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How dumb was jarjar in the movies ?,i remember him being easily distracted and very clumsy but not if he was stupid on the top of that.
Opening Salvo New
Opening Salvo:

(Jar Jar POV)

You were not happy with the election results. Frankly, you didn't even know you were a candidate. The senators had apparently discussed you in some detail, but you weren't privy to any of it. All you wanted was to help your home, your people, and the Jedi who had once saved your life.

"Dissen notsa hot," you muttered, taking a deep breath as you sway on your feet. You had to resist the urge to topple over into the assistant standing next to you, whose name and purpose eluded you at the moment. The weight of it all was starting to feel overwhelming.

Senator Palpatine, though—a wonderful friend—had kindly provided you with plenty of reading since you were given this big office. You appreciated his advice and his seemingly boundless support. The problem was, you weren't supposed to be in this office. You had hoped to help him rise to the top, not sit in the chair yourself. You wanted to go home, to the simple life you had led on Naboo, far from the political storm swirling around you.

But every time you tried to explain, every time you opened your mouth to let the Senate know you weren't a leader, they somehow twisted your words into praise. They called you a modest man, a simple Gungan who only wanted to serve his people. They didn't understand that was exactly the problem. You didn't want power. You wanted to go home.

The holo-news blaring on the screen in front of you wasn't helping either. It reminded you, again, that you weren't supposed to be here.

"This is a sentient who barely qualifies for the basics of a representative!" the Bothan commentator was shouting, his fur bristling with outrage. "He's held no formal political office aside from a minor diplomatic role, and even that was with Jedi support. The only command he's ever held was a battlefield command, and he spent most of that time running off to the front lines, leaving other officers to command strategy while he went leading to the front!"

You winced, feeling the sting of the critique. Sure, you weren't perfect. You knew that. But did they have to say it so loudly?

His co-host, a smirking Twi'lek woman, waved a hand dismissively. "Truly? You think Chancellor Binks is unqualified? Or are you just mad that he doesn't fit the Republic's usual mold for a leader?"

You couldn't help but feel a small flicker of gratitude toward her. Finally, someone who seemed to have a bit of sense. Even if it didn't change the fact that you really, really wanted to go home.

"He seems more than capable," she continued. "The Jedi recognized his worth, and that should give us all pause. He's more than just his peculiar speech patterns and clumsy demeanor."

The Bothan slammed his fist down on the desk, his voice rising in frustration. "The man can barely walk without tripping over himself! And don't get me started on the way he talks! Half the Senate can't even understand him!"

How rude. Your eyes narrowed, annoyance creeping in. *You* could walk just fine, thank you very much. Maybe you tripped *occasionally*, but who didn't?

The Twi'lek laughed lightly. "There are people across the galaxy who think we need a common hero right now. He won a great battle. He helped end the Naboo crisis and was declared a hero by not just his own people, but by the Naboo themselves. Queen Amidala's speech that ousted Chancellor Valorum was heard across the galaxy. It's no wonder the Gungan became a symbol."

The Bothan snorted. "One galactic event shouldn't have catapulted him into power! There were countless other candidates far more qualified than Chancellor Binks!"

The co-host raised an eyebrow, ready with a retort. "You're forgetting that senior senator—what was his name?"

"Lyn'don Jhonson, from Galadran," the Bothan said begrudgingly.

"Exactly. Jhonson started as a dark horse candidate from the Outer Rim, but he threw his support behind Binks, despite others wanting senator A'dama Jenseon, another dark horse who might find himself in quite a position of power after this election… but they couldn't win. Binks had momentum. He had a story people wanted to believe in. and that's how he won."

The Bothan shook his head, his frustration palpable. "But you're forgetting something important," he said, leaning forward. "Senator Palpatine and Senator Organa both blundered spectacularly, reducing themselves to nonentities in this election. Palpatine barely campaigned at all, claiming illness and exhaustion. He was too busy juggling the factions of his political allies, trying to keep them together while battling... well, who knows what? He couldn't rally them around a coherent message. The moment he realized he had no path to victory, he endorsed his fellow Nabooian—Binks. That tells us everything. Palpatine's a political animal. He knows he can get more out of being a power behind the throne than sitting on it himself."

The Twi'lek chuckled, the sound sharp and mocking. "And let's not forget Senator Organa's famous gaffe," she said, leaning back with a smirk. "He doomed his own campaign when he admitted, on a galactic broadcast no less, that he didn't know what a Gungan was. His support plummeted to nothing after that. Play the clip—let the galaxy see it again."

The holo screen flickered, and a recording of Bail Antilles filled the space. The Senator was smiling at the camera, his tone as confident as ever as he addressed the interviewer.

"I'm sorry, Alcia... but who is Jar Jar and what is a Gungan?"

The laughter that erupted on the holo was brutal. It echoed around the room, a chorus of mockery that had undoubtedly sealed Antilles' fate. The image of his embarrassed smile was burned into the collective memory of voters across the galaxy. That moment had all but destroyed his chances.

The screen cut back to the studio, the Bothan and Twi'lek exchanging smug looks, their point made.

But before the weight of their words could truly sink in, the heavy doors to your office swung open, and the holo screen blinked off, casting the room into an uneasy silence. You turned, catching sight of Queen Amidala herself as she entered, her presence immediately commanding the space. Flanked by her ever-watchful handmaidens and a small detachment of security forces, she moved with the grace and authority of someone who had faced far more dangerous battles than this political theater.

The tension in the room shifted at once. Even though this was technically your office now, it felt as though everyone in the room—yourself included—was momentarily at her command. She had that kind of aura, regal and composed, but not without warmth. You noticed the way her eyes softened when they landed on you, her expression brightening ever so slightly, as if she knew what a weight this must be for you.

Behind her, Senator Palpatine followed, but he was a shadow of the man you remembered. His once-imposing presence was diminished. His robes hung from his frame, as though he had lost weight, and his face was pale, worn with the signs of illness. The usual sharpness in his gaze remained, though, scanning the room with a calculating intensity as he took in every detail. He walked slowly, with a deliberateness that suggested the weight of more than just his physical condition. Yet, you could tell that, no matter how frail he seemed, his mind was still quick, still dangerous.

Amidala, her eyes still on you, smiled faintly, though the hint of formality remained in her posture. "I am here to congratulate you on your victory, Chancellor Binks," she said, her voice steady and sincere. She bowed her head just slightly, while her entourage, more rigid in protocol, dipped into far deeper bows. "As is Senator Palpatine."

You felt a swell of conflicting emotions, your heart racing as you looked between the two of them. This was not where you were supposed to be. You were never meant for this office, this power. But here you were, with two of the most influential figures of your life standing before you—one offering support, the other... well, something more complicated.

Senator Palpatine, clearly fatigued, took a moment to rest, his weary body easing into the nearest chair as he spoke. "It is a wondrous thing to see Naboo, so often overlooked in the grand schemes of the galaxy, so often forgotten in the budgets and machinations of more powerful worlds, finally have one of its own in the highest office. It is a great honor for our people."

His words dripped with the usual eloquence, but you could hear something more beneath them. A bitterness, perhaps? Anger that he hadn't been the one standing in your place? The faint tremor in his voice, the sharpness in his eyes—it was there, just beneath the surface. Even so, he smiled as he looked at you, but it didn't reach his eyes.

You hesitated, your gaze flicking between the Queen and Palpatine, unsure how to respond. The words stumbled out before you could stop them, awkward as always. "Mesa jusa sorry yousa were notsa da una whosa won da office, Senator Palpatine."

His smile twitched, barely noticeable to anyone who wasn't looking closely. His voice, however, remained smooth as he replied. "Oh, Jar Jar, I thank you for your kind words," he said, a faint touch of something darker slipping into his tone. "But the people and the Senate have spoken."

There was a sharpness in his words now, a thinly veiled frustration. The subtle pause between his sentences was telling—he was not okay, not by a long shot. The honor, the power that should have been his was now in your hands, and though he spoke of loyalty to Naboo, you could feel the anger simmering beneath his composed exterior. He was not a man accustomed to losing, and you couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the last you'd hear of it.

Still, as his eyes lingered on you, something else flickered there. A dangerous calculation. You might have won this office, but Palpatine would find a way to make sure he didn't lose everything.

I think he'll be okay… though you weren't sure if you believed it.

Amidala's voice brought you back to the moment, her tone gentler now. "You have much responsibility ahead of you, Chancellor Binks. But you are not alone. Naboo stands with you, and I believe you will do great things."

You nodded slowly, feeling the weight of her words settle onto your shoulders. You didn't want this.

But now you were here. And you had to do this… otherwise, you feared that something worse.

As you rose to the Senate chamber, your legs felt unsteady beneath you. Not from nerves, but from the surreal nature of it all. This wasn't where you were supposed to be. The platform beneath your feet seemed wrong—foreign—and the grand stage stretched out before you like some strange dream you couldn't wake from. You should have been back home, with your people, swimming in the cool waters of Naboo, not standing here under the scrutiny of the galaxy.

But the galaxy wanted something from you. The faces of the senators and delegates watched with expectant eyes. The entire chamber seemed to buzz with anticipation, a vast sea of beings waiting for you to speak. Waiting for you to tell them something.

They wanted a speech, and so... you would give them one. But in your own way. You took a deep breath, trying to find that steady rhythm, the one you used to find back in the Gungan council chambers with the jedi who were your friends… the ones whom you helped, and feared would never see again. This wasn't so different, you told yourself. You'd spoken to crowds before, to your people. You could do this.

"Mesa declare before yousa all," you began, your voice echoing through the vast chamber, "dat mesa whole life, whether it besa longo or short, shall besa devoted ta yousa service unda service of dat hot republican family ta whichen wesa all belong."

Your words hung in the air for a heartbeat, then two. For a moment, you wondered if they had even understood you. But then—slowly at first, then growing louder—came the sound of applause. It started as a ripple, from a few outer rim representatives, then swelled into a deafening roar that filled every corner of the chamber. Senators from countless systems stood from their seats, clapping and cheering, their approval ringing out across the galaxy.

The noise was overwhelming, but at the same time, it was everything you needed. In that moment, all the doubts and confusion faded. You didn't need to be polished or perfect. The galaxy didn't need another political mastermind—they had plenty of those already. They needed someone genuine, someone who cared, and in your clumsy way, you had given them that.

The applause continued, the senators' faces alight with enthusiasm, and for the first time since you'd entered this strange political whirlwind, you felt a glimmer of purpose. You weren't meant to be here—at least not by your own design—but here you were, and they wanted you to lead.

Perhaps, just perhaps, you could make this work.

This is not good.
I'm just sorry you were not the one who won the office
I declare before you all, that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of that great republican family to which we all belong."

AN: The first vote of the political power turn will come tomorrow.

Please note, that I did trademark the omakes, but did not give rewards to them

Mostly because the rewards will come when building a government.

senators from omakes and the votes will be used.
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the Bothan commentator was shouting, his fur bristling with outrage.
Magoose, how many Bothans died to see Jar Jar elected?

"I'm sorry, Alcia... but who is Jar Jar and what is a Gungan?"
I feel bad for Bail here, but I also can't help but feel he had it coming. Like, how did you expect this to be perceived as nothing other than racism?

Mostly because the rewards will come when building a government.
This is where the fun begins.
I wonder how much of ol' Sheev's afflictions are him feigning. Maybe this time around, Plagueis didn't go down without a fight and gave Sidious a hell of an engagement, meaning he had to rest and recover instead of devoting time to political campaigning?
Magoose, how many Bothans died to see Jar Jar elected?

Many did... and it was fantastic.

I feel bad for Bail here, but I also can't help but feel he had it coming. Like, how did you expect this to be perceived as nothing other than racism?
Bail was not bailed out by Jimmy smitts charisma.
This is where the fun begins.
I just hope I will have the kind of involvement as the first vote.
I wonder how much of ol' Sheev's afflictions are him feigning. Maybe this time around, Plagueis didn't go down without a fight and gave Sidious a hell of an engagement, meaning he had to rest and recover instead if devoting time to political campaigning?
I'm not going to show you the rolls.

But he got fucked up. not anything permanent... but he got fucked up.
Not A Politician : Queen Amidala Delivers Stunning Endorsement of Candidate Jar Jar Binks New

Not A Politician : Queen Amidala Delivers Stunning Endorsement of Candidate Jar Jar Binks

"My friends and fellow citizens of the republic, this day I have chosen, against the advice of trusted friends and respected colleagues, to speak of the character of an important hero of the people of Naboo. There are some who might say that I have known him too briefly to speak of such. I say the days I came to know Candidate Binks were the most important of my life, and his character was demonstrated clearly through every step."

"There are some that argue that Candidate Binks is no politician, and I must agree with them. Candidate Binks is not and has never been a politician. when he broke exile to convey Qui-Gon Jinn and his Apprentice Obiwan Kenobi to his leaders, he was not a politician. Nor when he accompanied them through the core, a place in our fair Naboo rife with titanic monsters most terrifying, to come to my rescue. Neither was he one when he lead me to his peoples sacred retreat, so that our long held feud could be laid to rest that we might unite and liberate our world from the machinations of Nute Gunray and his co conspirators. For his valor and courage as he directly fought alongside his people to save our world, I can only call him a Hero."

"So perhaps what the republic needs is not a politician, but a hero, flawed as any other but with all the heart needed to hold to his ideals and do not what is easy, but what is right. A hero free of the biases and indifference which so plague the republics halls of power. Like all true heroes he cannot triumph alone, but together, backed by those of us brave enough support him with our words and actions, he might deliver us from machinations of the galaxies power brokers, as he once delivered the home world I am honored to share with him."

"Thus do I, Padme Amidala, proclaim my full support for Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan, The Peace Maker, the Hero of Naboo, in his Candidacy for Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. I pray the galaxy will be so fortunate as I once was as to have a sentient of such strong morale character guide them to a better tomorrow."

@Magoose enjoy.

Since Padme isn't the friend, she can be the one who endorsed him and gained him a galaxy wide following.
I wonder how much of ol' Sheev's afflictions he is feigning. Maybe this time around, Plagueis didn't go down without a fight and gave Sidious a hell of an engagement, meaning he had to rest and recover instead of devoting time to political campaigning?
Yes i think so, because palpatine pulled the trigger early and plaguies was not lulled in victory and comfort so i see this as a sign that he probably took a few hits and has to fight the drawback of his shielding and concealing of his true nature.
Magnificent. Magnificent. With such figures at the helm I think we are poised for a great revitalization.
Much work lays ahead though!

Obviously ending the Naboo crisis isn't enough, we need to find a way to prevent similar crises from escalating to that level of disruption.
If anyone knows how to do that I'm sure it will be those who now have personal experience with such :)
With Palpatine not being Chancellor I wonder what'll happen to Naboo's senate seat? Will Palpy still hold it or will it go to Pademe like in OTL. I hope we can give her a position.
Is it strange i want to see Jar Jar working with the tarkins, really renactment of the Federal United Empire? I mean we need to endorse them to get the outer rim secruity defense force onboard(or whats left of them ) to secure trade routes and all. When was the stark hyperwar?
You hesitated, your gaze flicking between the Queen and Palpatine, unsure how to respond. The words stumbled out before you could stop them, awkward as always. "Mesa jusa sorry yousa were notsa da una whosa won da office, Senator Palpatine."

His smile twitched, barely noticeable to anyone who wasn't looking closely. His voice, however, remained smooth as he replied. "Oh, Jar Jar, I thank you for your kind words," he said, a faint touch of something darker slipping into his tone. "But the people and the Senate have spoken."
He'll take everything Jar Jar says as an insult, won't he?

*Ahem, getting into character*
"This is a sentient who barely qualifies for the basics of a representative!" the Bothan commentator was shouting, his fur bristling with outrage. "He's held no formal political office aside from a minor diplomatic role, and even that was with Jedi support. The only command he's ever held was a battlefield command, and he spent most of that time running off to the front lines, leaving other officers to command strategy while he went leading to the front!"

You winced, feeling the sting of the critique. Sure, you weren't perfect. You knew that. But did they have to say it so loudly?

His co-host, a smirking Twi'lek woman, waved a hand dismissively. "Truly? You think Chancellor Binks is unqualified? Or are you just mad that he doesn't fit the Republic's usual mold for a leader?"

You couldn't help but feel a small flicker of gratitude toward her. Finally, someone who seemed to have a bit of sense. Even if it didn't change the fact that you really, really wanted to go home.

"He seems more than capable," she continued. "The Jedi recognized his worth, and that should give us all pause. He's more than just his peculiar speech patterns and clumsy demeanor."

The Bothan slammed his fist down on the desk, his voice rising in frustration. "The man can barely walk without tripping over himself! And don't get me started on the way he talks! Half the Senate can't even understand him!"

How rude. Your eyes narrowed, annoyance creeping in. *You* could walk just fine, thank you very much. Maybe you tripped *occasionally*, but who didn't?

The Twi'lek laughed lightly. "There are people across the galaxy who think we need a common hero right now. He won a great battle. He helped end the Naboo crisis and was declared a hero by not just his own people, but by the Naboo themselves. Queen Amidala's speech that ousted Chancellor Valorum was heard across the galaxy. It's no wonder the Gungan became a symbol."

The Bothan snorted. "One galactic event shouldn't have catapulted him into power! There were countless other candidates far more qualified than Chancellor Binks!"

The co-host raised an eyebrow, ready with a retort. "You're forgetting that senior senator—what was his name?"

"Lyn'don Jhonson, from Galadran," the Bothan said begrudgingly.

"Exactly. Jhonson started as a dark horse candidate from the Outer Rim, but he threw his support behind Binks, despite others wanting senator A'dama Jenseon, another dark horse who might find himself in quite a position of power after this election… but they couldn't win. Binks had momentum. He had a story people wanted to believe in. and that's how he won."

The Bothan shook his head, his frustration palpable. "But you're forgetting something important," he said, leaning forward. "Senator Palpatine and Senator Organa both blundered spectacularly, reducing themselves to nonentities in this election. Palpatine barely campaigned at all, claiming illness and exhaustion. He was too busy juggling the factions of his political allies, trying to keep them together while battling... well, who knows what? He couldn't rally them around a coherent message. The moment he realized he had no path to victory, he endorsed his fellow Nabooian—Binks. That tells us everything. Palpatine's a political animal. He knows he can get more out of being a power behind the throne than sitting on it himself."

He dare doubt the capabilities of Chancellor Jar Jar Binks?!
Look upon the rest of the possible candidates and tell me they were good options! Corruption and Humanocentrism abound! And the few good ones lacked the support, strength of will, and Charisma of Jar Jar Binks!

"Mesa declare before yousa all," you began, your voice echoing through the vast chamber, "dat mesa whole life, whether it besa longo or short, shall besa devoted ta yousa service unda service of dat hot republican family ta whichen wesa all belong."

Your words hung in the air for a heartbeat, then two. For a moment, you wondered if they had even understood you. But then—slowly at first, then growing louder—came the sound of applause. It started as a ripple, from a few outer rim representatives, then swelled into a deafening roar that filled every corner of the chamber. Senators from countless systems stood from their seats, clapping and cheering, their approval ringing out across the galaxy.

The noise was overwhelming, but at the same time, it was everything you needed. In that moment, all the doubts and confusion faded. You didn't need to be polished or perfect. The galaxy didn't need another political mastermind—they had plenty of those already. They needed someone genuine, someone who cared, and in your clumsy way, you had given them that.

The applause continued, the senators' faces alight with enthusiasm, and for the first time since you'd entered this strange political whirlwind, you felt a glimmer of purpose. You weren't meant to be here—at least not by your own design—but here you were, and they wanted you to lead.

Perhaps, just perhaps, you could make this work.

Look! Do you not hear!? DO YOU NOT SEE!? Jar Jar Binks needed no grand speech to get the Senate to applause for him, he needed no hour-long monologue to convince people of his greatness! He needed only a few words to do so unlike lesser candidates!
Truly, he will be the greatest Chancellor in the history of the Republic.
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''Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!''

Quote of Les miserables i think it fitting for what happend.
Is it strange i want to see Jar Jar working with the tarkins, really renactment of the Federal United Empire? I mean we need to endorse them to get the outer rim secruity defense force onboard(or whats left of them ) to secure trade routes and all. When was the stark hyperwar?
The Stark Hyperspace War was in 44 bby so about 12 years before the battle of Naboo.
''Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!''

''Do yousa hear da people sing?
Singin' da song of angry men?
Tis da music of da people
Whosa will notsa besa slaves again!
Whena da beatin' of yousa heart
Echoes da beatin' of da drums
Dare's a life abouten ta start
Whena tomorrow comes!''

- Sung by the Jar Jar Party in the Senate at the end of its session during the Day before the Elections Ended. It was caught live on the Holonet.
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