Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Welp, I'm off to work. Omake is past the word count limit and about halfway done, slow progress but I should have it done sometime around 10 Central time tonight. I'll put it up in the omake critique thread to get torn apart then.

Edit: Also just had the weirdest thought of it being Paz and not Kaz who formed the Diamond Dogs after Boss helicopter crashed and Kaz was the one stuck in the past thinking MSF had never been attacked.
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That's gonna be a lots of vodka . I'm going shopping . Bye !!

Whiskey plez :V. Only got vodka the other week because I longed for a taste of home and remembered my love/hate relationship with soju bought from the 7/11 under the apartment complex.

Seriously, I could buy like, a bottle of the stuff 24/7 for around a dollar back in Korea, chug it down inside the store, and be good for a writing session.

In Washington however, a place where I can legally go to and from state approved recreational drug vendors and wave the baggy at the cops with a thumbs up in return, it feels like I'm living in Prohibition times.
Whiskey plez :V. Only got vodka the other week because I longed for a taste of home and remembered my love/hate relationship with soju bought from the 7/11 under the apartment complex.

Seriously, I could buy like, a bottle of the stuff 24/7 for around a dollar back in Korea, chug it down inside the store, and be good for a writing session.

In Washington however, a place where I can legally go to and from state approved recreational drug vendors and wave the baggy at the cops with a thumbs up in return, it feels like I'm living in Prohibition times.

Don't worry my friend in Poland vodka is cheap as water . Just wait till i finish shopping .
Honestly, I don't think Ishmael/Naked Snake will take Denuclearization as badly as some people think. As had been said in past posts, it was having a nuke that resulted in MSF downfall. Second, Outer Heaven(of MG1) only possessed it's nuke as a deterrent, and if no one else has a nuke, well, they wouldn't need one. I think Ishmael will grumble, but is in fact ultimately okay with us denuking the world. To make another MHA reference, right now Ishmael's reaction to Ahab/Venom doing Denuclearization is "That ABSOLUTE MADMAN".
Whiskey plez :V. Only got vodka the other week because I longed for a taste of home and remembered my love/hate relationship with soju bought from the 7/11 under the apartment complex.

Seriously, I could buy like, a bottle of the stuff 24/7 for around a dollar back in Korea, chug it down inside the store, and be good for a writing session.

In Washington however, a place where I can legally go to and from state approved recreational drug vendors and wave the baggy at the cops with a thumbs up in return, it feels like I'm living in Prohibition times.
Just find someone that makes Moonshine. There's always a spot in any state.
Whiskey plez :V. Only got vodka the other week because I longed for a taste of home and remembered my love/hate relationship with soju bought from the 7/11 under the apartment complex.

Seriously, I could buy like, a bottle of the stuff 24/7 for around a dollar back in Korea, chug it down inside the store, and be good for a writing session.

In Washington however, a place where I can legally go to and from state approved recreational drug vendors and wave the baggy at the cops with a thumbs up in return, it feels like I'm living in Prohibition times.

In the UK I can nip down the road to the local market and grab a bottle of whatever bottle of drink I need to get through the day.
she lifted her arm not she lifted her armed

she didn't want any hypothermia not she didn't any hypothermia

No. Just no. What you claim you wrote here is a type of mind called Whispers of Consciousness (not a consensus name like say Split Personality, but it's the name I know it under). It's not a Split Personality kind of mind or a Multiple Personality kind of mind. So your biggest mistake is that Jacqueline is using the plural tense when referring to herself. It's always singular (me, I) not plural (we, ourselves) with people like that and I would know since I'm one of them. So no plural.

There is a fascination with the mirror, but the person never sees their reflection talking to them (distorted or moving of it's own accord sure, but it's only visual input as there is no sound).

There are multiple modes of thinking and they are separate, but it's a single self meaning that when a person willingly switches between their own whispers it feels like changing hats (best metaphor I can think of right now), you take one off and you put one on and sometimes you wear one hat and sometimes multiple hats. There is always at least one hat/thought process ,but there is also always one mind/self and therefore there is only I.

Also yes thought processes not in use or even suppressed don't stay that way forever and have to be dealt with or they will surge. So what you are describing here is a surge of a different thought process that has stopped being as suppressed as it was with Alcohol. And yes sometimes when I want to focus on only one thought process I drink too, but I know better than to get constantly get Alcohol or Adrenaline to keep myself focused. That way lies the Siren.

Now the Siren is what happens if someone like Jacqueline or me suppresses one of their though processes for too long: It starts with whispers being heard of your own thoughts and seeing something in the corner of your eye. Then if a person persists in suppressing their thought process the whisper upgrades to a hum crawling up the back of the head and either seeing your reflection distorted or seeing yourself from outside your own body in the image (sometimes vilified and sometimes pure) of the thought process you've suppressed. Then your own thoughts from the suppressed thought process start to intrude into your regular thoughts and then if you persist in suppressing your thoughts instead of dealing with them something breaks (it has been described in multiple ways: the sound of a snapping twig somewhere off and to the side, the feeling of a glass pane breaking at the back of your head, the smell of the ocean dragging you sideways into the depths, ect.) and you have a fun time (in the context of a fun time ball) of thinking with nothing but that thought process for a period of hours on end. You can barely get a thought or two in your other thought processes and good luck remembering those thoughts. The thoughts you think with the suppressed thought process tough? Those stay with you for weeks at the shortest.

So replace the plural with the singular, disassociate the visual and auditory hallucinations and you've got a soldier with Whispers of Consciousness that has been stepping on at least one of the hats in her mind having said hat forcefully jump on her head and then she tears it off and steps on it again.

Hope this was constructive.

Will try to do this before Konami looks.

But I'm currently in the car, so that's a problem.
I'm back !!!

*Pulls a vodka bottle out *

With vodka !!!

Lots of vodka !!!

* Pulls more vodka *

Vodka for everyone !!!
Okay, so I'll ask here and in thread, nobody has called 'The Philosiphers Legacy EVA POV' Omake right?

@konamikode Also should I assume that Ocelot is still delivering news of what happens on motherbase to EVA?
Whiskey plez :V. Only got vodka the other week because I longed for a taste of home and remembered my love/hate relationship with soju bought from the 7/11 under the apartment complex.

Seriously, I could buy like, a bottle of the stuff 24/7 for around a dollar back in Korea, chug it down inside the store, and be good for a writing session.

In Washington however, a place where I can legally go to and from state approved recreational drug vendors and wave the baggy at the cops with a thumbs up in return, it feels like I'm living in Prohibition times.

I'd offer you some tear pure Rakija, but considering Russian heavy drinkers have a problem with that one sometimes I'd rather not find out you drank to your death.
she lifted her arm not she lifted her armed

she didn't want any hypothermia not she didn't any hypothermia

No. Just no. What you claim you wrote here is a type of mind called Whispers of Consciousness (not a consensus name like say Split Personality, but it's the name I know it under). It's not a Split Personality kind of mind or a Multiple Personality kind of mind. So your biggest mistake is that Jacqueline is using the plural tense when referring to herself. It's always singular (me, I) not plural (we, ourselves) with people like that and I would know since I'm one of them. So no plural.

There is a fascination with the mirror, but the person never sees their reflection talking to them (distorted or moving of it's own accord sure, but it's only visual input as there is no sound).

There are multiple modes of thinking and they are separate, but it's a single self meaning that when a person willingly switches between their own whispers it feels like changing hats (best metaphor I can think of right now), you take one off and you put one on and sometimes you wear one hat and sometimes multiple hats. There is always at least one hat/thought process ,but there is also always one mind/self and therefore there is only I.

Also yes thought processes not in use or even suppressed don't stay that way forever and have to be dealt with or they will surge. So what you are describing here is a surge of a different thought process that has stopped being as suppressed as it was with Alcohol. And yes sometimes when I want to focus on only one thought process I drink too, but I know better than to get constantly get Alcohol or Adrenaline to keep myself focused. That way lies the Siren.

Now the Siren is what happens if someone like Jacqueline or me suppresses one of their though processes for too long: It starts with whispers being heard of your own thoughts and seeing something in the corner of your eye. Then if a person persists in suppressing their thought process the whisper upgrades to a hum crawling up the back of the head and either seeing your reflection distorted or seeing yourself from outside your own body in the image (sometimes vilified and sometimes pure) of the thought process you've suppressed. Then your own thoughts from the suppressed thought process start to intrude into your regular thoughts and then if you persist in suppressing your thoughts instead of dealing with them something breaks (it has been described in multiple ways: the sound of a snapping twig somewhere off and to the side, the feeling of a glass pane breaking at the back of your head, the smell of the ocean dragging you sideways into the depths, ect.) and you have a fun time (in the context of a fun time ball) of thinking with nothing but that thought process for a period of hours on end. You can barely get a thought or two in your other thought processes and good luck remembering those thoughts. The thoughts you think with the suppressed thought process tough? Those stay with you for weeks at the shortest.

So replace the plural with the singular, disassociate the visual and auditory hallucinations and you've got a soldier with Whispers of Consciousness that has been stepping on at least one of the hats in her mind having said hat forcefully jump on her head and then she tears it off and steps on it again.

Hope this was constructive.

Alright now that I'm at home I can respond to this in a bit more detail.

First off Jacqueline only experience's visual hallucination's in the omake.

She's not responding to anyone or anything, she's not hearing voices. She's talking to herself, trying to explain the appearance of the hallucination, then trying to make it go away.

Second off, The "Different Hats" thing you brought up actually puts to words what's happening pretty well.

As for the plural issue, The parts of Jacqueline that are in control are actively trying to disassociate from the thoughts and feeling's they are suppressing.

It's why Jacqueline acts like the hallucination is separate person from her, despite that not being the case.

Notice that the girl in the mirror is often referred as ghost or a phantom, as something dead that lingered on.

The Jacqueline that's in control, want's to bury all those thoughts and feeling's and is thus denying that they are part of her, that the person who felt and acted according to those suppressed thoughts and emotions is dead.

Basically, she's actively changing it from "I/Me" to "You/We."

I might still go and mess with that part of the omake, to make it more compliant with what you've described... but I kind of like it the way it's written.

Thanks for the feedback! I did fix the grammatical errors you pointed out.

I'ma gonna go take a second look at it and see if I can make it more compliant with IRL psychology, but if I can't do that without basically axing and rewriting half of the omake, then I probably won't.

Edit: I went and messed with the plurality thing, As I said Jacqueline is actively trying to separate herself from the suppressed thoughts and feelings, so she keeps trying to refer to the hallucination as a different person.

But since that's not actually the case she will often slip back into saying "I/Me/My"

I actually like this better, it adds a sense of discordance, and emphasizes the instability of her mental state, while also making it a bit more clear what she's actually doing.

Thanks @Dmol8
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Not wrong. Though it is hard to get worse than General Georg von Damon

Major General Carl Eisler was a coward who saw the invasion and planned to defect almost immediatly, and Lieutenant General Laurence Kluivert condoned unethical experiments on his men and conspired with a known imperial scientist to do so.
Damon was incompetent, but at least he had that going for him.
Major General Carl Eisler was a coward who saw the invasion and planned to defect almost immediatly, and Lieutenant General Laurence Kluivert condoned unethical experiments on his men and conspired with a known imperial scientist to do so.
Damon was incompetent, but at least he had that going for him.

What I'm hearing is the only good commanders in Gailia are the 4 protags?

And that's including the guy who went and joined the equivalent to the French forgin legion. He still did more for gailia by cutting off a key supply line though the mountains just on his way to his objective just as you would.
Major General Carl Eisler was a coward who saw the invasion and planned to defect almost immediatly, and Lieutenant General Laurence Kluivert condoned unethical experiments on his men and conspired with a known imperial scientist to do so.
Damon was incompetent, but at least he had that going for him.
I stand corrected and for the first time I am not happy about that

Unfortunately their academy is actually better then there proper army at this point.
It's true!
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