Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Omake Ops 9: Frenzied Repair really is impressive just how productive you can be, when your working on something you value more then yourself, for people you care about more then yourself...when your probable death is just around the corner. Honestly, the fact that my hands aren't shaking, and that I haven't...had an accident yet, is great! It would really slow down my work and I can't afford that right now! I need to get Sahelanthropus repaired before my trail for...

*Gunfire, explosions, screaming everywhere as the men and women of MSF are gunned down by the inspection you allowed on Mother Base. YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT! LET ME OUT HUEY!*

SLAM! Deep Breaths Huey! Calm down! You don't have time for this! Shaking my head, I pick up my tools, and continue repairing what will in all likelihood by my final gift to Big Boss and the others of Mother Base. I can't ignore the blood on my hands anymore...I can't ignore all the people killed because of many died because of my naivety? My hubris? My inventions? I know exactly how many people died in XOF's attack on Mother Base, three hundred and twenty one men and women, soldiers that were one and all dedicated to making the world a better place dead. Because of me.

*Replace the broken containment units for the Metallic Archaea with the help of Doctor George, careful careful careful can not allow a accidental release of the microorganisms on Mother Base, use the depleted uranium from the disarmed nukes to repair the armor, remove the self destruct function, the world no longer needs the threat of nuclear deterrence*

But that's only the start of my sins! Nine Years! Big Boss was in a Coma for Nine Years! He lost his Arm because of that attack! MSF was shattered and all the good they could have done was destroyed! The Diamond Dogs under Snake have helped so many lives! We've protected so many innocent people from hostile armies or PMC's, we've helped set so many unfortunate victims of war on the path to a better future, we've almost finished our mission of making a nuke free world! Even if it's just a day, even if our message doesn't move the people of the world today, that message for a better tomorrow will remain! Someone will pick it up and carry it on into the future!

*Repair the damaged head sensors, negative damage too extensive, need a complete replacement. Order assistants to hurry no time to waste. Remove, replace, secure, next. Remove the arms, disassemble disassemble disassemble, remove the archaea blades, and place in special containment unit. Blade one is mostly intact but flexibility is damaged. Blade two is extensively damaged, testing testing, archaea manipulators almost completely destroyed. Full replacement of blade two is required. Blade one is easily repairable. Direct assistants to blade one, direct personal attention to blade two, request Doctor George's assistance.*

Snake and the others could have been doing this nine years ago! Unburdened by the pain and rage of everything they've lost! Of everything I've cost them! When I killed MSF I killed an entire decade of hope! How many children like Hana and Eli would be alive and happy, away from war, and living a better life right now if not for me? How many dead husbands and murdered sons would still be alive to support and protect their families if it wasn't for me?!

*I've sent Hal to the United States. He'll live a peaceful life there, like a normal child, and not the pilot for this machine of death you built!*

How many wives would still have their children and husbands if MSF had been there to rescue them?!

*Huey! Let me out! This isn't funny! LET ME OUT!*

How many children would grow up with their parents if MSF had still been here?!

*Hal cries and cries and cries I hear him whenever I sleep I'm sorry son I'm so so sorry!*

DAMN IT! I drop my tools and stomp over to the table where Snake and I had the bottle of bourbon he left there. Fill coffee cup, chug, back to work. Doctor George just watches me, watches my steps and my body language, but he doesn't have to worry. I've calculated the exact amount of alcohol I can ingest without hampering my thought process and not gone even a drop over it. I won't fail in this. I just need a little help to keep the memories down while I finish my final work.

*Carefully remove the broken archaea manipulators, slowly test remainder to ensure full functionality, metals dissolve at optimal rates, good. Place replacement manipulators in the appropriate slots. Ensure the blade's flexibility, corrosives, and metal shaping is without flaws. No flaws to be seen, wonderful, assistants have fixed blade one, begin full blade and arm reassembly, then reattachment.*

Even greatest crime....oh my love I am so sorry. I was so furious that you sent Hal away from us...from me...and...and...and I murdered you! I trapped you in your greatest creation and left you to suffocate to death!


I was a coward! I feared what Sahelanthropus would do in the hands of Skullface, so I wished to use our child to pilot it, to try and prevent it from being misused! But I never told you that! I never bothered to explain myself! I was too scared, too awkward, to talk to you about such a great responsibility that I wished to force on our infant son! So you sent him away, away from his parents to America where Cipher's power was strongest, and you wanted to use an AI to pilot this Metal Gear instead. I couldn't stand it! Something as terrible as Sahelanthropus, being driven by a emotionless AI, that was controlled by Skullface? He would mass produce them, control every single iteration personally, and use them to help enforce his twisted vision over the world!


*Archaea grenade dispensers, completely broken, full replacement necessary. Assistants will handle the firing mechanisms, ensure secure placement of archaea munitions, retrieve firing mechanisms, install, test with empty shell. Test successful, repeat, test successful, good. Install munitions, reapply armor, secure, continue...pause. Vision is obstructed.*

I have to wipe my eyes on my lab coat, I can't afford to have blurry vision when handling such dangerous materials, but I can't help but freeze up when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking down into the ancient eyes of Doctor George, the man stares at me for a brief moment that seems to last far long, before his hand gently squeezes my shoulder. The look in his eyes....I don't deserve it.....but I can't deny that we are similar in some regards. Two researchers, hoping to make the world a better place, only to have our greatest inventions turned into weapons of mass destruction by a mad man. His soul isn't nearly as black as mine....but I won't turn away any support he wants to offer...I need to finish the repairs before my trail....and I can't deny that I'm still utterly terrified of when that day comes.

*Surveillance Mines and launching system. Mines depleted, order replacements, launching system intact. Test fire, success, test fire, success.

If you do decide to pick this up again and finish it: Its trial not trail.
Considering the possibility of how far the denuke questline we get affecting the post-isekai name for us, we could end up with the tag The Man who United the World.

If we're just spitballing six-letter words...
I am thinking about it and we DO NOT HAVE THE SLOT FOR IT. Your assuming the Burgers will be this magical cure all for his condition when we've been seeing for the past two turns it's Snake taking the high road and the Denuking Actions that have been making the difference. Not the burgers.
Speak for yourself, I know some people who would kill someone for a good burger right now.

Me. I mean me. I'm hungry, and there isn't a good burger place nearby for me.
While I was sleeping last night I was awoken by a thought that popped into my head, because I dream of MGS and VC (damn you @konamikode) you see. We know that Ragnite, its uses and limitations are what have defined warfare on Europa (and the rest of the world). That applies to land combat (in that tanks have giant glowing weakpoints and body armor in Alternate WWII is actually worth a damn) and air combat (in that there is basically none except for that one huge dirigible that was custom built), but what about naval combat?

I've been looking for examples, and maybe I missed them (let me know if I did, please) but none of the ships on the wiki have any signs of depth charges on them. It makes sense that they wouldn't have AA, given that planes are emphatically not a thing and those dirigibles are dead if your main or secondary guns can elevate high enough, but no depth charges? What about submarines?

That is when it struck me.

Would they even HAVE submarines? Submarines were a pain in the ass to develop in real life due to technological limitations and just how tricky it is to make one that is both not a death trap and actually useful. If there are no submarines, would they have developed SONAR technology as well?

I mean, if this is the case then we have an angle to actually apply our asymmetrical doctrine to naval warfare as well. Rather than trying to build up the means to defeat or disuade a large naval force, Mother Base could maintain a small fleet of hunter-killer submarines instead. If I am correct (which I may not be) we could use those to make the area around Mother Base near completely unassailable.

Also, does anyone know if they have RADAR? I honestly can't remember.

It's just a thought that occurred to me and I wanted to see if anyone else knew. I'll get back to writing and then work.

Have a nice day!
Not sure if you can still edit it after pinging Konami @Clear Sights but here is my proofread its a combination of me reading it and spellcheck on Microsoft word. I put the sections I thought might need correcting in bold.
M: I know, but listen. You two are the best choices for this operation.
The comma after I know is unnecessary

M: Glad to see you in such high spirits. This operation comes as a request from our benefactors in Seychelles. As you know, we were given the original platform as a gift for 'services rendered' several years ago. Since then we've performed a number of missions for them as a part of our 'relationship.' This is going to be one of those.
This may just be my personal writing style speaking but shouldn't those be in quotation marks not apostrophes? Also if your going for conciseness (which you may not be) change "a number of" to several.

M: ...Right. Anyway, this operation has some special requirements. You'll be going in unarmed and undercover.
This isn't so much an error as it is something I think would improve upon your omake. In my opinion changing the word special to unusual would not only be more descriptive and specific but I believe it would fit with the town of your omake and add some slight foreshadowing.

A: Completely unarmed, sir, or is concealed fine?
Again not so much an error but changing this sentence from "Completely unarmed, sir, or is concealed fine?" to "Completely unarmed, sir, or are concealed weapons fine?" would not only make it clearer what exactly he is asking to be concealed but it would also change this sentence from passive voice to active voice.

M: There's a good reason for that. The Seychelles only recently got their independence from the United Kingdom, and they're still working on expanding their economy outside of agriculture. One of those new avenues they want to expand into is the growing tourist industry. This island in particular is considered to be a natural paradise, and it's one they're going to develop into a resort to draw in visitors from around the world.
Change the word those to the in the third sentence and if you want to be more concise change the phrase "is considered to be" to just "is"

M: Because something's gone wrong. Construction of the resort facilities is being delayed by… unexplained happenings.
I may be wrong but something's doesn't need the apostrophe just take it out and make it so it says "Something has gone wrong" just to be safe. Also changing facilities to facility and changing is being to has been would make it active voice.

M: Good. Now, as I was saying the construction has been repeatedly delayed by unexplained happenings. Workers are claiming that the site is haunted, that mysterious things have happened all over the island. Strange lights, things being moved, unexplained noises. Some of them have even claimed to have seen… monsters and spirits.
Change the first section in bold to "there have been repeated delays in construction due to unexplained happenings." for active voice if you want. Also if you want change the seconded bold section to "things having moved" as that also changes it to active voice

W: I! Am! Not actually going to complain about this. Heh. A rep's a rep, after all.
Again I'm not sure if this apostrophe is needed could change it to "A rep is a rep" just to be safe

A: Right… What's the excuse for our presence? I doubt you're sending us in as 'unarmed mercenaries'.
Shouldn't this be in quotes not apostrophes?

M: You're both going as outside contractors who've been hired to take over the construction of the resort. Since locals won't work the site anymore, it gives you every reason to be there.
Change the bold section to "as newly hired outside contractors who will" if you want it to be active voice

M: ...You'll be leaving at 0600 via boat to the operation zone. Your disguises will be ready for you in the armory. Good luck, and dismissed.
Unnecessary comma

Multiple hours had passed since their arrival into the operations area, but so far nothing of substance had come up. Their tour guide, a British-born man by the name of Nigel Farnsworth, had stayed with them so far and showed them the various sites on the island that were under construction. The man had asked them a few questions about their company and what their plans were for the location, but they were easily answered without raising suspicion. Ant had come prepared for that eventuality once they'd learned that they'd have a minder.

Change this to "they easily gave their answers" for active voice if you want.

By all counts the man didn't seem to be aware of their true nature, meaning that the operation was still secure for now. As much as that mattered, given that all they'd seen was abandoned equipment and half-constructed resort facilities. Some of the houses had been finished, but for the most part the island had the feeling of a place well and truly abandoned. They hadn't seen much signs of any habitation.

Change the first bold part to "given they'd only seen" for active voice if you want

Change the second bold part to "They already built some of the houses," if you want active voice.

Ant waved the man off, letting his camera dangle loosely around his neck. "Nothing is going to happen, because rumors are simply rumors."

Change this to "because the rumors are simply that rumors" to add specificity to what rumors he is talking about

The guide's brows furrowed together as a fierce spark ignited in his eye. "Then let it be on your head! Only a fool would stay here for the night! I'm leaving immediately with the boat, and will return for you in the morning! Perhaps then you will have seen sense!" He turned and marched toward the jeep that had brought them out to this site. "...if you are even still here, that is." Those last words were in a warning hiss, as if foretelling of a great terror that would descend upon their heads. The man entered the jeep, started up its ignition and drove off, leaving the dynamic duo behind.

Unneeded Comma

Nothing much was said on the trek to their housing for the night, the two of them setting an easy pace for their walk back. Truthfully, covering this much distance so slowly was odd for them, but they had characters to keep established for any watchers out there. The housing they would be using was something for those looking for a more private experience on the island, but without the money to rent out one of the smaller private islands for themselves entirely. There were a number of houses, all painted a sandy pink color, around a central building meant to house dining and other amenities.

Change the first bold part to "They didn't say much" if you want active voice and change the second bold part to "several" if you want it to be slightly more concise

"Help me turn the generator on, then we can settle in until morning." Antonio Gonzalez prodded his teammate back into action as the two of them set about their tasks. The generator was as square and blue as the ones in Afghanistan and Africa, and turned on the same way to the same effect. Lights flickered into being, and a general hum filled the air as the machine rumbled to life. Good timing, as the last vestiges of the sun began to slide beneath the distant waves, the world around them quickly sinking into darkness.

Consider rewriting the bold section as "The generator square. blue, and turned on the same way as the ones in Afghanistan and Africa." to make it less awkward to read.

"Well, clearly we're going with the biggest one here," said Whale, already marching ahead to check them out. "...except they're all the same size. Huh. Shit. So." He adjusted his scarf a bit more, looking around. "Well. Let's just go with… YES, THIS ONE." And so a building identical to its comrades was pointed out, Whale already on the way to explore it. "THIS IS CLEARLY SUPERIOR, FOR REASONS."

Add a comma after so. Also directly after the "and so" in the bold section change it to "he pointed out a building identical to its comrades" if you want active voice

"Clearly, or else you wouldn't have chosen it," Ant agreed without argument as he followed his comrade in disguise (and also arms). This pink house was no different than any of the others, save for having a good view of the ocean. Then again, such things were to be expected of beachfront property.

Change the bold section to "one expected such things of beachfront property." If you want active voice

""What? Ghosts? Naaaaaaaaaaaw," said Whale, flopping onto the waterbed - it was a miracle it didn't burst under the tremendous impact. "Really, if anything, I should be worried about this crappy ol' thing popping while I sleep. ...Man, I bet ghosts would feel like this bed, actually, all wobbly'n'shit." Thus did Whale roll about, growing accustomed to his watery resting place.

Extra quotation mark at the beginning of what. Also add a comma after Thus

The water bed slooshed about while the frame groaned in protest as it was put to a sore test. Ant watched out the window while Whale played, tapping his arm as he waited... whatever it was he was waiting for. His patience was rewarded after a short while, when a loud 'boom' sounded off outside, followed by the flickering death of the lights. The stars were clearly visible in the sky as lighting across the entire housing area went out, one section after another, until they were left completely in the darkness.

Change the first bold area to "he put it to" for active voice if you want that. Change the second bold part to "it left them" if you want active voice there as well

Whale turned to look from the disappointment of a fridge, squinting ever harder at the noise. "...Must be the wind, I guess," he said, with an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders. So it was back to the beer, because even shitty booze was still something. Then, with a bottle in hand, Whale nudged the fridge shut and made to take a seat and relax, suspicious 'wind' or no.

Add a comma after so

The skeletons seemed startled at the sudden turn of events, leaving the one closest to Whale unable to defend itself in time before a fist slammed into its spooky jaw and sent it flying away - oddly, its jaw was more substantial than just bone, and was quite easy on the knuckles for exposed calcium. When that body hit the ground, there was a loud crashing sound and a burst of blue flame as a pitch-black object hit the dirt as well, the blue flame flickering out and leaving only a black human shape barely visible in the dark night. Something decidedly odd, but still less spooky than a skeleton. Like the very same shrieking skeletons that were rushing at Whale, their numbers hard to measure with the blue lights flickering on and off seemingly at random, casting parts of the mob into darkness.

Extra space before the word oddly

"Aiyeeeeeaargh" went the robed figure, as Whale hurriedly adjusted his grip to properly grab the mask, and yanked again to reveal-!

The comma after mask isn't needed
Jesus, you guys are crazy with this. The omakes are over double the word count of the actual updates. :jackiechan:

Forgive me if this has been mentioned anywhere else but can we still do character omakes for those sweet 'do not die dice' or rewardless omakes in general?

Or would that just drown Konami?

I don't have a system in place for rewardless omakes yet. I could do something like accepting omakes strictly for DB points between closed votes and turn writing. Those I could just kinda quick skim.

I'll think about it.

Speak for yourself, I know some people who would kill someone for a good burger right now.

Me. I mean me. I'm hungry, and there isn't a good burger place nearby for me.

Got ground beef and bread dough waiting in the fridge waiting to be turned into chilli joe cheese burgers :V
While I was sleeping last night I was awoken by a thought that popped into my head, because I dream of MGS and VC (damn you @konamikode) you see. We know that Ragnite, its uses and limitations are what have defined warfare on Europa (and the rest of the world). That applies to land combat (in that tanks have giant glowing weakpoints and body armor in Alternate WWII is actually worth a damn) and air combat (in that there is basically none except for that one huge dirigible that was custom built), but what about naval combat?

I've been looking for examples, and maybe I missed them (let me know if I did, please) but none of the ships on the wiki have any signs of depth charges on them. It makes sense that they wouldn't have AA, given that planes are emphatically not a thing and those dirigibles are dead if your main or secondary guns can elevate high enough, but no depth charges? What about submarines?

That is when it struck me.

Would they even HAVE submarines? Submarines were a pain in the ass to develop in real life due to technological limitations and just how tricky it is to make one that is both not a death trap and actually useful. If there are no submarines, would they have developed SONAR technology as well?

I mean, if this is the case then we have an angle to actually apply our asymmetrical doctrine to naval warfare as well. Rather than trying to build up the means to defeat or disuade a large naval force, Mother Base could maintain a small fleet of hunter-killer submarines instead. If I am correct (which I may not be) we could use those to make the area around Mother Base near completely unassailable.

Also, does anyone know if they have RADAR? I honestly can't remember.

It's just a thought that occurred to me and I wanted to see if anyone else knew. I'll get back to writing and then work.

Have a nice day!
I'm not sure... I think the standard naval doctrine for most states is fleet in being. There might be some concept of RADAR being developed however due to the lack of air tech. It's probably a few decades off.
Consider rewriting the bold section as "The generator square. blue, and turned on the same way as the ones in Afghanistan and Africa." to make it less awkward to read.

?o_O It's "The generator was square, blue and turned on the same way as the ones in Afghanistan and Africa."
Can someone give me summary of story in VC 2 and VC 3 ?

VC1: in anime world war 2 the military fucks up and the militia has to clean up their mess.

VC2:in the future the military fucks up and officer cadets have to clean up their mess.

In the wetworks of the present the military fucks up and a penal unit has to clean up their mess.
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VC4: the military drops the ball, so the military has to clean up the mess. Also, it's very cold in Russia in winter. This is somehow a surprise.
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Can someone give me summary of story in VC 2 and VC 3 ?
VC2: Archduchess reveals House Randgriz Darcsen and begins to pursue tolerant laws. House Gassenarl in the south (area not fucked in the invasion) declares war to oust Archduchess and institute a bloodline thats descended from the Valkyrur. Militia can't Civil War, Military is still fucked from Selvaria's Blue Flame, so National Military Academy fights the war. lots of ACW references in a high school setting.

VC3: Gallian Military prodigy gets accused of treason for being in the wrong Generals office during the wrong corruption scandal, gets thrown in Penal unit that specialises in Deniable or Suicidally Risky operations, (like war crimes!) and have their identities replaced with numbers. Along the way they fight an Imperial Darcsen Unit named Calamity Raven, who are treated just as bad as the penal unit, motivated by Maximillian giving them an in-universe Balfour Declaration.

VC2: High School Musical combined with Saving Private Ryan. Also, fuck Gallia's leadership.

VC3: Penal Legions are a great idea, and not a disaster waiting to happen. Also, fuck Gallia's leadership.

some for different reasons than others.
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