Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

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    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Okay I gotta be real, I was not expecting this, and it's pretty much the worst fight for us lol, since we don't have the numbers for an attritional slugging match like what this is shaping up to be. On the other hand guns are a helluva equaliser and we do still have options.

...i think I'm just gonna go and get buzzed for tonight instead of trying to come up with any analysis :V
I'm now imagining Eli helping Kaz lead the defense of Mother Base...

This is a time for heroes, alive and dead.

Right off the bat, I can tell the Hearts of Darkness should be deployed to liaison with the local fighters and help the evacuation along.

Maybe there should be an attempt at holding the line, but that means diverting assets from the assault in Ghor Province.
I just hope there won't be an army of infected cyborg ninja. Several Metal Gear RAY in the centre of the storm already bad enough. This is where our meticulous asymmetrical soldiers will be tested, to be stretched so thin though...this is really bad.

On the other hand, Sahel versus multiple RAYs.
Uh, yeah. That city is fucked. We don't have the numbers for sustained defense. Glad we have Sahelanthropus, even with the demon points it gave us.

At the moment I'm most torn on arming the kids. I'm half convinced that Eli will break into the armory on his own if we don't give them guns, but we've been trying to make it so they'll never need to hold a gun again.
Well, with how popular Boss is now, we should try to recruit others to hold the line, the retreated russians come to mind.

And a concentrated attack on the main objective is probably the best way to go for a very small ultraelite force.
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In order to not have any trouble with Eli or the kids, they should be brought up to speed and armed. I think Eli will rise to the challenge when he sees what's at stake.

If Diamond Dogs deploys to Kandahar, then it's going to have to fight a fighting retreat.
At the moment I'm most torn on arming the kids. I'm half convinced that Eli will break into the armory on his own if we don't give them guns, but we've been trying to make it so they'll never need to hold a gun again.

Very much this.
He wants to feel respected by others, especially his not!Father.
Not involving him will end with him taking the initiative and doing something rash/stupid.
The old maxim of not giving orders you know will be ignored and all that.

Showing him trust, on the other hand, could further strengthen the growing positive bonds.
Zombie invasion....ok.

Question, what would happen if the cliche of 'throwing a nuke at the portal' was activated?
Will it have a set result or would you throw a dice to determine if it was a good or bad result?

To be honest, for once I would like to see throwing a nuke at an evil portal result in being a good idea in a story.
Zombie invasion....ok.

Question, what would happen if the cliche of 'throwing a nuke at the portal' was activated?
Will it have a set result or would you throw a dice to determine if it was a good or bad result?

To be honest, for once I would like to see throwing a nuke at an evil portal result in being a good idea in a story.

It is still MGS, the narrative of this particular universe is not in favor of that action having a positive outcome.
Rough plan concept :
Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
Mission Type: Base Assault, Boss Battle
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Extreme

Big Boss and Sahel with Boss AI .

Infantry with Walker gears .

Battle for Kandahar: Hold the Road
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Urban
Difficulty: Very Hard

Deployed Quiet and all Arty and tanks we got .

Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
Mission Type: Evacuation
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Normal

Ocelot and all trucks , jeeps and helis we have .

Mother Base Defense
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Mother Base
Difficulty: ???

Kaz , Eli and we arm childrens . Whoever is left wll be helping with defenses.

I don't know how to effectivly deploy infantry so im leaving it to someone else .
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Hopefully our actions will embolden what's left of the Soviet garrison to come out and fight as well. I'm not sure what they actually have left after that rout though. Hell I'll take some of Skullfaces XOF now. This is about extinction.

Also super hype for Rays verses Sahelanthropus fight.
While I would adore doing the City Defence mission, the DD isn't designed for such circumstances, Asymmetrical warfare means nothing if our foe is basically numberless.

Our best hope would be using Hearts of Darkness and Carrier Pigeons to help with the evacuation. Might be a good idea to send Miller there as he's not exactly going to be skilled in combat. Heaven's Devils and the Metal Gear is going with Big Boss to close the wormhole.

The City Defence definitely will have to be a fighting retreat, we are not equipped to hold the line. Peace Day and Little Boom might be suited towards this operation. While I might like the idea of using the Lords of War to help with the city defence, we will most certainly need to defend the base, if one zombie got on, then it's more than likely that we have multiple zombies on the way.

Though the Supply Guys might be good for the purpose of Base Defence as well.

Though we do have the slight problem of our child soldiers and whether or not we arm them. I mean, this is Eli, so chances are he's going to break into the armoury anyway.
@konamikode can we have Big boss adress the soldiers of the world to unit and fight against the apocalypse regardless of what their government say? Those Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan would be mighty useful right about now.
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I think whatever feeling Mother Base has about arming children and giving them something other than war, everyone can kinda understand given NO ONE expected a goddamn ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE to rise up.