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Thing is, that only really helps at a local level. At this point in time, a starfighter having a hyperdrive is both rare and expensive. Almost all dedicated fightercraft needed to be carried from system to system by a larger ship like a Gozanti or something or have an external hyperdrive ring to dock with (Jedi starfighters have this).

If I remember correctly, Z-95s (predecessors of the X-Wing) were the first to start incorporating built-in hyperdrives, but that came from Clone Wars era models.
Speaking of the z 95

New action avalible.
If I remember correctly, Z-95s (predecessors of the X-Wing) were the first to start incorporating built-in hyperdrives, but that came from Clone Wars era models.
The Z-95s didn't have a hyperdrive originally. Though it was a common retrofit. But because it didn't have an astromech socket the pilots had to put in the coordinate manually or insert a preprogrammed data-chip. Though the rebels used a heavily upgraded variant called the Z-95 AF4-H
that did have a astromech socket.
Stares expectedly at the Aurek-class tactical strikfighter. We don't need to wait for Z-95s to get refitted with hyperdrives when we have Aureks— a starfighter class with both shielding and a built-in hypderdrive, that has served the (Old) Republic well for centuries (granted, also before the Ruusan Reformation), already available. We just need to start building them again.
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Stares expectedly at the Aurek-class tactical strikfighter. We don't need to wait for Z-95s to get refitted with hyperdrives when we have Aureks— a starfighter class with both shielding and a built-in hypderdrive, that has served the (Old) Republic well for centuries (granted, also before the Ruusan Reformation), already available. We just need to start building them again.
In use from 4,000 BBY to 1,000 BBY.

Three. Thousand. Years. Somehow nobody made a better design to the point they were considered as obsolete as a biplane?
In use from 4,000 BBY to 1,000 BBY.

Three. Thousand. Years. Somehow nobody made a better design to the point they were considered as obsolete as a biplane?

Hammerhead-class Cruisers are worse. The earliest basic design goes back to the early Republic some 20000 years further during the Tionese War. Subsequent ships are basically the same design with updated tech.
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In use from 4,000 BBY to 1,000 BBY.
Oh it said to 1,000 BBY? I guess I missed that part. You also bring up a good point… while technology seems a bit stagnant in the galaxy until around the time of the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War… you're probably right that there'd have been enough time in the intervening years beforehand for a better design to have been made.
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in star wars the older something is it tend to be batter

Not necessarily. There have been improvements in technology since the Aurek was developed.

We see other examples of this in other areas, such as why people don't generally use personal shield generators anymore. It's explained as a perpetual war between the power of weapons and the power of shields. Eventually, it got to the point where the shield needed a power source so strong that it would kill the user from prolonged radiation poisoning.
Not necessarily. There have been improvements in technology since the Aurek was developed.

We see other examples of this in other areas, such as why people don't generally use personal shield generators anymore. It's explained as a perpetual war between the power of weapons and the power of shields. Eventually, it got to the point where the shield needed a power source so strong that it would kill the user from prolonged radiation poisoning.
ok I guess it would be more fair that while it is like 40k in the older something is it batter it mostly confined to things like the froce or Mandalorians but there is still a way to improve on something
Oh it said to 1,000 BBY? I guess I missed that part. You also bring up a good point… while technology seems a bit stagnant in the galaxy until around the time of the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War… you're probably right that there'd have been enough time in the intervening years beforehand for a better design to have been made.

Dragging Aureks out of storage is probably a great short term solution before we contract modern strike fighters (X-wings).
Not necessarily. There have been improvements in technology since the Aurek was developed.
Something I'd just like to mention: it's stated in it's wookieepedia page that Aureks were modernised/upgraded as the Republic moved through each 'era,' with them still seeing use right up until the Galactic Civil War. So… they might not be that bad of an option with regards to current technology?
The Meeting New
Ho boy bail, bailed us out!:V

Btw if we are looking at old designs how about The Harrower-Class Dreadnaught this bad boy can be our main flagship for the fighter corps just make sure we do it like the trade feds with more shielding and some turbolasers but otherwise perfectly desgined fo what we are expecting to do with the fighters and question how mad would palpatine be if we did this ?

The Meeting
Chancellor Jar Jar Binks, after a whirlwind and unexpected rise to power, addressed his newly formed government with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. The roles were set, the positions filled, and now, it was time to bring stability and progress to the galaxy. Standing before them, Jar Jar's wide grin stretched from ear to ear, clearly still adjusting to the weight of his new responsibilities.

"Meesa say, thank yous all for bein' here today! Dis gonna be a bombad journey for all of weesa," he began, gesturing grandly as he spoke. "Weesa got da Vice Chancellor, Bail Organa, who's got da words dat melt hearts! He'sa gonna help keepin' da peace in da Senate, makin' friends and doin' all da fancy talkin' stuff." Jar Jar's enthusiasm was palpable, though Bail himself maintained a more composed and diplomatic air, offering a reassuring smile in return.

"Next up, weesa got A'dama Jensen, da Minister of Economics! Dis fella, he got da brainz for crunchin' numbers and makin' sure da credits flowin' nice and steady! Weesa need dat, or else all da systems gettin' super grumpy!" Jensen, ever stoic, simply nodded, his eyes scanning the room, already calculating the next steps needed to maintain stability.

Jar Jar continued, now with a slightly nervous glance towards the shadowed corner of the room, where Armand Isard, the new Minister of Intelligence, stood. "And dis here is Mister Isard! He's got da smarts for sneaky business, keepin' da Republic safe from all dem who wanna make trouble. But meesa know he'sa real good guy deep down!" Isard's lips twitched slightly, offering a tight, knowing smile. Jar Jar's attempt at winning him over with friendliness might be endearing, but the Gungan Chancellor couldn't be entirely sure of Isard's loyalties, especially given his ties to Palpatine.

Finally, Jar Jar turned to Wilhuff Tarkin, the newly appointed Minister of Fleets. He seemed slightly more hesitant, but pressed on with characteristic optimism. "And weesa got Tarkin, da tough guy who's got da fleets in tip-top shape! He'sa real smart with da battle stuff, makin' sure all da ships an' troops ready for any troublemakers out there! But weesa gotta remember to keep it nice and friendly too, okie-day?"

Tarkin, with his cold and calculated expression, offered a curt nod, his mind already churning with strategies and ideas to reform and strengthen the Republic's military might. He respected Jar Jar's energy, even if he found the Gungan's leadership style... unconventional.

Jar Jar beamed at his assembled ministers, his excitement barely contained. "Meesa know weesa all got our different ways, but together, weesa gonna do great things! Now, let'sa go out there and make da Republic proud!"

And so, the Government of Chancellor Binks was officially set into motion. Jar Jar's charm and enthusiasm may have won him a landslide victory, but he would soon find that leading a galaxy as diverse and tumultuous as the Republic would be a challenge far beyond his usual antics. The fate of the Republic now rested in the hands of an eclectic team—guided by a Chancellor whose heart was in the right place, but whose path forward was anything but certain.
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Maybe we should look into mothballs?
I remember reading somewhere that there are millions of droid mothballed on Coruscant and I wonder what else may be squirrelled away somewhere, maybe starfighters?
Senate cannot complain if we decide to save credits by using what we already have and if we unmothball more than originally expected then whoops? :)
It will also give us votes for this move from shipyard worlds if we use them to do refits.
If we want to pad out our fighter here's an Idea I stole got from another starwars quest on Space Battles*. The Toscan was a fighter that was nothing to write home about but it was designed to be easily modified by whoever bought it. However people would rather buy a ship capable of fulfilling their own purpose then buy a Toscan and then pay more to modify it. So the product failed and it was mostly sold at rock bottom prices and wound up in the hands of pirates and cut rate planetary militias. The other problem with it is it's made a nonspecific long time before the Clone Wars and is probably starting to show its age. Not to mention we might have already missed the deadline for buying them in bulk.

But hey if they're still available they are an ok if not amazing fighter to pad out the Judicial fleets or given over to Planetary defense forces. If we're real slick we can buy them under some sort of economic relief bill or something.

*Kote, Vode An if anyone's wondering.
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droid mothballed on Coruscant

Recycle them to form a Droid Worker's Army: They shall make Tax Burdens much better as they're dedicated towards making sure the infrastructure and other related things on Coruscant is fine, or mayhaps have them assigned towards Starfighter production.

Possibly even donate them to Outer Rim Governments to handle their administration, Production, and Construction works.
Recycle them to form a Droid Worker's Army: They shall make Tax Burdens much better as they're dedicated towards making sure the infrastructure and other related things on Coruscant is fine, or mayhaps have them assigned towards Starfighter production.

Possibly even donate them to Outer Rim Governments to handle their administration, Production, and Construction works.
I have this weird feeling that Republic war droids will not be good at Administration or Construction.
Maybe at demolition? :)
Possibly even donate them to Outer Rim Governments to handle their administration, Production, and Construction works.
I think his would sell better in the senate. If we want to build up a droid workforce the MegaCorps and their cronies are going to raise a fuss about buying new stuff instead of "obsolete trash" so they can line their pockets. If we point out that we're sending them to poor planets they're less likely to care because the poor planets are less likely to afford their products.

At least that's my reasoning.
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