Merkels Operation Walküre

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Some of the Japanese companies in Germany will be back to the owner.. this case pre-owner? It'll be a huge push for both industry and financial for Japan after the war.
Merkel already doesn't give a damn about Poland, British overseas territories, France colonies, and bombed New York killing more than 5000 civilians.

In case you forgot, the last one was by accident, due to fires spilling over from the docks and yards servicing warships. So putting it like you did is disingenuous.
Second, I'm not sure why Germany would be interested in British or French colonies at this time, except maybe to fund independence movements to decrease allied war support.
In case you forgot, the last one was by accident, due to fires spilling over from the docks and yards servicing warships. So putting it like you did is disingenuous.
Second, I'm not sure why Germany would be interested in British or French colonies at this time, except maybe to fund independence movements to decrease allied war support.
Reasons for having a slight interest in obtaining Colonies(i.E. St. Helena/Atlantik-,Indian-, Pacific-Ocean Islands) from the French/British:
1) Fleet/Air/Navy-bases (submarines)
2) Launches into Space are easy(er) on the Equator
3) Vacation goals?(since the Germans can no longer visit Mallorca without problems);)
Actually Mallorca is one of the few possible spots to make vacation. At least in theory, as there are not many hotels. For so many, at least.
The only colonies I could see the Germans really wanting would be Libya, for the oil fields. And possibly a couple of airbases between Germany and Japan for refueling purposes.

Some talks with Denmark, Norway and possibly England about oil platform cooperation ventures might happen, but that's definitely a peacetime project. It sounds a bit too easy to destroy as a strategic target. 70 years tech advantage might make it an option anyway, but it sounds a bit risky.
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The Polish government in exile has already acted. They could have got more, if they had made peace with Germany BEFORE Stalin came (or very shortly after). But they decided to go on. However, they decided to stay in the war and bet on the USA. This is a mixture of nationalism, idiotism, hatred of Germans AND Soviets (they dream, the US would give them the OTL western border (or even more) and the 1938 border to the USSR) and not being the ones to make a peace, in which parts of Poland are lost. The latter point is also very important, as this is true for the US here as well (look also at Vietnam).

The UPA is very interesting case. The Germans are forced to protect them and try to punish the persons guilty for the war crimes, but many won't be discovered. I don't want to make that an extra topic.

That problem.They acted in impossible way.Polish Politics who agreed in OTL to made deal with Stalin after he grabbed half of Poland ,start acting like idiots now ?
they were no idiots in OTL,so why they become now ?
Only idiots in Poland in 1944 was sanacja,who let to disaster in 1939 - but they had no power.All other would take german deal.

Unless author decided to made them idiots for sake of story.Well,if so it is OK - author is god in his story,so he could made smart politic idiots if it suit him.
Considering,that he made american politics even more stupid,it is no only case.Not taking about what he did with Trump.But - it is his right to do so.

that lead to problem - let say, Germany get all polish land they steal,and...there is still german population which partially helped genocide their polish and jewish neighbour from 1939s.
To be precise - more then 5 millions.
If author let them genocide rest of Poles on their own land that is no problem,but if not,what germans from 2015 would do with germans from 1944 who had no problems with genociding poles ?
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The only colonies I could see the Germans really wanting would be Libya, for the oil fields. And possibly a couple of airbases between Germany and Japan for refueling purposes.

Some talks with Denmark, Norway and possibly England about oil platform cooperation ventures might happen, but that's definitely a peacetime project. It sounds a bit too easy to destroy as a strategic target. 70 years tech advantage might make it an option anyway, but it sounds a bit risky.
Yep. I also felt like Germany would support a Jewish homeland in Libya in order to avoid racial tensions like in Palestine.
Why would UT Germany want oil?
Especially since they are aware it's more beneficial to move to renewable energy sources.

They can let the DT USA choke on smog and pollution while they move onto the Sci-Fi vision of the future.

Or well, I guess they could take it and not do anything with it to deny the "enemy" resources.
Why would UT Germany want oil?
Maybe it's because oil is one of the most crucial materials in the Chemical and Pharmaceuical industry, and it's used to make a little thing called plastic? Or that the long HC chains extracted from crude are used as the basis of pharmaceuticals? Or that, despite the billions put into them, renewables wouldn't realistically replace conventional fossil fuels for another 2-3 decades OTL, let alone ITL, where the rare earth minerals to manufacture the components of solar panels and electronics for wind turbines etc. aren't readily available?
Maybe it's because fossil fuels are the most convenient and power-dense source of energy on Earth, short of nuclear fuels...
Why would UT Germany want oil?
Especially since they are aware it's more beneficial to move to renewable energy sources

Simple no oil, no fuel. No fuel, no jets fly. No jets, no fast and easy way to transport and military power decreased. Long term, yes we should move out of fossil fuel, but until 2020 we still barely invented something doesn't use oils to move. Germany was moved to the past, she had huge push than others countries, but she still needs oils for her industries and move to next step.
And even if you have green energy, fossil fuels - no matter how much the corporations whine about unemployment and such if green energy becomes vogue - still have plenty of uses. Oil, for instance, will still be useful as raw material for the production of polymers of all kinds. Coal, in gassified form, would remain the backbone of the chemical industry, providing all sorts of useful chemicals and compounds. Natural gas would probably contract the most...but would still be useful as raw material for the Haber-Bosch process, not just for munitions but for fertilizer too.
Yeah, now I remember. Thank to reminding me, now we have to invade the entire Inner Mongolia. Shuuush, don't tell the Chinese that Inner Mongolia and Manchuria has oils and rare resources.
I distinctly remember Tibet being the source and location of the largest deposits, with Inner Mongolia and some regions in Southern China being close.
Yeah, now I remember. Thank to reminding me, now we have to invade the entire Inner Mongolia. Shuuush, don't tell the Chinese that Inner Mongolia and Manchuria has oils and rare resources.
Maybe the Japanese would be willing to drive that wedge of territory between China and the USSR. It would be risque since the strategic location is a nightmare but with a probable nuclear arming of Japan in the future they could disabuse the Chinese or Soviets of trying anything funny.
Tibet could be a bridging element to a reformed India with Japan guranteeing independence. Aside from the riches in Coal, that IIRC were one of the primary reasons China annexed them, it could be developed for tourism too.
Although doing both would lead to China being rather boxed in. The USSR in the West and Japan and its satellites in the North and South.

Are there any thoughts on making Meditaranean Europe "functional" as in making sure the nations, like Italy, are politically stable and efficient? A functioning bureucracy and tax collection? You kinda need them to properly project European power into the Mediteranean, North Africa and Near East. Would free up manpower and resourcess for the rest of Africa.

On another note: With a strengthened Japan taking the lead in South East Asia and kinda inevitably making that "Co-Prosperity Zone" (South East Asian Union coming?) a thing and Europe proper free of Soviet influence the Far East will be even more of a hotspot. It will be the only outlet for Soviet geopolitical maneuvering left. Africa would be hard to get to because of the distances involved and the remaining influence of the former colonial empires.

Which would all in all end in a continuation of the "Great Powers" model. Continental Europe under mainly German influence, South East Asia being Japan's turf, North America and Latin America in the hands of the USA and the huge rump of Russia with Brazil, China, India and Australia emerging as secondary powers.
GFM Rommel is still supreme commander of the Western Front in France in this very moment. As such he has little to do now. He will play a role later.
I'm actually more curious about Japanese reaction to future entertainment. I think the Japanese will look at modern anime, manga and say "yeah, sorry we won't tough that", but there's alot potential show I think will attract attention.

-The last samurai is literally all about Bushido, and even the hardcore nationalist in Japan have to admire captain Nathan from a drunk veteran into a real samurai warrior and ready to die for Japanese Emperor (just let the nationalist dream).

-Grave of the Fireflies Is a sad story about what happened if Japan lost this war. Not only Japan but also her people have to suffer a cruel fate and humiliation, after defeat.

-Code Geass I don't think I need to introduce more. Japan lost so horribly and Japanese became British slave, they was erased from the world lost identity and only be referred as 11. This will trigger a ton of people in Japan.

The things above I think will become really popular in the Japan for obvious reason. But other about humanity, family, relationship, I think will be very popular to.

-1 Litre of Tears, is based on a real story about young girl name Anya who suffered degenerative disease but give her best to full fill her life.

-I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, I still really don't know. It gave me scar when I'm reading it. It feels empty and full fill at same time.

There is a lot more, I really want show what Japan's culture, literature have achieved in 70 years.
I'm actually more curious about Japanese reaction to future entertainment. I think the Japanese will look at modern anime, manga and say "yeah, sorry we won't tough that", but there's alot potential show I think will attract attention.(...)There is a lot more, I really want show what Japan's culture, literature have achieved in 70 years.
Hi! I agre with you on some parts of your post, but about Manga nad Anime I think these will still be big! The roots of both are older than many people, even some Japanese, might think. And one major factor for your opinion is something we in the West have to endure, is the buying strategy of the TV-stations and partly book industry!
There are a lot of great Anime and Manga out there, but only relative few come to the West, since many TV-Stations buy the cheap and easy ones today. I remember the time Manga/Anime started to become big in Germany, back then they often bought quality stuff and not fad of the week! Heck, even before it became big.
When I was a young boy in the late 70s/early 80s, Tv series like Captain Future, Biene Maja (Maja the Bee) or Nils Holgerson were Anime, actually German-Japanese cooperations, but stuff you can still watch today.
I think in Walküre-TL Anime and Manga will become big too, but with changes to the genres. We will see more quality stuff and less of the stranger ones. Frak, what would I like to see the Walküre-TL versions of stuff like Legend of the galactic Heroes, The 4 Macross-Series (NOT Robotech), Prinzessin Mononoke or Evangelion, to name only a few.
Folks, I want to keep you informed, that I have appealed against the infraction. It turns out, that some CC don't like this thread and not only want to uphold the infraction, but close this thread as "Nazi-apologetic" resp. white-washing, "not wellhanded sensitive subject" and "ahistorical." Of course, this isn't true. I will continue to fight. This is just an information, that you, my readers, need to be informed.
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