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Papa Palps, your greatest ally and enemy among the Senate, and for the Republic as a whole.

Also, something I really want to see:

The Jedi reacting to Jar Jars Ascension. I want that fucking omake.

Mace Windu: "Its obvious. Jar Jar is the Sith Lord we talked about. He used a mind trick to make everyone elect him as Chancellor or some dark sith magic. There is no way he was elected legitimately."

Obi-Wan: "...I really don't think that's the case. I think it was all blind, stupid, dumb, idiotic luck."

Yarael Poof: "Sith Lord? I don't remember talking about that. Why is the potential return of the Sith something I don't know?"

Yoda: "Out getting pizza you were, when the Council discussed the matter."

Yarael Poof: "Oh the 'Council discussed the matter' it just wasn't you three? Did you know that 'the Council' discussed the matter Kit Fisto? By the way, I have yet to be reimbursed for those pizzas. Whose working on that?"

Rest of the council coughs awkwardly.
Mace Windu: "Its obvious. Jar Jar is the Sith Lord we talked about. He used a mind trick to make everyone elect him as Chancellor or some dark sith magic. There is no way he was elected legitimately."

Obi-Wan: "...I really don't think that's the case. I think it was all blind, stupid, dumb, idiotic luck."

Yarael Poof: "Sith Lord? I don't remember talking about that. Why is the potential return of the Sith something I don't know?"

Yoda: "Out getting pizza you were, when the Council discussed the matter."

Yarael Poof: "Oh the 'Council discussed the matter' it just wasn't you three? Did you know that 'the Council' discussed the matter Kit Fisto? By the way, I have yet to be reimbursed for those pizzas. Whose working on that?"

Rest of the council coughs awkwardly.
While Robot chicken is fun... I was hoping for another omake. closer to canon.
Mace Windu: "Its obvious. Jar Jar is the Sith Lord we talked about. He used a mind trick to make everyone elect him as Chancellor or some dark sith magic. There is no way he was elected legitimately."

Obi-Wan: "...I really don't think that's the case. I think it was all blind, stupid, dumb, idiotic luck."

Yarael Poof: "Sith Lord? I don't remember talking about that. Why is the potential return of the Sith something I don't know?"

Yoda: "Out getting pizza you were, when the Council discussed the matter."

Yarael Poof: "Oh the 'Council discussed the matter' it just wasn't you three? Did you know that 'the Council' discussed the matter Kit Fisto? By the way, I have yet to be reimbursed for those pizzas. Whose working on that?"

Rest of the council coughs awkwardly.
I see that robot chicken reference. And I raise you one Darth Jar Jar.


Mace Windu had been on the Jedi Council for decades. In that time, he'd seen revolutions, terrorist plots, and the chaos of the Yinchorri Uprising and the Stark Hyperspace War. He had thought that there was nothing in the galaxy that could surprise him. But this…

This may well be the strangest.

The rest of the High Council seemed to be in agreement as they watched the newly-elected Chancellor deliver his first remarks to the Senate. "A new and unexpected course of action for the Senate, this is." Yoda's wizened face was as inscrutable as always, his gimer stick tapping idly on the chamber's floor. "A nonhuman Chancellor there has not been, since before I came to this temple."

The Council's newest member, the Kel Dor Plo Koon, nodded. "While the removal of Valorum was perhaps inevitable, I doubt anyone could have foreseen… this outcome."

Mace narrowed his eyes at the holoprojection of the Gungan. "It is strange. A non-established politician, only just appointed to the position of Representative, suddenly becoming the Chancellor? It's unheard of in the history of the Republic."

"A note of suspicion do I detect, young WIndu?" The Grand Master raised an eyebrow almost imperceptibly.

"He's not wrong to view these events critically, Master." Ki-Adi-Mundi, ever the cynic, pointed out. His reedy voice making nearly any sentence sound inquisitive. "Especially in light of the events on Naboo."

"We know that the Sith have returned," Mace pointed out, his voice just shy of accusatory as he stared down at the diminutive jedi. "And that one still remains."

Depa Billaba scoffed. "Surely, you don't mean to suggest that this… remaining Sith could possibly be this Gungan?"

"No. I doubt that a Sith, whether Master or Apprentice, could possibly become Chancellor of the Republic without any of us noticing. But you must admit, the circumstances of his rise are… suspicious."

"A pawn, then." Even Piell grunted, the scarred Lannik clenching his fist. "Or a distraction, to blind us. Or worse, someone easy to manipulate."

"This is baseless conjecture!" Rasped Oppo Rancisis. "What would the Sith have to gain from making so overt a gesture so quickly after losing one of their number?"

Mace opened his mouth to refute the point, when Yoda loudly tapped his stick on the floor several times, quieting the discussion.
"Blinded, we have been, yes. But the time for conjecture and fear, this is not. Believe Jar Jar is a danger, I do not. Believe he is a fool, I do not. But vulnerable, yes. Hmmmm." The elder Jedi sat in thought for a moment. "Guidance, we should offer. An advisor, to ensure that there is balance."

"Master, is that… legal?" Plo Koon asked, a note of concern in his voice.

"Legal, it can be made to be." Yoda nodded. "Nothing wrong there can be, to consult with a Jedi on matters of peacekeeping? After all, our role, it is. Perhaps a Jedi already familiar with the Chancellor?"

"We can save the who for after we see if they'll go for it. Are we in agreement that the proposal should be made?" Mace looked to the faces of his fellow Council members, seeking any reservations.

There was silence in the chamber.

"Decided, it is. Sent, the proposal will be. The Chancellor's decision, it shall be."


Author's Note: @Magoose As an Omake reward, perhaps the ability to have a choice of a Jedi (EIther Obi-Wan, an any other) as an advisor, even in an unofficial capacity.
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Yoda: "Luck, there is not, only the Force."
No this is not the work of the Force but rather the work of the ZaZa you guys inhaled to vote for Jar Jar. Like I want to be able to enjoy this quest but I can't and do not want to have to cringe almost every turn when Jar Jar speaks. Like how can I take this quest seriously if Jar Jar is a character that is the opposite of serious and decisive, he is a character that George meant to be like Yoda in the OT but was so hated by the Fans that they had to change scripts. (That's my theory) @Magoose I'll probably have to leave the quest until either Jar Jar becomes experienced enough to not have to rely on his dumb luck or he gets a vice Chancellor who could allow us more serious players to enjoy the show.
Honestly while this quest might be interesting, it does worry me that this turns into basically a parody of Star Wars if things end up going too wacky.

I'm fine with some silly but worried that those quest turns into a mockery of things due to Jar Jar's antics.

I'm staying on but still hoping that this doesn't end with the galaxy on fire. Yes the dice will help us if they end up also hating Palpy but still.

Let's just hope things turn out alright.
No this is not the work of the Force but rather the work of the ZaZa you guys inhaled to vote for Jar Jar. Like I want to be able to enjoy this quest but I can't and do not want to have to cringe almost every turn when Jar Jar speaks. Like how can I take this quest seriously if Jar Jar is a character that is the opposite of serious and decisive, he is a character that George meant to be like Yoda in the OT but was so hated by the Fans that they had to change scripts. (That's my theory) @Magoose I'll probably have to leave the quest until either Jar Jar becomes experienced enough to not have to rely on his dumb luck or he gets a vice Chancellor who could allow us more serious players to enjoy the show.
Just because we voted in Jar Jar doesn't mean we're gonna purposely pick a shitty cabinet* So we'll probably get a serious guy Vice Chancellor. It might be a canon character or even one of the OC's who didn't win the vote.

*Or Office of the Supreme Chancellor I guess?
I have full faith in @Magoose to write this as much more than simply a parody, regardless of Dice Rolls. Relax.

No this is not the work of the Force but rather the work of the ZaZa you guys inhaled to vote for Jar Jar. Like I want to be able to enjoy this quest but I can't and do not want to have to cringe almost every turn when Jar Jar speaks. Like how can I take this quest seriously if Jar Jar is a character that is the opposite of serious and decisive, he is a character that George meant to be like Yoda in the OT but was so hated by the Fans that they had to change scripts. (That's my theory) @Magoose I'll probably have to leave the quest until either Jar Jar becomes experienced enough to not have to rely on his dumb luck or he gets a vice Chancellor who could allow us more serious players to enjoy the show.
You know, if your Vote had won, none of us would have been this much of a sore loser. And good job insulting the voters of the winning plan, real class act right there.
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I'm not questioning Mag, it's just the dice might end up making such a thing happen and it might make things less fun.

I'll keep an open mind but also bracing for the worst.

If you're worried about the dice then remember that the dice don't care who we would have picked as Supreme Chancellor, regardless of whether it was Jar Jar, the soulless technocrat, Padme, or one of the twentieth century politician expies.

EDIT: Ninja'ed
I'm staying on but still hoping that this doesn't end with the galaxy on fire.
I mean, the galaxy ending up on fire is Canon, and with Jar Jar as the Rally point of Idealists and simple folk who just want their lives to get a little better, things going much different from Canon is at least likely. I have have strong hopes that Jar Jar, aided by all this support from our Omakes, can chart a proper course into a brighter age for the galaxy. Or trip into one. Tripping backwards into a golden age is still ending up in a golden age.
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I do admit the speech patterns could eventually become quite grating over time.
I wonder if we can get a personal action (or better yet, a free personal action) to take speech lesson for speaking Basic. Enough that unless surprised or stressed, the speech is 95-100% normal.
I do admit the speech patterns could eventually become quite grating over time.
I wonder if we can get a personal action (or better yet, a free personal action) to take speech lesson for speaking Basic. Enough that unless surprised or stressed, the speech is 95-100% normal.
Yeah I wouldn't mind a peppering of meesa's and yousa's but we do have to curb the Gunganese pidgin basic to an appropriate level.
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The rest of the High Council seemed to be in agreement as they watched the newly-elected Chancellor deliver his first remarks to the Senate.
"A new and unexpected course of action for the Senate, this is." Yoda's wizened face was as inscrutable as always, his gimer stick tapping idly on the chamber's floor.
"A nonhuman Chancellor there has not been, since before I came to this temple."
Firstly, these paragraphs are not separated properly.

Secondly, these should be one paragraph, not three.

The Council's newest member, the Kel Dor Plo Koon, nodded.
"While the removal of Valorum was perhaps inevitable, I doubt anyone could have foreseen… this outcome."
These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

Mace narrowed his eyes at the holoprojection of the Gungan. "It is strange. A non-established politician, only just appointed to the position of Representative, suddenly becoming the Chancellor? It's unheard of in the history of the Republic."
More a comment than a criticism, but this dialogue feels more like Obi-wan than Windu if you ask me. Am I the only one that feels that way?

"He's not wrong to view these events critically, Master." Ki-Adi-Mundi, ever the cynic, pointed out. His reedy voice making nearly any sentence sound inquisitive.
"Especially in light of the events on Naboo."
These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

"We know that the Sith have returned" Mace pointed out, his voice just shy of accusatory as he stared down at the diminutive jedi.
"And that one still remains."
These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

Mace opened his mouth to refute the point, when Yoda loudly tapped his stick on the floor several times, quieting the discussion.
"Blinded, we have been, yes. But the time for conjecture and fear, this is not. Believe Jar Jar is a danger, I do not. Believe he is a fool, I do not. But vulnerable, yes. Hmmmm." The elder Jedi sat in thought for a moment.
"Guidance, we should offer. An advisor, to ensure that there is balance."
These should be one paragraph, not three. And certainly not three that are not separated properly.
I mean, the galaxy ending up on fire is Canon, and with Jar Jar as the Rally point of Idealists and simple folk who just want their lives to get a little better, things going much different from Canon is at least likely. I have have strong hopes that Jar Jar, aided by all this support from our Omakes, can chart a proper course into a brighter age for the galaxy. Or trip into one. Tripping backwards into a golden age is still ending up in a golden age.
Yeah it's not like things can get much worse then a galactic civil war or a speciesist authoritarian regime taking power.
Firstly, these paragraphs are not separated properly.

Secondly, these should be one paragraph, not three.

These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

More a comment than a criticism, but this dialogue feels more like Obi-wan than Windu if you ask me. Am I the only one that feels that way?

These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

These should be one paragraph, not two. And certainly not two that are not separated properly.

These should be one paragraph, not three. And certainly not three that are not separated properly.

Sorry about that, mobile formatting sucks. I thought I'd caught them all.
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