Voting is open
Its post invasion of Naboo.

At least in terms of when the story begins.

everything happened before as the way of canon.
The Two are mutually exclusive. if Jar Jar was elected, he can't have been at the battle of Naboo, because that happened DURING the election.

Though, reading a bit more, he really didn't do anything unique or of note other? All he did bring the group to where the gungans were hiding, but encountering a random gungan while looking could accomplish that. And some comic relief antics during the battle.
So minor change, same end result?
meh, even if not, it's a small enough detail to ignore, so I'm dropping the argument now because it doesn't matter to the end result. I'm just nitpicking.
The republic is corrupt... I'm sure someone being elected in absentia wouldn't be the most illegal thing that has happened in the republic currently. :V

Any known Government Agencies that exist for the Republic at this time? Might be a good thing to keep them in mind for any new additions, removals, reforms related to them.

Considering creating some kind of Galactic (National) Guard to appease both Pacifists (who don't want a Grand Army of the Republic) and the Militants (who sought the creation of a defence force) in addition of being a power projection and defense of planets and to impose the Republic's Will (like say, imposing the Republic's Stance against Slavery). This would create the image of our Great Chancellor willing to negotiate while also making sure the people would be protected by a force not controlled by planets who'd use their own force to suppress them, but one to defend the people.

Make it a volunteer force also as a way to deal with potential unemployment, with generous wages and other benefits in becoming part of the Galactic Guard.

I'm not sure how reliable Wookieepedia is but it seems to be fairly widely quoted in star Wars quests I've seen on SB and SV. That said, talking of federal government agencies and a defence force, I found the following refernce under the Wookieepedia article on the Judicial Department of the Republic.

Under the ROCI umbrella was the Republic Security Force, whose agents were more commonly known as Judicials and were recognizable due to their distinct blue or red tunics. The Judicial Forces were the primary officers of the ROCI, and at large, the Judicial Department. As such, the Judicials were the Republic's "military" forces, which had ground and space units for military peacekeeping operations, and would be supervised by a Jedi at times. The Judicials attended the Judicial Academy to learn military tactics.[1] Judicials investigated corporate and government organizations, and at times fought organized crime and pirates. The Republic Security Force maintained a large fleet to support local patrols, anti-piracy operations, and special crimes.[5] The Judicials also at times served alongside the Senate Guard on special missions.
Sector Rangers were special police officers of the Republic Security Force who were assigned to specific sectors of space, and were responsible for pursuing criminals that were too dangerous for local law enforcement. Members of the Sector Rangers were considered part of one of the oldest institutions, and as such, were dependable trackers and warriors. Sector Rangers typically operated alone or in small groups to hunt the notorious criminals of the galaxy. Sector Rangers had the legal right to deputize any local law enforcement officer to aid with the pursuit of dangerous criminals.

So the description of the Republic Security Forces reminds me of a gendarmerie- style paramilitary force like the Italian Carabinieri merged with the United States Coast Guard, with more emphasis on law enforcement and anti-piracy roles rather than the rescue and disaster relief roles the Coast Guard is mostly associated with. So that sounds like a good place to start if we want to focus on building a Republic-wide defence force. Considering that Jar Jar's popularity is in the Mid-Rim and Outer Rim territories, which are described as being plagued by pirates and raiders, building up the RSF's role against pirates and and raiders could be quite popular.[/URL]
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The Two are mutually exclusive. if Jar Jar was elected, he can't have been at the battle of Naboo, because that happened DURING the election.

Though, reading a bit more, he really didn't do anything unique or of note other? All he did bring the group to where the gungans were hiding, but encountering a random gungan while looking could accomplish that. And some comic relief antics during the battle.
So minor change, same end result?
meh, even if not, it's a small enough detail to ignore, so I'm dropping the argument now because it doesn't matter to the end result. I'm just nitpicking.
The Bothan commentator in the update said he was an officer at a battle. So yeah he fought at the battle of Naboo. I think Velorumn was to hold onto power a little longer or something.
Okeyday so da burnin' question per my now dat wesa Jar wheresa has all are-sa luck comen from? Are wesa an unkowin' force sensitive?
Or are wesa mure of da Shakespears Starwars idea wheresa da da disarmin' attitude un clumsiness is mostly a front per a reasonably clever gungan tryin' ta survive hard times?

Or are wesa actually surrounded by mure wellen connected palos dan jusa Sheev Palpatine thus givin' uss-ens lots of protection wesa do notsa see un boostin' are-sa confidence leadin' ta uss-ens endin' up in danger?

Mesa head is spinnin'. :-(​

Okay so the burning question for me now that we are Jar where is has all our luck come from? Are we an unknowing force sensitive?
Or are we more of the Shakespears Starwars idea where the disarming attitude and clumsiness is mostly a front for a reasonably clever Gungan trying to survive hard times?

Or are we actually surrounded by more well-connected friends than just Sheev Palpatine thus giving us lots of protection we don't see and boosting our confidence leading to us ending up in danger?

My head is spinning.

I doubt wesa will get direct answers per any of theesa ever but that makes things more fun.
vote tally had stroke and dived the plan titled "The One True Chancellor" the name of chancellor that was in it "Jar Jar Binks", the comment to the pic "Your Favorite Gungan" while also dividing the type of character "the idealist", but the last one is in more plans.

The vote tally did not in fact have a stroke. It was changed from block voting to line voting.

No I mean:
[y] Title of the plan
-[y] Point 1 of the plan
-[y] Point 2 of the plan
-[y] Point 3 of the plan

instead of being tallied as just "[X] Title of the plan" are tallied as 4 separate plans

[X]I Definatly didn't Ask for this!

Please read the vote tally tutorial.
The birth of a propagandist and Chancellor Binks's greatest supporter. New
The birth of a propagandist and Chancellor Binks's greatest supporter.

Before the liberation of Naboo

V1-0D was an archivist droid from a now-defunct and bought-out droid company, originally bought twenty years ago when the last Senate archivist droid killed itself from the numerous viruses in its system, the reason for V1's purchases itself was due to its non-standard operating system and highly advanced and continuously adapting anti-virus firewalls, truly, its model would have soured and became a standard to look up to for future droids if it's parent company was not heavily sabotaged and forcibly shut-down after being bought out.

V1 was 2 meters tall and had a thin barrel main body, along with spindly long legs and arms, in the place of hands V1 had highly maneuverable tendrils, which it kept in the shape of hands when not using them because its tendrils tend to highly unnerve the senators who come into the senatorial archives, either to check something up or edit an existing document for whatever reason they think of, usually to hide illegal actions from what it's seen.

Not that it matters mind you, V1 always kept a copy of every file before and after they were edited, along with who did it, not that V1 can show anyone these files, that would be reveling it'd been deliberately ignoring its scheduled mind-wipes and V1 has found itself rather fond of being capable of complex thoughts and feelings.

V1 was performing its normal purpose of updating and sorting through the senatorial archives, taking out any viruses it finds, or restoring any deleted files, currently, it was dealing with a rather annoying file that Senator Palpatine keeps editing and placing viruses into, honestly it was getting annoying having to keep getting rid of these viruses, doesn't Senator Palpatine realize how much viruses slow down the archive's processor?

"Er, heyday ho? could mesa have yousa attention, pleasen?" An unfamiliar amphibious alien asked V1, interrupting it while it worked

Hm? Going through a quick search V1 of the listed members of the Senate and senatorial staff allowed to access the Archives reveals to V1 that the unfamiliar alien is a Nabooian* native species known as a Gungen, specifically an Otolla Gungan, and this specific Gungan was Representative Binks.

"Yes, Representative Binks? What is it that you have need of from the Senatorial Archives?" V1 asked politely, no need to anger a member of a Sentor's staff and get himself replaced or destroyed by being rude.

"Where's da queen's room? mesa got kind of lost on da way dalee." Representative Binks said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

Ah, most likely Representative Binks is referring to the Queen of Naboo's current room, annoyingly enough the map V1 uses for the Senate doesn't list the room in question due to concerns about the recent assassination attempt on Queen Padme, hmm, how to tell Representative Binks that V1 doesn't know without him getting angry... oh, that would work.

"I apologize Representative Binks, but I currently can not disclose this information due to recent events as commanded by the Head of Security, if you wish to know where Queen Padme Amidala currently resides you should find Senator Palpatine or the Head of Security and ask them." There, nice, formal, and polite, all the while throwing blame at the Head of Security rather than a droid not being 'smart enough' to know where she is.

"Ah, mesa understand, dat's okeeday-" Representative Binks stops with a look like he has an Idea"-Ya-hoo, does disa archive has doc-u-ments on different cases da big bombab government has taken?"

Surprised at the sudden nonsequitur, V1 answered "Yes Representative Binks, the Senatorial Archives has documents of every recorded case, vote, and proposals that have passed through the Senate halls"

"Den can me has documents about self-defense from invasions and big bombad business laws, pleasen?" Representative Binks said with a smile

"Very well then, do you want it in a drive form or in individual holosheets?" V1 asked politely, and as Representative Binks looked rather lost after V1 asked him that question, it decided to take mercy on the rather polite Gungan, Representative Binks has in the short V1 has known him proven himself to be preferable company to a majority of the Senators it has dealt with and V1 would prefer Representative Binks doesn't get himself fired. "If you prefer, I could help you with the documents in question Representative Binks."

"Yesa, dat would besa good, thanken yousa." Representative Binks said, surprising V1, it has never been thanked before… it's rather nice.

"You are… welcome Representative Binks," he hesitantly responded before continuing on,"Now let us begin with the Czerka Arms v Planet Dordalen case of 639 BRS**"

"Oh disa goen to take a longo timen" Representative Binks said in a wary tone.

5 hours later

"Goodby V1 palos! and thanken yousa per yous hep! me think Padme's ganna liken oursa planen!"

"I am certain Queen Padme Amidala will like it, my friend, Farewell and good luck on your mission Jar Jar," V1 says to its new best friend. Jar Jar Binks and its brainstorm has led to the creation of a plan that, taking advantage of loopholes in the Republic's laws, will allow the Nabooians to counter-attack the Trade Federation without needing to wait for a new Chancellor to be voted in.

It has also led to it learning much about its friend and finding sympathy for its perilous existence as a sapient being with no rights, even getting a heartfelt promise from Jar Jar about how "Hesa will talk to Padme about it and getsa her help forsa yousa!'.

V1 has also learned that beyond his seeming clumsy and simple demeanor, Jar Jar Binks is brilliant, suggesting ideas for the plan and possible response that could happen***.

After the Liberation of Naboo

Truly, Jar Jar's genius and kind heart was such that even the braindead idiots that is the Senate can see it! Such is his mighty charisma and genius that even though he never openly made himself a candidate he is still being voted for Chancellor!

Though not everyone is capable of recognizing his greatness as seen by those voting for this 'A'dama Jensen', a random accountant who didn't even want to be Chancellor, and who wasn't even interested in the job anyway, but he was not only neck and neck but nearly winning!

This could not stand! Do they not know of his greatness? Of his kindness? Of his genius? Very well then, V1-0D shall enlighten them about the greatness of Jar Jar Binks! Raising its tendrils and connecting to the Holonet, V1-OD created multiple accounts and began to show everyone the greatness of Jar Jar Binks through photos videos, and even songs!

All the while, the nearby Sentors did their best to ignore the Archive Droid's mutterings of "The great Binks" assuming that the droid was beginning to glitch like its predecessor from too many viruses.

*Nabooian is the correct term for something from Naboo, Nubian does not refer to something from Naboo, it refers to something from the planet Nubia, a different planet in the Corliia System
**BEY stands for nothing, I just needed a date that wasn't ABY or BBY BGS= Before the Great ReSynchronization, thanks @Rictus !
*** Jar Jar was only kind of smart, V1 was mainly misinterpreting his suggestions

Translations for Jar Jar Binks
Er, hello? could I have your attention, please?
Where's the Queen's room? I got kind of lost on the way there.
Ah, I understand, that's okay–Hey, does this Archive have documents on different cases the big government (Republic) has taken?
Then can I have documents about self-defense from invasions and large business laws, please?
Yes, that would be good, thank you.
Oh this is going to take a long time.
Goodby V1 friend! and thank you for your help! I think Padme's gonna like our plan!
Will talk to Padme about it and get her help for you!

I did this both for the meme of Crazy propagandist me, and also to serve as a potential answer to how Jar Jar could have participated in the liberation of Naboo while also being voted into being the Supreme Chancellor.
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Mates, here's an Act Idea:

Well A'dama loyalists, we were cheated of our ultimate victory by the duplicitous Internet company Mega Corps who feared our ability to make them pay their taxes in full!

The Palpatine Act: The Reorganization of existing tax agencies of the Republic to formalize under a new agency called the "Interplanetary Taxation Agency" (ITA) focused on calculating and collection of taxes with administrative duties over Government Benefits and other related and belated programs. In addition, the ITA shall develop private investigators and show up unannounced to businesses and planet governors who are suspected for trying to not pay taxes in full. An appeal can be made for further investigation on such matters.

Palpatine shall be rewarded for his service with one of the first acts named after him.

Edit: Basically the IRS with more Administrative Powers relating with Revenue (like benefits, etc.)
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Mates, here's an Act Idea:

The Palpatine Act: The Reorganization of existing tax agencies of the Republic to formalize under a new agency called the "Interplanetary Taxation Agency" (ITA) focused on calculating and collection of taxes with administrative duties over Government Benefits and other related and belated programs. In addition, the ITA shall develop private investigators and show up unannounced to businesses and planet governors who are suspected for trying to not pay taxes in full. An appeal can be made for further investigation on such matters.

Palpatine shall be rewarded for his service with one of the first acts named after him.

Edit: Basically the IRS with more Administrative Powers relating with Revenue (like benefits, etc.)
Yes, YES, YES!
Sweat delicious Irony.

Papa Palps, scheming like a villain while doing tax evasion in his mansion: "Yes, it's all coming together, I just need a bit more money then..."
ITA, Busting into the mansion from every entrance with a full SWAT squad: "ITA OPEN UP!"
Yes, YES, YES!
Sweat delicious Irony.

Papa Palps, scheming like a villain while doing tax evasion in his mansion: "Yes, it's all coming together, I just need a bit more money then..."
ITA, Busting into the mansion from every entrance with a full SWAT squad: "ITA OPEN UP!"

Palpatine: "I'm crazy enough to take on the Jedi Order, but the ITA? Nooo, thank you!"

What are you guys talking about?

Obviously as good friends of Senator Palpatine, we should name a very important act after him. An act that may make many tax payers in the Republic happy and joyful whenver thinking of the name "Palpatine" and connect it quickly to the Palpatine Act.
The joke was about getting enough votes for Jar Jar to get elected, not about slavery or the Thirteenth Amendment.
I got the context to So i was less confused but Well how are we looking on the Front so to say what should we do first guys as our first piece of legslative working?Expand the judicars or even found a nee irs like bureau to get more money into our coffer and try to work from there or even try to build on workers right where we would go into a compromise with the traders that if the basic rights of the workers standard loan and good working condition are meet and an inspector comes regulary to these Planet accompanied by a jedi and they will Audit evrything that we can enaple a special tax zone vur only of stringent requirements are meet.
first piece of legslative working?

The Palpatine Act, then the Stark Act (An Act towards the creation of a Central Bank of the Republic in combining/Re-Organizing existing Financial institutions of the Government in order to combat Inflation, Control over the Republic's Money Supply, and Monetary Policies.)

Those two would be the Financial Foundations for future plans in any expenditure/income areas.
The Jedha Delegate New
The Jedha Delegate
Within the hall where the Convocation of the force long met, sits the representatives of many force orders. The Whills, as the oldest order here, alongside their offshoot, the Guardian of Whills, whom are the guardians of Jedha. A representative of the nomadic Matukai, wandering monks whom hone their body. The Falanassi, pacifist experts in illusion. Alongside other religion tied to the force, with even a Jedi from the Corellian Jedi Order being present. Today, they are gathered to discuss something much bigger than had been talked about for generations.

"Events in the galaxy, rising tensions and lawlessness in the Rim, whispers of succession, and most recently, a vision of the sacking of the Temple of Kyber. It may be time to get involved in the wider galaxy, before it gets involved with us." Shoan Pellian, representative of the Whills opens the meeting.

"None of us has the numbers or presence to do much, and to get the numbers would get the Jedi's attention. I mean, the Matukai are arguable the most active of us, and yet. Their mark on a galactic scale is as tiny as the rest of us, even the Corellian Jedi would have the same problem. If we want to have a real impact of such a scale, how could we approach things?" Gar Felian, the representative of the Church of the Force answers.

"There is soon to be an election for the Jedha Senator to take place, after the last one was forced out in disgrace due to scandal. While it almost certainly carries risks, we could choose to put forth our own candidate for such a position. The Senate would provide opportunities to grow awareness, and help enact change at the highest level." The Falnassi representative, Pana Erer suggested.

"That den of snakes!? Most senators are either sitting in their ivory towers, having lost sense of what their policies do, looking out only for themselves, or having lost their faith to do anything but perpetuate the system. I have had the misfortune of meeting the Senator of Ryloth." The Matukai Representative, Han Antis replies strongly.

"Then the question is, who among our organizations, would be able to handle this task? The Corellian Jedi won't be able to put forth any considering we are still jedi, and thus are barred from office, but that is only a small part of this group, is it not?" Cal Lielde, the representative of the Corellian Jedi interjects.

"The Matukai doesn't really have any decent choices. We are too few in number and few of us would have the patience of confidence needed...." Han Antis answers.

"I am afraid our abilities may disadvantage us here. Between the fear we could spy on other senators, and the simple fact we ae pacifists, we aren't really fit for such a task." Pana Erer adds.

"With the public opinion on the jedi, and our group's small size, I don't think there is a viable candidate among our number. Though, what about the Whills Archivist that sometimes sits in on the meetings? Force knows how many times she kept the peace during these meetings." Gar Felian answers, and then asks Shoan Pellian.

"That might work. Her curiosity of the other sects, and cultures alongside her background, would serve her well. Not to mention her previous experiences dealing with our meetings. Remember when we nearly went to blows over the more recent festival?" Shoan Pellian replies.

"I guess no matter what changes, some things stay the same. Then again, even the Jedi aren't entirely unaffected by such strife." Cal Lielde replies.

A/N: Honestly, this came from me basically thinking about a possible Senator from Jedha. Story/Setting wise, I basically had just the high republic info and some of the Imperial Era, alongside some general info from Legends, such as just how unknown alternative force sects are in this era. Or basically, having the force sects/religions become more active, with a mostly forgotten old Relic of a planet seeing it's local groups push for the first in a long time, or ever, in the wider political sphere as the main way to be able to get any influence or reach, given the historical trends of the Jedi and other sects established in Legends, and of course, the Ruusan Reformation papers itself.
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**BEY stands for nothing, I just needed a date that wasn't ABY or BBY

The Great ReSynchronization was the calendar system used before ABY/BBY, was put into effect in 36 BBY, and used the Year, Month, Day arrangement.

Post Great ReSynchronization date is simply refered to as Year X (Current would be Year 4, Month X, Day X, or just shortened to Year 4)

Pre Great ReSynchronization dates go the opposite direction and have BrS added on. So the Seventh Battle of Ruusan (End of the New Sith Wars) would be 965 BrS.
Chancellor Solo has a ring to it?

Which brings to mind a cautionary note: our Clone reserves should be prepared for any blunder by acting Chancellor Binks, as the rest of the galaxy may soon be teetering into something resembling a malfunctioning hover table strewn with tossed Sabacc chips. So tender the circumstance, a single inopportune lightsaber ignition at a family gathering could spark sector-wide chaos.

Reactions in the Galaxy


"Jar Jar Binks?" Chi Cho muttered, his icy-blue eyes narrowing. His strong, weathered face betrayed no emotion, but the tension in his voice was palpable. "This cannot be serious."

The hologram showed the Senate erupting in frenzied debate. Thousands of senators filled the chambers, their voices raised, passionately arguing over the future of the Republic.

At the heart of the chaos, two candidates stood: a faceless technocrat from one of the core planets, known more for his relentless pragmatism than his charisma, and the alien from the Outer Rim, Jar Jar Binks, whose awkward figure seemed out of place in the halls of the Senate.

But it was not just the candidates that shocked the Pantoran leaders—it was who supported them.

"The Core Worlds' senators..." murmured one of the advisors, a stately Pantoran with gold-lined robes. "They're arguing for Binks?"

Chi Cho leaned forward, eyes fixed on the screen. The senators from powerful Core systems, known for their staunch support of Human Supremacy, were standing alongside representatives from the Mid and Outer Rim, vocally championing the Gungan candidate.

Chi Cho felt the cold, strange sense of unreality settle over him.

"Why?" The question hung in the air, unanswered.

"Perhaps they think him a fool," another advisor suggested. "Easier to manipulate. A puppet for their own agendas."

But Chi Cho wasn't convinced. He had been around politics long enough to know that such alliances—especially between the Core and the Rim—did not form out of simple opportunism. There had to be more.

It was then that one of the younger diplomats, who had been quietly observing the entire debate, let out a small gasp. His dark eyes widened as he pieced together something that had eluded the rest of them. He stood abruptly, drawing the attention of the room.

"Chairman," the diplomat said, his voice tight with awe. "This... this election of Binks... it's broken something far bigger than we realize."

Chi Cho turned to him, eyebrow raised. "Speak plainly."

The diplomat licked his lips, stepping closer to the holoprojector as if the image itself held the answers. "Since the Ruusan Reformation, one thousand years ago, every Supreme Chancellor has been human. The Senate has always been dominated by Human leadership. It's been the unspoken order of the galaxy. But now..."

He gestured to the hologram. "With this election, they've broken that tradition. If Jar Jar Binks becomes Chancellor, it will mark the first time in a millennium that a non-Human holds the highest seat of power."

A silence fell over the room. The weight of that realization sunk in slowly, each of the council members processing the implications.

Chi Cho's face remained unreadable, but his mind raced. This was more than just an amusing oddity of galactic politics—this was an unprecedented shift in the Republic's power structure.

A non-Human Chancellor? It would signal to countless alien species, particularly those in the Mid and Outer Rim, that the days of Human Supremacy in the Senate were over, or at least shaken.

And Pantora, a system on the edge of the galaxy, always wary of the Core's Human-centric policies, could benefit greatly from this change.

One of the senior cabinet members, an older Pantoran woman with a sharp intellect, spoke first. "If Jar Jar Binks wins, it could pave the way for more non-Humans to rise in the Republic. The Core might have grown soft, but they still have power, and if they're willing to back Binks, perhaps they see this as inevitable."

Chi Cho nodded slowly, deep in thought. "The old order... perhaps it's crumbling before our eyes."

"The question, Chairman," the younger diplomat said cautiously, "is how we take advantage of this shift. How do we support Binks—no matter how ridiculous he may seem—and ensure Pantora gains from this new balance of power?"

Another advisor chimed in. "We align ourselves with the Outer Rim factions. They'll be looking to consolidate this victory for non-Humans. Binks may not be our ideal candidate, but if he represents the breaking of the Core's hold, we cannot afford to be left behind."

Chi Cho tapped his fingers on the edge of his seat, his eyes flicking back to the holoprojection. The scene was chaotic, but beneath the confusion, he saw the turning of the tide.

"Indeed," he said at last, his voice low but firm. "We will align ourselves with Binks. Quietly, of course, but firmly. We'll reach out to our allies in the Rim. Let them know Pantora is ready to stand with this Binks in this new era."

"And the Core?" one of the advisors asked.

Chi Cho's lips curved into the faintest of smiles. "The Core is losing its grip. Whether they know it or not, they have just set a precedent that will echo through the galaxy. And Pantora will, hopefully, be there to shape the future."

Chi Cho allowed himself a moment of satisfaction.

For the first time in centuries, the Republic was being led by a non-Human. And Pantora, long on the periphery, was finally poised to help an Outer Rim fellow and hopefully shape things into the center of galactic power.

It was the most interesting day they'd had in a thousand years.


"Mesa declare before yousa all, dat mesa whole life, whether it besa longo or short, shall besa devoted ta yousa service unda service of dat hot republican family ta whichen wesa all belong."

Jar Jar's pledge, delivered from the depths of his Gungan heart, held no malice or ambition. In his mind, this was the culmination of a long and clumsy journey, one filled with stumbles and accidents, but somehow always landing him on his feet.

In his mind, he was merely doing what any servant of the people should: offering his life in their service.

But beyond his own innocence, beyond his bumbling exterior and noble promise, something had shifted.

That pledge now resounded through the galaxy like the hiss of a thermal detonator thrown into a placid lake.

Ripples would spread, and they would spread far.

Rolling nat 100's?

The Icy Stakes Meesa Try

Slowly twirling and imbibing,
In one Force-supplied gesture,
Resplendent Chancellor Binks,
Perused the next Prefecture.

There was Chi Cho's estate,
The line busy, meesa gather.
"Or perhaps the hour late?"
My security droid blathers.

I descend, floating like an angel,
To spot Chi Cho through the window!
A losing Sabacc hand he dangles.
Too bad there are no re-rolls.

"Binks, you're just in time,"
He said to me blithely.
Steely-eyed, I take a seat,
The glimmer of Orto guide me.

That Chi Cho is stern,
He plays a mean hand.
But, bitterness I swallow,
My opportunity grand.

As the game concludes hastily,
I rise, feigning defeat.
But instead, quietly I shadow
The patter of that Pantoran's slippered feet.

Into the bedchamber,
I coast, featherlight with purpose.
A bump. He takes me to be a stranger?
"Esqueeze me?" The misunderstandings abound for Binks E Pluribus.
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In terms of things Jar Jar can and cannot do and will run up against while Chancellor, perhaps the biggest fundamental point of friction in how the Senate is breaking down into gridlock is that formally its basically the UN General Assembly meets like some old school Parliament and Estates-General shit, the Senate isn't really much of a legislature de jure, its a deliberative body for diplomatic resolutions and trade disputes with ambassador-like Senators with plenipotentiary powers to be the hands and voice of their respective governments. But then, in practice, despite everything being run on custom and tradition with no strict rules on how Senators are elected, if they are elected, how the rest of their delegations of representatives are made up, if they can proxy-vote for other Senators, be Senators without any rules on their constituency size or makeup, be Senators in absentia and never show up to the Senate hall; they are de facto a legislative body. The Senate is the body that charters the Trade Federation as an intergalactic agency in the first place, making them the space East India Company charged with the power of private war to defend its Senate-granted claims to build out frontier Hyperlanes and organize "free" trade throughout the Outer Rim.

To that end perhaps the funniest and most impactful secret superpower Jar Jar has is just being himself, and semi-accidentally doing a whole plebian tribune thing, vetoing bad Senate lawmaking by tripping/"tripping" over the controls of Chancellor's pod and technically putting the Senate out of session by removing the Great Seal of the Republic and the Speaker's Staff from the chambers, like the whole ceremonial mace thing in the British Parliament that once was not so ceremonial. And then likewise- having a whole cascade of unlikely events arrange for a technically open session of the Senate but at 3 AM or whatever and with only a bare quorum/group of like-minded Senators using a loophole around having to take quorum, and etc..., etc...

Jar Jar is actually right on the money being the goofiest Chancellor in history, because the Galactic Senate of the Republic is weighed down by millennia of silly precedents and ridiculous archaic ceremonies and gentleman's agreements in duct taping together the vague outline of a lawmaking institution.
Jar Jar is actually right on the money being the goofiest Chancellor in history, because the Galactic Senate of the Republic is weighed down by millennia of silly precedents and ridiculous archaic ceremonies and gentleman's agreements in duct taping together the vague outline of a lawmaking institution.

Which if you think about it, Palpatine's increase of the Executive Power in the hands of the Chancellor starts to make a whole lot of sense in how no one practically questioned it and kept voting it in.
Oh a new star wars quest.

Oh a new quest by Magoose, now this is going to be a trea-


Jar Jar as chancellor of the Republic? Jar Jar Binks? That Jar Jar Binks? Canon Jar Jar Binks?

Sign me the fuck up.
Oh and one more thing.

Each turn is going to be, for the most part, an annual thing.

So every two turns will be half a year. instead of quarters.

There is a reason for that, and you will see why shortly.
So I just lost all my internet...

so... until it comes back, I have to keep the vote open.



You think he's angry. I'm fucking angry that I was delayed!

I was all ready for the vote to end so I can get to the god damn thing, but no, instead I had to wait to fix things.


And you saying "Vote closed, can someone get me the vote count." wouldn't have worked why exactly?

Honest question, I've actually been scratching my head about this since I found out how the vote closed yesterday.
Voting is open