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Legislative Turn 2 New
Legislative Turn 2:

You sat back in your chair, trying to make yourself more comfortable as the weight of the conversation settled over you. As Isard spoke, revealing the intricacies of the plot you were already beginning to unravel, a part of you realized something, it wasn't necessary to contemplate the gravity of his words. You already knew what you were going to say.

It was as if Isard didn't fully grasp the situation, or perhaps he was too focused on his role within it to see the broader picture. He was caught in the web of political machinations, unaware that you had already navigated these waters.

You smiled, a calm, measured expression that he didn't expect from you at the moment. "Yes, I trust you," you said, leaning forward slightly. "You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic."

Your words hung in the air for a moment, as if waiting for Isard to respond. But instead, he seemed to take that moment to reflect, to process everything you had just said. The silence stretched between you, not uncomfortable, but contemplative.

"Sound familiar?" you asked, breaking the stillness with a subtle knowing look.

Isard's lips curled into a rare smile, and then, unexpectedly, he laughed, a low, genuine sound that seemed almost foreign in the midst of such a serious conversation. "I guess I do find it familiar," he admitted, shaking his head as if amused by the truth of it.

You nodded, leaning back once more. "To them, I am nothing more than an underdog. A figurehead, propped up with the expectation that I'll fail, and in that failure, create an opportunity for their gain. And you? They see you as nothing more than a tool, a weapon, dangerous when unchecked, but useful when controlled. They would never see you as an ally, someone to trust or share in the path forward." You paused, letting the gravity of your words settle between you both. "But I know better. I know people are capable of so much more when given the chance."

As you spoke, your thoughts drifted back, unbidden, to memories of Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Two Jedi who had once taken a chance on you, trusting you, even when others would have dismissed you as nothing more than a clumsy outcast. They had seen past the surface, past the mistakes, and had chosen to believe in your potential. Qui-Gon, in particular, had given you that chance, invoking the life debt to help you, not as a mere obligation, but as an opportunity for you to rise to the occasion.

"If I am to make the Republic a better place, a more righteous government with a brighter future," you continued, your voice steady, "then I must first believe that it can become such a thing. And to do that, I must also believe in the men who stand beside me. The men I've chosen to help build that future. Men like you, Isard."

You turned to look out the window, your gaze shifting toward the stars, the vast expanse of the galaxy stretching out before you. "Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient being can earn. A friend. A friend I can trust to be honest with me, no matter the cost." You looked back at him, your expression soft but resolute. "And that is all thanks to you, for being willing to face me, to seek answers. And for trusting that I would give you the truth."

For a long moment, Isard remained silent. You could see the tension in his face, the conflict of a man who had always walked the line between loyalty and duty, ambition and restraint. But as the words sank in, a quiet smile began to form on his face, one that spoke of something deeper than mere relief.

"When do we begin?" he asked finally, his voice low but filled with purpose.

You met his gaze, your smile widening just slightly. "Now," you replied, the weight of the decision feeling lighter now that the trust between you had been solidified.

Reward: Isard is slowly becoming an ally to you instead of Palpatine. He is now a target for Political assassination.

Next political power turn, there will be rolls against you and him by enemies of the Republic and your administration.

The deliberate sabotage of galactic affairs has been stalled, but their effects on downgrades have doubled.

How to propose a law (Format):
[]Plan name
-[]The Law name
--[]What type of law is it (Minor, Major, Reform)
---[]It's contents (Please note, the more detailed it is, the less likely it can get changed.
----[]Political Power Spent (read Above for the points needed.)
-----[]Factions negotiation (choose the major faction or factions you want to help co-author, and hope you put down enough political power to get them on your side. Note: Optional, but recommended.)

You have 5000 Political Power.

Write in your proposed Law here, and please follow the format I created above.
[]Write in.
[] Nute Gunray Prosecution: Now is the time to prosecute Nute Gunray for his actions against Naboo! Strike while the iron is hot and have him tried for his crimes. He won't be able to slip out of this mess!

Just an idea.
I wonder how many ships we have in our mothball yards?

Like, if we opened up the mothball yards to outer rim defense forces and they could just have the pick of them for free.

Also wondering about the viability of a privateer program.
I wonder how many ships we have in our mothball yards?

Like, if we opened up the mothball yards to outer rim defense forces and they could just have the pick of them for free.

Also wondering about the viability of a privateer program.
Ships in mothball yards are no longer owned by the republic.

They are owned by private companies that break them down for useful materials.
You have 5000 Political Power.

Write in your proposed Law here, and please follow the format I created above.
[]Write in.
Good amount to work with.
Reward: The constitutionalists have accepted you.

For one piece of legislation next turn, they can be used for free without spending political power.

Also, +5 to that legislation passing.
A reminder that we can call on the constitutionals to support one legislation and apply an extra 5 points to the bonus.
I have Three ideas for potential laws/legislation;

The first is find a way for the Judicial forces to work better with various PDFs and get them working together to fight piracy in their sectors.

The Second is improving the resources for the Sector Rangers which is an elite law enforcement agency that is allowed to cross sector boarders.

Lastly, and the one I don't think we could pull off is to crack down on slavery and slavery adjacent this like indebted servitude and serfdom.

I admit that these ideas are rather board and unfocused but its what I could come up with.
I would like to remind the thread of the suggestion to allocate more resources to the ROCI (and possibly the Jedi, I don't remember) to handle their new responsibilities after our last round of Legislation.
military private contractors regulation
>Create provisions for the judicials to use, vet, sanction, and oversee private military contractors
>Create Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission in order to create an oversight and accountability body for medium-large scale private militaries.

republic privateer employment
>Create provisions for issuing letters of marque and reprisal to select private citizens with means and sponsorship of a member world representative, authorizing them to raise, deploy, maintain, and operate in a military capacity against pirates, slavers, and bandits within a zone of operations as enumerated in their letter of marque, as provided by sponsoring member world representatives.
>Create provisions for regulation and oversight of privateers by the Judicial forces and investigation by republic intelligence.
Lastly, and the one I don't think we could pull off is to crack down on slavery and slavery adjacent this like indebted servitude and serfdom.
Export tax on goods producing worlds that practice slavery to account for "Labor cost saving measures(slavery)" used on the worlds in question. It's a small first step but a good one. Punish the world's who have economies built on slavery.
[X] the anti-corruption act
-[X] Republic Anti-Corruption and Ethical Governance Act
--[X] Major Law
  • Corporate Disqualification from Senate Seats:
    • Makes it illegal for corporations or individuals directly affiliated with corporate entities to hold Senate seats. Any current corporate-affiliated members must resign within one standard year or face criminal charges and penalties, including forfeiture of assets and imprisonment.
  • Lobbying Ban:
    • Establishes a Republic-wide ban on lobbying practices, especially in favor of corporations, financial interests, or powerful trade groups such as the Trade Federation and Techno Union. This includes any form of monetary exchange, gifts, or other inducements aimed at influencing Senate votes or legislative initiatives.
    • Any senator found in violation will face immediate expulsion from the Senate and a ban on holding any future public office, along with substantial fines.
  • Ethics and Transparency Bureau (ETB):
    • Creates the Ethics and Transparency Bureau (ETB), an independent agency tasked with monitoring Senate activities for signs of corruption and corporate influence. The ETB will be empowered to:
      • Conduct audits of Senate members' financial dealings.
      • Monitor communication between Senate members and external organizations to prevent undue influence.
      • Investigate any reports of corruption or unethical behavior.
    • The ETB will report directly to a newly-formed Republican Ethics Tribunal composed of Jedi, civil rights organizations, and elected representatives from non-core systems. This tribunal will have the authority to recommend investigations, enforce sanctions, and oversee the anti-corruption efforts of the Republic.
  • Whistleblower Protections:
    • Enacts comprehensive whistleblower protections for individuals who report corrupt or unethical practices, shielding them from retaliation by Senators, corporations, or other entities. Reports can be submitted anonymously through the ETB.
  • Strict Penalties for Corruption:
    • Any Senator, government official, or corporation found guilty of corruption, bribery, or influence peddling will face severe legal consequences, including:
      • Lifetime ban from public office for individuals.
      • Permanent disqualification for corporations from holding any contracts, privileges, or positions within the Republic.
      • Criminal prosecution leading to imprisonment, with sentences depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Conflict of Interest Prevention:
    • Institutes a mandatory disclosure system where all Senators and high-ranking officials must disclose their financial dealings and interests on an annual basis. Failure to disclose will be considered a violation of ethics and punished accordingly.
----[X] Political Power Spent 4000
The core proposal requires 2000 Political Power, but an additional 2000 is invested to increase the chances of passing this law by ensuring enough support and increasing its success rate.
-----[X] Factions negotiation
  • Republican Constitutionalists (Free)
  • Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500
  • Federalists (Republic centralization) 500
I couldn't resist.
It's not terrible, but I'd like to see a move towards capturing corporate profits directly first. If they have enough money for bribery, they have enough money for more taxes instead.
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