, finding ravenous anthills that you and your family could feast on, even if it left your bellies feeling unfilled. Even so, halfway through the next day, you were stopped abruptly by a strange sound.

High pitched laughter, which seemed to come all around you in the tall grass of the open plains. Your troops froze, and Tantor among them stood out due to his enormous bulk.

"Stay back!" You threatened the voices who hid within the grass, searching for their owners. The giggling continued even so, and then they spoke.

"Ever seen a meal as thick and juicy as that?" An amused voice questions, as another answers back with a short "nope". "All I've seen are those skeleton looking elephants lately - no meat on their bones at all! But this one… oooo boy, five star meal just presented to us like this, can we really say no?" Cries of affirmation led you to be aware that there were at least four of these things. Calming yourself, you took a breath, listening out for the telltale sounds of a predator stalking its prey.

All was silent for a moment, and in that moment, you realized these creatures weren't nearly as silent as Sabor. Your dash to the right had you clobbering down one of these beasts, and it froze with shock at your charge. Roaring into the scared face of the creature, you grabbed it by the neck between two hands, even as it immediately tried to nip at you; trapped in your grip however, its ability to do so was limited. With utter ease, you slammed it into the ground beneath you, lifting it and slamming again, repeating the pattern two more times as you felt bones shatter beneath every blow. It stilled.

You took in a deep inhale of air, taking back in the sounds around you, the sudden fire of pain in your shoulder causing you to stumble for only a moment. That was enough however, as another creature leapt from the grass, intending on latching itself to your shoulder - with a burst of speed, you catch it with a fist to the snout, the creature crying in pain at the blow, before you follow up with a hammer blow to the downed beast, shattering its ribs in that single punch.

You're cut off by the trumpeting sound of the elephant, quaking steps appearing behind you as another beast cries out in terror, eyes wide, before they simply disappear along with the rest of its body, underneath the foot of the addition to your troop.

Taking deep breaths, you found your family not far away, huddled in on themselves with Terk at the lead, but closer to you and the elephant, two more of these creatures stared - gone was the giggling and confidence. Now they stood frozen.

Taking one step forward, you let out a roar, the sound echoing in the distance, the two regaining their wits as they fled in terror. Standing tall on your feet, you waited only a few moments longer before falling onto your fists, taking in handfuls of air into your lungs, wincing at the all consuming pain that could no longer be pushed aside. Looking about your terrified people, you could only offer one last thing to say.

"We keep moving… we rest when we're safe." The order this time is followed immediately, and through the pain, you forced your body to move.