The Notes of Donald Anderson (1)
December 6, 1969
-can't believe that I'm actually doing this. Oh, it's already on?
Heh, the moment the little red light comes on, my mind goes blank. I hate it when it that happens. This is all Para-Medic's fault, even if she's got a point that I enjoy the sound of my voice. Not like I'll ever admit to that in front of her!
The more I think about it, the more right this feels. The things we're getting done, in this group, this thing we've created… In a few years, I could play back these tapes to them and have a damn good laugh at some of the crazy shit I'll probably say!
Oh, and don't worry Major, I know, operational security and all that. It's easier to smash one of these little tapes than burning a journal. Not that I tested that out.
Some of this spy stuff goes right over my head, but the Major's good people; he may complain about the way Americans get things done compared to the Brits, but he knows we're doing something special here, that me and Para-Medic sometimes need a helping hand. I may be the guy who tells Snake what's what with a weapon system, but the things he can do with it…
And this whole Patriot business, the Philosopher's Legacy, the Will of The Boss… Gotta be honest, sometimes I feel way in over my head, but other days? It's like something out of a comic book, or one of those old pulp magazines! I'm working with the best of the best in military intelligence, special ops, medicine, tech development, money isn't and won't ever be a concern, and it's all for a good cause. I know guys I've worked with before that would kill for an opportunity half as good as this.
Earlier this week, I got a taste of what the Major talked about when he pitched me the idea of the Patriots, something about the "subtle hand" that would guide R&D in the country. I was present at the Stanford Research Institute for the first successful message sent through ARPANET. Doesn't sound like much, right? I mean, I wasn't even in the room when it happened, I might as well have been a nameless suit to those guys. But that million dollars Director Herzfeld gave them back in '66 had to come from somewhere, and it sure wasn't from a "ballistic missile defense program."
Man, ARPANET? That's the future: information and communication, concentrated through secure networks established across the country. It might just be one computer network spread throughout four universities right now, but the foundation is set. It'll spread to more universities, and its success will draw the attention of the government. That's where this really pays off; with the way the ARPA higher ups have been talking, the Patriots will soon have eyes and ears on networks established solely for military use. It might take a while, but that just means we can give it a nudge if it needs it.
And this was all my idea! Not ARPANET, but the funding, the… Well, I guess it's manipulation no matter how you say it. I explained the possibilities to the Major, how this could be groundbreaking stuff, and he tells me to go for it. The Patriots got in on the ground floor, and like a bad rash, we're sticking around for the long haul!
You know, Para-Medic was right. This is almost... Therapeutic? Is that the word she used? Helps that I'm imagining talking to her while recording. I might not do this as often as she suggested, but it's less paperwork to burn if something goes wrong, right?
Now, let's see… How do you turn this-
The Notes of Donald Anderson (2)
August 21, 1972
Snake is gone.
I really didn't know how else to start this. But Snake, Big Boss, Jack… He's gone.
Not dead-gone, but gone-gone, and I'd say it's worse. He's out there somewhere…
Major Zero gave me the details after some prodding from Para-Medic. Not all the details, though, cause she had to fill in the rest afterwards. Les Enfant Terribles. Oh man did I mangle that. Let's just call it the Terrible Infant project and leave it at that.
Right off the bat, my gut tells me this is all wrong. We're a team. We were made a solid team through Virtuous Mission and Snake Eater. We even brought in EVA and Ocelot! It's why we came together to see through The Boss' vision. We're like a… A rifle. We're all the internals, and if one of us gets taken out, the rifle's never going to fire, not that I'd ever say that out loud around the Major. He told us it would all work out, that him and Snake just have a difference of opinion, and that he'll come back to us in no time. Ocelot didn't care for that, and EVA certainly didn't.
… A difference of opinion. That's one hell of an understatement! They took his genetic material and made clones of him! Or sons. Or both! Yeah, both! And they didn't tell him a goddamn thing! I could understand Zero doing this, and EVA too, since she and Snake had something going on, but Para-Medic? Really?
I should've seen this coming. I should've said something. Things were starting to get tense between Zero and Snake, they were having a back and forth about The Boss and what she wanted, and the Major was doing some underhanded things to get Snake's name out there. "Building up the legend," I think is what he told us. But this whole Terrible Infant thing… I'll be honest, I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
But I can't walk out on the Major, or the Patriots. We're doing good work, Snake has to realize that. He also has to realize that he's going to have a harder time out there. Now, if anyone could make it on just a wing and a prayer, it's Snake, but we're a team. That's gotta count for something, right?
I hate to say it, but I can see where the Major is coming from. The Boss was one of a kind, and she was betrayed and used and silenced, so no one could know the truth. God forbid, if something like that happened to Snake… He's the target, right? He's the face of this entire… group, organization. Even our own U.S. of A. could come after him, and if he dies, we're going to be up shit creek without a paddle and a hole punched through our canoe.
Damnit, Major, what were you thinking?
The Notes of Donald Anderson (3)
January 12, 1975 - Side A
Before starting this recording, I took the time to listen to tape two and I have to repeat myself: What the hell were you thinking, Major?
Zero… Er, Cipher, gave me access to all records related to what is officially the "Peace Walker Incident." Reading through it, the Major's hand is as clear as day in this whole mess, and it isn't hard to imagine what was said in the redacted portions. Besides, if I had any questions I'd just start with ARPANET and go from there. I gotta move on from this, save it for another time, or I'm going to lose my cool.
So. Peace Walker. A Project, an Incident, and a… "Fail-deadly, AI-controlled walking tank." The machine itself was part of a set, named after the transformation stages of a butterfly's life cycle.
… How poetic.
The development of the entire set was the work of one Huey Emmerich, but a Dr. Strangelove was responsible for an advanced AI that controlled Peace Walker, the machine. These self-propelled weapon systems were created on the orders of CIA Station Chief Hot Coldman.
Damnit, I'm never going to take that name seriously, am I?
Well, I needed the laugh, because the rest of this is just shit. A CIA Station Chief gone rogue with his own mercenary unit, Snake in the middle of it all with his own mercenaries saving the day, not one but two walking nuclear-armed tanks, NORAD was hacked, and for a brief moment, I thought the Cold War was going hot. I was worried enough I called my wife, and it was one hell of a pain in my ass trying to explain to her why I did that without mentioning any of this!
… Ugh. Gotta keep my cool.
The Major says some good came out of that mess. I don't see it, but that's pretty much become the norm for us; Cipher sees all the things we don't. However, he did tell me to look into Coldman's obsession with… AI guided nuclear deterrence. Apparently Peace Walker, the machine, only had the capability of delivering its payload if the United States was under immediate threat. That's why NORAD was hacked and fooled, to put it simply, into thinking the Soviets were launching.
Maybe a few years ago I would've been skeptical about putting a machine in charge for a single nuke, let alone an arsenal, but from what I've seen and read and experienced… Maybe putting a logical AI in charge isn't the worst idea. Don't get me wrong, Coldman was a psychopath. A racist maniac who was willing to nuke his own country, taking his ideas on AIs in the wrong direction. But there's something there...
Unfortunately, this gets me nowhere. I can study this mess from afar, but unless I get my hands on data, or even salvage from the Peace Walker Project, I'd be starting from scratch. Everything points to Dr. Emmerich and Dr. Strangelove as the experts on the subject, but they're with Big Boss and sticking my nose into their business won't go well. I'll just be seen as Cipher, especially after what Zero just pulled.
Maybe DARPA could poach MSF's talent.
January 26, 1975 - Side B
… I gotta be honest, it wasn't just Coldman that got me interested in AIs. It's the fight between Zero and… Big Boss. Maybe it's not a fight, maybe that's not the right name for it, but whatever you want to call it, it's insane. We're spending resources better spent anywhere else on watching and manipulating Snake. Snake! Of all people, we're going after him?
I can say a lot of things about Snake. He's a great, stand-up guy, he's the best soldier in the world, he's been through hell for what he believes in, he's got an iron stomach, and a really unhealthy fascination with cardboard boxes. Where in any of that would someone get the idea that he'd respond to threats? What the hell was Zero thinking?
The more I think about it, the more it seems like Zero's doing this to make Snake admit he's wrong. Wrong about the Terrible Children project, wrong about what The Boss wanted. I think…
I think that's what it all goes back to: The Boss, and how she died. Before Snake left, out of the whole group only me and Clark knew her as an icon rather than a person. Both Zero and Snake were really close to her, and this split between them happened because they're still dealing with the way The Boss was treated, the way she was killed. They're dealing with this in their own ways, and they can't admit that their way is wrong. Who knows how they'd react if I got involved. Even if I did, what the hell would I tell them?
Zero made contact a few days ago. He's made it official that Cipher's pursuing AI development, and I'm leading the charge. When I asked if he could get me into contact with Emmerich and Strangelove, he said they'd be brought into the fold with Big Boss. I asked how, and all he didn't tell me much, just that there was something in the works.
Hopefully it's something more subtle than threatening him with a nuclear-armed bipedal tank.
The Notes of Donald Anderson (4)
November 4, 1975 - Side A
This is the first time I've had to just… breath in a long while. Guess I should address the elephant in the room.
Snake's dead, along with all of his outfit, MSF. Killed by Cipher.
To hear Zero tell it, Cipher got too big and he trusted someone he thought he could trust with a covert unit called XOF. For once, he came clean about it; XOF was the counterpart to FOX, denied ops for denied ops. They ran clean up and support during Virtuous Mission and Snake Eater, and we didn't know a damn thing. The son of a bitch that killed Snake, Skull Face, was a "friend" from Zero's MI6 days, and he's been running XOF for since their founding.
Supposedly he's been exiled to Africa, but I don't buy it. I'd look into it further, but Zero's keeping me busy with this AI project. I know that he got away with Emmerich, but Strangelove got out weeks before the U.N. inspection that was Skull Face's cover. Apparently she recovered the "Mammal Pod" that was key to the creation of her advanced AI, and DARPA's all but rolled out the red carpet for her.
Doesn't mean we're telling her the truth, though. Zero insists that we keep everything quiet. As far as Dr. Strangelove knows, everything's above board, she's received Zero's instructions on what he wants out of the project, and she doesn't know anything about the Patriots or where her funding is really coming from. He didn't tell me to stay away from her, so when I get the chance I'll head down to meet her and ask about her research.
Anything to take my mind off Snake.
December 31, 1975 - Side B
I still can't believe he's gone. I took the time to see Para-Medic and she's barely holding it together. I tried not to blame Zero for driving Snake away, but I didn't do so well with that.
… Maybe I didn't want to.
Snake's death shook up Zero. He won't say it, and he doesn't show it, but there are a couple of tells. What really stands out, to me, is his directions for the AI project, the ones he passed down to Strangelove. Though Coldman didn't live to see it, the whole Peace Walker mess taught us a valuable lesson. Strangelove's AI? Modeled after the mind and personality The Boss. It's what saved the day, making Peace Walker, the machine, drown itself in the Caribbean in order to sever its uplink to NORAD. Zero doesn't care for that, at all. He doesn't want an AI that can make its own decisions or even think for itself.
When I finally got a chance to meet Dr. Strangelove, she expressed a very different opinion, one that won't make Zero happy when, not if, it reaches his ears. She thinks that allowing an AI to learn and guiding it to understand things like compassion and empathy will create "natural failsafes" that add context to its directives. It's an interesting idea, and I'm not going to tell her how to spend her generous funding, but I don't think she'll last long at DARPA if she doesn't give Zero results.
While she brought some remains from MSF's Metal Gear, she didn't have the Mammal Pod on her, and something was off about her when she said it was destroyed in the XOF attack. Maybe it's Zero's paranoia rubbing off on me, but I don't think I believe her.
Guess I'll have to do some investigating of my own.
The Notes of Donald Anderson (5)
August 7, 1976
We should've ended that son of a bitch Skull Face when we had the chance.
I've barely got the time to process all of this, let alone make this recording. That skull faced bastard got to Zero, somehow, and infected him with a parasite. Instead of killing him, it'll act like a more aggressive version of Alzheimer's. He's tried every treatment possible, even some experimental shit that Dr. Clark didn't expect, but it's useless.
The shitstorm doesn't stop there. Skull Face has been picking away at Cipher, seizing accounts and assets left and right. He hasn't touched the Legacy, Zero and I buried it deep, but it's getting too close for comfort. Worst of all, Zero's put me in charge, and told me to keep the AI project and put them to work as soon as possible. It would go easier if Strangelove hadn't disappeared and taken most of her work with her!
Even the small bit of good news we got is sitting under a mountain of shit.
Snake is alive. I can't be told for security reasons, but at least I know, for once, about Zero's master plan. He managed to bring EVA and Ocelot back, got them to save Snake and bring him to… Wherever he is. Zero's also made a phantom of Snake, turned one of his surviving mercenaries into perfect copy, mentally and physically. Until Skull Face is dealt with, "Venom Snake" will be a distraction while Cipher recovers. Whoever that poor sucker is, I wish him the best. He's going to need it.
… What is it with Zero and snakes?
Not to mention their damn codenames. Apparently we're supposed to call them Ahab and Ishmael? I'm not going to bother because I'm going to start getting names confused and I'm in the middle of this mess. I sure as hell am not picking up a book that serves as a door stopper for Zero's sake.
I'm not gonna lie, we're in a bad place. Cipher's taking losses every day while Skull Face turns XOF into his twisted version of Snake's MSF. Snake himself is in a coma along with his phantom, and anyone in the know can't tell me when they're going to wake up.
… Maybe they won't wake up.
Damnit, I can't afford to think like that! I have to make something out of this entire mess. The AIs need to be up and running soon, but without Strangelove's work I have to start over. I sure as shit won't cut corners, so Zero's directions will have to go; getting the AIs to grow on their own will save me countless headaches.
Can't do anything about XOF now, but ARPANET and MILNET are godsends. Anything any U.S. agency learns about XOF reaches me within minutes, but there's only so much I can learn from a distance. Ocelot told me not to trust our remaining plants in XOF, and I'm not going to second-guess him.
… We can get through this. I can get through this. Even Snake can get through this. We'll make it.
We have to.
The Notes of Donald Anderson (6)
May 18, 1979
It's been a while, hasn't it? Don't think this recording will go on too long. I just… Needed to get away from things, for once. I've caught Zero's paranoia… It'd be caution, actually, since Skull Face was actually out to get him.
Anyway, caution means I only contact Dr. Clark through secure channels, and only for a few minutes at a time. We haven't properly sat down for lunch since… Three years, four? Since before the attack on MSF.
… Has it really been that long?
I can't bother her with this, and I really don't want to risk our lives with this. So this'll have to do.
Snake and his phantom are still safe. Ocelot sends in his reports, and sometimes EVA appears out of nowhere with a tip on XOF. For a short while the idea was tossed around of getting me and Dr. Clark the chance to visit Snake one last time, but that was out of the question, way too risky.
The Patriot AI Project has made significant progress, and yes, I've given it a proper name. None of that Cipher BS. Got my hands on the CIA's files on Coldman and his work, and I poached… Er, I stole the names from Emmerich's AIs since they were…. appropriate.
Remember when I thought ARPANET was remarkable? TR, TJ, and AL blow it out of the water. They're processing inhuman amounts of information at a rate Cipher's best analysts could never dream of matching. They gave us our first real victories against XOF, and though it's the equivalent of a bloody nose, it's made them stop and think. By next year GW's development will be finished, and I can start work on the JD, the AI that will network them and guide them according to the principles laid out by Zero: total information control.
John Doe.
… I hope you wake up soon, John.
The Notes of Donald Anderson (7)
February 28, 1984 - Side A
V has come to.
When I got the call and I heard that phrase, the hair across my body immediately stood up. I thought I was dreaming.
… He's back. He's really back. Just shy of ten years and Snake is back.
I wonder what he'll think when he sees what's become of us.
Zero's disappeared, probably comatose. Dr. Clark is doing good work in ATGC. EVA is god knows where, and Ocelot's going to be beside his phantom.
And here I am, sitting back as Cipher is managed entirely by AIs. My own children, if I wanted to be so sentimental.
… Welcome back, Snake. I hope your phantom gives them hell.
July 6, 1984 - Side B
I still vividly remember the talk Zero gave me after Skull Face's attempt on his life, how he laid out his plan for Snake's return. I thought it was insane, but we'd been dealing in the insane for years by then. A phantom, made through plastic surgery and hypnotherapy, to be target of Skull Face's revenge. The "Venom Snake" that will lie in wait, drawing him close while preparing to strike. Even if Skull Face wins, he'll be bitten.
Oh, man. Zero and his damn snakes.
But it actually worked. It worked beautifully. The son of a bitch is dead and XOF is falling apart.
Networks across the U.S. were burning with information from Afghanistan. The term "Big Boss" had hundreds, maybe thousands of hits in the DoD's network alone. Out of the ashes of MSF rises Diamond Dogs, led by a phantom that's looking all too real lately.
I'm lucky that JD came online just in time to watch the show. Direct satellite imagining, nearly real time, just beyond my fingertips? It's enough to get you drunk. I can see why it appealed to Zero so much. I was worried I'd have to do serious work to keep Venom clean, but the way he performed…
The footage I've seen makes me think of Snake Eater. How Snake, John, pushed on despite the odds, didn't leave any messes of any kind behind, didn't take a life unless it was necessary. Venom's made a name for himself, and it won't hurt Snake when he comes back.
… But what if Venom doesn't want to give up being Big Boss?
The Notes of Donald Anderson (8)
September 3, 1984 - Side A
Remind me to thank Venom Snake for testing out the AIs' capabilities. By the time his exploits made international news, JD and the others were being put through the paces with the firestorm he set off in the U.S. alone. It feels good getting my hands on presidential correspondence and seeing the doubt, the confusion.
An outright attack would've invited complete retaliation. The Seychelles would probably be irradiated. But this? Forced denuclearization? Disarming second rate powers, terrorist organizations, even fellow PMCs?
For one long, uncomfortable moment, Snake paralyzed the entire world with indecision. The almost non-existent casualty rate just makes it worse and better at the same time!
I want to jump and shout at the top of my lungs because there aren't enough words to express how amazing and insane all of this is! The status quo upended by one man! This is… This on the level of The Boss, when she supposedly betrayed the U.S. No, this could be even greater! I can't believe Snake got away with-
Snake. But not John. Just… Snake.
Have I missed the old Snake, the old John, that much?
… I wish Zero could've been here to see this. Maybe he would've been happier with the phantom.
September 4, 1984 - Side B
I've been doing a lot of thinking in between monitoring JD and the others. Thinking about Snakes, Cipher, Patriots, AIs, Zero…
The Boss.
I wonder what Venom was thinking. What he's thinking right now. Hypnotherapy means he's got John's memories, especially the memories of The Boss. So why did he go in another direction? Is he even thinking about The Boss?
Is he making his own path?
… I take back what I said in that last tape, about Zero being here to see this. If he couldn't stomach the Patriot AIs thinking for themselves, he'd probably have had a heart attack if he witnessed Snake - Venom - doing his own thing.
For a man who knew nearly everything, he certainly didn't predict this.
I received a package from Zero months back, right after Skull Face was put down. It was prepared years ago, back when Zero was still… The point is the package had a tape and instructions, and I went through all of it. One last order, from the Major himself: allocate a small amount of funds, from the Legacy, for Big Boss after Cipher is secured. I'm supposed to use it to start some sort of negotiation, bring him back in exchange for letting his dream of "Outer Heaven" be made real.
Even in his last moments, Zero wanted him back, either to control or apologize, and he pretty much asked me to keep it up. Something about listening to an old friend that hadn't pushed John away.
… I can't help but remember something my father once told me, about the spirit and letter of the law, how they're not always the same.
Zero said he wanted Big Boss to receive the funds, right?
The Notes of Donald Anderson (9)
Message from SIGINT to Snake
Big Boss, it's me. SIGINT.
Been a while, hasn't it?
Didn't part on the best of terms but… Well, what can you do? The Major always thought he was the smartest man in the room. Maybe he was, but he certainly wasn't the wisest. He insisted that you be kept in the dark, that you should know the truth, but… Since he's gone to ground, I've got the freedom to do as I want. Within reason.
You've been through a lot with Skull Face and XOF. It might not have felt like it, but you and Cipher had the same enemies, and I figure we're both breathing easier now that the son of a bitch is dead.
But this isn't about Cipher, or XOF, or even revenge. This is about…
Hope. Yeah, that's what this is about.
… Snake, when you left us, I lost one of my closest friends. I didn't lose faith in Major Zero's vision, but I didn't care for how he was trying to pull you back after what he did to you. It wasn't right, and I should've said something.
For a while, I thought you lost your way, that we all lost our way. That we were going to end up like the Philosophers, fighting one another for scraps of our legacy.
For nine long years, I thought you were never going to wake up. But you did, and you proved me wrong, proved all of us wrong, and decided to fight the world in the worst way possible.
No, not fight. Maybe… Maybe a better word for it is show, or guide: guiding the world, showing it what could be, what everyone from The Boss onward wanted to achieve.
Something tells me you won't stop there. Something tells me you have a message for the world, and I don't need spies or AIs to tell me that.
A little help from me and Cipher wouldn't hurt when the powers that be turn their full attention on you. Don't worry, it can be our secret.
Good luck out there, Snake. I'll be watching.