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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 11, 2024 at 12:27 AM, finished with 134 posts and 56 votes.

  • [X] The A Team
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]A'dama Jensen
    -[X]Armand Isard
    -[X]Wilhuff Tarkin
    [X]plan two heart beats from doom
    -[X]Lyn'don Jhonson:
    -[X]A'dama Jensen
    -[X]Armand Isard
    -[X]Pell Baylo
    [x] The A minus Team
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]A'dama Jensen
    -[X]Armand Isard
    -[X]Pell Baylo
    [X] Plan A Radical New Direction
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]Koliya Karossi
    -[X]Armand Isard
    -[X]Wilhuff Tarkin
    [x] The A minus Team
    [X] Plan Pack O' Papa Palpy Puppets
    -[x] Ameda
    -[x] Dod
    -[x] Panaka
    -[x] Tarkin
    [X] BKAP
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]Koliya Karossi
    -[X]Armand Isard
    -[X]Pell Baylo
    [X] The B team
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]A'dama Jensen
    -[X]Quarsh Panaka
    -[X]Wullf Yularen
    [X] The B team Tarkin
    -[X]Bail Organa
    -[X]A'dama Jensen
    -[X]Quarsh Panaka
    -[X]Wilhuff Tarkin
    [X] Plan Oops All Write-Ins
    -[X] [Vice-Chancellor] [Write-In] Orn Free Taa, a solid voice in the Senate with many long years of experience as likewise a stereotyped backwater alien come to Coruscant, absolutely trusted by Palpatine, and thus by Binks, as someone that, while seemingly rather mercenary and with sleazy rumors of patronage machines and corruption, tries to managed the chronic Republic failures in slave-trafficking and piracy and the general squalor of Ry'loth (if only to make sure his clan gets a fair cut from Jabba the Hutt instead of some outworlder).
    -[X] [Write-In] [Economics Minister] Rush Clovis, a bold young firecracker with a holo-star's smiling face and a lot of bold ideas on monetary reforms from within the IGBC, only moving laterally into general politics. But beyond a platform railing against politics as usual and the professional political class, what substance he brings is still a cipher.
    -[X] [Write-In] [Security Minister] Padme Amidala, so recently left as an informal activist and voice of radical reform thank's to her term as Queen ending and Palpatine remaining Naboo's Senator, Amidala is free for the job, and who else can say they defended a planetary invasion? Between her firm belief that enough effort can bend and teist any democratic institution towards truth and equality and her array of handmaids-turned-agents Padme's only problem is going to be the fact that she can only address the Senate on its sufferance and will remain an outsider to the heart of democracy. (massively derailing some of the formation of what becomes the Delegation of 2,000)
    -[X] [Write-In] [Justice Minister] Garm Bel Ibis, a bombastic mustached rake in the great Corellian style, defending the particularities of Corellia's and other Republic member's sovereign rights against both the power of the state he remains deeply caustically suspicious of, but also the consolidated intergalactic syndicates cloaking their greed in Separatism. He will spend 12 hours personally filibustering bills on regulating fake HoloNet ads, but also, might be the best chance for Nute Gunray to face justice.
The Government of Chancellor Binks (as of Legislative Turn 1):

Vice Chancellor: Grants +3 actions to political power turn. One Legislative action can now be rerolled if he succeeds in the Debate Roll during the legislative results. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

Bail Organa: The newly minted Senator from Alderaan, Bail Organa, is a diplomat to his core. He has a natural charm that wins over even the most stubborn of opponents, able to diffuse tension with a smile and a few well-placed words. As a first-time senator from a core world, Organa is something of an outsider in the cutthroat world of Senate politics, but his status as a newcomer is offset by his wealth and powerful connections. His family's deep coffers and long-standing relationships with influential figures give him the resources to handle nearly anything the galaxy might throw his way. Organa's diplomatic skills would be a tremendous asset, especially in forging alliances and keeping the peace during tense negotiations. However, his relative inexperience in the brutal realities of the Senate might leave him vulnerable to manipulation by more seasoned politicians. Choosing him would be a gamble—a play for unity and optimism—but one that could pay off if he manages to navigate the complex dynamics of power with the same grace he uses in diplomacy.

Minister of Economics: Stops the decay of the Economy of the galaxy, and leaves it at stable. If it involves the Economy, gain an additional reroll during the debate roll. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

A'dama Jensen: Your former opponent in the election, A'dama Jensen, is as cold and calculating as the systems he manages. His mind works like a machine, processing every detail with methodical precision, and he has a long history of working as a top-tier bureaucrat. Many see him as the perfect candidate for this role. His mastery of administrative detail and his talent for creating smooth, efficient workflows make him a natural fit for managing the complexities of the economy. However, there's an air of mystery surrounding him. Some believe his robotic demeanor is merely a façade—an artificial mask hiding who he really is. While this could mean he's more adaptable and versatile than he lets on, it could also signify deeper flaws beneath the surface. Jensen would undoubtedly bring a structured, almost mechanical efficiency to the Ministry of Economics, ensuring that regulations are enforced with absolute precision. But will his impersonal approach resonate with the wider population, and more importantly, will he have the flexibility to deal with unpredictable economic crises?


Minister of Intelligence: Stops the Decay of the Intelligence for now. If you invest actions to the intelligence agencies, they gain a +10 to their rolls. On investigation actions during Political power turns… gain a reroll. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is. Minister is currently Palpatines pawn, and will roll against you during political power turns to cause one of the galaxy parts to downgrade.

Armand Isard: Young, ambitious, and constantly maneuvering his way up the political ladder, Armand Isard is a rising star in intelligence circles. Handpicked by Palpatine for his potential, Isard is known for his adaptability and quick thinking—he has a knack for adjusting to the ever-changing dynamics of power and intelligence work. His ability to read situations, alter strategies on the fly, and make the most of limited resources makes him an attractive candidate for this crucial role. But there's something more you've noticed about him—something even Palpatine may have overlooked. Isard's drive to rise through the ranks isn't just ambition; it's desperation. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it. This hidden vulnerability could be your leverage. If you can offer him a way out, a chance to escape the rigid confines of his current role, you could earn his undying loyalty. Isard could become not just your Minister of Intelligence, but a valuable ally willing to bend the rules to further your agenda. The question is: can you trust him with the secrets that will shape your reign? Or will he remain bound to Palpatine?


Minister of Fleets (Secretary of War): The quality of officers and sailors will not decrease, however, it will not increase. When sending the Fleets out on patrol or operations in political power Turns, gain +10 to their rolls. When training and drilling them, gain +20. On legislative turns, gain +10 to the debate rolls when involving the fleet or army of the republic. More bonuses will be unlocked the more successful your government is.

Wilhuff Tarkin: Wilhuff Tarkin is a rising star in the fleet, though his ascent has been marked by controversy and fear rather than admiration. Cold, calculating, and undeniably ruthless, Tarkin approaches warfare—and leadership—with a level of pragmatism that borders on brutality. To him, logic and efficiency take precedence over all else, and this has made him a divisive figure among his peers. While many find his methods harsh and unpalatable, there's no denying his competence. Tarkin has an almost surgical ability to assess and exploit weaknesses, both in his enemies and within the Republic's own ranks. However, there is a deeper concern that comes with choosing Tarkin. He believes that the Republic is in need of radical change—a fundamental reshaping of its structure and purpose. This makes him not just a capable military leader but also a potential political risk. His disdain for the status quo could lead him to pursue drastic reforms, using his position as Minister of Fleets to push the Republic towards a more authoritarian stance. If you appoint Tarkin, you'll gain an incredibly effective minister who will stop at nothing to improve the fleet's strength, but you may also be planting the seeds for future unrest.
How bad is the corruption in the senate? I don't know as much about the lore beyond the whole thing was a mess by the time of The Phatom Menace. And I feel like it was never clearly defined even in good Legends just how corrupt the senate was.
How bad is the corruption in the senate? I don't know as much about the lore beyond the whole thing was a mess by the time of The Phatom Menace. And I feel like it was never clearly defined even in good Legends just how corrupt the senate was.
Its fucking bad.

lets leave it at that.

Its why Political power is so important. It's your currency to get people to shut the fuck up and listen.
They literally allow megacorporations to vote in the Senate. Not as representatives of planets they happen to control, but as their own entity.

And the Trade Federation damn near got away with invading a member world.

Shits fucked.
How bad is the corruption in the senate? I don't know as much about the lore beyond the whole thing was a mess by the time of The Phatom Menace. And I feel like it was never clearly defined even in good Legends just how corrupt the senate was.

At least by the time of the Clone Wars assassination of Senators by political rivals wasn't uncommon. According to the West End Games RPG of Star Wars that came out in the 1990s (which had its sourcebooks and supplements vetted by Lucasfilm) one of the major events that led to the banning of assassin droids was the killing of a Senator at a swoop race by an assassin droid that resulted in twenty thousand additional deaths among the spectators and crews. And this was described as one of the events that led to assassin droids being banned. Hell, the mere fact that droids explicitly and publicly designed for assassination are widely sold says plenty about the state of the galaxy.

Also, as @Roaming_Guardian pointed out, megacorps have their own Senators in the Senate - not Senators that are effectively under a megacorp's thumb because they have so much economic pull on theplanet or system the Senator is from, but literally their own Senators.
At least by the time of the Clone Wars assassination of Senators by political rivals wasn't uncommon. According to the West End Games RPG of Star Wars that came out in the 1990s (which had its sourcebooks and supplements vetted by Lucasfilm) one of the major events that led to the banning of assassin droids was the killing of a Senator at a swoop race by an assassin droid that resulted in twenty thousand additional deaths among the spectators and crews. And this was described as one of the events that led to assassin droids being banned. Hell, the mere fact that droids explicitly and publicly designed for assassination are widely sold says plenty about the state of the galaxy.
A lot of assassin droids are apparently sold under the table or are labeled as other types of combat capable droids. For example IG-86 droids are officially high end security droids.
In order to effectively govern, you need to have effective monopoly on force. To be able to point to laws written in the books and say "Follow the same rules as everyone else or its prison.". The Republic cannot do this. The mega corps have substantially more power than the Judicials.

If we somehow gathered the political will to disband the Trade Federation or Banking Clans, we literally could not do so unless they allowed it. The Judicials have no teeth compared to even the much smaller droid armies present in the galaxy right now.
be able to point to laws written in the books and say "Follow the same rules as everyone else or its prison."
Technically we have a monopoly on the Jedi Order and their own power and force based abilities and their own peripheral forces.

The problem is literally there isn't enough of them, and their assets are too spread out.

We have power just not a lot of it. Case and point, the Naboo crisis was stopped by the Jedi Order's backed force.

Edit: Or is it more correct to call them a force multiplier then an actual force.
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In order to effectively govern, you need to have effective monopoly on force. To be able to point to laws written in the books and say "Follow the same rules as everyone else or its prison.". The Republic cannot do this. The mega corps have substantially more power than the Judicials.

If we somehow gathered the political will to disband the Trade Federation or Banking Clans, we literally could not do so unless they allowed it. The Judicials have no teeth compared to even the much smaller droid armies present in the galaxy right now.

Technically we have a monopoly on the Jedi Order and their own power and force based abilities and their own peripheral forces.

The problem is literally there isn't enough of them, and their assets are too spread out.

We have power just not a lot of it. Case and point, the Naboo crisis was stopped by the Jedi Order's backed force.

Edit: Or is it more correct to call them a force multiplier then an actual force.

Jedi are a good supplement, but the Republic should never have relied on them to be what's essentially their main force. They are more useful as peacekeepers then military assets, while the Republic itself should be backed up by a strong (enough) army/navy to use as their main muscle.

Tarkin (for his many, many faults) does have a good point that the Republic has become complacent in peace. If the government lack the strength to enforce its policies then few will actually care about following them. Hence why the Outer Rim (and some of the Middle Rim) are crawling with pirates and other scum while the Mega Corporation blockaded a planet to 'punish' the republic for daring to try and increase their taxes.
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Technically we have a monopoly on the Jedi Order and their own power and force based abilities and their own peripheral forces.

The problem is literally there isn't enough of them, and their assets are too spread out.

We have power just not a lot of it. Case and point, the Naboo crisis was stopped by the Jedi Order's backed force.

Edit: Or is it more correct to call them a force multiplier then an actual force.
Yeah I'd say they're a force multiplier. A jedi or two is a dangerous threat but they aren't an army. And we don't really control them. The battle at the Geonosis arena proved that if you throw enough blasters at a jedi even they'll go down. Plus their skill level varies considerably.
Technically we have a monopoly on the Jedi Order and their own power and force based abilities and their own peripheral forces.

The problem is literally there isn't enough of them, and their assets are too spread out.

We have power just not a lot of it. Case and point, the Naboo crisis was stopped by the Jedi Order's backed force.

Edit: Or is it more correct to call them a force multiplier then an actual force.
And even worse. The Jedi order is, shall we say....

Poorly Equipped. To face any real military force, as shown in the OTL Battle of Geonosis. They are more 'aggressive negotiations' special police forces, than any true military force.

Jedi are a good supplement, but the Republic should never have relied on them to be what's essentially their main force. They are more useful as peacekeepers then military assets.

Tarkin (for his many, many faults) does have a good point that the Republic has become complacent in peace. If the government lack the strength to enforce its policies then few will actually care about following them. Hence why the Outer Rim (and some of the Middle Rim) are crawling with pirates and other scum while the Mega Corporation blockaded a planet to 'punish' the republic for daring to try and increase their taxes.
The Jedi are powerful assets in war. But...
Yeah I'd say they're a force multiplier. A jedi or two is a dangerous threat but they aren't an army. An we don't really control them. The battle at the Geonosis arena proved that if you throw enough blasters at a jedi even they'll go down. Plus their skill level varies considerably.
Yeah, they are more suited for spec ops operations, negotiators, diplomats. Skills squandered by shoving them all in command positions, and prior deploying them as one single force. While those with Battle Meditation could work as a General, they very well could simply be a specialist supplementing said forces and have similar affect. Every force a Jedi could be highly useful. Every Jedi a commander is not.
The people are still very anti military. We're better off putting incremental expansions to the Judicials them straight up build an army. And even then I'd rather it be some droids supplementing a well trained volunteer force then the majority be droids.

This, and possibly rebuilding the cold war era republic commandos as a sort elite task force to deal with major issues.
Also support for the antarian rangers.
Honestly Droid Starfighters are were its at.

I personally consider the CIS Tri-Fighter the ideal starfighter in Star Wars. Its cheap to produce (40,000 credits which while twice as expensive then the dirt cheap culture droid, is still substantially below most other star fighters, even the Tie Fighter), expendable given its a droid, and yet is still armed to the teeth, fast and hard to hit, and capable of wrecking starfighters more then twice/three times its value. Its only negative is the fact that its not shielded, and that can be fairly easily added in I assume.

Unfortunately our ability to use droid starfighters is limited because the trade Federation and Techno Union have a monopoly on the tech. So its better to stick with normal organics instead.
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the trade Federation and Techno Union have a monopoly on the tech. So its better to stick with normal organics instead.

[] The Nute Outer Rim Anti-Trust Act: A small-scaled Anti-Trust Act that covers the Outer Rim with the ability for the government to settle matters on regards of monopolization and expansion of megacorporations in the Outer Rim to divide, disperse, and place them under new management with no ties to the parent company. In addition to forcing the parent company and the owner's estate/accounts to pay fines for doing so. This also accounts in Agriculture Monopolies, Industrial Monopolies, and other forms to protect and bolster competition in the markets in the Outer Rim

New Outer Rim Policies, while Anti-Trust wouldn't be accepted in Core and Mid Worlds (For obvious reasons), there should be greater chances of adopting "Experimental Ideas" into the Outer Rim much easier as it isn't the Megas and Anti-Rocking Boat Senator's HQs, but allows better protection in prosperity programs and other ideas in the Outer Rim.
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