Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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...just wanted to say how great it is, when even none combat personal are at elite level or better.

Our cook being able to destroy a surprise!zombie was just so gratifying.

"Under Siege" had Casey Ryback being a "cook" demoted from Special Forces.

Our genuine cooks are probably better than Casey ever had been.

This was extremely gratifying.
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Uwah. Zombies?

This is. . Bad .


OK panic aside. Good thing we went full Hero , we need to rally humanity here .

Would have been good to end some more conflicts while we were at it .

But well now Chico can go rip and tear and fit in the aesthetic !

I'm super super hestiant of deploying our combat dogs against zombies btw.
Meanwhile in a tavern in Belgrade:

I'm honestly not sure if I'm making a joke here considering that I can see certain parts of the Belgrade population doing this if it ever happened in real life.
The worst part of all this is that we've built the company to be completely unsuited to the task at hand, the only reason we even stand a chance is because of the loot air and armour we got from the last couple of missions.
Panicking aside, how much firepower do we want to pack for the wormhole anyway? They need to hit hard and fast. And to keep up with Sahel once it's here.

Come to think of it, the only good place for our artillery pieces is probably helping hold the line. Even if it give some more hours, every bit count.
The worst part of all this is that we've built the company to be completely unsuited to the task at hand, the only reason we even stand a chance is because of the loot air and armour we got from the last couple of missions.

Don't assume armor and air are the be all end all with this. This enemy mauled a Soviet armored until and has infected machines. Your tank has just as much a chance of becoming a zombie as a grunt.

We kind of have to use them but our copters can easily become vectors for this to spread quickly.

Also there are 10,000 fighters present. That's not a force to sneeze at. If we put some troops on the ground to give that force a spine? I'm not sure any force can stop that enemy but as long as we hold? That gives people time to escape and ties up an enemy that could turn around to defend the portal.
After reaching the wormhole, we probably will need to hold the line there for whatever solution we found too. So keep in mind for that.

Keep in mind kk did say he did not want to end tutorial by crippling us. So long as we don't do dumb things, we should be alright. For a given definition of alright anyway.
How much CH-47 Chinooks can carry ?
A Chinook is rated for 30-odd troops in full kit*, or 50-odd passengers. We have 4 Chinooks, so that means they can evac 200 people in a single hop.

*Infantry kit be heavy. I'll find that powerpoint of infantry loads in Afghanistan later.
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Actually arming the child soldiers might be good for them. Might. Stay with me.

Most of them are a walking bag of issues from you know. Being child soldiers. They also are surrounded by adult soldiers, though admittedly some of the best and moral ones in existence. Which reinforces their "training".

So we channel this constructively. Instead of killing because people because they were told to, they are given the option to defend others. Because they want to. Give them the choice. We know that once Eli rallys them, they will do so with no hesitation, but it's still a choice.

Also Big Boss broadcasting a rallying call to the world the likes Pentecost will be proud of. From the helicopter as he rides into battle because it's Boss. Then right before it dissolves into static "WE ARE CANCELLING THE APOCALYPSE!"

NATO and Soviet yropps fighting side by side as they fight not for money, or religion, or for politics. But to save as many lives as possible. To save humanity. To save the world.

The Boss would smile.

Edit: any odd mistakes or spellings are because my auto-correct and keyboard act up as my phone gets older.
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Honestly the best thing we can do at this point with our forces in terms of defence is to use their specalizations. We have expert trainers that can help get more guns on the wall quickly which is desperately needed, We have men that are experts at making traps which we can use to both delay the zombies arrival at our defensive positions for as long as possible and funnel them into killzones, finally we have men that are experts in fast devastating surgical strikes which can be used as a quick reaction force to temporarily bolster defenders when they are about to be over run.
Also Big Boss broadcasting a rallying call to the world the likes Pentecost will be proud of. From the helicopter as he rides into battle because it's Boss. Then right before it dissolves into static "WE ARE CANCELLING THE APOCALYPSE!"

NATO and Soviet yropps fighting side by side as they fight not for money, or religion, or for politics. But to save as many lives as possible. To save humanity. To save the world.

The Boss would smile.

To add my two cents, this also fits the Hero Route that this Quest has taken, and the new bonus will allow the word to carry way farther than it has any right to.
We don't have the assets to contend with most of the missions.

We mind as well commit everything to a deep strike on the portal, the faster we can close it, the less we have to bleed.
So... How I see it is like this:

1st and 2nd Platoons of Heaven's Devils and the Child Soldiers (Armed) should be holding Mother Base.
3rd and 4th Platoons of Heaven's Devils and the entirety of the Lords of War, with the Metal Gear, Ocelot and Big Boss should be going in hard and fast to close the wormhole.
Hearts of Darkness, with Carrier Pigeons, should be to perform Mass Evac of the Countryside, let Miller lead them just to be safe.
Holding the Line would probably require Chirp Chirps for transportation, using Little Boom and Peace Day, with Quiet to help hold the line in a fighting retreat.

That's the best I got.
Why don't we just set up fences around the worm hole to stop the zombies while we think up a way to stop the wormhole?
The fences don't even need to connect, just a guard.
1st and 2nd Platoons of Heaven's Devils and the Child Soldiers (Armed) should be holding Mother Base.
3rd and 4th Platoons of Heaven's Devils and the entirety of the Lords of War, with the Metal Gear, Ocelot and Big Boss should be going in hard and fast to close the wormhole.
Hearts of Darkness, with Carrier Pigeons, should be to perform Mass Evac of the Countryside, let Miller lead them just to be safe.
Holding the Line would probably require Chirp Chirps for transportation, using Little Boom and Peace Day, with Quiet to help hold the line in a fighting retreat.
Okay, so this is what I have so far:
[ ] Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
-[ ] Big Boss, Quiet, D-Walker
-[ ] FULL DEPLOYMENT 1st Co. "Heaven's Devils", 3rd Co. "Lords of War" 4th PLT, Metal Gear Sahelanthropus
-[ ] Screen Sahelanthropus, move hell for leather to the Wormhole. Use any surviving Soviet assets.
Self explanatory: Best of the best, with the Metal Gear, right at the heart of the enemy. If we're willing to risk Kandahar, we can put all of Diamond Dogs mobile assets (Lightning Raiders, Sheridans) on this assault.
[ ] Battle For Kandahar: Hold the Road
-[ ] Ocelot, D-Horse
-[ ] 2nd Co "Hearts of Darkness" 2nd PLT, 3rd Co. "Lords of War" 1st, 2nd PLTs, 1st Recon Tank Co. "Little Boom", 2nd Rocket Artillery Det. "Peace Day", 2nd Flt. "Chirp Chirps"
-[ ] Mobility is key, mobility means survival. Let the locals hold the line while Diamond Dogs sets up defensive positions (from foxholes and emplacements to mines and traps and everything in between), provides mobile support, thins out the horde.
Advisers to support and liaison with local forces, Lightning Raiders and Helljumpers support the Sheridans, staying mobile while they receive artillery support and the Little Birds provide spotting and recon. The objective is to keep the locals fighting as long as possible, and maybe drum up more.

EDIT: Added in what @Shashenka pointed out about defensive works/positions. Hell, if possible, we should get the civilians involved in building defenses, ala Moscow's population in the fall of 1941.
[ ] Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
-[ ] D-Dog
-[ ] 2nd Co. "Hearts of Darkness" 1st, 3rd PLTs, 3rd Co. "Lords of War" 3rd PLT, 1st SQN "Carrier Pigeons"
-[ ] Save as many lives as possible.
Self-explanatory. Rest of 2nd Co. deploys, even the spooks, to organize the evacuation via Black Hawk and Chinooks. The more civilians are evacuated or at least pointed at safe zones, the less zombies there will be to fight.
[ ] Mother Base Defense
-[ ] Master Miller, Eli
-[ ] 1st Co. "Supply Guys", Mbele Squad
-[ ] Hold down Mother Base, protect current refugees and any that may/will arrive.
Miller doesn't have to be on the ground to oversee the evacuation. He can oversee the missions from Mother Base while keeping an eye on Eli. The Supply Guys are though, so they can hold Mother Base. Besides, if units have to be evacuated, they'll bolster Mother Base's defenses.
[] Arm the Child Soldiers
Arm them and have Elia tell them the stakes. They're fighting to protect the refugees that can't defend themselves against a threat greater than warlords or PMCs.
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