The Undead Unhinged Lunatic of the Web
- Location
- Belgrade,Serbia
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
Omake Ops 9: Frenzied Repair really is impressive just how productive you can be, when your working on something you value more then yourself, for people you care about more then yourself...when your probable death is just around the corner. Honestly, the fact that my hands aren't shaking, and that I haven't...had an accident yet, is great! It would really slow down my work and I can't afford that right now! I need to get Sahelanthropus repaired before my trail for...
*Gunfire, explosions, screaming everywhere as the men and women of MSF are gunned down by the inspection you allowed on Mother Base. YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT! LET ME OUT HUEY!*
SLAM! Deep Breaths Huey! Calm down! You don't have time for this! Shaking my head, I pick up my tools, and continue repairing what will in all likelihood by my final gift to Big Boss and the others of Mother Base. I can't ignore the blood on my hands anymore...I can't ignore all the people killed because of many died because of my naivety? My hubris? My inventions? I know exactly how many people died in XOF's attack on Mother Base, three hundred and twenty one men and women, soldiers that were one and all dedicated to making the world a better place dead. Because of me.
*Replace the broken containment units for the Metallic Archaea with the help of Doctor George, careful careful careful can not allow a accidental release of the microorganisms on Mother Base, use the depleted uranium from the disarmed nukes to repair the armor, remove the self destruct function, the world no longer needs the threat of nuclear deterrence*
But that's only the start of my sins! Nine Years! Big Boss was in a Coma for Nine Years! He lost his Arm because of that attack! MSF was shattered and all the good they could have done was destroyed! The Diamond Dogs under Snake have helped so many lives! We've protected so many innocent people from hostile armies or PMC's, we've helped set so many unfortunate victims of war on the path to a better future, we've almost finished our mission of making a nuke free world! Even if it's just a day, even if our message doesn't move the people of the world today, that message for a better tomorrow will remain! Someone will pick it up and carry it on into the future!
*Repair the damaged head sensors, negative damage too extensive, need a complete replacement. Order assistants to hurry no time to waste. Remove, replace, secure, next. Remove the arms, disassemble disassemble disassemble, remove the archaea blades, and place in special containment unit. Blade one is mostly intact but flexibility is damaged. Blade two is extensively damaged, testing testing, archaea manipulators almost completely destroyed. Full replacement of blade two is required. Blade one is easily repairable. Direct assistants to blade one, direct personal attention to blade two, request Doctor George's assistance.*
Snake and the others could have been doing this nine years ago! Unburdened by the pain and rage of everything they've lost! Of everything I've cost them! When I killed MSF I killed an entire decade of hope! How many children like Hana and Eli would be alive and happy, away from war, and living a better life right now if not for me? How many dead husbands and murdered sons would still be alive to support and protect their families if it wasn't for me?!
*I've sent Hal to the United States. He'll live a peaceful life there, like a normal child, and not the pilot for this machine of death you built!*
How many wives would still have their children and husbands if MSF had been there to rescue them?!
*Huey! Let me out! This isn't funny! LET ME OUT!*
How many children would grow up with their parents if MSF had still been here?!
*Hal cries and cries and cries I hear him whenever I sleep I'm sorry son I'm so so sorry!*
DAMN IT! I drop my tools and stomp over to the table where Snake and I had the bottle of bourbon he left there. Fill coffee cup, chug, back to work. Doctor George just watches me, watches my steps and my body language, but he doesn't have to worry. I've calculated the exact amount of alcohol I can ingest without hampering my thought process and not gone even a drop over it. I won't fail in this. I just need a little help to keep the memories down while I finish my final work.
*Carefully remove the broken archaea manipulators, slowly test remainder to ensure full functionality, metals dissolve at optimal rates, good. Place replacement manipulators in the appropriate slots. Ensure the blade's flexibility, corrosives, and metal shaping is without flaws. No flaws to be seen, wonderful, assistants have fixed blade one, begin full blade and arm reassembly, then reattachment.*
Even greatest crime....oh my love I am so sorry. I was so furious that you sent Hal away from us...from me...and...and...and I murdered you! I trapped you in your greatest creation and left you to suffocate to death!
I was a coward! I feared what Sahelanthropus would do in the hands of Skullface, so I wished to use our child to pilot it, to try and prevent it from being misused! But I never told you that! I never bothered to explain myself! I was too scared, too awkward, to talk to you about such a great responsibility that I wished to force on our infant son! So you sent him away, away from his parents to America where Cipher's power was strongest, and you wanted to use an AI to pilot this Metal Gear instead. I couldn't stand it! Something as terrible as Sahelanthropus, being driven by a emotionless AI, that was controlled by Skullface? He would mass produce them, control every single iteration personally, and use them to help enforce his twisted vision over the world!
*Archaea grenade dispensers, completely broken, full replacement necessary. Assistants will handle the firing mechanisms, ensure secure placement of archaea munitions, retrieve firing mechanisms, install, test with empty shell. Test successful, repeat, test successful, good. Install munitions, reapply armor, secure, continue...pause. Vision is obstructed.*
I have to wipe my eyes on my lab coat, I can't afford to have blurry vision when handling such dangerous materials, but I can't help but freeze up when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking down into the ancient eyes of Doctor George, the man stares at me for a brief moment that seems to last far long, before his hand gently squeezes my shoulder. The look in his eyes....I don't deserve it.....but I can't deny that we are similar in some regards. Two researchers, hoping to make the world a better place, only to have our greatest inventions turned into weapons of mass destruction by a mad man. His soul isn't nearly as black as mine....but I won't turn away any support he wants to offer...I need to finish the repairs before my trail....and I can't deny that I'm still utterly terrified of when that day comes.
*Surveillance Mines and launching system. Mines depleted, order replacements, launching system intact. Test fire, success, test fire, success.
If you do decide to pick this up again and finish it: Its trial not trail.