**Here's a hint, you need more manpower, more efficiency, or something autonomous that can do the work for you**
So more people, make your existing people work smarter not harder via an education, or outsource tasks to AI.
Also keep in mind that we don't know how many turns we've got in the metal gear setting. It is turn 3.
[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.
While I'm not inclined to pursue Parasite Research leaving it laying around the world when we leave is dumb.
[ ] Side Ops 1: Miller Time
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Increase relationship with Kazuhira Miller
Mission Brief: You haven't had a chance to relax in a while and neither has Miller. Take a day off and finally give yourselves time for the Phantoms to settle.
Helps the phantoms for both Miller, and Snake settle, which makes me rather tempted to pick this one.
[ ] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased relationship with 'Paz Ortega Andrade'
Mission Brief: You've managed to find an old photo of an MSF barbecue after taking down Zeke for the first time. Maybe some good memories will help Paz recover mentally after nine years without change.
Important but the difficulty makes me hesitant.
[ ] Side Ops 3: No Son of Mine
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Eli
Mission Brief: There's no explanation to be had. Eli is a little shit, but you can't just foist him off onto Ocelot to deal with. Probably.
This is necessary, but the AP limits lowers the immediate importance imo.
[ ] Side Ops 4: Let's Talk Huey *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Huey
Mission Brief: Skull Face is dead. Sit down and have a chat with a man who you thought was a friend and ask.
This is important if we want Snake to help Huey believe in himself, but we're rather limited in actions atm.
[ ] Side Ops 5: Saladin
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: ???, 100,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is fully underway and they've contracted Diamond Dogs to fulfill a job. Hitting a Turkish supply base should be easy enough for you Snake.
Sniper Wolf, and synergy with the Kurdish operation.
[ ] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Lose nuclear capability. Get started on something bigger.
Mission Brief: A world without nukes...can you imagine it Boss? Living in an era where we don't have to worry about the concept of mutually assured destruction.
Hm. The point about something bigger might mean this starts people coming our way to join a cause bigger than themselves, which is one way to acquire recruits.
[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The soviets are attempting to muster men and material for a new offensive in the rural heartland of the Kandahar Valley. Increased soviet capability in the region would destabilize our own efforts and goals. This is going to be a large operation against a conventional force in mountainous terrain.
And we know exactly how to best fight against that.
This is something we should absolutely take if we want money, and/or recruits before the transfer as DD specialize in this field thus people will throw stuff our way if we gain results.
[ ] PMC Ops 2: UN Peacekeeping in the Congo
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry Recruitment, 100,000 GMP
Mission Brief: Nothing much to mention here Boss. Just your standard peacekeeping op and making sure supplies get where they need to. We're not really expecting much opposition here.
There was a major battle against rebels in 1984, which the government won. The rebels might be a source of recruits?
[ ] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Guaranteed Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 50,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is in full swing. The rebels are on the ropes and they can't offer much. Well except manpower that is.
We've also heard word of rival PC's operating in the area, so why don't we take a few of their shiny new toys for our own?
This should have synergy with the Salladin Side operation.
[ ] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: 100,000 GMT, Conservation Strut construction funded by PETA!
Mission Brief: PETA contracted us for this one Boss. They want us to… uh… relocate a bunch of endangered species onto Mother Base until they can set up wildlife preserves. They'll even fund the building of a new strut to house them in as well as paying us some pretty solid paper.
But how the hell are we supposed to transport hundreds of animal-
Boss, you've got that look in your eye again.
Boss. No.
I still got one leg and an arm Boss, don't make me hobble over there!
This is kinda a meh option although it might gain recruits via publicity?
[-] R&D 1: Wormhole Technology
Mission Difficulty: DC 100 (Passed!), 200,000 GMP already paid
Research Time: Will finish in 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: Gain Wormhole Fulton Technology?
Mission Brief: Emmerich says he's stumbled on something unbelievable. Apparently he's discovered some kind of new element that breaks multiple laws of physics. Could be something useful, I think.
@Everyone I would like to point out that when we finish this we're going to VC land by the looks of things. Also we'll want to take his action before he screws things up again, and dammit Huey!
[ ] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 500,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus" Repaired. Still requires an AI pod or child sized pilot to get it to work apparently.
Mission Brief: Emmerich's been on my ass all day begging for the funding to repair his little pet project. I told him I'd talk to you about it, but frankly it seems like a terrible idea.
Please tell me you're not actually thinking about throwing even more money at that traitor Snake?
This is Miller speaking and we'll need to take the Huey/Miller actions in the not too distant future.
[ ] R&D 3: The Chemical Burger
Mission Difficulty: DC 10, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Gain Chemical Burger Ration, Increased Relations with Code Talker, Large Morale Boost
Mission Brief: Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?
W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!
What the hell, why is that burger blue?
Interesting, but not pressing.
[ ] R&D 4: Ballistic Vests
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Infantry gain early Plate Carriers that increase survivability in case of a hit.
Mission Brief: This kevlar stuff has been around since the 60's, it's surprising that no one's thought to use it as body armor before. I bet with some kind of steel plate behind it, you'd be able to take a rifle round to the chest without serious harm!
Important, but it can wait.
[ ] R&D 5: Picatinny Rail System
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves Infantry adaptability by allowing them to slot Two specializations.
Mission Brief: What if we made a system where soldiers could add and replace any attachment they want on the go? It wouldn't take much work, we'd only need to fabricate some kind of… rail system.
Uh the rail system seems like something important to pick up for other research purposes, and might have elements that makes it best acquirable before the transfer.
[ ] R&D 6: Uparmored Vehicles
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 200,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all mechanized unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: Sure, we could just bolt on a bunch of armor to make something tougher, but you gotta think about how it affects the weight, the balance, the load bearing capacity-
Useful, but not key.
[ ] R&D 7: Armored Fuel tanks
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all air unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: I think this is something we can do, see there's been research done on this new alloy that's just as light as aluminium and has the same properties as-
Same as above.
[ ] R&D 8: Basic Education Program
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 100,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Let's soldiers get their GED's. Allows child soldiers to begin rehabilitation. Increases morale all around.
Mission Brief: We're not the kind of people that'll force people to stay if they have any other choice. Get an education program made Kaz. We need to be more, not less than who we were going out than coming into this life.
We want to pick this up before the transfer as it involved acquiring books that we won't otherwise have.Especially if there is a second action to acquire more books, and have a higher knowledge advantage over VC.