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"Uhmm actually you can't ban us, if you do - you're banning the force. Which means you ban the Jedi by extension."
I shit you not that is a possibility.

I mean the senate has tried to basically make the Jedi their actual puppet for centuries but the Jedi are too cunning and like their status too much to make that happen.
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And one more thing.

Don't think for a second that all your legislation will have short term gains that will help you…

Because they won't unless you are deliberately making something that will be a short term solution.
And one more thing.

Don't think for a second that all your legislation will have short term gains that will help you…

Because they won't unless you are deliberately making something that will be a short term solution.

Deliberately Short Term Solutions that becomes Long Term ones. Maintenance to keep them going and improve once needed.

Anyway, Jar Jar finding out Darth Sidious went after Anakin:

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That is a terrible idea…

Just saying have the foresight to not… you know… do that
Yeah. The thing about the force. As much as groups like the mandalorians make names for themselves killing force users...

There is a point on the force power scale where any power comparison basically breaks down and, fights become an auto-lose if you don't meet a minimum amount of force backup, lest something like your whole force suddenly becomes the force user's army or silly stuff at that scale. And Palps are close enough Base Delta Zero might be in the ballpark of needed...
Yeah. The thing about the force. As much as groups like the mandalorians make names for themselves killing force users...

There is a point on the force power scale where any power comparison basically breaks down and, fights become an auto-lose if you don't meet a minimum amount of force backup, lest something like your whole force suddenly becomes the force user's army or silly stuff at that scale. And Palps are close enough Base Delta Zero might be in the ballpark of needed...
Or you could just bring an ysalamiri. :V
Palpatine's Possible List of Appointees - A Short Dossier
To make things a little different for this reward as this has helped me with making the update.

One of these potential people can be flipped into your camp.

That is all I will say.

So Risk and reward on who you may pick.
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One of these potential people can be flipped into your camp.

That is all I will say.

So Risk and reward on who you may pick.

Base purely on the dossier. It seems like Isard might be the most likely to be flippable. Given humanocentrists are unlikely to flip given the whole human vs alien angle. And the other choices are effectively involved with the shadow cabal.And even then, given he is the resident spymaster, he would be logically one of the big people to subvert. 😅
Armand Isard - currently serving as an agent of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, the closest thing to an intelligence agency the Republic had before its end. Became the Director of Imperial Intelligence and father of none other than the mega psycho bitch Ysanne Isard who killed him to be the head honcho.

...Besides the force sensative which...
is in a relationship with the guy.
Know that the dossiars do not mean anything.

One of them will flip and its not the one you may think...

So just keep an eye.
Which Rim do you guys think have the least developed Agriculture Infrastructure, and which Rim has the most potential to grow a great Agricultural Base?
Which Rim do you guys think have the least developed Agriculture Infrastructure, and which Rim has the most potential to grow a great Agricultural Base?
Outer rim has many, many agricultrual planets that have incredible infurstructure on it.

Telos, Dantooine, Taris technically despite being bombed to the stone age for awhile in the old republic...

Really the outer rim produces the majority of agricultural products that should have made it wealthy...

Should being the operative word.
A mental image I had after seeing something in the last quest, now put to the forum so it can leave my head (since there's now a context for it to go in):

"And one last option. He's prone to moments of absolute brilliance, but is quite... erratic. If you know his levers, you can keep him under control; if you don't, there's a good chance he'll sell you out."
"So whosa da lasta dem?"
"A vice-admiral in the Republic Navy. When I mentioned the possibility, he told me he'd be here in person, despite my insistence that it would not be necessary."
"I can meets him?"
"He should be here in three... two... one..."
"It says on dis holopad his name is Miltin Takel? Whysa he calls hisself dat?"
"No one's been able to figure that out for sure, but-"
"That's the leading theory, yes."

God Naboo in the imperial era is so interesting cause like yeah of course you'll have the secret cells of resistance and networks of Amidala loyalists Padme helped build up in the prelude to the Rebel Alliance proper, but you also have Naboo as the birthplace of Palpatine the place where people like Padme had to exist, to try and make right the colonial evils her forebears afflicted on the Gungans pushing them out of the plains and hinterlands and into the deep sea. The types of Rebel sympathizers on Naboo are 100% going to be the principled bougie striver types, Mid-Rim yuppies trying to earn Core prestige, while their Imperial sympathizing brothers and sisters like Padme's-bodyguard-turned-Moff Panaka are the types of Mid-Rim gentry that want to take the respect of the Core in the same ways as the Tarkins of Eriadu and such do as space Prussians having a love-hate relationship with Britain and wanting their own British Empire.

So you end up with this stagnating paralysis and slowly undermined native traditions as Naboo overall is like the last stand of lame moderate opposition within the Imperial Senate and then within their own increasingly-pressured internal commonwealth and elective monarchy, until Naboo gradually just withdraws from major galactic affairs and largely bows out of openly systemically leading the charge in the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, in fear of the true brother's war and cataclysm of long bitter civil war within Naboo, and the perhaps grimly necessary removal of imperial and crypto-imperial elements within their society.
Have you read The Dark Side of Capital?
Building your Government New
Building your Government:

Reminder you must choose one of Palpatines cronies in your government. (They are bolded)

Note you can refuse to have a minister or even refuse to form a government entirely… I just don't recommend it.

Choose your Vice Chancellor: Your number two. The next man up. The Hype man. The successor in case you die… and one last thing… The man who will whip the senators into shape to get your legislation done. Gain three actions and other unknown effects.

[]Lyn'don Jhonson: One of the chief architects of your recent victory, Lyn'don Johnson is a towering figure in the Senate—both in terms of experience and physical presence. A seasoned legislator with a reputation for ruthless pragmatism, he has been navigating the intricate web of Senate politics since before you were even a thought. Johnson is a force of nature: sharp-witted, relentless, and not afraid to get personal with his insults if it means advancing his agenda. Known for his imposing stature and forceful personality, he has a habit of steamrolling opposition and getting things done, often through sheer willpower and political maneuvering. He is widely regarded as the "safe choice" for leadership—a stabilizing figure whose political acumen and long-standing relationships could help you consolidate power. However, Johnson comes with baggage. His stubbornness on certain policy positions often puts him at odds with you, and his hard-nosed approach can make him a difficult ally to manage. Choosing him would signal continuity and experience, but it could also mean inheriting his enemies and the inevitable friction on key issues.

[]A'dama Jensen: Your former political opponent, A'dama Jensen, is a man who seems more machine than human in both demeanor and thought process. A career bureaucrat of the highest order, he is known for his efficiency, precision, and dispassionate approach to governance. He speaks in calculated, almost robotic tones, as if every word is part of a larger equation he's constantly solving. Some believe this cold exterior is a carefully crafted façade, hiding a deeper complexity or perhaps even vulnerabilities. Jensen despises the limelight, shying away from the grandstanding that defines most of the Senate, and prefers to work quietly in the background, where he excels at getting budgets passed and keeping the gears of government running smoothly. Placing him in a high-ranking position would be a bold gesture, a way of showing your political enemies that you are willing to "play the game" and reach across the aisle. His skills would be invaluable in navigating the often-tedious machinery of governance, but there is a major issue: he doesn't want the job. Jensen has no desire for the power and influence the position entails, making it a difficult—and potentially risky—move to place him there.

[]Mas Ameda: The enigmatic Mas Ameda has long served as Palpatine's right-hand man, a shadowy figure who wields considerable influence while remaining in the background. He is soft-spoken yet assertive when needed, and over the years, he has quietly built a vast network of alliances within the Senate, leveraging his relationships to push through key pieces of legislation. Ameda is content to let others bask in the spotlight while he pulls strings from the shadows, a man who seems to prefer being the power behind the throne. However, there's something about him that raises your suspicions. His quiet demeanor belies an ambition that is hard to ignore. He seems loyal, but you can't shake the feeling that he might have aspirations beyond simply advising from the sidelines. Choosing Ameda would grant you access to his extensive network and expertise, but it might also come with a hidden cost—one that could undermine your authority if you're not careful.

[]Bail Organa: The newly minted Senator from Alderaan, Bail Organa, is a diplomat to his core. He has a natural charm that wins over even the most stubborn of opponents, able to diffuse tension with a smile and a few well-placed words. As a first-time senator from a core world, Organa is something of an outsider in the cutthroat world of Senate politics, but his status as a newcomer is offset by his wealth and powerful connections. His family's deep coffers and long-standing relationships with influential figures give him the resources to handle nearly anything the galaxy might throw his way. Organa's diplomatic skills would be a tremendous asset, especially in forging alliances and keeping the peace during tense negotiations. However, his relative inexperience in the brutal realities of the Senate might leave him vulnerable to manipulation by more seasoned politicians. Choosing him would be a gamble—a play for unity and optimism—but one that could pay off if he manages to navigate the complex dynamics of power with the same grace he uses in diplomacy.

Choose your Minister of Economics: The man who is in charge of the economy, or rather, regulations in the economy so that there can be a free… well no… regulated market and currency. This will cause the economy to always go towards stability unless they fail… multiple times, or worse, fail to properly implement legislation. Unknown Effect on future legislation and taxation.

[]A'dama Jensen: Your former opponent in the election, A'dama Jensen, is as cold and calculating as the systems he manages. His mind works like a machine, processing every detail with methodical precision, and he has a long history of working as a top-tier bureaucrat. Many see him as the perfect candidate for this role. His mastery of administrative detail and his talent for creating smooth, efficient workflows make him a natural fit for managing the complexities of the economy. However, there's an air of mystery surrounding him. Some believe his robotic demeanor is merely a façade—an artificial mask hiding who he really is. While this could mean he's more adaptable and versatile than he lets on, it could also signify deeper flaws beneath the surface. Jensen would undoubtedly bring a structured, almost mechanical efficiency to the Ministry of Economics, ensuring that regulations are enforced with absolute precision. But will his impersonal approach resonate with the wider population, and more importantly, will he have the flexibility to deal with unpredictable economic crises?

[]Koliya Karossi: Koliya Karossi is a powerbroker, much like Lyn'don Jhonson, but with a more hands-on, practical approach to governance. Karossi thrives on action—he is not content with abstract theories or endless debate. He prefers to get things done, and his record shows that he is highly effective at creating real, tangible outcomes. He would approach the role of Minister of Economics with the same energy and pragmatism that have defined his career. However, Karossi may find the position beneath his ambitions. Used to wielding considerable influence, he may chafe at being relegated to the "nuts and bolts" of economic policy rather than working at a higher, more strategic level. But if he can be convinced that your vision aligns with his practical mindset, he could become one of your strongest assets. Karossi's ability to maneuver through the complex realities of power and economics could turn what is often a mundane position into a crucible of innovative economic strategy.

[]Lott Dod: The former Trade Federation representative, Lott Dod, brings with him both opportunity and baggage. Palpatine has long desired to mend the bridges that were burned after the Trade Federation's catastrophic actions eroded faith in their leadership and intentions. Appointing Dod as your Minister of Economics would send a strong signal to those sectors of the galaxy tied to trade and commerce that you are willing to rebuild trust. However, this would be a highly controversial choice. Many of your allies and enemies alike would view the appointment as playing a dangerous game—aligning yourself with an organization that nearly destroyed the galaxy's economic structure and your own home. On the other hand, placing Dod in this role could show your willingness to navigate the complexities of diplomacy and realpolitik, acknowledging that even former enemies have value when it comes to stabilizing and growing the economy. His experience with the Trade Federation's vast commercial empire could be invaluable in ensuring that large-scale trade and interstellar economics thrive, but it may also be seen as a betrayal of the moral principles you have sworn to uphold.

Choose your minister of Intelligence: Will grant you more intelligence actions, and will cause the intelligence stance to not automatically go down each turn… only when you fail intelligence options in political power actions.

[]Armand Isard: Young, ambitious, and constantly maneuvering his way up the political ladder, Armand Isard is a rising star in intelligence circles. Handpicked by Palpatine for his potential, Isard is known for his adaptability and quick thinking—he has a knack for adjusting to the ever-changing dynamics of power and intelligence work. His ability to read situations, alter strategies on the fly, and make the most of limited resources makes him an attractive candidate for this crucial role. But there's something more you've noticed about him—something even Palpatine may have overlooked. Isard's drive to rise through the ranks isn't just ambition; it's desperation. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it. This hidden vulnerability could be your leverage. If you can offer him a way out, a chance to escape the rigid confines of his current role, you could earn his undying loyalty. Isard could become not just your Minister of Intelligence, but a valuable ally willing to bend the rules to further your agenda. The question is: can you trust him with the secrets that will shape your reign? Or will he remain bound to Palpatine?

[]Quarsh Panaka: Recommended personally by Senator Palpatine, Quarsh Panaka has a long and distinguished history of service. As the former Head of the Queen's Bodyguard during the Naboo crisis, Panaka has proven his loyalty and dedication time and time again. He is highly disciplined, methodical, and committed to the cause—qualities that make him a formidable leader and a trusted ally. His experience in defending Naboo and handling high-stakes security operations make him a natural fit for the role of Minister of Intelligence. However, Panaka's strength is also his potential weakness. He is a man set in his ways, bound by his rigid sense of duty and tradition. While this makes him reliable, it also means he may struggle to adapt to the fluid, often morally ambiguous world of intelligence work. Panaka is a by-the-book operator, and while his unwavering principles are commendable, they may also limit his ability to think outside the box or take the kind of risks that intelligence work often demands. His adherence to tradition could become an obstacle, especially when unconventional or covert tactics are needed to maintain your hold on power.

Choose your Minister of Fleets (Secretary of War): You will be granted more martial/judicial fleet actions. While they will not personally oversee and lead fleets, they will be the ones who will work with the Republic's defense industry to make better ships to protect the sailors and officers. And the quality of officers and sailors will not decrease, however, it will not increase.

[]Wilhuff Tarkin: Wilhuff Tarkin is a rising star in the fleet, though his ascent has been marked by controversy and fear rather than admiration. Cold, calculating, and undeniably ruthless, Tarkin approaches warfare—and leadership—with a level of pragmatism that borders on brutality. To him, logic and efficiency take precedence over all else, and this has made him a divisive figure among his peers. While many find his methods harsh and unpalatable, there's no denying his competence. Tarkin has an almost surgical ability to assess and exploit weaknesses, both in his enemies and within the Republic's own ranks. However, there is a deeper concern that comes with choosing Tarkin. He believes that the Republic is in need of radical change—a fundamental reshaping of its structure and purpose. This makes him not just a capable military leader but also a potential political risk. His disdain for the status quo could lead him to pursue drastic reforms, using his position as Minister of Fleets to push the Republic towards a more authoritarian stance. If you appoint Tarkin, you'll gain an incredibly effective minister who will stop at nothing to improve the fleet's strength, but you may also be planting the seeds for future unrest.

[]Wullf Yularen: An older, seasoned officer with a long and decorated career, Wullf Yularen has already proven himself time and time again. His most notable achievement was his decisive defeat of Trench, a notorious renegade who threatened the security of the Outer Rim. Yularen is the kind of leader who garners respect from both his subordinates and his peers, known for his calm demeanor and tactical expertise. Politically, Yularen is active, though he only involves himself in the political arena when it serves his own personal interests, and his ambitions seem to lean more towards commanding a fleet rather than being stuck in a bureaucratic role. Choosing Yularen would provide you with a steady and reliable hand in the Ministry of Fleets. His years of experience and proven track record make him an ideal candidate for maintaining the status quo and ensuring that the Republic's fleets remain formidable. However, Yularen's desire to return to active fleet duty could present a challenge—he may not be satisfied with a purely administrative role for long. His attention could drift back to the front lines, leaving you with a minister who is more interested in direct command than strategic oversight. His focus on self-interest could also complicate your relationship, as Yularen may push for decisions that benefit his career rather than the Republic's long-term stability.

[]Pell Baylo: Pell Baylo is the headmaster of the Defiance, the Republic's premiere training station for judicial fleet crews, and a man known for his strict discipline and no-nonsense approach to leadership. Baylo has built a reputation as a hard-nosed commander, ensuring that every officer and sailor who passes through his training program is rigorously prepared for the challenges of naval service. His extensive connections within the Republic's naval hierarchy make him an appealing choice for Minister of Fleets, as he already commands the respect of the institution he would oversee. Baylo's main drawback, however, is his disdain for politics. He is a military man through and through, and he has little patience for the maneuvering, compromise, and diplomacy that comes with high-level government service. While his competence is beyond question, his unwillingness to engage with the political side of the role could limit his effectiveness as a minister. His aversion to politics might even become a liability, especially if you need him to navigate complex political waters or form alliances to secure additional resources for the fleet. Baylo will ensure that the fleet runs like a well-oiled machine, but his reluctance to engage in the larger political game could hinder broader strategic initiatives.

If you wish to not build a government:
[]Do not build a government.

This will carry consequences.

AN: Enjoy and plan format please!
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[X] The A Team
-[X]Bail Organa
-[X]A'dama Jensen
-[X]Armand Isard
-[X]Wilhuff Tarkin

I think i can live with this.
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[X]plan two heart beats from doom

-[X]Lyn'don Jhonson:
-[X]A'dama Jensen:
-[X]Armand Isard
-[X]Pell Baylo

Ilets face it we need someone from palpies faction and isard was good before his idiot daughter murdered him and he's like us fresh face and dubiously qualified but we know he's good.

Pell we'll him not politicizing is just gravy were ten years from destruction

The other 2 are just to not have inexperienced politicians where we can keep an eye on them
[]Armand Isard

This has to be the one who we can flip.

[X] Plan The A Team
-[X]Bail Organa
-[X]A'dama Jensen
-[X]Armand Isard
-[X]Wilhuff Tarkin
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If you wish to not build a government:
[]Do not build a government.

Come on people, this is the Galactic Senate we're talking about here. We're not in the business of actually governing, oh Force no! We're the show, the zoo that all your hardworking sentients tune in to watch after a hard day of actually working and helping the Republic chug along. Surely you don't think we actually do anything worthwhile?

Just shut up, let yourself be wine'd and dined by whichever lobbyist wants to pay for your next meal, and pose for some photos. Keep collecting your paycheck until people get sick of seeing your face and kick you out for someone new. That's what it means to be part of the Galactic Republic's Galactic Senate.
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