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Legislative Turn 1 New
Legislative Turn 1:

You stood at the window, gazing out over the endless sprawl of Coruscant, the city that never sleeps. Its towering skyscrapers shimmered under the artificial lights, while countless speeder lanes buzzed with activity. The heartbeat of the Republic pulsed below, vibrant and chaotic, yet here, in the silence of your office, you felt the weight of the moment pressing down on you. Despite your ambition, despite everything you had wished for, there never seemed to be enough time.

Your government was finally built, the pieces set in place like a complex game of dejarik. Now, with the structure complete, you knew there was no turning back. Every decision, every appointment you made, had committed you to a path that could no longer afford hesitation. The pundits on the HoloNet had been relentless in their critique for weeks now, accusing you of wasting precious time, of being too cautious. They said you weren't bold enough, that you had ignored the counsel of your greatest supporter, Palpatine, in your efforts to manage the state.

You hadn't ignored Palpatine—far from it. But you did not wish for your legislation to be solely his own. You had placed distance between the two of you deliberately, carefully navigating the line between deference and independence. It was a delicate balance, and Palpatine, ever the master strategist, had appreciated your restraint. He didn't need a puppet; he needed someone capable of standing on their own, someone who could solidify his vision without appearing to be his direct instrument. His endorsement of your appointments had been subtle yet unmistakable. He had even personally vouched for Armand Isard, meeting with the young intelligence officer before you officially named him to the post. "He is the finest officer the Republic has seen in a long time," Palpatine had said, with that knowing smile of his. His reputation preceded him—cold, efficient, and ruthless, as well as ambitious. Exactly the kind of leader Palpatine admired.

The others, too, had fallen into place. Bail Organa had been gracious in accepting his role, though you could tell he hadn't expected it. He was used to being an outsider in the political arena, more accustomed to diplomacy than power plays. Perhaps that's why you chose him. He had the charm, the connections, and most importantly, he wasn't one of the power-hungry brokers who circled Coruscant's halls like vultures. But there was still that flicker of doubt behind his composed exterior. He accepted the position without hesitation, yet you could sense his unease.

Then there was A'dama Jensen. Cold, calculating, and mechanical in his approach, Jensen was less concerned with politics and more with efficiency. When you appointed him, he didn't express surprise, nor did he show any sign of being pleased. He simply went back to his work, moving from one office to another as though the change had been nothing more than a logistical shift. Perhaps that's why you needed him—the work would get done, quietly, without fanfare. Jensen wouldn't seek the limelight or challenge your authority. He was content to operate behind the scenes, ensuring that the gears of the bureaucracy continued to turn smoothly.

Tarkin had been the most… interesting choice. When you first approached him with the offer, his reaction had been one of surprise—perhaps even reluctance. For a brief moment, you had thought he would outright refuse the position. He seemed almost disinterested, not in the authority or the prestige, but in the constraints of the office itself. But then something shifted. The moment he truly grasped the scope of power the role afforded him, he rescinded his initial hesitation. He understood exactly what this position could offer, not just for himself, but for the changes he envisioned for the Republic.

Tarkin knew, with an almost fanatical certainty, what needed to be done to reform the fleets of the Republic's defense forces. He had spoken with clinical precision about inefficiencies, about outdated protocols and lax standards, about officers who were more politicians than soldiers. But it wasn't just the fleets he had in mind. You sensed it in his tone, the way his eyes glinted coldly when he spoke of the Republic as a whole. He saw its weaknesses—not just in its military, but in its very foundation. Tarkin believed the Republic was fragile, vulnerable to the disorder and bureaucracy that plagued its institutions, and he wasn't the type to passively allow it to continue crumbling. He wanted radical change, the kind that could reshape the entire system, starting from the military and rippling outward.

There was something clouding his judgment, something more than just his ambition to see the Republic's military reformed. You could sense it—a deep-rooted ideology, perhaps even a personal vendetta, driving his need for control. His cold logic, while efficient, bordered on the dangerous. You couldn't shake the feeling that Tarkin viewed the Republic as a failing experiment and that he saw himself as the necessary force to either save it—or rebuild it in his own image.

That's why you knew you needed to talk to him. Not just as his superior, but as someone who could see the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. If left unchecked, Tarkin's ambitions might grow into something far more dangerous than just reforming the fleets. His vision of order, discipline, and control could spill over into realms you weren't prepared to let him touch.

Maybe then you could see what is beneath the man.

The Legislative Session has begun. Now you must use what you gained to get your agenda done.

Here is how it will go. There are Three types of Laws you can propose.
Minor Law: This type of law is low-scale, affecting only a few systems at most. Most view this as maybe renaming worlds or sectors for commerce, designating safe zones between member states suffering from civil wars and conflicts, and most importantly for your purposes… changing the tax rates and tariff rates between systems, as the Republic regulates commerce between member states.

A Minor Law requires 500 Political power to propose, and for every 500 over that minimum state, it increases the chance of passing the first two levels of the rolls by +5 per 500.

Minor Laws do not affect the scale of galactic affairs positively or negatively but can prevent the scale from going down if you need to protect or stop things from happening to make things worse.
Major Law: A Major Law is something that will affect a Rim, or multiple, affecting not only the people and organizations within it, but also shaping the fabric of the Republic in the short term, and if unlucky, The Long term. These laws will not show the tangible effects of what happens until multiple turns after it is enacted. However, they can be for both good and ill, and it can negativly effect the galaxy on the short term, than improve it, and vice versa.

A Major law requires 2000 Political power to propose and for every 1000 over that minimum state, it increases the chance of passing the first two levels of the rolls by +5 per 1000.

A Reform is something that will drastically change everything about the Galaxy. It will not immediately affect the galaxy, and it requires spending actions on the political power to make sure it is fully implemented…

However if it succeeds, it can drastically improve not only your legitimacy, and status in the galaxy, it can potentially change other statuses without needing to do anything.

Passing even one reform would be a landmark for any government in the republic, and all but shoehorn your reelection or the senate allowing you to serve longer than the constitutional term limit allows.

A Reform requires 10,000 Political power to propose, and you must spend at least an additional 1000 for every level of legislative turn for it to pass, meaning there must be a minimum of 13,000 Political power to be spent to attempt this.

Factions and You: You are not the only one in the Senate, Shocker, I know… But there are factions in the Senate, and you need to bring at least one on the side for your bill to not auto-fail.

And that requires, you guessed it, political power. Depending on the law, you may have to use a minimum of 500 to…

10000 to get them on your side depending on the size of the law you are proposing. And if you don't bother with bringing in any faction in your planning, and it somehow passes (Very unlikely but it can happen) The Senate will alter the Deal (read, alter the law slightly after it's called) and cause problems. And they will say that you should pray they do not alter it further.

So getting a faction on your side to prevent the Senate from fucking around with your law is a good idea, but if you lack political power, you can try to hope they don't screw you.

The Three Hurdles.

There are Three hurdles (Read Dice Rolls) That you need to pass.

The Debate.

The Study.

The Vote.

Each of these rolls will be dependent on a flat DC for each type of law.

For Minor laws, it follows:

The Debate: DC: 40

The Study: DC: 50

The Vote: 60

For major Laws:

The Debate: DC: 50

The Study: DC: 60

The Vote: DC: 70

For Reforms:

The Debate: DC: 70

The Study: DC: 80

The Vote: DC: 90

A Note on if it fails in the Vote.

If the law fails in the vote, there will be three rerolls outside the normal ones you get, but if it fails three times, the law is dead and cannot be reused.

So keep that in mind.


How to propose a law (Format):

[]The Law name
-[]What type of law is it (Minor, Major, Reform)
--[]It's contents (Please note, the more detailed it is, the less likely it can get changed.
---[]Political Power Spent (read Above for the points needed.)
----[]Factions negotiation (choose the major faction or factions you want to help co-author, and hope you put down enough political power to get them on your side. Note: Optional, but recommended.)

AN: Yes I have put a lot of thought into this in how this works, how did you know? :V

You have 2000 Political Power.

Write in your proposed Law here, and please follow the format I created above.
[]Write in.

AN: There is a moratorium for ideas and laws for the next 12 hours.
There are Three hurdles (Read Dice Rolls) That you need to pass.

The Debate.

The Study.

The Vote.

This looks..familiar..


Write in your proposed Law here, and please follow the format I created above.
[]Write in.

Would wait for Tarkin's further analysis on the current situation of the Republic's Forces before designating a larger or smaller budget for them, therefore:

Should new changes be adopted in the Outer Rim as the first? Would get less push-backs by the Core and Mid Rims as they'll look at what's being adopted in there with great interest. Not to mention, they do need a share of the budget and attention by the Senate.
Uhhh where to start? This is just after the battle of naboo right. So taxation of trade routes and the militarization of the megacorps? Are the problems?

Honestly Magoose I feel like we don't necessarily have enough info to make decision here. Unless that is the point.

What resources do we have currently both in terms of people/departments and funds?

What are people talking about in terms of problems there are?

Is it possible to get some proposals from our cabinet members?
Can we get more information on how things currently stand? What's the Republic budget and where is it being spent? What sections of the bureaucracy are stuck in Quagmire? Are there any pressing minor crises that could use attention?

And what are the limits of what we can propose? We dont need a comprehensive rundown of the entire galactic constitution and the Chancellors enumerated powers, but clearly there is a lot we cant do given Palpatine needed all those emergency powers.
So I'm thinking one or two minor laws. I'd rather not risk a major law unless people can find one that'll get some of our ministers rerolls as a potential safety net.

And remember Jar Jar gets +30 to all Legislative rolls that help the common people. but a -5 to all legislative rolls due to his inexperience.

We also get major maluses to rolls for two turns if we do something the common citizen doesn't like. Because we're a populist.
Yeah, I just took it from Vicky 3...

That is the point. You are as in the blind as Jar Jar is currently, and only have the status of the galaxy to guide you currently.

Because as you may soon see...

You don't know how bad it really is. :V
Okay but Jar Jar would be capable of going to his cabinet or the jedi to ask questions right? So we should have some info even if its unreliable.
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Okay but Jar Jar would be capable of going to his cabinet or the jedi to ask questions right?
Just because he has set everything up dosen't mean, at least at the moment, knows everything.

Again, Jar Jar is in the blind, and I am making this deliberate so that next turn in the political power, you can understand what actions will appear.

Once again, this is intentional on my part to show how bad things truly are in the Republic.
Well, then given we need five pieces of legislation to PASS before we can start making allies, we should probably start small. Things that are good for the galaxy, wont rock the boat too too much, and will at least prove we can Do Things to the public.

Maybe we start by increasing the resources available to the Jedi Temple, and setting up compensation packages for all those affected by the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo?

Commemorate the crew of the Consular cruiser that carried Qui Gon to Naboo to really stick it to the Trade Federation.

Note Gunray is on trial already right?
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ok what is the most immediate issue we need to try to address?
State of the Galaxy.

Senate Cohesion: [Disbanded] [Every Man for Himself] [Divided Senate] [Usual Gridlock] [Senatorial Consensus] [Regional Unity] [United Bloc] [The Voice of the Galaxy] [The Alliance]

Intelligence:[Banite Lacky] [Compromised] [Nonexistent][Counter-espionage security][Rudimentary Espionage] [Security Clearance 1][The Spymaster][Republic Security Apparatus][The Light In a Void]

Army Power: [Russan's Rejection][Demilitarized] [Planetary Security Forces] [Planetary Strike Forces] [Sector Defence Forces][The Judicials][Outland Security Force][The Republic's Regiments] [A Republic Army] [The Grand Army of the Republic]

Navel Power: [An Idealistic Dream] [Scum and Smugglers][Planitary Defence Fleets][Outland Defence Fleets] [Judicial Assault Fleet] [The Republic Navy] [A Grand Fleet] [Total Domination]

Jedi Order: [Extinct][The Dark Times] [Fallen Order][Broken Saber][Damaged Prestige] [Light of the Order] [Guardian of Peace and Justice]

Economy: [Bombed Out Ruin][Great Depression] [Recession] [Stable][Growth][Fast Growth] [Economic Boom] [Economic Miracle]

Criminal: [Legalized Crime Syndicate] [Disruptive Forces] [Cash and Cartels] [A Manageable Problem][Sector Crackdowns] [Regional Anomaly] [Clean Lanes Clean Streets]

Rim Stability: [Wars and Warlords] [Active Civil Conflicts] [Growing Unrest] [Factional Divides] [The Usual Suspects] [Stable-ish] [Peace] [Harmony]

Separatism: [A Confederacy of Independent Systems][A Conspiracy of Madmen] [Mass Discontent] [A Loud Whisper] [Growing Discontent] [Sector Favoritism] [Unity and Grumbles]

Social Order: [Knightfall] [Open Revolt] [Smoldering Discontent] [Annoyed Population][ Stable] [Watchful Peace] [Publicly Supported Goodwill] [A Starbird in Flight] [A High Republic]
I leave this here to show you what is in desprate need.
I'd say we should probably get Intelligence up and running, should indirectly help with the crime problem, and if we wanted to we could do it in collaboration with the Jedi order to maybe help them get some legitimacy back.
There was something clouding his judgment, something more than just his ambition to see the Republic's military reformed. You could sense it—a deep-rooted ideology, perhaps even a personal vendetta, driving his need for control. His cold logic, while efficient, bordered on the dangerous. You couldn't shake the feeling that Tarkin viewed the Republic as a failing experiment and that he saw himself as the necessary force to either save it—or rebuild it in his own image.

That's why you knew you needed to talk to him. Not just as his superior, but as someone who could see the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. If left unchecked, Tarkin's ambitions might grow into something far more dangerous than just reforming the fleets. His vision of order, discipline, and control could spill over into realms you weren't prepared to let him touch.

Maybe then you could see what is beneath the man.
Well. In a bit of irony. Character wise, the Legends backstory establishes that he, isn't that different to Isard in that they are driven not for powers sake, but much more personal reasons. Isard wanting to escape the feeling of being a cog in the political machine. Tarkin, being driven by the fear that the Tarkin family practically etched into the family, being driven by the fear of disorder, and going so far as only really trusting those whom had scars, because of his experiences.(Going as far as, in canon, not trusting the bad batch because they gone through their missions unscarred, instead of respecting the skills and luck shown precisely by not getting injured during their colorful and active service during the clone wars.)
You have 2000 Political Power.
Exactly enough for Tier 2. But, well...
That is reading to be a bad idea, given it will be modified by the senate if it somehow manages to pass by itself.
Anything regarding modernization and/or expansion of Inteligente should be good

We need Intel to know what, when and where to do...well, anything really
ok what is the most immediate issue we need to try to address?

The fact that the Outer Rim (Basically the Agricultural Sector of the Republic)'s basically being exploited, with some Pirates and Whatnots having to be dealt with there.

The Megas and the Corrupts are currently untouchable in the Core and Mid Rims (Basically legislation against them would most likely falter quickly), this leaves the Outer Rim with more opportunities to "Test out" Policies, Investments, etc.

I'd say we should probably get Intelligence up and running, should indirectly help with the crime problem, and if we wanted to we could do it in collaboration with the Jedi order to maybe help them get some legitimacy back.

That kind of Action, compared to this one, seems exists only in the First Phase of a Full Turn. This one focuses on Policy and enacting new settlements, not the proposal of creating a military operation.
I'd say we should probably get Intelligence up and running, should indirectly help with the crime problem, and if we wanted to we could do it in collaboration with the Jedi order to maybe help them get some legitimacy back.
I dont know if Republic Intelligence exists at this point in time, and setting up an entire new Agency seems like it would be at least a Major law.

We should probably stick to a minor right now.
huh.. would revoking (just) the trade federations senate seat be a minor or a major law?

Or if that's too extreme, a one time fine for the cost of repairing the damage done to naboo?
We should push for more anti-piracy patrols. This is what Tarkin wants, this decreases the Criminal rating by discouraging open piracy and pushes up Rim Stability now that the Republic actually does something about the Hutts and the Black Sun mucking about without opposition.

It even hits at the Trade Federation's militarism; the entire rationale behind the Mega-Corps' militarization is because the Republic can't keep the hyperlanes safe, or at least that's the reason they argue for building armies and navies big enough to blockade Naboo.

Seriously, right now the Republic can't even keep order in the Mid Rim, much less the Outer Rim. We gotta at least look like we're doing something everyone would approve of, or at least can't argue against without spending their own political power.
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