Out of curiosity, she lifted her armed and bent her head to take a whiff of herself.
she lifted her arm not she lifted her armed
Yeah how bout no, she didn't any hypothermia today? Maybe she should give it some time to heat up.
she didn't want any hypothermia not she didn't any hypothermia
Should be noted, this is not a split personality thing. Ever had a dream that seemed like it was trying to tell you something? it's more like that. All of the various areas on the spectrum of "Jacqueline Ruckers" psyche are competing for dominance right now. But at the moment the more violent and unhealthy parts of her are the most powerful forces in her psyche.
No. Just no. What you claim you wrote here is a type of mind called Whispers of Consciousness (not a consensus name like say Split Personality, but it's the name I know it under). It's not a Split Personality kind of mind or a Multiple Personality kind of mind. So your biggest mistake is that Jacqueline is using the plural tense when referring to herself. It's always singular (me, I) not plural (we, ourselves) with people like that and I would know since I'm one of them. So no plural.
There is a fascination with the mirror, but the person never sees their reflection talking to them (distorted or moving of it's own accord sure, but it's only visual input as there is no sound).
There are multiple modes of thinking and they are separate, but it's a single self meaning that when a person willingly switches between their own whispers it feels like changing hats (best metaphor I can think of right now), you take one off and you put one on and sometimes you wear one hat and sometimes multiple hats. There is always at least one hat/thought process ,but there is also always one mind/self and therefore there is only I.
Also yes thought processes not in use or even suppressed don't stay that way forever and have to be dealt with or they will surge. So what you are describing here is a surge of a different thought process that has stopped being as suppressed as it was with Alcohol. And yes sometimes when I want to focus on only one thought process I drink too, but I know better than to get constantly get Alcohol or Adrenaline to keep myself focused. That way lies the Siren.
Now the Siren is what happens if someone like Jacqueline or me suppresses one of their though processes for too long: It starts with whispers being heard of your own thoughts and seeing something in the corner of your eye. Then if a person persists in suppressing their thought process the whisper upgrades to a hum crawling up the back of the head and either seeing your reflection distorted or seeing yourself from outside your own body in the image (sometimes vilified and sometimes pure) of the thought process you've suppressed. Then your own thoughts from the suppressed thought process start to intrude into your regular thoughts and then if you persist in suppressing your thoughts instead of dealing with them something breaks (it has been described in multiple ways: the sound of a snapping twig somewhere off and to the side, the feeling of a glass pane breaking at the back of your head, the smell of the ocean dragging you sideways into the depths, ect.) and you have a fun time (in the context of a fun time ball) of thinking with nothing but that thought process for a period of hours on end. You can barely get a thought or two in your other thought processes and good luck remembering those thoughts. The thoughts you think with the suppressed thought process tough? Those stay with you for weeks at the shortest.
So replace the plural with the singular, disassociate the visual and auditory hallucinations and you've got a soldier with Whispers of Consciousness that has been stepping on at least one of the hats in her mind having said hat forcefully jump on her head and then she tears it off and steps on it again.
Hope this was constructive.