Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


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List of omake ideas

The soldiers reacting to Venom bringing in Sahelanthropus and hearing he took it down by himself on foot.

Things Diamond Dogs are not allowed to do

Soldiers coming up with stories about Big Boss that are inaccurate but not untrue "I heard he can tranq you from across a village" "Well I heard he tranq you across Mother bBse!"

The ghost of Srangeglove haunting Huey

The first day of a new volunteer (was not Fultoned ) / first day of a new recruit (was fultoned) and reacting to the various shenanigans that the Diamond Dogs get up to.

D-Dog interacting with D-Horse as he grows up
@newwriter fair point, but my main concern is that by selling weapons to other nations we erode our edge against them, (although to be fair a gun's a gun and the i provements over WW2 guns are ergonomics and materials science and what really made the difference is our optics. Aimpoints here we come.)
Basically, if every person reading made an omake, we set. :V (Reminds me of the Wikipedia donation message)

We are Omakes Without Borders
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Ok. I'll try and get an old world cutscene up tonight. Who wants to see a training excercise for the Bastians?
Battle Against the Deeps by Darik29

Today should have been simple. Just another boring yet necessary day dedicated to inventory and maintenance.

Just a simple, ordinary day.


Simple and ordinary went out the window when I nearly lost my head to a surprise right hook from Boss. Damn near tripped over my feet falling away from him, before managing to roll back up into a fighting stance.

You get "Surprise CQC Drilled" a few dozen times and you'd learn how to roll into a fighting position.

That's where things got...weird.

I've been standing here for the last ten minutes now, and Boss has completely ignored me. Oh he's still fighting, throwing punches and kicks like nothing else, but as far as I can tell he's just fighting shadows.

And the shadows appear to be winning.

Finally deciding that the Boss isn't planning on handing me my ass again, I take a careful look to see if he's doing some kind of invisible fight with Quiet.

Sure she's invisible, but you'd expect that to slip if she were fighting Boss all out like this!

Instead, all I can really find is a crab. It's one of the Giant Crabs Commander Miller had us order in on the last Supply run.

Looks like this one escaped its cage somehow. Well, no need to waste perfectly good food!

Making sure to stay well clear of Boss's shadow boxing, I scoot around behind the crab and pick it up.

Oof! Heavy bastard! The little jerk tried to snap at me with its pincers, but a few shakes stops that for the moment.

Gonna need to get this thing back to the kitchen- Guh! B-Boss!?


W-what's with that look in your eyes Boss!? I didn't do nothing, I mean I don't have anything, I mean-!

"Carry on."

And then he just walks away like nothing happened.

Standing there on the deck, shivering at a Near Boss encounter while the damn crab tries to escape me, I decide that I'm gonna spend the rest of the day down in the depot. Much safer than this surface nonsense.

But first, need to deliver this damn crab.


Dinner is hell.

Not because of the crab, no that's delicious. Delicious!

No, it's hell because Boss took one step in the room, saw all the crab on display, and gave me another evil look before disappearing again.

I can't handle that kind of pressure okay-

Oh hey no ones done a Paz Omake yet have they? Cause I got something brewing in the back of my head I'll try and today.

Quick question tho, in the After Rex Party, was Paz noted as liking any specific food a lot?
By the end of this storm of omake will Konamikode be sober I wonder or will the face of SV quest writing have changed because we he got him to the point he is posting drunk?


Keep going man, we need everything we can get.

Should I recruit people from elsewhere to write omakes?

Your wish is my command!

13. Miller at least attempting to develop a new martial arts style centered around one arm, one leg and his crutch.

14-27 (if you include the support platoons for the fox units and the supply platoons). An omake about each of the platoons in action and showcasing their skills

28. Miller trying to become more combat effective by doing something like putting a small recoil-less rifle in his crutch/brace

29. Supplies reaction to the increasingly crazy things Big Boss fultons back from the field.

30. D-Dog teaching himself doggy martial arts if he looses his knife and has to go into fang to claw combat

31. An omake about Big Boss fishing and reeling in increasingly outrageous catches.

32. Paz giving someone singing lessons after asking for them.

33. The the shenanigans that ensue after various people on Mother Base notice these posters of Paz being put up all over the place.

34. An omake about Paz's idol career.
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@newwriter fair point, but my main concern is that by selling weapons to other nations we erode our edge against them, (although to be fair a gun's a gun and the i provements over WW2 guns are ergonomics and materials science and what really made the difference is our optics. Aimpoints here we come.)
That is correct. We would erode our edge against them somewhat. But in exchange, we can make the VC nations almost completely reliance on weapons from arms companies that are completely or majority owned by us. Basically, if we play this right, we can make a big profit by supplying weapons to all sides of the Europan War.
Can we get a post where all the omake prompts are compiled and maybe put in apocrypha if KK is so inclined?
That is correct. We would erode our edge against them somewhat. But in exchange, we can make the VC nations almost completely reliance on weapons from arms companies that are completely or majority owned by us. Basically, if we play this right, we can make a big profit by supplying weapons to all sides of the Europan War.
That sounds like we're treading into very morally tentative grounds
Hmm, I was wondering... You all remember that one guy, Spying Harrier? No? The guy who made the bionic arm.

Any omake on him working on other prosthetics for other crippled Dogs?
Omake Prompts (Dear Lord)
Omake Prompts:

1. An omake about the beginning of Sniper Wolf's apprenticeship under Quiet. Heck that could even be a series of Omakes!

2. An Omake about Big Boss's first encounter with a cardboard box.

3. An omake about Big Boss and Quiet getting language lessons from one of their translators or Code Talker so they can communicate in another language.

4. Sniper Wolf's first encounter with D-Dog.

5. An omake of Sniper Wolf's first encounter with Eli/White Mamba.

6. An Omake entitled "Cooking with Big Boss!" which is a spoof cooking show where Big Boss teaches people how to cook random animals like in Snake Eater such as snakes, frogs, rabbits etc.

7. An Omake showcasing what happens at Miller's "Chili cook off" referenced in Darik29's Omake entitled "Cookie Explains Logistics (For Idiots)"

8. Big Boss hosting a cook off which again involves cooking random animals like he did in Snake Eater. This could than devolve into the reactions from various people on the base to his cooking, Miller seeing this as a challenge and starting another "Chili cook off" to compete which gets supply on his ass, or something completely different.

9. Miller's reaction to us fultoning ALL the animals if we get the animal conservation strut.

10. An omake about DIamond Dog's yearly jetski/speed boat race around Mother Base with all the shenanigans that would ensue in such a race being conducted by the Diamond Dogs.

11. An Omake that looks behind the scenes at how the Diamond Dogs get their code names.

12. An omake describing the experience of someone being fultoned by Big Boss.

13. Miller at least attempting to develop a new martial arts style centered around one arm, one leg and his crutch.

14-27 (if you include the support platoons for the fox units and the supply platoons). An omake about each of the platoons in action and showcasing their skills

28. Miller trying to become more combat effective by doing something like putting a small recoil-less rifle in his crutch/brace

29. Supplies reaction to the increasingly crazy things Big Boss fultons back from the field.

30. D-Dog teaching himself doggy martial arts if he looses his knife and has to go into fang to claw combat

31. An omake about Big Boss fishing and reeling in increasingly outrageous catches.

32. Paz giving someone singing lessons after asking for them.

33. The the shenanigans that ensue after various people on Mother Base notice these posters of Paz being put up all over the place.

34. An omake about Paz's idol career.

35. Fox level guerilla operatives either wrecking everyones shit at a laser tag facility (maybe during someones birthday party?) Or shocking observers as they go head to head in competition.

36. The worlds reaction to Diamond Dog's denuking actions that take place during turn 2 or turn 3 whether it be from news organizations, average people, or world governments.

1. The soldiers reacting to Venom bringing in Sahelanthropus and hearing he took it down by himself on foot.

2. Things Diamond Dogs are not allowed to do

3. Soldiers coming up with stories about Big Boss that are inaccurate but not untrue "I heard he can tranq you from across a village" "Well I heard he tranq you across Mother bBse!"

4. The ghost of Srangeglove haunting Huey

5. The first day of a new volunteer (was not Fultoned ) / first day of a new recruit (was fultoned) and reacting to the various shenanigans that the Diamond Dogs get up to.

6. D-Dog interacting with D-Horse as he grows up

1. An omake about Spying Harrier (If they still stay) making animal prosthetics.

2. The tale of how your OC was recruited

3. Paintball between Fox level guerilla operatives.

1. Snake making Adults out of the children via giving them an education either in song form or a training montage
2. An omake about Venom Snake rescuing Miller, and how his phantoms were already starting things rolling in a different direction than canon albeit in minor ways at that point in time.

1. People talking (either DD soldiers or even Big Boss himself?) About all the, umm, esoteric code names Snake seemingly comes up with. (Who assigns these names, anyway?)

2.After many long hours (seriously, R&D is insane) of arduous research, DD has finally perfected cloning. For what reason did they research this? Why, to kill/torture Huey over and over again, of course!

3.Ever wondered if The Sorrow would show up again? Think something up, perhaps for Peace Walker? Or maybe take a cue from The Last Days of FOXHOUND.

4. After a bet got way out of hand, one or more DD soldiers are sent in gladiatorial combat to wrestle against a bear (whatever the biggest, baddest best is, pick that).

5. Big Boss holds a contest to see who can make the best Decorated Cardboard Box. Naturally, the DD soldiers did what they do best: sabotaging each other behind their backs (almost like informal stealth training?)

6. The Diamond Dogs are some of the most elusive operatives in recent memory. Fortunately, Frank East is on the case to bring an exclusive look at DD to the world!

7. Miller, at Paz's behest, starts to learn cooking. Not as easy as it sounds when you only got one arm, but if he could disarm a gun in 10 seconds flat... (Thinking about it, Ramirez Jr probably already knows how. Eh. Could just change it to learning Caribbean cooking in that case)

8. DD faces one of their greatest enemies yet: flocks of seagulls constantly pooping all over the struts and peeking everyone. Did The Pain come back to life, or something?

1. Diamond Dogs play DnD

1. Snake and DD vs the legendary brown bear. Bonus points if you can somehow work in the Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin opening song into it.

2. The Ghost of Chico talking to Venom Snake in a dream.

1. MGS x Worm

2. MGS x FOZ

3. MGS x One Piece

4. MGS x Terminator

5. MGS x Mass Effect


7. MGS x Halo

8. Huey's inner thoughts (Post turn 2) *Warning prepare alcohol for proper immersion*

9. What big boss is thinking about Ahab's actions in turn 2.
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What if (Capybara/Medic) by universal person (1 coupon point)
I never was able to write an omake in the last quest. Now here I am, making one for this quest.

However, this one's a bit...different.

In the old quest, there was something I hoped would happen. But now, with this reboot it never will.

So if it's never going to happen, then buy golly I will make it happen myself! Or at least pretend to. @konamikode would have written it better, but whatever. Oh god what am I doing.

This omake is non-canon, set in the universe of Konamikode's old MGS/VC quest. Basically, fanfic of a dead fanfic.

"X has come to...X has come to..."

I wake up to see a face looking at me.

"Do you understand me? I'm a medic."

As he speaks, I try to remember what happened.

I was on a hill, overlooking a village. From my viewpoint, I saw a river of people move in, while another, smaller river moved out.

An invading army. And fleeing refugees.

I was going to leave. I had no reason to be here, no reason to do anything.

Then half the village went up in flames.

I took a look at the unit patch I was holding and put it away. I moved forward, into the village.

I stuck to the shadows and covered my face with a cloth, moving silently through the smoke.

I was surprised to find my first hiding spot was occupied. A woman and a child.

Both of them looked at me in fear. I simply put a finger to where the cloth covered my lips.

When I did I spotted one of the invaders. An armored knight with a gun. Unbelievable.

I glanced at the woman, hoping she would understand my intent, and moved away to sneak around behind the soldier.

How irritating. I would have preferred using my garrote, but that knighyt armor (knight armor, really!) would get in the way.

Fortunately, I always carried backup. Before the soldier even noticed, I shot the back of his head with my pistol. I heard the sound of the shot, heard the blood and brains smack the inside of his helmet. Heard the woman and child bolt from their hiding place. I payed them no mind.

I took a look at the fallen soldier's gun. As I picked it up, I realized it was a sniper rifle.

Not my first choice of weapon...but I did know how to wield it.

It all blurred together after that. I killed a few soldiers with the rifle and fled into the shadows and silence. I do it again and again. Soon I saw other people fighting the soldiers. A defending army, or perhaps a militia protecting the survivors. I aimed my shots to help them, giving them a distraction they need to retreat, or fight back.

But eventually my luck runs out. There is a sound of a stray bullet, and pain bursts from my neck.

I fell down, my hands desperately clutching my throat.

I wonder if I'm going to die.

I wonder why I don't care.

When I put my hand to my throat I find skin. I sit up, look down and see there's not even a bandage on my neck.

I look at the medic in confusion. He gives a small smile. "That Ragnaid works wonders. I might be out of a job soon."

Looking around, I find myself on a cot in a makeshift medical tent.

"I'm going to need to do some tests", the medic says. I let him do so as I consider what to do next.

It's about then that the woman from earlier enters the tent. Before the medic can wave her off, she...

Hugs me.

"Thank you. You saved us."

I don't answer.

I don't know what to say.

Finally she lets go, and the medic asks her to leave. I barely pay attention.

When the woman leaves, the medic turns to me. "You know, you did some nice work there. People are alive because of you. You're a hero."

I shook my head. I would never use that word to describe myself.

The man seems to understand. "You're better than you think you are". He then puts something next to me.

My unit patch.

My XOF unit patch.

I come to a realization. "You're MSF".

The doctor nods.

For a moment I wonder if I can kill him and make a break for it.

Then I lie back down. I was pretty sure my life was over.

"So it looks like you're fine. Your clothes and other things are over there, and you can pick them up and go."

I shake my head. Liar.

"I'm serious. You can leave whenever you want."

"I'm your enemy" I say.

"What, do you have a something against us?" the man asks.

The question was so unexpected I found myself answering. "No..."

The man shrugs. "We were enemies. Now we aren't."

He can't be serious. "Don't you want revenge?" I ask.

"Some might," he says, "but I think that some phantoms should stay in the past."

The medic then leaves the tent. I do nothing for awhile. When I see that nothing has happened, I put on my old clothes, take the patch from where it was placed, and step outside.

I expected to be shot right then and there.

It didn't happen.

It was dark outside, but I could see I was in a makeshift camp. I noticed the medic was standing, looking at the horizon. I moved next to him. He said nothing.

For some time we looked at the sky, at stars that were not of our world.

Finally I break the silence. "It was vengeance that drove me to them." The words that I kept in me spilled out. "I lost everything, and revenge was all I had left. They told me it was a language of it's own, something all humans could understand."

I looked down, at the XOF patch in my hands.

"I think I'm done speaking the language of revenge."

I kneeled down and dug a shallow hole in the dirt with one hand. I put the patch in it, and covered it up.

A phantom, now dead and buried.

When I got up the medic looked at me. He said nothing, but I heard his unspoken question.

What now?

For the first time in a long time, I smiled. A real smile.

"I think I'll try to learn the language of gratitude. Thank you."

The medic smiled and I knew his was as real as mine. "You're welcome."

There was another moment of silence.

"By the way," he said. "What's your name?"

My name....

"I lost my real name a long time ago. But you can call me..."


Author's Note and Explanation:
Konami's original quest was an AU of Ground Zeroes, which meant that Venom Snake...never existed, and remained a medic. (The quest gave him the codename Capybara, by the way.)

After Phantom Pain came out I figured...well, if we can have Ocelot and Blade Wolf show up, why not past!Quiet?

It never happened, but oh did I want it to.

Anyway, we barely know anything about past!Quiet, so I based her portrayal on what little we saw of her in Phantom Pain's prologue, and her canonical final message. Technically she didn't have a pistol in the prologue, but eh.

I also admit that Capybara meeting Butterfly smacks of authorial fiat, but eh. This thing was pure self gratification anyway.

Might do more omake's set in this AU if there's interest.

Wordcount for @konamikode's benefit: According to an online site, the omake has 1,027 words.
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That sounds like we're treading into very morally tentative grounds
We are a private military company. We are supposed to be working for anyone who would hire us. Supplying weapons to make a profit is a logical choice. Although, we can choose not to supply weapons to other nations due to moral consideration.

Question for everyone? Why does everyone assume that Isara would join our PMC? I know that she join in the previous quest. But, it never really made sense to me why she joined.
[X] Plan Save the world
-[X] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.
[X] Side Ops 5: Saladin
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: ???, 100,000 GMP
.[X] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Guaranteed Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 50,000 GMP
-[X] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
Mission Difficulty: Easy
31. An omake about Big Boss fishing and reeling in increasingly outrageous catches.

Heh got this scene in my head

DD soldier - "Hey boss caught any thing good?"

BB- Points over to the pile of assorted rubbish every thing from paint cans, to an old roman statue and a...

DD solider - "What the hell boss!"

Next to the pile is a US attack sub with its very confused looking crew walking around.