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So, Economy and Rim Stability are both pushed towards stability. Next we need to work on our Army and Navy power I think. That will give us the force projection needed to help put the squeeze on criminal activities and also give us the ability to get intelligence operatives out into the Galaxy.
So, Economy and Rim Stability are both pushed towards stability. Next we need to work on our Army and Navy power I think. That will give us the force projection needed to help put the squeeze on criminal activities and also give us the ability to get intelligence operatives out into the Galaxy.
There will be no changes downwards...

After all, Minor laws only prevent those things from going down.
Chancellor Binks laws passing got to be pretty interesting to the Republic and Senate. Laws usually don't get passed I imagine? Especially got to look good to the Outer Rim worlds. Feels like they are being heard now at least a bit more than before.
State of the Galaxy (Turn 2) New
State of the Galaxy (Turn 2)

Senate Cohesion: [Disbanded] [Every Man for Himself] [Divided Senate] [Usual Gridlock] [Senatorial Consensus] [Regional Unity] [United Bloc] [The Voice of the Galaxy] [The Alliance]

Intelligence:[Banite Lacky] [Compromised] [Nonexistent][Counter-espionage security][Rudimentary Espionage] [Security Clearance 1][The Spymaster][Republic Security Apparatus][The Light In a Void]

Army Power: [Russan's Rejection][Demilitarized] [Planetary Security Forces] [Planetary Strike Forces] [Sector Defence Forces][The Judicials][Outland Security Force][The Republic's Regiments] [A Republic Army] [The Grand Army of the Republic]

Navel Power: [An Idealistic Dream] [Scum and Smugglers][Planitary Defence Fleets][Outland Defence Fleets] [Judicial Assault Fleet] [The Republic Navy] [A Grand Fleet] [Total Domination]

Jedi Order: [Extinct][The Dark Times] [Fallen Order][Broken Saber][Damaged Prestige] [Light of the Order] [Guardian of Peace and Justice]

Economy: [Bombed Out Ruin][Great Depression] [Recession] [Stable][Growth][Fast Growth] [Economic Boom] [Economic Miracle]

Criminal: [Legalized Crime Syndicate] [Disruptive Forces] [Cash and Cartels] [A Manageable Problem][Sector Crackdowns] [Regional Anomaly] [Clean Lanes Clean Streets]

Rim Stability: [Wars and Warlords] [Active Civil Conflicts] [Growing Unrest] [Factional Divides] [The Usual Suspects] [Stable-ish] [Peace] [Harmony]

Separatism: [A Confederacy of Independent Systems][A Conspiracy of Madmen] [Mass Discontent] [A Loud Whisper] [Growing Discontent] [Sector Favoritism] [Unity and Grumbles]

Social Order: [Knightfall] [Open Revolt] [Smoldering Discontent] [Annoyed Population][ Stable] [Watchful Peace] [Publicly Supported Goodwill] [A Starbird in Flight] [A High Republic]
Chancellor Binks laws passing got to be pretty interesting to the Republic and Senate. Laws usually don't get passed I imagine? Especially got to look good to the Outer Rim worlds. Feels like they are being heard now at least a bit more than before.
Laws are passed in the senate all the time.

This is just a first time Chancellor pushing an agenda beyond "Lets keep the Status Quo" Because it ain't working.

But here... its about to get stranger.
...Why do I only feel dread reading this? This should be a good thing, yet I feel very tense.
The Opposition did a terrible job arguing its point. Or what should have been its point.

The good news is that shitty behavior can be investigated quickly. The bad news is anyone can accuse anyone of shitty behavior and get them tied up in audits.

And if enough people demand frivolous investigations and interventions, then both the ROCI and the Jedi Order will end up with a backlog that will prevent them from addressing real issues and it will make them look incompetent.
Honestly, it's kind of surprising to see Bail Organa push militarism...

But on the other hand, if the Senate had told the Trade Federation to back off Naboo and they refused, it's honestly debatable at this point if the Judicials could've defeated the TF easily or quickly. And at that point, when your own mega-corps have a better claim to a monopoly on force than your governmental forces... yeah, the Republic was pretty close to being a failed state.
So, to summarize the changes…

Economy has gone up and is set to continue rising.

Jedi Order has risen from Damaged Prestige to Light of the Order and stabilized.

Rim Stability has risen from Factional Divides to The Usual Suspects, but it is set to drop back again if things continue as is.

Separatism has dropped from A Loud Whisper to Mass Discontent and stabilized.

Everything else has stabilized where it was, including, interestingly enough, Intelligence. Not sure how that happened, since I don't see how the laws we passed help with that. Is it from having Isard?
Honestly, it's kind of surprising to see Bail Organa push militarism...

But on the other hand, if the Senate had told the Trade Federation to back off Naboo and they refused, it's honestly debatable at this point if the Judicials could've defeated the TF easily or quickly. And at that point, when your own mega-corps have a better claim to a monopoly on force than your governmental forces... yeah, the Republic was pretty close to being a failed state.
While admittedly speaking from a Canon perspective...

Bail is very much a peacenik (he was still holding out for a peaceful resolution long after Mon Mothma chose war), but he understands the necessity of having the option of military force. And the necessity of using it in defence.
So, to summarize the changes…

Economy has gone up and is set to continue rising.

Jedi Order has risen from Damaged Prestige to Light of the Order and stabilized.

Rim Stability has risen from Factional Divides to The Usual Suspects, but it is set to drop back again if things continue as is.

Separatism has dropped from A Loud Whisper to Mass Discontent and stabilized.

Everything else has stabilized where it was, including, interestingly enough, Intelligence. Not sure how that happened, since I don't see how the laws we passed help with that. Is it from having Isard?
Yes It's from having Isard ( or anyone else ) as a minister of the intelligence
I just got an Idea for another law
@Magoose how much of the galactic history that everyone reads about is biased like against mandalolrian and sith ? And how much of it is just archived in the jedi archives ( the non biased ones anyway ) ?
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