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As a reminder, since Jar Jar has the Outsider Origin, all proposed laws will auto-fail all core world senator allies rolls until after we pass 5 laws. So maybe we should focus more on smaller proposals focused towards the Mid- and Outer Rim.

An idea I had was to propose to create and award a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter, and/or the creation of a few Hyperdrive-equipped Starfighter Squadron QRFs. It might slightly improve our naval power and gain support from the Military Reformists like Tarkin , while being small enough that the Republican Constitutionalists won't oppose it too much.

Plus, it's politically relevant with the Battle of Naboo, where a single modified freighter managed to blockade and invade an entire planet, but was taken out by a relatively small group of starfighters. I'm sure at least some systems with few defense forces are worried about someone trying to repeat the TF's idea, and this is a quick and relatively-cheap way to address those concerns.
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The fact that the Outer Rim (Basically the Agricultural Sector of the Republic)'s basically being exploited, with some Pirates and Whatnots having to be dealt with there.

The Megas and the Corrupts are currently untouchable in the Core and Mid Rims (Basically legislation against them would most likely falter quickly), this leaves the Outer Rim with more opportunities to "Test out" Policies, Investments, etc.

That kind of Action, compared to this one, seems exists only in the First Phase of a Full Turn. This one focuses on Policy and enacting new settlements, not the proposal of creating a military operation.
Does the republic have any Hostis humani generis* kind of decree? If not then we should put one on the books. Along with whatever funding and expansions we can feed the Judicials.

*A Maritime term translating to "A Enemy Of Humanity". basically makes Pirates and Slavers as beyond legal protection and makes it so anyone can deal with them not just the people they've attacked.
huh.. would revoking (just) the trade federations senate seat be a minor or a major law?

Or if that's too extreme, a one time fine for the cost of repairing the damage done to naboo?

Since it's the Trade Federation (and other Megacorps), that'd be a Major Law.

We should push for more anti-piracy patrols. This is what Tarkin wants, this decreases the Criminal rating by discouraging open piracy, pushes up Rim Stability now that the Republic actually does something about the Hutts and the Black Sun mucking about without opposition.

That's good and all..but that seems more of a Military Operation than an actual legislation to be passed into law (It defeats the purpose of a surprise attack if their backers in the Senate can keep stalling any purposes of having it enacted for some reason.)

But I dont know what we could hope to get away with.

changing the tax rates and tariff rates between systems, as the Republic regulates commerce between member states.

Could implement this:

[] The Republic Agriculture Fair Trade Act: The Act creates a program that enforces a stronger agriculture produce price to be mandatory for middlemen in the agriculture trade to bolster small and medium income farmers and better work conditions as a way to avoid exploitation in the agriculture market.

It's a tax policy with Populist leanings towards giving farmers better income in their dealings and ensures better working conditions.
Does the republic have any Hostis humani generis* kind of decree? If not then we should put one on the books. Along with whatever funding and expansions we can feed the Judicials.

Partially because Pirates aren't considered pirates unless they cross systems.

Think of it like crossing state lines to make it a federal charge in America...

Most pirates are smart enough to have thick enough alibis to be seen as quirky merchants with guns.

Everyone dosen't belive it, but the paperwork oftentimes is enough. :V
*A Maritime term translating to "A Enemy Of Humanity". basically makes Pirates and Slavers as beyond legal protection and makes it so anyone can deal with them not just the people they've attacked.
unfortunatly no. While Slavers are arrested and the slaves are freed, that legislation to punish them are rather... outdated. fines are to low.

Ships are too cheap and can be easily replaced so taking them away is nothing...

and finally, there is no will in the republic to stop it.
so, does anyone know the planets which serve as the main hyperlane trade hubs in the outer rim? I'm guessing we can grant the judicials some rights and directives in that and surrounding systems to combat lawlessness in the outer rim.
In my opinion, the priorities are to make intelligence at least exist (and have them sniff out pirates and criminals), strengthen the judiciary a little in the most dangerous areas (using the Invasion of Naboo and the large presence of criminals in the territory by Republic law as an excuse) and make the Jedi help with this, which should help them recover their reputation and is also a good thing to help with that feeling that they are servants of the core and do not care about the Rim (Anakin must also like to see the Jedi fighting against slavers).

All of this with the intention of being a synergistic operation to help the Outer Rim, which has the most obvious problems that we can impact (we have very little power to start facing the HyperCorps), it will help the common people, maintaining our position as populist and should put some stumbling blocks in the idea of separatism right from the beginning, since many people joined because they felt abandoned by the Republic.

The expansion of the intelligence department (which is nonexistent for anything but essential for everything else, otherwise we will remain blind) should also help us to really begin to understand the scale of the problems.

I want to make at most three smaller laws to start dipping our toes into this quagmire, and since we will only know the general state of affairs in the next round, I want to save legislative power and improve the outer rim, which has problems that are relatively easier to solve because the Senate does not care about it.

@Magoose, what is our office's opinion on the best way to do what I am talking about? Is there an obvious problem?
unfortunatly no. While Slavers are arrested and the slaves are freed, that legislation to punish them are rather... outdated. fines are to low.

Could also implement these alongside the Fair Trade Act:

[] Welfare Expenses and Expectations for Enslaved People Act: The Act calls for the creation of a new tax program targeted towards Slave Owners for Welfare Services for their enslaved workers that is accounted per Slave, either Dead, Missing, and/or Alive. The purpose of the act is to increase pressure on the Slave Owners to eventually free the slaves from economic pressure. In addition, creating a severe fiscal penalty system that enforces better and civil treatment of the enslaved people.

[] The Slavery Head Tax Act: As a way to impose economic pressure on slave owners, a slavery head tax system is developed at high rates per slave with the slave owners having to pay the tax, in which accounts dead, alive, and missing slaves. Only way to decrease this is to free the slaves. In addition, local currency is accounted for in the tax calculations along with Republican Credits.

Three Tax-related policies. The latter two aims towards adding in economic pressure that also works to fuel the Republic's coffers.
@Magoose, what is our office's opinion on the best way to do what I am talking about? Is there an obvious problem?
THere are frankly so many fires that even solving one problem would be a legitimate win among the GAlaxy.

Just saying.

Literally start with one problem and fix it, and you might be able to start cooking and get more done.
Trade Feds have way too much influence and too many allies and cronies to go after immediately. We need to build up our power and support before we go after any Mega Corps.
Literally start with one problem and fix it, and you might be able to start cooking and get more done.

Basically: An intelligence System's better to be adopted from somewhere than creating it from scratch (one which would be stalled in the Senate in the passing simply because the Trade Federation and some Shrewd Senators would place Two and Two together that it can also affect them.)

Trade Feds have way too much influence and too many allies and cronies to go after immediately. We need to build up our power and support before we go after any Mega Corps.

The Outer Rim's practically the only way out of that spiral, since they're basically left alone in financial and other matters.
We absolutely need to punish the Trade Federation as soon as we possibly can. But I dont know what we could hope to get away with.
As @TheGrape said, if we create an anti-piracy initiative for the Outer Rim, we could reduce crime there, reinforce our populist support, reduce the chances of separatism, show that the Republic still cares about them, and pave the way for a law to reduce the size of the HyperCorps "security forces" (private armies) because we would be reducing their excuse, which was necessary because the Republic could not protect the hyperlanes.

Remember, guys, we are a political, we need to thinks about actions that feed off each other and that we can use actions approved in the present to facilitate more radical actions in the future. For the love of God, guys, don't think about doing everything or a big action at once, or we will get a slap in the face from the lobby groups and the gigantic corruption that is present now.
can we a get a short table of examples of what kind of change counts as what kind of action?
Some examples then.

Minor laws:

Changes in tax percentages,
renamming stuff.
infurstructure on individual planets.
Criminal law reform for anything other then pirates and slavers and corperations.
creating a law to allow the Jedi to do things more.

Major laws:
Funding the Judicials
infurstructure in the rims.
Currency reform
Banking Reform
updating pirate and slaver laws to make them have teeth.
Creating or disbanding taxes and tariffs.

Think of the most crazy batshit ideas you can think of.

then make it bigger.

That is the reform.
As @TheGrape said, if we create an anti-piracy initiative for the Outer Rim, we could reduce crime there, reinforce our populist support, reduce the chances of separatism, show that the Republic still cares about them, and pave the way for a law to reduce the size of the HyperCorps "security forces" (private armies) because we would be reducing their excuse, which was necessary because the Republic could not protect the hyperlanes.

Remember, guys, we are a political, we need to thinks about actions that feed off each other and that we can use actions approved in the present to facilitate more radical actions in the future. For the love of God, guys, don't think about doing everything or a big action at once, or we will get a slap in the face from the lobby groups and the gigantic corruption that is present now.

Since you're willing to speak on the issue of Anti-Piracy.

What Types of Anti-Piracy Should be implemented in Law? Not talking about simply submitting "Anti-Piracy" and call it a day, but what are the procedures that would be adopted (Say Mandatory X-Ray, Spices, etc. Scanning Stations Through-out The Republic for Ships to go through for example) that would reduce Anti-Piracy?

updating pirate and slaver laws to make them have teeth.

Welp, that basically throws away any ideas on Minor-law scaled Anti-Piracy Laws.
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Let's start small so our term doesn't begin with us aiming too high and getting immediately burned. Let's do a couple Minors to chip away at areas we want to focus on.
so, does anyone know the planets which serve as the main hyperlane trade hubs in the outer rim? I'm guessing we can grant the judicials some rights and directives in that and surrounding systems to combat lawlessness in the outer rim.
Eriadu is one. It has two of the biggest hyperlanes in the galaxy intersect through it. But you'd be better of looking at any star wars map or just generalize it and not name names because while the people in universe will probably know there are a lot of hyperlanes out there of varying importance.
THere are frankly so many fires that even solving one problem would be a legitimate win among the GAlaxy.

Just saying.

Literally start with one problem and fix it, and you might be able to start cooking and get more done.
Hmm, so as long as we pass something that will help it's a win (and it doesn't help the sinking feeling in my stomach about how bad things are if this is considered a win) so I think I'd prefer this bill and we'd like it enough to get it passed.
Could implement this:

It's a tax policy with Populist leanings towards giving farmers better income in their dealings and ensures better working conditions.

It should be a good starting point and should gently check the power of the HyperCorps in many agri-worlds.
Yes but at the same time, we (unintentionally) rode into office on the aftershocks of the Invasion of Naboo.

We MUST be seen to do something in response to not get written off as toothless.

Bare minimum, we need to ensure the legal system is acting against the Federation, and do something for the people of Naboo.

I dont know that we could get Cato Nemoida to pay reparations until whatever trial is over, but we could shove mud in their face with some posthumous medals for the murdered crew of the ship that carried Qui-gon and Obi Wan. Maybe a lump sum payment to Naboo for damages.
hmmm think the creation of a coruscant based info network should qualify as a minor action since it would be for only coruscant, we can expand in later with more politcal power and showing of its effectiveness

second action we can pass is the jedi law letting them do more in the outer rim maybe?
Here's another thing we should note. Lobbyists and the like are going to come to us, wanting us to ammend laws (or leave them alone) in exchange for Political Power and other favours. We can't just ignore this and refuse them, even if they go against certain of our interests. I imagine we need a solid Base of both supporters and powerful lobbyists and financial backers if we want to bank enough political capital to actually make big, long term changes. We may have to be willing to accept a few deals with devils early on, especially whilst our capital and support are low.
second action we can pass is the jedi law letting them do more in the outer rim maybe?

Apparently the Jedi can't do things there not because they can't, but because the Republic apparently has no jurisdiction on some Outer Rim Planets (Like Tatooine.)

That basically tells you how bad the situation in the Outer Rim is becoming if even that's the justification being used on why the Order also didn't try and save Shmi.
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