Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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@Always Late eh, it's better than nothing. In the sense that we have some arty which we can use for some missions other than naval base defense.

Basically if we deploy our artillery it's going to be for very specific tasks and specific missions; we don't have the logistics and supply train to do artillery like the US (King of Battle) or the Soviets (God of War). I know we've got 3 MRLS, what other arty pieces do we have? Because if it's the 105mm towed guns, we can do airmobile artillery shenanegans with our Chinooks sling lifting said arty. (I honestly cannot remember now. Need more Pepsi.)

....and now i have a mental image of a Blackhawk towing an MRLS floating in the air with multiple Fulton balloons. :p

(tbh if we need indirect fire shens it's a lot easier to have one of 3rd Co's platoons load up with mortars and stuff themselves into a Chinook, with the Chinook dropping them and the ammo off and then they go to town. Otoh mortars don't have the range and lethality of 105mm or 155mm arty rounds, but if they're smart about how they site themselves they won't be too obvious about where they're firing from. At least this is the era where counterbattery radar doesn't exist yet.

Also regards MONARC, there's also the issue that the PzH 2000 turret lacks the stabilisation needed for a naval gun (since dry land doesn't move the way the sea does :V), as well as how the 155mm round is optimised for land attack (duh, land attack artillery round) and less capable than 127mm or 76mm in the AAW and ASuW roles (what with the lower rate of fire and lack of AA proximity fuse).

Also I feel I should point out that shoulder-fired ATGM means Dragon, which has an effective range of 1000 meters. So uh... not very useful. -_-;

Well, due to handwavery I think we can assume 'maintenance' isn't an issue.

ROF vs fast targets though is a thing, but I'd assume we'd use it to help against bigger boats until we upgraded our defenses again. Then again we might be stuck on land, in which case it'll be helpful. Basically I think it's a 'T1 defense, better than having nothing' thing.

I don't think latching them to our next combat unit makes sense (b/c a lot of them probably wouldn't do well lugging them along with them). Maybe we can hitch em with one of our armor squads? The MBT's could maybe use them as support. (Of course that's uh turn 7)
The problem with using our piddling few arty guns and MRLS against warships is something I mentioned before in Kancolle fic ideas writing: ship has more guns than land and is always in motion. We've got maybe 3-4 105mm guns and 3 MRLS, the former shoots HE and the latter uses DPICM. That's stuff that'll be less effective on anyting destroyer sized and higher. We have no AP rounds to punch into anything more armored than a destroyer.
Sounds like future terrorism if that happened.

Plus boycotts.
Honestly, you're not wrong on the boycott angle. Given it shares borders with not just Turkey, but Iraq, Iran, and Syria, Kurdistan has a genuine shot of getting the Israel treatment. Nobody involved wanted the Kurds to get their own state for fear of causing tensions within their borders and losing control of very key resources.

But given how Big Boss just made most of the Turkish military disintegrate or defect by just stepping out of a chopper? It's not just 'terror by heroism', it's effectively nuclear deterrence to boot. Well, so long as "Saladin" stays around.
Basically if we deploy our artillery it's going to be for very specific tasks and specific missions; we don't have the logistics and supply train to do artillery like the US (King of Battle) or the Soviets (God of War). I know we've got 3 MRLS, what other arty pieces do we have? Because if it's the 105mm towed guns, we can do airmobile artillery shenanegans with our Chinooks sling lifting said arty. (I honestly cannot remember now. Need more Pepsi.)

....and now i have a mental image of a Blackhawk towing an MRLS floating in the air with multiple Fulton balloons. :p
@konamikode, can we do this? It'd solve our mobility issues.
Also regards MONARC, there's also the issue that the PzH 2000 turret lacks the stabilisation needed for a naval gun (since dry land doesn't move the way the sea does :V), as well as how the 155mm round is optimised for land attack (duh, land attack artillery round) and less capable than 127mm or 76mm in the AAW and ASuW roles (what with the lower rate of fire and lack of AA proximity fuse).
The whole 'anti-ship' issue? That's what the Swedes tested in '96 with standard rounds, and found it worked pretty well. Not to mention that at the same time MONARC was going on, there were extended-range/rocket-assisted rounds to give the weapon an 80km+ range, longer than some anti-ship missiles. They said they were working on fixing the FCS for the roll of the sea, but given there was no news on that before the cancellation I don't think that ever got completed.
Also I feel I should point out that shoulder-fired ATGM means Dragon, which has an effective range of 1000 meters. So uh... not very useful. -_-;
When we're talking fast boats? ATGMs are better. If we're talking destroyers and up? We need gunships, because if they shell the base it's Game Over.
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I just got the funniest idea ever! Get big boss a big ol bag of zip ties then have him raid an imperial supply base with Quiet and DD. Knock out EVERYONE and retrain them with the zip ties so they can't escape when they wake up mid operation.

Once everyone is down load them and all the loot into their own trucks and crates then fulton them in batches. Can you imagine the reaction to those supply bases vanishing over night?

Anyone we don't recruit we send to our client as POWs
I always wondered why her outfit was backless
heatsink, duh. Biological weapons suffer from heat buildup which requires said heat to be radiated into the air in order to maintain cooling so that the weapon does not overheat and suffer a mobility kill.


(That said having worn an airsoft-tier FSBE tac vest under a sweater in the tropics, man that was hot. Memo to self; cosplaying as a character in a verse that's set in europe with snow etc, when you are in malaysia, is probably not a good idea. Hmmm. Maybe this year I should head out to CF wearing that vest and my raincoat? The Division winter memes must continue, alas.)
I will be honest. I found that the anime version doesn't look as good as the game version. Of course there are art works done a hell of a lot better. I found three specifically I enjoy. here they are:

Yes those are good.
heatsink, duh. Biological weapons suffer from heat buildup which requires said heat to be radiated into the air in order to maintain cooling so that the weapon does not overheat and suffer a mobility kill.


(That said having worn an airsoft-tier FSBE tac vest under a sweater in the tropics, man that was hot. Memo to self; cosplaying as a character in a verse that's set in europe with snow etc, when you are in malaysia, is probably not a good idea. Hmmm. Maybe this year I should head out to CF wearing that vest and my raincoat? The Division winter memes must continue, alas.)
Fuck it. That's my headcanon. Makes better sense than just fanservice (Though she is capable of dodging tank and sniper rounds so I don't really have to complain about)
Separation of Guilt (Dr. Emmerich / Mr. Huey): ?
Okay we got some good news and bad news
Quiet: Fascinating Specimen 4/10

Also: this was found in Huey's character sheet

  • .
Peace Walker: "Peace in our time. I doubt it, but we can set the building blocks."
Fame: #1 of the Top 100 List of Most Influential Men in the World
Hero: 184,500 "... Ishmael."
Yes yes.
The Man Who Guided the World: Ahab's heroism has reached the level of modern myth. Due to his actions, his place in the history books is all but assured and the legacy he leaves is one that will inspire countless people of future generations.
  • When failing heroic actions, Ahab will gain a reroll.
  • When pursuing combat actions befitting those of a hero, Ahab gains a +50 to his rolls.
  • Ahab's charisma is a near palpable thing. Characters who speak with him in person will be filled with an uplifting strength.
    • Allies and neutral characters will find themselves stiffening their backs and attempt to impress Ahab, instinctively unwilling to draw his disappointed gaze to themselves.
    • Enemies will find themselves looking at Ahab with respect, seeing that while they may be on opposite ends, Big Boss is a soldier worthy of th
Hell yes!
@konamikode curious, what would have happened stat wise had we succeeded in making a better version of Zanzibar Land?

I still find it annoying that we are going to be cut from doing that and still don't understand why, will likely come up in next update but still.
I still find it annoying that we are going to be cut from doing that and still don't understand why, will likely come up in next update but still.
We couldn't complete the quest chain.

It's fine. There was only so much we could do.

EDIT: It's not that we couldn't, it's that we didn't. I don't know about everyone else, but I didn't realize there was a Kurdish quest line.

It is what it is. The wormhole event/special turn is coming up, so we go forward with what we have.
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Main Characters

Codename: White Mamba
Name: Eli
Age: 12
Nationality: English
Race: Asian/Caucasian

Hatred is My Being: Eli's seething hatred of... everything colors every action he takes, every decision he makes, and every thought he has.
  • It is extremely difficult to raise Eli's friendship ratings with anyone.
  • The stats shown here may or may not be accurate.
  • He follows.
I spy with my little eye a new development. I wonder what this will bring.
Hmmm, updated character bios you say...?

...has the great Ocelot finally met his match in interrogation?

Quiet: Fascinating Specimen 4/10

Inhuman Psychology:???
Huh...did Hana have some little friends latch on to her? we need to ask Quiet?

Condition: Heavily Damaged.
...isn't Big Sal supposed to be repaired by now?