1. The fundamental issue Eli has is he wants to escape the shadow of Big Boss, and was perfectly willing to run away into the middle of nowhere to found his own little private kingdom to do so. This is also why he was so obsessed with defeating Solid Snake as doing so would mean he beat the man who defeated Big Boss twice, and in doing so finally 'surpass' him, or rather no longer live under the shadow of Big Boss.
2. Step one is to persuade the man to believe in himself, and after that all we can do is offer him opportunities to get help.
3. I'm uncertain how exactly to go about igniting a glimmer of the man he was, and I doubt Venom Snake can accomplish it on his own, but perhaps recruiting some of the local with high ideology might help? That, or people who remind him of the good old days.
Crack, messed up idea: Eli witnesses a young Valkyrian girl (in a skeevy outfit, WTF Japan) rampage.
Eli:*discovers girls*
Mantis:*intermally screaming*
We are way bigger then I ever thought we would be. Kind of scary honestly.
Oh and we will be so evil for our new recruits. I'm sure that the Bastian squad is relieved they have not been brought in to face training in the reboot.
Recruiting those two would take a long time. To be honest, squad E should be a lot easier since they are volunteers, but Squad 7 is going to be a completely different story since they are militiamen and not actual soldiers, well, most of them aren't. I'd expect us to receive maybe some volunteers from Squad 7, but never the full squad. I'd imagine we would get the Imp haters and some of the more militaristic folks, but getting people like Isara or Welkin is going to be a lot harder than you think.
Instead of squad 7, I think a more realistic vote would be the Nameless or squad E, since neither are really attached to the nation their fighting for.
Recruiting those two would take a long time. To be honest, squad E should be a lot easier since they are volunteers, but Squad 7 is going to be a completely different story since they are militiamen and not actual soldiers, well, most of them aren't. I'd expect us to receive maybe some volunteers from Squad 7, but never the full squad. I'd imagine we would get the Imp haters and some of the more militaristic folks, but getting people like Isara or Welkin is going to be a lot harder than you think.
Instead of squad 7, I think a more realistic vote would be the Nameless or squad E, since neither are really attached to the nation their fighting for.
Thats going to be great. Isara is such an amazing Engineer, Riela gives us a Valk to field, and Audrey is one of the best damn tank commanders in Not! Europe. So going to be glad to have them.
From what I'm getting from this, is that we could say....have Mother Base drop in Galia, or the Federation, or the Empire, or Not! America, and once we Unlocked The Gates of Outer Heaven, we could build another Mother Base in a different location. Am I correct?
Thats going to be great. Isara is such an amazing Engineer, Riela gives us a Valk to field, and Audrey is one of the best damn tank commanders in Not! Europe. So going to be glad to have them.
From what I'm getting from this, is that we could say....have Mother Base drop in Galia, or the Federation, or the Empire, or Not! America, and once we Unlocked The Gates of Outer Heaven, we could build another Mother Base in a different location. Am I correct?
Thats going to be great. Isara is such an amazing Engineer, Riela gives us a Valk to field, and Audrey is one of the best damn tank commanders in Not! Europe. So going to be glad to have them.
Thats going to be great. Isara is such an amazing Engineer, Riela gives us a Valk to field, and Audrey is one of the best damn tank commanders in Not! Europe. So going to be glad to have them.
From what I'm getting from this, is that we could say....have Mother Base drop in Galia, or the Federation, or the Empire, or Not! America, and once we Unlocked The Gates of Outer Heaven, we could build another Mother Base in a different location. Am I correct?
Like we talked about earlier that would be setting up less elite more numerous people. Who take on more open contracts while DD becomes the elite spec ops branch of outer heaven.
Nooooot really? Yeah she can't use them as long as other Valks can, and they do place a greater strain on her body, but unless she goes an extended period of time or repeatedly use them over a shot period of time, she can still use them.
Regardless, I wasn't planning or suggesting that we just use her as a Valk only, just that with her we have a Valk to counter or atleast slowdown Selvaria.
And I just remembered that Eli has a vial of the English strain of the parasite given to him by Psycho Mantis, and that is going to end poorly if he ends up releasing it somewhere besides an island, or at least he does if we're including cut content iirc.
Eh most of them lack the necessary level of hatred, or if it possible the positive alternative. Well presuming someone psychically attracted to hatred would be interested in seeing what path someone motivated by kindness would take, which is a giant question mark.
Because the only canon Valkyria Chronicles character with sufficient hatred that come to mind is Maximilian who really really wanted revenge on the Empire, or at least the royal family for killing his mother, and sister iirc. Well if one expands the list of characters to include positive emotions that might include Isara, and a couple of other characters who might develop along paths that intrigue him. Still there is always the option of changing Eli a little, and in doing so hopefully expand the horizons of Psycho Mantis.
I think we can handle multiple fronts if we focus on the quality of our troops, best bang for our buck. We ferry our teams around, they finish ops lickity split then they're shuffled to other theatres. What we need to do is keep our troops moving around like a shell game, keep the enemy guessing and let our troops have the most impact all over.
As I said here, we can handle multiple fronts so long as we do things fast and efficiently. We need to base our strategy around the basic ide of: Balance the knife, Slash, Retract. Prepare, Operate Quickly, Pull Out. If we do this we have a good chance of bleeding out the bigger actors on the world stage, especially if we manage to stab something important.
I awoke from my bed with a start, body tense in preparation for the concussion and heatwave of the blast. Long used to the sensation of cold sweat running down my back after a restless night of sleep, I waved away the foggy memories of a night I barely remembered to prepare for the day.
"He was always the best man we had." I remembered saying at his eulogy.
But that moment of memory for the fallen man who had saved my life is all that I could regretfully spare.
Skull Face was dead, but that didn't mean Diamond Dogs didn't have other things to worry about.
Strange, nonsensical dreams I couldn't make heads or tails of or not, Outer Heaven isn't going to build itself.
Action Dice: 4 (Can be used as action or roll) *I've purposefully made it so you can't research more actions right off the bat*
**Here's a hint, you need more manpower, more efficiency, or something autonomous that can do the work for you**
Vote moratorium until Friday, 6 AM PST
Votes will close Sunday at 3pm PST TIME
===== Emergency Ops: High Priority missions that can pop up at any time, including between turns. Extremely time sensitive.
No Missions
Main Ops: Story related missions, time sensitive
[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.
Mission Brief: Cipher's still out there Boss and what's left of XOF is still reeling from Skull Face's death. We need to take the opportunity to get our hands on the Vocal Parasite research so that something like this doesn't happen again. You'll be going to a secure site in Africa so be prepared for an urban, mountainous, and woodland environment.
Side Ops: Semi-story driven missions, but still important and time sensitive
[ ] Side Ops 1: Miller Time
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Increase relationship with Kazuhira Miller
Mission Brief: You haven't had a chance to relax in a while and neither has Miller. Take a day off and finally give yourselves time for the Phantoms to settle.
[ ] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard,Hard, Easy (Further Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased relationship with 'Paz Ortega Andrade'
Mission Brief: You've managed to find an old photo of an MSF barbecue after taking down Zeke for the first time. Maybe some good memories will help Paz recover mentally after nine years without change.
[ ] Side Ops 3: No Son of Mine
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Pupper Omake)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Eli
Mission Brief: There's no explanation to be had. Eli is a little shit, but you can't just foist him off onto Ocelot to deal with. Probably.
[ ] Side Ops 4: Let's Talk Huey *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Huey
Mission Brief: Skull Face is dead. Sit down and have a chat with a man who you thought was a friend and ask.
[ ] Side Ops 5: Saladin
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: ???, 100,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is fully underway and they've contracted Diamond Dogs to fulfill a job. Hitting a Turkish supply base should be easy enough for you Snake.
[ ] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Lose nuclear capability. Get started on something bigger.
Mission Brief: A world without nukes...can you imagine it Boss? Living in an era where we don't have to worry about the concept of mutually assured destruction.
PMC Ops: Missions for the grunts for everything else that requires manpower from small/large missions to building new outposts/structures and humanitarian aid.
[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The soviets are attempting to muster men and material for a new offensive in the rural heartland of the Kandahar Valley. Increased soviet capability in the region would destabilize our own efforts and goals. This is going to be a large operation against a conventional force in mountainous terrain.
And we know exactly how to best fight against that.
[ ] PMC Ops 2: UN Peacekeeping in the Congo
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry Recruitment, 100,000 GMP
Mission Brief: Nothing much to mention here Boss. Just your standard peacekeeping op and making sure supplies get where they need to. We're not really expecting much opposition here.
[ ] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Guaranteed Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 50,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is in full swing. The rebels are on the ropes and they can't offer much. Well except manpower that is.
We've also heard word of rival PC's operating in the area, so why don't we take a few of their shiny new toys for our own?
[ ] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: 100,000 GMT, Conservation Strut construction funded by PETA!
Mission Brief: PETA contracted us for this one Boss. They want us to… uh… relocate a bunch of endangered species onto Mother Base until they can set up wildlife preserves. They'll even fund the building of a new strut to house them in as well as paying us some pretty solid paper.
But how the hell are we supposed to transport hundreds of animal-
Boss, you've got that look in your eye again.
Boss. No.
I still got one leg and an arm Boss, don't make me hobble over there!
R&D: Includes missions to test prototypes
[-] R&D 1: Wormhole Technology
Mission Difficulty: DC 100 (Passed!), 200,000 GMP already paid
Research Time: Will finish in 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: Gain Wormhole Fulton Technology?
Mission Brief: Emmerich says he's stumbled on something unbelievable. Apparently he's discovered some kind of new element that breaks multiple laws of physics. Could be something useful, I think.
[ ] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 500,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus" Repaired. Still requires an AI pod or child sized pilot to get it to work apparently.
Mission Brief: Emmerich's been on my ass all day begging for the funding to repair his little pet project. I told him I'd talk to you about it, but frankly it seems like a terrible idea.
Please tell me you're not actually thinking about throwing even more money at that traitor Snake?
[ ] R&D 3: The Chemical Burger
Mission Difficulty: DC 10, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Gain Chemical Burger Ration, Increased Relations with Code Talker, Large Morale Boost
Mission Brief: Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?
W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!
What the hell, why is that burger blue?
[ ] R&D 4: Ballistic Vests
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Infantry gain early Plate Carriers that increase survivability in case of a hit.
Mission Brief: This kevlar stuff has been around since the 60's, it's surprising that no one's thought to use it as body armor before. I bet with some kind of steel plate behind it, you'd be able to take a rifle round to the chest without serious harm!
[ ] R&D 5: Picatinny Rail System
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves Infantry adaptability by allowing them to slot Two specializations.
Mission Brief: What if we made a system where soldiers could add and replace any attachment they want on the go? It wouldn't take much work, we'd only need to fabricate some kind of… rail system.
[ ] R&D 6: Uparmored Vehicles
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 200,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all mechanized unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: Sure, we could just bolt on a bunch of armor to make something tougher, but you gotta think about how it affects the weight, the balance, the load bearing capacity-
[ ] R&D 7: Armored Fuel tanks
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all air unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: I think this is something we can do, see there's been research done on this new alloy that's just as light as aluminium and has the same properties as-
[ ] R&D 8: Basic Education Program
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 100,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Let's soldiers get their GED's. Allows child soldiers to begin rehabilitation. Increases morale all around.
Mission Brief: We're not the kind of people that'll force people to stay if they have any other choice. Get an education program made Kaz. We need to be more, not less than who we were going out than coming into this life.
Omake Ops: Player created content for goodies. Can affect other Ops. (No Action Dice Required)
[ ] Omake Ops 1: A Better Life
Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, High Quality
Reward: Snake's attempts at increasing his relationship score with Eli lessens in difficulty
Mission Brief: Write a piece involving the child soldiers DDogs have brought back to base and showing them how to be kids. Either Eli's, Ocelot, Miller, or your character's perspective.
[DONE] Omake Ops 2: Official Mascot (DONE)
Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, no quality requirement.
Reward: Opens research for Combat Dogs
Mission Brief: What does D-Dog get up to when he's at Mother Base? DD's perspective.
[DONE] Omake Ops 3: Reminiscing with Paz (DONE)
Mission Difficulty: 500-1k words, High Quality
Reward: Snake's attempts at increasing his relationship score with Paz lessens in difficulty
Mission Brief: Paz has reverted to her old persona that she had back when she first met MSF in the 70's. The docs say that she could get better if we spent time with her. Must be in the perspective of a player character from the MSF days.
[ ] Omake Ops 4: Go Ham~ (Good Lord, why did I do this?)
Mission Difficulty: However much you wanna write, no quality requirement.
Reward: Depends
Mission Brief: Whatever you can think of, go for it~
Builds an additional strut where Fixed Wing Aircraft may land for maintenance and repair.
Builds an additional strut where large naval assets are anchored for maintenance and repair.
AN: Character Creation Thread will be up later today or tomorrow. I'll let you all know when it happens .
Also if it isn't obvious, shit goes sideways at the end of Turn 3.
Be ready :3
Just an annoying reminder that your friendly neighborhood Konami who the actual company totally ripped the Survive scenario from got no recognition or monetary compensation for coming up with the MSF transported to another dimension concept.
Please check it out if you want to support me <3 Kona's Patreon
Recruiting those two would take a long time. To be honest, squad E should be a lot easier since they are volunteers, but Squad 7 is going to be a completely different story since they are militiamen and not actual soldiers, well, most of them aren't. I'd expect us to receive maybe some volunteers from Squad 7, but never the full squad. I'd imagine we would get the Imp haters and some of the more militaristic folks, but getting people like Isara or Welkin is going to be a lot harder than you think.
Instead of squad 7, I think a more realistic vote would be the Nameless or squad E, since neither are really attached to the nation their fighting for.
Yea trying to recruit from the militia is unlikely to work for the most barring exceptions like Isara who interest in joining up is that she has a dream of flying, and taking her brother on an airplane ride they're fighting to defend their home, but it wouldn't hurt to see if any want to join up after the war.
The burn themselves out, or rather them casting from their lifespan in the previous to my knowledge isn't something mentioned in VC canon, and was included for game balance reason, but to be perfectly honest it kinda felt like an unnecessary inclusion as all the canonical Valkyries have plenty of good reasons for not simply going on a rampage.
That is to say they're all people who'd prefer to minimize the slaughter of soldiers who for all practical purposes have zero ability to fight back, overtly using them results in everyone placing them on a pedestal even ignoring the religion based around Valkyrie, and they all have an operational limit so using their powers recklessly will result in them running out of gas behind enemy lines where they're a perfectly mortal human whose stupidly potent healing power won't save them from being shot in the head, or probably heart as well.
Alright we should definitely pick one of the big R&D options now, so it'll be done by the time time everything goes to shit.
Either Wormholes or Sahel... quite frankly wormholes seem better for now because we're gonna have to Build an AI pod for Sahelanthropus even if we fix it.
Other than that we should probably focus on fixing Eli and miller.
[] Plan Better Man, Better Boss
[] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
[] Side Ops 1: Miller Time
[] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
[] Side Ops 5: Saladin
I would hope people remember who called Boss Saladin.