Voting is open
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

You know, this seems like it could be really interesting, since Jar Jar was in some way really instrumental to giving Palpatine the powers he needed. Having him be the opposite, this time around could be fun
3 more guys and we are even again come one for the republic!

Okay, there's been a lot of complaints about Jar Jar potentially being Supreme Chancellor because if his perceived idiocy. I admit that I've voted for him because I wanted an Idealistic Outsider because I want a character who is actually trying to make things better for the people of the Republic, not just treating it as a mathematical puzzle to solve like the Cunning Technocrat. So I'm putting up a plan of my own that might still appeal to the meme vote but could also be a serious contender in their own right.

[X] Plan Princess of Power

-[X] Padme Amidala

-[X] Padme Amidala (my searching for images is weak)

-[X]The Idealistic Outsider:

Could i intrested you in jar jar as i see it there is almost no time and if you want the idealistic outsider to win jar jar has the most vote on it with 63 votes currrently to 66 for the technocrat.
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As I've said before, Jar-Jar is not stupid.

Yeah, he's clumsy. But he's used to living and moving around underwater and he gets less clumsy the more time he spends on land. He lived in an aquatic environment for most of his life. And the planet they take him to immediately after?

Fucking Tatooine.

To us, his speech patterns sound childish. But keep in mind, Basic probably isn't his first language or one that he used often before Episode 1. Also, all Gungans speak like that, so it's not just Jar-Jar. Hell, there may be issues in Gungan physiology that make speaking Basic difficult or a quirk from their native language carrying over like not having personal pronouns.

He's capable of being eloquent when he needs to as well. We actually see him (on screen in fact!) speaking publicly as a political figure and nobody is laughing at him.

Yes, he was manipulated. But it was by goddamn Palpatine. Everybody was susceptible to that.
I probably would have voted for Padme had she been an option days ago :) Right now, there's just no real reason not to vote for either of the two big options. Wait, hoo boy, it's first vote on a political quest, and have we already turned the Republic into a 2 party state? :o
I probably would have voted for Padme had she been an option days ago :) Right now, there's just no real reason not to vote for either of the two big options. Wait, hoo boy, it's first vote on a political quest, and have we already turned the Republic into a 2 party state? :o
We have but how do they say dont change a running system im looking at you Americans :V
Support Jar Jar binks as Chancellor to become the next hero of the Republic who is defintley not clueless to how he got the job !

Image links are broken for me.
Adhoc vote count started by Lord Necromancer on Oct 6, 2024 at 8:02 AM, finished with 409 posts and 141 votes.

Foams at the mouth at how on the cusp it is
17 pages just on the first vote and it's still super close.. This is one of the most contentious first votes in a long, long while on SV, I imagine.
[x] I Definatly didn't Ask for this!

I honestly think this is just as embarassing for sheev as jar jar.
Losing to the aministrating non entitie sould be very embarassing for the politcal shadow pupeteer
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The Fallout New
Did you say omake ? I got one for you all :V

The Fallout

As the votes closed, and it became official that Jar Jar Binks had been elected as Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine—still reeling from this unexpected disaster—was not the only one infuriated. Darth Plagueis, the dark mastermind behind Palpatine's rise to power, was beyond furious. In his hidden lair, the Sith Lord seethed, his eyes glowing with the fury of betrayal and failure.

Plagueis had carefully groomed Sidious for years, shaping him into a tool of darkness, with precise plans to control the Republic from the shadows. But this… this was an embarrassment, a humiliating blunder brought about by Palpatine's foolish, impulsive decision to put that Gungan fool in the Senate's sights. Now, instead of consolidating power, the entire galaxy was fixated on Jar Jar Binks as the new Chancellor.

Palpatine could feel his master's rage even across the Planet. Though miles apart, their bond in the Dark Side was strong enough for Sidious to sense the growing storm. For the first time in years, Sidious felt a cold shiver of fear run down his spine. Plagueis, though secretive, was unforgiving when it came to failure—and this, to him, was an unforgivable blunder.

On Naboo, Jar Jar Binks was blissfully unaware of the Sith politics unraveling behind the scenes. He had returned home after hearing that the election was closing, enjoying a brief, naïve celebration with the people of his homeworld. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, his sudden victory was causing one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy to reconsider his apprentice's fate.

Plagueis' Fury
Darth Plagueis stood in his dimly lit chamber, his thoughts swirling with dark intentions. His apprentice had slipped up in ways that could not be ignored. Allowing Jar Jar to ascend to the role of Chancellor was not just a setback—it was a potential unraveling of everything they had worked for. While Palpatine was usually measured, this reckless move made Plagueis wonder if Sidious had grown too arrogant, too independent. Perhaps his apprentice was not as loyal as he appeared.

But Plagueis was no fool. As much as he considered punishing Sidious severely, he also knew his apprentice was dangerous. Any move to chastise Palpatine too harshly could result in retaliation, and even Plagueis, in his near-immortal state, knew better than to underestimate the ambition of Sidious. After all, the Sith way was one of betrayal and power, and Palpatine had been groomed to be strong—perhaps too strong.

Still, the thought of letting Sidious get away with this failure without consequence gnawed at him. His mind raced with schemes, dark and cruel. He contemplated ways to tighten his grip on Palpatine—punish him, yet keep him in check. Perhaps it was time to test him again, push him to his limits, and make sure he remained firmly under his control.

Plagueis' New Strategy: Stay Alert
In the meantime, Plagueis knew he had to remain vigilant. Palpatine had been learning too quickly, growing more and more dangerous with each passing year. It was clear that Sidious would one day seek to overthrow him—that was the nature of the Sith. But this debacle with Jar Jar Binks had pushed Plagueis to the brink of taking action sooner rather than later.

No longer would Plagueis allow Sidious free rein to maneuver unchecked. He would watch his apprentice like a hawk, scrutinize his every move, and ensure that he did not make any further reckless decisions. And more importantly, he would prepare for the inevitable betrayal—he would be ready to strike first, to ensure that Sidious could not take him by surprise. Plagueis' mind sharpened, focusing on ways to maintain control without revealing his hand too early.

The tension between master and apprentice was palpable now. Sidious, despite his confidence, knew that he had to tread carefully. Plagueis, on the other hand, was calculating, contemplating ways to punish Sidious for his failure without driving him too far. The political landscape had changed—Jar Jar's victory was an unplanned variable—but the Sith would adapt, as they always did.

But beneath it all, a new layer of suspicion had taken root. Darth Plagueis now understood that his apprentice's time was running short. The Sith Lord would not be caught unaware. Sidious' failure may have delayed their grand plan, but it had also triggered a new chapter in their dark and dangerous game. The question was no longer if Sidious would make his move—it was when. And when that moment came, Plagueis would be ready to strike back.
Sorry for being out of the loop, but are there any differences between The One True Chancellor, Jar Jar Binks and Your Favorite Gungan? Because they all seem to be Jar Jar. Are they counted separately? Or did Jar Jar put up his nomination three times under different disguises? 🔍
Sorry for being out of the loop, but are there any differences between The One True Chancellor, Jar Jar Binks and Your Favorite Gungan? Because they all seem to be Jar Jar. Are they counted separately? Or did Jar Jar put up his nomination three times under different disguises? 🔍
vote tally had stroke and dived the plan titled "The One True Chancellor" the name of chancellor that was in it "Jar Jar Binks", the comment to the pic "Your Favorite Gungan" while also dividing the type of character "the idealist", but the last one is in more plans.
Voting is open