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I think a big thing to remember is that we're not a dictatorship, we'll (probably) have advisors to make up for our shortcomings

That's the fun thing:

The Advisors (In this case let's call them: Cabinet Ministers) Would've been chosen as part of the general outline of the Chancellor's agenda.

Which means the debuff would still be applied.
Thinking about it...

The cons seem to feed into different playstyles.
  • Lack of Public Recognition: You worked in the shadows for much of your career, meaning you may lack popular appeal or a strong public image. This could make it harder to rally public support during crises. (All Political Power turns, and legislative actions, cost double then normal Political Power, or Dice Cost)
  • Political Opportunism: Your ability to shift and adapt could be seen as a lack of core principles, leading to trust issues with both allies and rivals who may see you as unreliable or purely self-serving. (You can swap factions but suffer -20 to all rolls for the turn when you do so)
  • Dependence on Factions: Your power base relies heavily on the support of lesser-known factions. If they feel sidelined or betrayed, you could lose your footing quickly.(You are dependent on your political faction and the cohesion of said faction for any long-term political power gain. You must keep them happy or lose legitimacy every turn until you are removed, or the faction's goals change.)
The 'faction leader' type. We enter a faction and push it's agenda. Theoretically very versatile thanks to the limitations being tied to factions which we can change, but any change of course requires either the party itself to change it's prioraties, or for us to take major turn malus to enable the pivot.
  • Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation. After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)
  • Populist Support: While your populist platform is effective in the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds, and corporate interests may view you as a dangerous radical, creating significant opposition from powerful sectors. (You are beholden to the will of your constituents even more than usual and if you do something they don't like…suffer a massive roll malus on political power and Legislative rolls for two turns)
  • Naïveté: Your idealism, while admirable, might not be suited to the cold realities of galactic politics. Without compromising, you could find yourself isolated and unable to enact the changes you want. (The QM will give you the friendship of someone you really shouldn't be friends with, who is considered your strongest political ally. And if you do not help them with their dedication every turn… you will be automatically removed from power, and the game will automatically end.)
The populist is all about building our own movement, with allies from the core being flat-out impossible till hitting a 5 legislation threshold. But, with a 'close friend' that is a problem and yet the cornerstone of our political support.
  • Lack of Charisma: Your cold, data-driven approach can alienate people. While effective, you may struggle to connect emotionally with both the public and your peers in the Senate. (All political power actions that recruit allies suffer a -20, but if you somehow succeed their loyalty is a rank higher than normal. )
  • Limited Vision: Your initial goal was simply to balance the budget and manage systems. This narrow focus might hinder your ability to inspire or lead on larger, more existential galactic issues like war, peace, or social reform. (You have no real agenda at the start and the legislative turns are increased until you release a manifesto. Suffer a -30 to all legislative rolls until you have an agenda.)
  • Unseen Enemies: By quietly rising through the ranks, you might have made enemies who resent your behind-the-scenes influence, particularly among Senators who feel they've been outmaneuvered. (You have a random Faction in the Galaxy that absolutely wants you dead more than usual who will always stall your objective, but you can never know who they are until you complete several actions investigating them)
The technocrat lives and dies on the ability to procure sufficient resources and evading negative attention with their boni, few but loyal allies, very rocky beginning, and haing to face a direct enemy of unknown origin day one.
  • Trust Issues: As a manipulator, your reputation for being the "whisper in the ear" might cause distrust. Allies may question your loyalty, fearing you could turn on them as easily as you've helped them. (The DC of maintaining trust in a faction is increased as you are a known…flip-flopper)
  • Rivalry with Palpatine: Palpatine expected to use you as a pawn, and now that you've outplayed him, he could become a dangerous rival. His resentment could lead to a significant political showdown. (Palpatine will do everything in his power… to make you look bad, and removed from power. You do not know what that means)
  • Lack of Vision: You've been the architect of other people's agendas for so long that you may struggle with setting your own. Without a distinct ideological platform, you could come across as directionless or purely opportunistic. (Your lack of a real plan is a hindrance, and you need one fast. Every turn you do not have one will see you lose half your legitimacy per turn until you are removed from power. That plan cannot last more than 4 turns before it must be replaced with something new. And Ganing Legitimacy will be cut in half for every legislative success.)
Shrewd manipulator. Political power is plentiful, and is harder to politically attack. But factions distrust us and palps will come out swinging while the extra legislature actions would be vital in mitigating the halved legitimacy gain. Or basically, we got the power, but not the trust/allies, and will need to work hard to not rely solely on the power of networking while facing a highly active Palpatine that, will make life very difficult in MANY interesting ways.
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If you put them side by side i have to say the technocrat seems more and more unapealling as you dont even have something to stand on as a plattform to further yourself btw what happens if we get the magoose dice and 2 nat 1 after the other ?

Edit:But alas it seems the emotional brick will win.
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[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

Because the naive idealistic underdog struggling to bring about a better future for others even if the existing order has to be repurposed or totally torn down is one of the themes at the heart of Star Wars - look at Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the original trilogy.

Also the Calculating Technocrat sounds like the kind of person who would be more likely to be truly working for the Trade Federation or Banking Clans rather than for the Republic and its people.
You can inform people of the quest on discords which have an other quests page. Afterall the vote still has several hours or possibly even half a day left. As long as you don't try to sway voters outside the quest thread itself it isn't rude. Just don't use an @ everyone post.
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

Because the naive idealistic underdog struggling to bring about a better future for others even if the existing order has to be repurposed or totally torn down is one of the themes at the heart of Star Wars - look at Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the original trilogy.

Also the Calculating Technocrat sounds like the kind of person who would be more likely to be truly working for the Trade Federation or Banking Clans rather than for the Republic and its people.
I don't think Jar Jar could realisticly make a plan that Is more than 3 steps long. From what I know from the Prequels and the Clone wars He's so clumsy and stupid that even our Politicians would call him an Idiot. Give me one example of Jar Jar being able to seriously lead and understand the Situation as it is? (I want to know if he really can lead the Republic and not have Plot or the Force basically piggy back riding him)
Did a post on the discord hope that is okay with magoose

I don't think Jar Jar could realisticly make a plan that Is more than 3 steps long. From what I know from the Prequels and the Clone wars He's so clumsy and stupid that even our Politicians would call him an Idiot. Give me one example of Jar Jar being able to seriously lead and understand the Situation as it is? (I want to know if he really can lead the Republic and not have Plot or the Force basically piggy back riding him)
The Episode in the clone wars where he is on the Planet and hunted and Plays keep away and makes himself Look like a jedi for example.
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I don't think Jar Jar could realisticly make a plan that Is more than 3 steps long. From what I know from the Prequels and the Clone wars He's so clumsy and stupid that even our Politicians would call him an Idiot. Give me one example of Jar Jar being able to seriously lead and understand the Situation as it is? (I want to know if he really can lead the Republic and not have Plot or the Force basically piggy back riding him)
Magoose has said he will adjust things, and has alluded to having plans either way whichever wins. All this doubting was acceptable before his various posts but not after. The quest will go forward regardless. It's a matter of what play style you want to embrace and what kind of character you want to read from pov, what kind of on universe characters you want to have positive relationships with.
Okay, there's been a lot of complaints about Jar Jar potentially being Supreme Chancellor because if his perceived idiocy. I admit that I've voted for him because I wanted an Idealistic Outsider because I want a character who is actually trying to make things better for the people of the Republic, not just treating it as a mathematical puzzle to solve like the Cunning Technocrat. So I'm putting up a plan of my own that might still appeal to the meme vote but could also be a serious contender in their own right.

[X] Plan Princess of Power
-[X] Padme Amidala
-[X] Padme Amidala (my searching for images is weak)
-[X]The Idealistic Outsider:
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