Merkels Operation Walküre

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Germany paying 100 billion € reparations, mostly in goods within 10 years. Soviet border as of 1937, except with Poland, where parts of it are "occupied by Soviet forces." Germany didn't intervene, when the Soviets officially annexed the areas again. The official position is, that the finaly border between Poland and the Soviets can only be determined by those two nations, as Germany is not allied with Poland nor has at least a peace treaty. It's thus a "demarcation line" between the Germans and Soviets. The Germans don't officially recognize the annexation, but didn't intervene either. The Poles refused. However, Nowogrodek, Lemberg and parts of the Tarnopol voivodships are "within the German occupation zone." It's clear between Stalin and Merkel in a secret addendum, the only one, once the war is over, they will be returned to Poland and that Stalin won't demand them as well. The Germans want to have some more pressure on Poland once the talks start.

Merkels Operation Walküre Timeline - Post-1900 - Supernatural

Prologue Skippy, the ASB is bored. Every ISOT she does ends in a wank. Well, she could ISOT...

Look here.

Merkels Operation Walküre Timeline - Post-1900 - Supernatural

Prologue Skippy, the ASB is bored. Every ISOT she does ends in a wank. Well, she could ISOT...

And here.
So, how big a fit should we expect Canberra and Wellington to pitch, and what does London plan on doing about it? Can´t just completely forsake the area, but really, they need every last ship they can field against the suddenly impossibly resurgent Kriegsmarine.
The Pacific Fleet is one of the few remaining Royal Navy formations left intact. Though IIRC, Nimitz and Halsey would much rather want to keep them (along with the US Pacific Fleet) as a fleet in being until they have a decisive, three to one numerical advantage against the IJN Combined Fleet. That said, a forward defense strategy in the South Pacific could be viable, as the IJN has limited power projection there, unlike in SE Asia or the North Pacific.

MacArthur is the problem here, though. Even without the three to one advantage, he seems to lean towards launching an offensive on the Philippines, and if a forward defense strategy is approved by Washington, he might question why go for such halfway measures, when you can go all the way instead? Here's to Nimitz and Halsey keeping a cool head, instead of risking (and losing) everything in a fair fight against the IJN Combined Fleet. Especially as while the IJN Combined Fleet is equal numbers-wise to the Allied navies in the Pacific, they're slowly but steadily closing the technological gap, with German technology. IIRC, they already have advanced SONAR and RADAR, as well as guided torpedoes. And more technology is trickling in.

If nothing else, it'll make the story that much more interesting in the long run.
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Now I think about something, Soviet might have atomic bomb before the US, and it's actually a really bad situation. Unlike US is on another continent and UK is in really bad shape for another fight, Soviet has tons of resources and a lot of tech, knowledge and weapons from Germany. Tons of theories, mathematics open knowledge in Germany is helping Stalin greatly.
Now I think about something, Soviet might have atomic bomb before the US, and it's actually a really bad situation. Unlike US is on another continent and UK is in really bad shape for another fight, Soviet has tons of resources and a lot of tech, knowledge and weapons from Germany. Tons of theories, mathematics open knowledge in Germany is helping Stalin greatly.

Indeed. But Stalin won't get German weapons. And the ones he captured are way too complex. Scientific knowledge, which is openly published in Germany, is something else. So yes, he will get new ideas faster. But for the time being he is content. His power is solid, he had won the war (only the WAllies did betray him to go on) and the USSR prospers. No reparations are paid yet, but Germany needs resources, as does Japan. And logistic help like the Transsib. That is paid with manufactured goods, mostly older factories. So for example the Adler 2,5 Sedan is built in the USSR in 1945. Not as Adler of course. Therefore the Adlerwerke got a compensation and are building much more modern cars. That means car collectors will buy a "Lada Orel 2,5", if they want a more classic car.

Oh, and Stalin knows, he had bad chances against Germany in the next war, if he really tried something. He was a coward, who really acted only, if he had to or if he saw a possibility. To 100%. Of course, he can be mistaken or he thinks, he needs to act.
Good that there is a new chapter, the updated German submarines will be a danger to the allies and with what you have said that soon they will return to fight in a greater number,perhaps they can prevent supplies from america from reaching england.
Great to see an update - please keep up the good work. I was also thinking about how Germany could slowly bring more and more western ideas into the Soviet Union, not too mention that historical facts (ITTL) about Stalin could be slowly revealed which would eventually undermine Stalin's hold on power (or cause him to go more insane) which would cause him to be removed much earlier. This would also mean that the USSR would have to slowly start changing their policies to be more free market centered versus more state centered.
Curious as to what is happening in Europe now. I also imagine that the USA is putting more emphasis on the B36 bomber.

It will be interesting how things transpire in the Pacific theatre of operations now that the USA is in effect on its own there.
The official German position, as of now, is, that Germany as of 1937 is not in question. Every other territory as of 1914 shall hold a plebiscite to determin the nationality.

There are some Italian submarines captured, but many are too outdated. This isn't true for the surface ships, which are used. More in the next chapter. In this 3rd Chapter I will only post content to the situation in Asia.
Then polish goverment from 1945 would go for it at once.Germans was small minority in Poland, and after they genocided us nobody else would vote for Germany.Poland could lost few towns, but that would be all.
Of course, if only those who lived in 1939 could vote.

Czech should go for it as well,althought they could lost more.And Slovakia - did Germany support their state ? if so,Czech could not agreed to any agreement.What about Carpathian part of Czech,in OTL taken by soviets ? would they get their own state ?
What about Croatia ? Serbs would want united Yugoslavia.

Polish socialists and agrarian in OTL agree to peace with Stalin,when he take half of Poland.They would agree to peace with germans, when it means only losing few small towns.
Polish nationalists do not speak with soviets, becouse they knew, that soviets would break any agreement.If german was trustworthy,they would go for agreement,too.
They wonted Odra line in 1942 becouse after USA joined war germany was finished.For that some reason they fought germans only in self defence, to not waste polish lives on arleady defeated enemy.You could describe them as most realistic polish party.
They would not commit suicide for USA.

P.S what german would do with UPA ? they were their lapdogs on Ukraine and genocided most jews there for them.In 1942 they rebelled, and in 1943 start genocided all minorites on Ukraine.Becouse Poles was biggest minority,they murdered mostly Poles, but all Czech,Hungarian or Russians there died as well.
In most horrid way - UPA tortured to death not only adults,but also children.Do not ask me why,Even SS or NKWD never did that.
In Wołyń they killed most of Poles,so Poland probably would not want that part of our state anymore.Too many bad memories.
Fun thing - germans there saved more poles that our Home Army.
But - UPA was created by germans, so they could not just abadonn them.
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It is very possible that all these collaborators are accepted as refugees by the German government, although they do not want it. In the OTL after the defeat, that group of people suffered discrimination because they helped Germany, here it will be worse because the allies will not be able to retaliate their fury. with the Germans.
The Polish government in exile has already acted. They could have got more, if they had made peace with Germany BEFORE Stalin came (or very shortly after). But they decided to go on. However, they decided to stay in the war and bet on the USA. This is a mixture of nationalism, idiotism, hatred of Germans AND Soviets (they dream, the US would give them the OTL western border (or even more) and the 1938 border to the USSR) and not being the ones to make a peace, in which parts of Poland are lost. The latter point is also very important, as this is true for the US here as well (look also at Vietnam).

The UPA is very interesting case. The Germans are forced to protect them and try to punish the persons guilty for the war crimes, but many won't be discovered. I don't want to make that an extra topic.
Germany could create another Polish govt. as the old ones have messed up real bad.

Also, Czechia and Slovakia as independent nations ans Germany owns the Sudetes. And is Austria going to be independent???
Also, Czechia and Slovakia as independent nations ans Germany owns the Sudetes. And is Austria going to be independent???
I doubt that Germany would try to annex the Sudetes. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, so I think that at least a few left-wing people agree. Yes the danger that the local ethnic Germans are driven out of there, but the Sudetes were never part of Germany so justifying that would be hard.

Austria becoming independent? Yeah I can see that there could be a vote on it. I don't think they want to be part of Germany but then again I'm neither an Austrian nor the author.
The Sudetenland is German majority at this time. Any referendum is practically guaranteed to end with the Sudetenland remaining part of Germany. Ditto for Austria: the Allies had to put major effort into smothering any pro-unification rhetoric and sympathy in Austria after WWII IOTL. At this time, given the choice between independence and unity with Germany, most Austrians would vote for the latter.

The most the Czech Republic ITTL will get outside of Bohemia and Moravia is Cieszyn Silesia, and only because the Poles didn't cut a deal with Germany and instead doubled down on getting everything they wanted by backing FDR and his Germania Delenda Est obsession.
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I doubt that Germany would try to annex the Sudetes. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, so I think that at least a few left-wing people agree. Yes the danger that the local ethnic Germans are driven out of there, but the Sudetes were never part of Germany so justifying that would be hard.

Austria becoming independent? Yeah I can see that there could be a vote on it. I don't think they want to be part of Germany but then again I'm neither an Austrian nor the author.
IMO, the Sudetes could be granted a referendum, and Austria definitely will be having one. But both will surely try and join Germany because of the technological advancement of the Germans
Merkel already doesn't give a damn about Poland, British overseas territories, France colonies, and bombed New York killing more than 5000 civilians. So why give a damn about everyone think when anex Sudetenland, believe me even the uptime Germans don't like the idea but downtimer already considered Sudet is part of Germany.

Also when I'm spacing like that it sounds really bad for German.
At this very moment referenda are planned in all areas Germany had annexed, if they were parts of Germany in 1914 or parts of Cisleithania (Austria) in 1914. IF that happens, or only happens in some parts, is open. Only I know it. :p ;):D

Anyway, I don't spoil anything, that these referenda are sure for Germany:

- Sudeten
- Austria
- Memelland
- Danzig

If there is a referendum in Memelland is still open, as the new Lithuanian government had already said, they would not claim it anymore. They just look east and don't want to make a problem with their most important ally.
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