Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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It should be pointed out that during his interrogation Ocelot noted that Huey gave multiple conflicting accounts of what happened, each of which he genuinely believed at the time to be true, which caused Ocelot to theorize that he was Psychopathic and Delusional.

So, yeah he's a coward, but he might also be genuinely mentally unbalanced.

Who isn't unbalanced in this outfit?
Hoesntly the whole Huey potline has always made my head hurt.
I mean sure he was always a coward, but him being the traitor seriously stretched my suspension of disbelief. He had bonded with the Boss and Crew of MSF. I can't see him having willing betrayed them. As for everything that happens after I can see him trying to get vengeance on Miller for what he did but the sheer scope just seems way beyond him as well. Oh and let's not forget him having apparently murdered Strangelove. I can't see Huey murdering anyone he just doesn't have it in him. The only possible explanation I could believe is that Skullface completely fucked over his mind and broke him in those seven years Venom was out. But he really doesn't act like he's been broken. I mean serious Huey was never that great of a person but god damn did it feel like the game went out of its way to character assassinate him and not even in ways that made much sense.
On murdering strangelove I believe that had to do with finding out why strangelove concieved a child with him.

I feel finding out the woman you love didn't love you and instead used you to make a child to inherit someone else's ideals she loved should drive nearly anyone berserk.

Selvaria in a sneaking suit...piloting a Valkyria-tech Metal Gear.
I get evangelion vibes somewhere.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, put a FUCKIN BULLET in Psycho Mantis's Head. A legit psychic that's gone full Dark Side is waaaaay too dangerous to keep alive. Fuck trying to convert him. Just have Quiet put a bullet through his head from five miles away.
I somewhat agree and disagree. The Voice Box Parasites that kill people just for speaking a certain language should 1000% be destroyed. The Cover Parasites such as the ones used by Code Talker, Quiet, and The End on the other hand are far to useful for us to just destroy I think.

So long as we kept them on complete lockdown, and made to only give them to hosts we could trust 100%, I think it's fine to keep them.

Agreed vocal cord parasites need to go, "The one that covers" is fine though.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, put a FUCKIN BULLET in Psycho Mantis's Head. A legit psychic that's gone full Dark Side is waaaaay too dangerous to keep alive. Fuck trying to convert him. Just have Quiet put a bullet through his head from five miles away.

Unfortunately Our snakes not the kind to do that especially to a kid. Even a demon snake refuses to kill kids.
Based upon there being a ghost around I suspect Psycho Mantis will show up, and I hope things will proceed in a manner that is better for them than how they ended up in canon.

Considering we already have Sahel, yeah Psycho mantis isn't just showing up.... he's already on the base.

Currently attached to Eli.
Hmm, I wonder if we'll have the option for our Snake to have convinced Miller to get cybernetics like his arm.


Oh yeah, how is that going to play out?
Well it is never outright stated whether Paz was simply a hallucination brought about by the guilt Venom Snake had for failing to save her, or an actual spirit who stuck around to help Venom overcome his grief, but either way she vanished after the DLC iirc.
So, three priorities on our guys.

1. Whatever the fuck is Eli's deal, we gotta get him to calm the shit down.
2. Somehow, we gotta unfuck Huey's head. We can't let him loose, we know the Federation or the Empire will snap him up as ssoon as possible. And keep him the fuck away from parasites.
3. Calm Miller's shit. He's still in his angry phase at that stage. Most likely to shot Huey if he ever learn the truth since we cannot afford to let him loose. Also, he was the mood maker of MSF. Would be nice to get back that Miller, in a world with no Cipher.
1. The fundamental issue Eli has is he wants to escape the shadow of Big Boss, and was perfectly willing to run away into the middle of nowhere to found his own little private kingdom to do so. This is also why he was so obsessed with defeating Solid Snake as doing so would mean he beat the man who defeated Big Boss twice, and in doing so finally 'surpass' him, or rather no longer live under the shadow of Big Boss.
2. Step one is to persuade the man to believe in himself, and after that all we can do is offer him opportunities to get help.
3. I'm uncertain how exactly to go about igniting a glimmer of the man he was, and I doubt Venom Snake can accomplish it on his own, but perhaps recruiting some of the local with high ideology might help? That, or people who remind him of the good old days.
Not asshole Huey died with the MSF.
Well the first step into bringing him back to convince the man to believe in himself, and we'll never reach Outer Heaven by simply abandoning the assholes.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, put a FUCKIN BULLET in Psycho Mantis's Head. A legit psychic that's gone full Dark Side is waaaaay too dangerous to keep alive. Fuck trying to convert him. Just have Quiet put a bullet through his head from five miles away.
Eh. As he said to Solid Snake moments before his death if he'd followed him instead of Liquid he might've turned out differently, which entirely possible here. So I suppose it boils down to if Eli is able to overcome his issues, or Mantis finds someone more interesting to follow than someone filled with hatred.
Drats, I'm late!

I got to say, we are a lot better off that than I thought we were going to be like. Seeing our organization strength right now, Imp's (or whoever else we get into a fight with) rear lines are non-existent within 40 minutes of our insertion. Though I got to say,

5 HEMTT supply trucks

Nice, along with the other vessels we have. That, combined with our Humanitarian Aid Force, is going to make PR go a lot smoother.

I might have missed something though; what are our weapon stocks looking like? I know that we have 3 platoons armed with LMGs, but how many, say, LAWs or Javelins do we have?

Other than that, alright, I'd admit that the only MGS experience I have is the first mission of Ground Zeros. No need for an analysis of the inventory we got since we already have 4 posts about that, but let's focus on Intrigue. Any cliff notes on particularly disloyal soldiers we need to focus on? I already have some hints, such as;

So, three priorities on our guys.

1. Whatever the fuck is Eli's deal, we gotta get him to calm the shit down.
2. Somehow, we gotta unfuck Huey's head. We can't let him loose, we know the Federation or the Empire will snap him up as ssoon as possible. And keep him the fuck away from parasites.
3. Calm Miller's shit. He's still in his angry phase at that stage. Most likely to shot Huey if he ever learn the truth since we cannot afford to let him loose. Also, he was the mood maker of MSF. Would be nice to get back that Miller, in a world with no Cipher.
Eh. As he said to Solid Snake moments before his death if he'd followed him instead of Liquid he might've turned out differently, which entirely possible here. So I suppose it boils down to if Eli is able to overcome his issues, or Mantis finds someone more interesting to follow than someone filled with hatred.

All VC protagonists suddenly shudder for no explanation
Drats, I'm late!

I got to say, we are a lot better off that than I thought we were going to be like. Seeing our organization strength right now, Imp's (or whoever else we get into a fight with) rear lines are non-existent within 40 minutes of our insertion. Though I got to say,

Nice, along with the other vessels we have. That, combined with our Humanitarian Aid Force, is going to make PR go a lot smoother.

I might have missed something though; what are our weapon stocks looking like? I know that we have 3 platoons armed with LMGs, but how many, say, LAWs or Javelins do we have?

Other than that, alright, I'd admit that the only MGS experience I have is the first mission of Ground Zeros. No need for an analysis of the inventory we got since we already have 4 posts about that, but let's focus on Intrigue. Any cliff notes on particularly disloyal soldiers we need to focus on? I already have some hints, such as;

Not really besides Quite, Liquid, and Huey everyone else is loyal and all the crew have been hand picked and trained by Snake himself. Their morale is Unbreakable for a reason.

We are way bigger then I ever thought we would be. Kind of scary honestly.

Oh and we will be so evil for our new recruits. I'm sure that the Bastian squad is relieved they have not been brought in to face training in the reboot.
Wait, I just had a thought. Venom can become Santa, through humanitarian aid and spreading Christmas joy throughout the VC world.