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Syfo Dyas: "I know how to fix that."

Also Syfo Dyas: *dies before the Clone Army is ready*
I mean in the fact that the upfront payment of the Clone army would cause the republic to need to restructure its debts.

After all if the Separatists attempt to leave, their debts are absolved from the Republic, meaning that we don't need to pay their debts.

Really if the Galactic civil war starts... you will have either failed, or Papa Palps succeded in manipulating things to start it.
Why not?

The Republic cannot be too poor. It's a government body for multiple member planets.
as I have said, it can't afford it without restructuring its debts.

and tens of thousands of member planets. but that does not mean its a monolith running a surplus every year.

It pays for things.
I'd rather have an army of volunteers supplemented with droids then a Clone army. Yes the Fett clones were badass but they took ten years to reach adulthood. Their best quality was they were a fully furnished standing army ready to fight just as the Republic needed it. I wouldn't say no to a Kamino clone army showing up to help us but I'm not willingly paying for it if we can do a steady buildup of an army of our own.

If we do want a clone army then there's also the Spaarti cloning cylinders. They can make a fully grown human clone in a Star wars year (
368 days) you can make them faster but that causes "clone madness". Even then if you use a ysalamiri to cut off the clone's connection to the Force you can have one in 15-21 days. But we obviously don't have Thrawn around to learn that.

Spaarti Clones are trained by "Flash-Pumping" information and memories into the clone as it's being grown. The side effect is that they're subpar soldiers especially compared to Kamino clones. In Legends material the Empire used them to pad out their military with billions of clone soldiers.

One good thing would they'd be cheaper to make the Kamino Clones. But people would have an easier time finding out we're making a clone army. Since the companies that make them aren't hidden like Kamino is. In my opinion they'd make a good option if we need a shit ton of soldiers(like if war breaks out) But that's unlikely to be a problem in peacetime since the galaxy is a big place and we should allow aliens in the army unlike the Empire.
Why not?

The Republic cannot be too poor. It's a government body for multiple member planets.
Theoretically, if she gritted her teeth and tightened her belt until she almost exploded, she could pay for everything, but this is an empty white room situation. The problem has always been, in my opinion, that no one really expects there to be a civil war (the last major conflict was a while ago and it wasn't even that big, the core and the middle fringe got too used to peace), or how much the other side was already prepared, so they didn't prepare a war chest before the existence of an entire army, with troops, weapons and ships already scheduled to be made, thrown in their faces out of nowhere, where they would have to accept both prices without negotiation and increase orders because if they didn't do it the situation would only get worse.

If the Republic had accepted that war was inevitable years before and started preparing, creating reserves of resources, changing taxes and negotiating discounts on mass purchases of military equipment, I am sure they could have come up with a viable payment plan even if it took years/decades to pay for everything after the war.

Suddenly? Without preparations? Without bargaining for better prices or creating a war chest? With Palps messing around and diverting funds to his personal projects? With the normal corruption that we all know was rampant in the Republic?

They didn't even have a chance and were only able to fight instead of losing everything because Papatine was acting to balance both sides until the right moment.
A meeting of Firebrands New
A meeting of Firebrands

32 BBY, Galactic Senate, Coruscant, just after the beginning of the Naboo Crisis

"...thus, as you can see, our Blockade of Naboo is entirely legal and proper. The voices who claim we have broken the law of the Senate are little more than the impudent bawling of tyrants, who do not recognize that they have finally pushed their oppression too far."

Lott Dod, Senator of the Trade Federation, had a disgustingly smug smile on his face as he spewed his honeyed lies into the Senate, the Neimoidians Voice echoing throughout the rotund chamber as his platform hovered near the center.

Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum only looked on with an expression that betrayed tiredness and resignation, unable to say anything as Dod continued to weasel and wind his way around the fact that the Entity he represented had just blockaded a free Member World of the Galactic Republic, threatening to shoot down anyone trying to supply it and starve it out unless the Senate withdrew the Taxation of Trade Routes and dissolution of Free Trade Zones it had signed into law half a year prior.

It was a naked extortion attempt out of greed, nothing more. And yet, not a voice was speaking up to shut the Neimoidian down as he continued to spew his lies and half-truths.

Some Senators, no doubt their pockets stuffed with Credits from the hands of the Trade Federation, nodded in approval at his words. Others listened with apathetic expressions. Many more turned away, resignation in their eyes. Like this was to be expected, that a Megacorp could simply extort the Senate and nobody would say a damn thing, because it was just the way things were, now!

Senator Ro's Lengar of Galidraan leaned back in her own seat, sheer disgust written all over her face. Had her beloved Dul still been the one warming this seat, she had no doubt he would be stomping his feet and lambasting both the slimy filth Dod for the lies he spewed and the Senate for cowardly standing by and letting him worm out of justice's clutches. Perhaps he'd throw a shoe at the Nemoidian bastard as well. But it was her in this blasted place instead, and her soul ached at the cowardly cameraderie she held with the Trade Federation by not standing with Naboo.

She had sworn to continue what her husband had started, taking on his mantle as the defender of the common citizen, but it was clear now that she was no better than the politicians she had loathed. She clenched her fist and struggled to not lose her mind as her fingernails dug into her palms. It seemed that Naboo would stand alone.

Lott Dod, that conniving snake, clapped his hands together and disgustingly smirked as he looked around the Senate. "Well? Are there any objections to the arguments laid before you?"

For a few seconds, silence reigned in the chamber. Dod, nodding in smug satisfaction, was just about to continue his prattling, when suddenly...

"Oh, I might have a few to boot-licking corporate crook!!"

Like a whiplash, these words echoed in the hall of the Senate. Dod's big eyes almost seemed to fall out of his head with how much they widened. Whirling around, the Neimoidian saw another platform rise up to meet his.

The platform held a strange selection of people. There was a male Twi'lek with red skin, dressed in the Robes of a representative. A female Neimoidian, glaring at the fellow member of her race with barely hidden disgust. A Trandoshan, of all beings, dressed like a lawyer, hissing through his teeth as his claws tapped on a datapad he held.

But the male human standing in front of all of them with crossed arms seemed to draw the most attention. He was in his late forties by the looks of it, and nearly completely bald, only a few strands of lightly greying hair adorning the sides of his head. He was tall, but heavyset, though Ro's had a feeling it was mostly from muscles, not fat. His large, prominent nose bore one birthmark on each side of it under his brown eyes, which glared harshly at the Senator of the Trade Federation. He wore a simple black suit, not any of the fancy robes other Senators bore, with the only ornament on it being three star-shaped Medals hanging over the right side of his chest. He stood tall and proudly, showing not an inch of fear or uncertainty as he met the gaze of the man he just insulted unflinchingly, confidence almost radiating from him.

A little surprised and blinking, Valorum raised his voice. "T-the...the Senate gives word to Senator Cru'sher of the United Federal Republics of Udraaso."

Upon hearing the name of the Planet this man was represeting, Dod, who had stared at the Senator with abject shock and confusion before, bristled as his eyes widened with anger...and, perhaps, a flash of fear?

Taking some mild and vindictive satisfaction from it, Ro's then turned to her aides and asked, "Who is Senator Cru'sher? Because my memory is not serving me well as of now."

The ever loyal Audo simply shrugged in similar confusion, but Gre Vode, an elderly Kel Dor who served as her aide and advisor on intergalactic matters, hummed in a knowledgeable tone as he adjusted his mask. "Senator Cru'sher became Udrasso's Senator when the previous one, one Vodymar L'Ounyn unexpectedly died just before the Naboo Crisis began. From what I know, he is a fierce opponent of the Trade Federation and other megacorporations, given the tense relationship Udrasso has with said federation, and is a fierce proponent of a strong Republic military."

Her face wrinkled with thought, Ro's replied, "And the cause for the latter?"

This time, it was her bright and brash protege Tully Hawes, a human who had served in Galidraan's local militias before joining her staff, who spoke up. "He's a veteran of the fight against the Stark Commercial Combine."


That answered, Ro's nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to Dod, who had smeared over the fear and anger on his face with an expression of haughty arrogance.

"Ah, the honorable Senator Nick Crush! I was wondering which uneducated backwater simpleton Udraaso would send to treat on it's behalf in the Senate."

Ro's blinked and looked at Gre with some confusion. The Kel Dor quickly explained: "'Nick Crush' is Senator Cru'sher's political nickname. It's derived from his full name, Nicholas Cru'sher."

Before Ro's could think too much about that, Dod continued.

"I understand that Udraaso has little love for the finer education, but truly, to send a mere Farmer to the center of Galactic Politics? But then, what do I expect from a World so monofocused on Agriculture. Why do you not cease to speak of matters you know nothing about, such as the Senate's clear overstepping of it's boundaries, and leave that to people who understand them?"

Few Senators would have taken such an insult in stride, and many more would have simply been cowed by words like these from the mouth of the Trade Federation's representative. But Senator Cru'sher did not even bat an eye, only staring at Dod with a disdainful sneer. "Oh, I am sure you are an expert on overstepping boundaries, Senator Dod. After all, that is all your Federation has ever done over the past several decades!"

Lott Dod sneered and made to respond, but Cru'sher simply plowed over it as he continued. "May I remind this grand Senate of the latest scheme by the Trade Federation to strangle Udrasso of its independence," Cru'sher proclaimed with arms stretched out wide and voice booming. "Through barely legal and illegal methods alike including price gouging, bribery, intimidation, and the mass purchase of ore and farming equipment desperately needed by my world, they sought to seize control of our economy yet again!"

As Cru'sher slammed his fist onto the railing of his pod, Ro's could faintly hear the mutterings of her nearby senators quietly agreeing with Cru'sher, and she could see just barely the bravery of her constituents returning to them. A burden was lifted off of her heart, and she turned to look back to Cru'sher with a newfound sense of awed hope stirring within her.

"And may I remind this assembly that the Federation's continued string of unprovoked acts against our sovereignty led to the restrictions upon them in the first place," the Senator sneered as his Transdoshan hissed in agreement with him. "And what more is this blockade of Naboo by these greedy worms then yet another unprovoked and desperate act of aggression made to bully honest and well-meaning people into submission for profit? But this time, they have gone too far! They have bared their crimes and malicious intentions for all the world to see, and it is high time that we tore them down from their azurite towers!"

More and more Senators who before had remained silent and looked away in apathy or resignation were now turning to Cru'sher with a newfound spark in their eyes, Ro's among them. While those in the pockets of the Trade Federation seemed utterly caught off-guard and left speechless by the unrelenting tirade of the Udraasian Senator. How long had it been since a member of the Senate had opened fire upon the Corporations so brazenly? Even Valorum was staring at him in shock.

Dod, meanwhile, looked as if he had been slapped in the face as he stared at the Udraasian.

"I...y-you forget your place, Senator Cru'sher, as well as proper decorum in the Senate!", he blustered, attempting to regain control of the situation. "And I will not tolerate this slander of yours! As I have stated before, our blockade of Naboo is entirely legal and proper-"

"Oh, is it, now?", Cru'sher interrupted him, narrowing his eyes. "Funny, that. You see, my Head Lawyer has gone over all records, laws and precedence for this situation in extensive detail, and what he has found might surprise you!" He turned to the Trandoshan next to him. "Cyssak, if you would?"

The Trandoshan stepped forward, his predatory eyes fixated on Dod. Even from her distance, Ro's could see the Neimoidian swallow nervously at that.

"The 'honorable' Senator Dod has postulated that the Trade Federations Blockade of Naboo is wholly in line with the legal Code of the Galactic Republic", began the Trandoshan, injecting some audible sarcasm into the word 'honorable'. His Basic was almost impeccable, with only slight instances of the hisses his species tended to inject when speaking the language, his tone absolutely professional. "However, after pouring through the past records, laws and precedence relating to this situation, I have come to quite different results."

He tapped a clawed finger on his Datapad and projected a slate of Notes and highlighted passages from official Documents not only onto the larger projector in the center of the Chamber, but also upon the personal readers of each Senator's pod.

"The current blockade that the Trade Federation has placed upon Naboo", Cyssak continued, "is in violation of no less than twenty different paragraphs of Galactic Law. None of which, as you can see, are covered or nullified by their still existing extensive privileges." His eyes narrowed. "Most damning are the violated paragraphs seven, ten, eleven, fifteen and nineteen, however, as they concern the illegality of nothing short of a starvation blockade!"

The senate burst into a flurry of excited debate at the mention of a starvation blockade, and Ro's eagerly gleaned through Cyssak's notes as the ramifications of such a blockade filled her with both dread for the people of Naboo and glee at the prospect of the Trade Federation finally being humbled.

The notes were all so neat and orderly, and Ro's noticed that there was an abundance of footnotes and links to even more sources. Perhaps she could hire the Transdoshan's services if it didn't conflict with both of their responsibilities.

Lott Dod sputtered and struggled to regain his voice. "S-surely even you cannot believe this great exaggeration you have proposed, Senator Cru'sher," he stated as he attempted to project an aura of confidence. "Although regrettable, the subjects of a blockade will go through hardships. This is an irrevocable fact."

All that surrounded the slimy creature, however, was a miasma of fear, one Senator Cru'sher was only more than happy to pounce upon.

"So you say, Senator Dod. But unfortunately for you, we have gotten our hands on a little something taht blows this bantha poodoo right out of the water! Cyssak?"

The Trandoshan nodded and tapped a few more times on his Datapad. "The following recording was taken via a Holocam that a Blockaderunner, who for obvious reasons wishes to stay anonymous, has managed to smuggle from Naboo and brought it into our hands!"

A muttering rose in the Senate while Dod suddenly turned pale. That alone told Ro's that whatever this recording showed, it was likely legitimate.

Cyssak paused. "...Senator Cru'sher and I wish to apologize in advance for subjecting the Senate to the following images", he then said, his tone tight and having an undertone of restrained fury. "However, we feel it necessary to show the unfiltered truth of what this illegal blockade has wrought upon Naboo."

He pressed on the Datapad one last time...and soon after, an uproar erupted in the chamber.

Ro's own eyes widened as she saw the image projected into the center of the Chamber. It was extensively detailed, showing clearly the main plaza of Theed, Naboo's capital. A long line of Nabooians, which stretched across the plaza, most of them children and the elderly, stood in front of the entrance of a makeshift food depot that had been set up, with those coming to it being handed rations.

The workers looked tired and despondent as they gave what was clearly the last of their limited supplies to a group of elderly men and women, who all looked haggard and a little gaunt in their robes as they took the rations and walked off. But what Ro's saw next broke her heart.

Children. A group of Children, most likely orphans as they were accompanied only by one adult handler, most of them humans, some members of various Alien Species, stood before the Depot and watched with wide, sad and hungry eyes as the crushed looking workers told them that they had no food left to give out today and that they should try at another Depot. Their voices and faces betrayed very little hope of the children getting anything at those ether, however.

If the adults had looked a little gaunt, the children clearly showed symptoms of beginning malnutrition. They looked tired, with heavy bags under their eyes, and even wrapped in the blankets they carried, one could tell they were far thinner and lighter in weight than it was healthy for children their age. They lowered their heads as their handler lead them away, her face showing crushing despair.

The recording ended as the murmur from the various Senators rose to become a cacophony of voices loudly talking to each other or trying to say something. As for Dod...he was trembling, now, with Senator Cru'sher shooting him a glare so utterly brimming with murderous fury that Ro's wondered for a second how the Neimoidian had not fallen out of his pod dead as a doornail yet.

"A-an obvious charade," the Nemoidian exclaimed, tremors in voice as he shrank into himself, desperately clawing for control again. The blood in Ro's boiled as she sneered and jeered at Dod, and several other senators had joined in voicing their disdain. "A st-staged performance. Even if it w-was real footage, it would only be an extreme outlier of the reality–"


The whole of the Senate seemed to jump at the sudden noise, and Ro's whipped her head around to see Cru'sher leaning over his pod railings with a face as heated red as a blaster bolt, his teeth grinding together and his eyes bloodshot with rage. For a moment, it seemed as if Cru'sher would leap forward and savage Dod to bits if the Federation senator, cowering behind an arm, were in range.

"I have heard enough of this!" the man exploded. "I have had enough of these lies, these obfuscations, and these tricks once and for all!!"

All eyes were on Cru'sher as he kept ranting, his voice echoing loudly in the chamber.

"This is the EXACT same kind of crap you and your Federation cronies have tried to pull on Udraaso in the past!! Remember the partial blockade of the Hylian Lane ten years ago?! The seizure of food shipments under 'suspicions of piracy' five years ago?! And many other such incidents?! All these years, you have tried to get your grubby little fingers on our Planet, until you realized that we kept hitting back, all so you could finally have your precious 'precedents' for seizing even more power!! And now, after countless failures against our World, you have finally found a weaker victim in Naboo to make your point!!"

Dod tried to say something, but Cru'sher just kept going.

"YOU VILE, COWARDLY CORPORATE SNAKES!! You know fully well your power over this Senate and this Republic are waning, so you resort to these Pirate Tactics in a desperate bid to cling to your precious power, all to satiate your endless kriffing greed!! And why not?! In the past, you have always gotten your way, haven't you, you and all the other big Corporations? WELL, NOT THIS TIME!!"

Ro's watched in awe as the Udraasian Senator kept going, full of sound and fury. Mas Amedda tried to call the Senate to order but his voice was drowned out in the noise rising in the hall as Senators kept arguing, and 'Nick Crush' went to deliver his final blows.

"Your time is DONE!!", he thundered, his face red with anger. "The recent Legislation passed in this Senate that you are fighting so HARD to undo proves how SICK the people of the Republic are of your Bantha Poodoo!! But you have finally gone too far!! Starving an entire Member World out of nothing but corporate greed?! This time, there will be no slinking back into your power and extension of your privileges, DO YOU HEAR ME?! AND THAT GOES FOR YOU AND ALL YOUR FELLOW MEGACORPS!!"

Dod had sunk back into his seed, pale as chalk as he stared with shaking eyes at Cru'sher, who was pointing at him with a finger that, at this moment, seemed like a Vibroblade aimed right at the Trade Federations very throat.


Silence reigned for a few more seconds. Then, roaring noise drowned out the Senate Chamber.

A few minutes later...

Supreme Chancellor Valorum had been forced to call a temporary recess in the meeting, since the Senators were impossible to calm down after Cru'sher's explosive speech had finished. Right now, every Senator was filing out of the hall back to their personal quarters to recuperate, talk and make sense of what had just happened.

Many were already talking amongst themselves. A freshly appointed Senator, openly challenging a Megacorp like the Trade Federation, and so brazenly at that? This was almost entirely unprecedented in the Republics History.

Some Senators scoffed at this Cru'sher, calling him a boorish oaf...but those were mostly the ones taking regular bribes from said Megacorps.Many others, who until then had only felt apathy and resignation at dealing with the likes of the Trade Federation, now felt invigorated. If a new face to the Senate could land such a hard blow that not even Dod could just overcome it or sweep it under the rug...well, maybe the fight was not as hopeless as it had first seemed?

Nicholas Cru'sher wiped his forehead with his sleeve as he shook the hand of yet another senator outside the chamber, who wished to congratulate him, the long session finally having been adjourned. While he was pleased with the thrashing he had given that conniving Dod, he was growing weary of the incessant platitudes and flattery being sputtered onto him. He had hoped more would talk to him of taking further steps, now, instead of simply praising his speech.

At least his friends all looked happy, as they stood behind him. Cyssak especially bore a satisfied, toothy grin. He imagined the Trandoshan was very pleased with himself - the Senator of the Trade Federation had to be worth quite a few Jagannath Points...

As he saw off the Senator he had been talking to, he was approached by another senator – this one of a species he did not recognize – striding forward boldly yet nervously.

"I am Ro's Lengar, Senator of Galidraan," the Senator, her voice revealing her to be a woman, politely greeted him as she extended her hand out toward him.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, " Cru'sher genially smiled as he shook her hand. "I presume you wish to congratulate me as well."

"Yes and no at the same time," she replied, causing Cru'sher to perk an eyebrow. She then took in a deep breath. "The people of Galidraan–my people–have long suffered under the boot of Czerka. And you... you have shown me that we are not alone against the corporations, that we can fight back against their tyranny. For this..."

She nearly choked up as she spoke but managed to stare into Cru'sher's eyes, her own eyes shining with determined hope and defiance. "I thank you with all my heart."

Cru'sher blinked. And then he grinned.

A.N.: Hope you enjoyed this Omake written in Collab by me and @Duke William of. It gives us a proper introduction to my OC, whom I hope @Magoose will make good use of now that he has a feeling what he's like, as well as a first look at his Delegation. Hope my choices interest you.
Also, Nick is allied with Tarkin, naturally. While he thinks Tarkin is too pessimistic about the Republic, and Tarkin thinks Nick is held back by his absolute commitment to it's ideals, they do respect each other both as political Allies and as former Brothers in arms during the Stark Hyperspace War.
Nick is allied with Tarkin, naturally. While he thinks Tarkin is too pessimistic about the Republic, and Tarkin thinks Nick is held back by his absolute commitment to it's ideals, they do respect each other both as political Allies and as former Brothers in arms during the Stark Hyperspace War.

I wonder what he thinks about Chanellor Jar Jar Binks?
He did throw his hat in trying to become Chancellor and lost to him.
I wonder what he thinks about Chanellor Jar Jar Binks?
He did throw his hat in trying to become Chancellor and lost to him.
He was surprised, at first, at Jar Jar being elected. Still is.
But Udraaso is a very diverse World that scorns Human Centrism, so an Alien Supreme Chancellor is hardly that much of a shock to him. Plus, his bid for Chancellorship went nowhere vote wise, compared to Jar Jar and Jensen, so he is not upset at the loss.
Finally, the first round of Legislation Jar Jar passed was for strenghtening the Republican Military, Nick's Main Political Agenda. He enthusiastically voted for both Acts and is now, much like Tarkin, of the opinion that while Jar Jar was an odd choice, he was also the right one.
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hi Magoose could we build something like sith meditation spheres but for the jedi to use in the other rim if we find out about it Ic
Fall this does on Master Ki-Adi-Mundi's shoulders.
The icon of Jedi arrogance and faulty conclusions in the entire Prequel Trilogy. Accept no substitutes, this guy and everything about him is why the Jedi Order crumbled.

Episode 1: "The Sith have been extinct...but one of them is going to kill a Jedi Master."
Episode 2: "Count Dooku is a political idealist, not a murderer. Except for Sifo-Dyas, has anybody seen him around lately?
TCW: Expels Ahsoka from the Order when she most needs their support.
Episode 3: "I can totally trust these clone troopers! Oh. Oh dear."

Legends: "Anakin can't have a loving committed attached relationship. You can't do that and be a Jedi. Just don't tell my wives."
Just give us more Action slots, problem solved.
Too early for that, we need to snowball until we get enough political power to ban the color purple and bell bottoms before we try for more action slots.

anyway, if we need official Droid Support for some reason(Protocol and Analysis Droids should be really helpful for expansions in things), Cybot Galactica might be a good choice. The Jedi already use some of their Analysis Droids, they're the mind behind the 3P0 Droid(and have at least one Military Variant).

Cybot Galactica/Legends

Cybot Galactica (CG) was one of the two largest droid manufacturing companies in the galaxy, the other being Industrial Automaton. Cybot Galactica dominated the market in nonmilitary droids, especially protocol droids. The company was headquartered on Etti IV in the Corporate Sector. It excelled...

Maybe having our Investigators and Jedi getting an expanded Analysis Department to accomidate their new workload could help.
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