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I'm dying over here from seeing all those near fails on DC 0 checks.

What would've happened if we crit failed on those?

That is the Disney version of events. The Legends version is:

After the formation of the New Order, Binks was considered an ally of the new Emperor, and an Imperial HoloVision report shortly after the end of the Clone Wars mentioned that he had personally sent Senator Binks to an undisclosed location.[8]

He was succeeded in his post as Representative of Naboo at the Galactic Senate by Pooja Naberrie.[40]

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, a Twi'lek by the name of Vaik'anna Silverlight remarked to a spacer in Theed that she had met Jar Jar, and found him to be a bit annoying.[37]

Binks was alive and well in 6.5 ABY, and was present on Coruscant during its liberation from the Galactic Empire by troops of the New Republic. While he was never involved in this liberation, he was situated relatively close to some of the action.[41]

That Jar Jar lost his seat to Amadala's niece because he was considered the political ally of the Emperor and then was still present in the background not accomplishing much of anything.
... Padme is technically a Political Ally of Palpatine
He didn't specify the ally had to be a Senate member or member of his Cabal.
Plus we could always choose someone from his political party who isn't a dickwad or a member of his cabal, they still count as a political ally of Palpatine

I discarded that line of thought to reflect the 2 of the dice result.

Palpatine is going for the jugular for this one.
Well, this sucks. Given the low Roll, I think it's certain that every single possible option we could choose for our Government will be an active hindrance to us and/or come with massive debuffs to our rolls.
Well, this sucks. Given the low Roll, I think it's certain that every single possible option we could choose for our Government will be an active hindrance to us and/or come with massive debuffs to our rolls.

Likely No Canon Characters (Except Palp's Peeps that have high Praise with little competence. Palp's pride would make sure they actually are somewhat competent as not doing so would reflect poorly on Palpatine's Judgement of employment.) Of competence would be part of it, any of the Senators (like Jhonson) should be considered to be part of the new Government?

Best to treat them as new to the game (as in: Haven't been Senators for Long).
Likely No Canon Characters (Except Palp's Peeps that have high Praise with little competence. Palp's pride would make sure they actually are somewhat competent as not doing so would reflect poorly on Palpatine's Judgement of employment.) Of competence would be part of it, any of the Senators (like Jhonson) should be considered to be part of the new Government?

Best to treat them as new to the game (as in: Haven't been Senators for Long).
A reasonable expecaton would be, seemingly reasonable with problems. Ranging from simply being a Palp agent, to corrupt problem, to being involved with crime. They will surface level not look bad, but there is still some room for subtle sabotage to beware of.
God Naboo in the imperial era is so interesting cause like yeah of course you'll have the secret cells of resistance and networks of Amidala loyalists Padme helped build up in the prelude to the Rebel Alliance proper, but you also have Naboo as the birthplace of Palpatine the place where people like Padme had to exist, to try and make right the colonial evils her forebears afflicted on the Gungans pushing them out of the plains and hinterlands and into the deep sea. The types of Rebel sympathizers on Naboo are 100% going to be the principled bougie striver types, Mid-Rim yuppies trying to earn Core prestige, while their Imperial sympathizing brothers and sisters like Padme's-bodyguard-turned-Moff Panaka are the types of Mid-Rim gentry that want to take the respect of the Core in the same ways as the Tarkins of Eriadu and such do as space Prussians having a love-hate relationship with Britain and wanting their own British Empire.

So you end up with this stagnating paralysis and slowly undermined native traditions as Naboo overall is like the last stand of lame moderate opposition within the Imperial Senate and then within their own increasingly-pressured internal commonwealth and elective monarchy, until Naboo gradually just withdraws from major galactic affairs and largely bows out of openly systemically leading the charge in the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic, in fear of the true brother's war and cataclysm of long bitter civil war within Naboo, and the perhaps grimly necessary removal of imperial and crypto-imperial elements within their society.
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Any questions?

And not about the government building or legislative turn we will get to that
Any questions?

And not about the government building or legislative turn we will get to that
I guess one thing is. Is there a chance that we might later on deal with force cult type issues?

It's kinda officially completely under the Jedi wheelhouse, but at the same time, the handling as such wasn't ever really any advanced, seeming to boil down to don't cause trouble and don't rock the boat. And yet, it may end up being relevant, especially as the Matukai knows how to strengthen one's connection to the force going by legends lore.(Probably a secret given the force presence or lack thereof in the era, and the legend relations with jedi, combined with a long and complicated relationship with the one group the Matukai are affiliated with.) 🤔
I guess one thing is. Is there a chance that we might later on deal with force cult type issues?

It's kinda officially completely under the Jedi wheelhouse, but at the same time, the handling as such wasn't ever really any advanced, seeming to boil down to don't cause trouble and don't rock the boat. And yet, it may end up being relevant, especially as the Matukai knows how to strengthen one's connection to the force going by legends lore.(Probably a secret given the force presence or lack thereof in the era, and the legend relations with jedi, combined with a long and complicated relationship with the one group the Matukai are affiliated with.) 🤔
Technically there is freedom of cult in the Galaxy with the exception of the sith.

This is rather important
Cult of Jar Jar, fanatical Jar Jar Zealots who believe Jar Jar to be their God, He Who Speaks The Unknowable Truths :V
Technically there is freedom of cult in the Galaxy with the exception of the sith.
...Actually thinking about it...

When someone brings the force order thing, it's gonna be complicated isn't it. Given that on one hand, force users and religion go hand in hand. Yet, religion does not necessarily involve the force. So the whole situation of the Jedi maintaining a virtual monopoly on Force use, to the point that common parlance for force user became the word jedi.....

Which, might end up becoming a legal argument at some point.

After all, especially with the religious undertones many force groups have, even the Jedi and Sith arguably being religions themselves. There could easily be arguments made for and against tying force use to religious freedom.
palpatine legalese's the sith into legality
It'll be more complicated than that, but...

He'd totally push religious freedom in a way that is conveniently worded to clash with the whole Sith being illegal thing, and he could rather easily do that, given Sith are ancient history at this point. 😅

And yet, arguably, getting the Jedi to try and fight it, would be an easy angle to attack them, by claiming, whenever rightfully or not, that the Jedi were just trying to maintain their power, by exploiting their connection to oppress the religions of the galaxy, and well....

The jedi would have a hard time contesting that narrative.
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