Merkels Operation Walküre

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If you add another crossover then this story is not recognized as of now and unnecessary, maybe omakes if you want that.
No,not me. I suck as writer. My idea is that author could add another faction from another story ,for example ISOT another country and see how it help his blockade. Maybe country from alternate Earth ? There is series "Destroyerman" by Anderson Taylor which use that trick.
Hi folks, my RL issues have not been solved completely, but it's getting much better. I also wrote some updates I will post later. The TL will go on. However, I am in a kind of writer's block atm. I hope to be over it soon as well.
If you want bad advice, I'm sure we can oblige?

Creative ideas on the other hand I'm pretty certain we actually could deliver on. Trouble is, it might be hard to give without knowing the situations surrounding, and that would quickly get into massive spoilers territory...
Chapter III, Part 1: Big in Japan
Tokyo, May 31st, 2014, 06:59:

Ambassador Hans Carl Freiherr von Werthern had been early in his office. There was much work to be done this morning. When he got up to get a cup of a coffee the room rumbled and an intense flash of light went across his vision. As suddenly as the flash of light appeared it faded away to reveal the room once again.

"What was that?" as he looked at his cup of coffee. Then he looked outside did a double take at a completely transformed Tokyo.

"Herr Botschafter," he heard the excited voice of his secretary, "something has happened. Please come quickly."

"Where are we?" Werthern asked, more to himself, while following his secretary.

"I fear, the question is not where, but when." the secretary replied.

He looked at the building next door. There should have been the embassy of France. Instead there was another building. He could recognise it immediately. It was the old German embassy with the Nazi swastika flag still hanging there. Well, the third building of 1924, destroyed in the firebombing of Tokyo.

"Herr Botschafter, please tell me, that I am crazy." his secretary said.

"If you see, what I do, then not. Unfortunately. Unless both of us are hallucinating at the same time." he answered. "Try to call Berlin. See, if you can get someone, even if it's the facility manager. And, please, check on my family. I don't know, where they are."

Good news for him, any tasks for the day were irrelevant. Bad news, much more problematic task were to follow.

Minutes later he was in contact with Berlin and the very first answer was concerning if someone had drunk too much sake. But it was followed by a sense of hecticness, in which he was ordered to stay alert.

Policemen of the Bundespolizei secured the embassy. It was a policeman of the Kenpeitai, who was the first to ask so as to what was going on, as several buildings had appeared and reappeared elsewhere with several others appearing out of the blue. Werthern greeted the policeman and tried to explain the situation, and was not believed until he got to see a modern computer. He delegated the task to deal with that problem to his envoy. He left the building to go to the old German embassy nearly colliding with a young man who was on his way to the Federal German Embassy. They spoke and Werthern told him to meet his envoy, while he would go to the Reich ambassador. Armed with his tablet he entered the old embassy and asked to talk to the ambassador, Freiherr Heinrich Georg von Stahmer, Graf von Silum. Unsurprisingly, he was asked to meet him at once.

There were three men standing in the room. One was a naval officer, an admiral, the other was wearing an SS uniform, while the third was Stahmer.

"Herr Botschafter, Herr Admiral," he didn't greet the SS officer,"I am ambassador Hans Carl von Werthern."

"Ambassador from where?" the SS man interrupted. "I see the old flag. That's treachery of the national socialistic cause."

Stahmer was indignant, the admiral furious. It seemed, the discussion was going to be heated and problematic before it even begun.

"Herr Botschafter, I am ambassador Stahmer. I think we need to keep up a certain level of civility." he looked at the SS man. "That is my naval attaché, Vice Admiral Paul Wenneker, and SS-Standartenführer Josef Meisinger."

"Nice to meet you, Herr Admiral." Werthern said, again not recognising Meisinger, who became even more furious.

"If you be so kind to tell us, where you're from?" Meisinger asked. Werthern looked straight at him.

"The answer, from where I am is easy. I was born in Büdesheim." Werthern replied drily.

"Do you want to fool me?" Meisinger started to become red.

"No. Rather the question should be that "when" I am from. I am from the future. For me today would be May 31st, 2014."

"That's nonsense!" Meisinger cried. "That's the most idiotic nonsense I have ever heard. Impossible!"

"Well, to be honest, an hour ago, I would have said the very same." Werthern admitted. "But here is proof. I don't think, you know what a tablet computer is." He gave Stahmer his tablet, after starting it.

"That's nonsense!" Meisinger repeated. "If you're from the future, then we would see another flag. And not this... this traitorous flag. As we had won the war..."

"We lost." This time it was Werthern to stop the rant. "We lost. Thanks to the Nazis and Hitler. Who started this mess."

"That's treachery!" Meisinger shouted enraged.

"No, it's true. And here are the proofs." He started a small film about the fall of Berlin and Hitler's end.

"I am not alone." Werthern continued after the film was over. "It seems, the Germany of the future and the Germany of 1944 have merged. Somehow."

"Merged?" Stahmer asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Yes, merged. However impossible it may seem to be. I don't know much more. I am still in contact with Berlin."

"Herr Botschafter," Meisinger said to Stahmer, "that's a great chance for the Great German Empire. We need to act at once. At first we need to..."

"Stop it, Meisinger!" Stahmer said. "We need to keep calm and..."

"They are traitors. If it's true, what they said, we need to act. They are a danger for the Führer. You need to act. Remember your wife!"

Stahmer sighed.

Werthern attacked Meisinger directly. "I would be very quiet, if I were you. For your crimes in Poland you were hung there!"

"Nonsense. Stahmer, order the security to take this traitor into custody. Then send other men to this new building and..."

"Enough!" This time it was Stahmer to raise his voice loudly. "I have enough from you and your blackmailing. That's over now. Herr Admiral, call some naval officers and take Mr. Meisinger and the Gestapo in this building into custody!"

Wenneker was completly surprised and saluted. "Jawoll, Herr Botschafter." He seemed to recognise him. He drew his pistol and called for naval soldiers. Only little later Meisinger and the other SS thugs were in custody.

"Herr Botschafter, I am playing high stakes game. I hope, you know that." Stahmer said to Werthern.

"Yes, I know." he looked at him, straight into the eyes. Werthern knew everything about these three men, but didn't say much. He knew, that Wenneker thought, Stahmer was incompetent, but he also knew about his Jewish wife, which made it difficult for him to act against Meisinger.

"Herr Botschafter," Werthern continued, "I think, we need an audience with the Tenno, as fast as possible."

"Did you receive orders from Berlin?" Stahmer asked.

"Yes. I received orders to bypass Tojo and go straight to the emperor." The order had come only seconds before he had left the Federal German embassy.

"That will not be easy."

"I know, but we aren't playing Mensch ärgere Dich nicht!"
And here are the proofs is the proof.
In English there is no plural for proof, as such it should be "And here is the proof."

Other than that, love the chapter!

I have to add, that I need to add another part of Chapter II, as I forgot it posting.

Just post it as a new snippet andmake sure to arrange the threadmarks so it appears in the correct order. would be the easiest option I think
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Chapter III, Part 2: A prime minister honoured- and fired
Tokyo, Imperial Palace, May 31st, 11:08:

For Prime minister Tojo the day had started like any other. But then some rumours came into his office, that something strange happened. Some buildings had vanished and reappeared elsewhere. And a new German embassy flying the old ensign had appeared, standing just across the current one. He didn't think it was true, but someone insane was passing these messages onwards. But he made a point to inquire about that later, if there was some truth to it. It was too outlandish a claim to be a prank.

First he had to go to a meeting with the Emperor. There had been a emergency call for the government to meet with the Tenno. Could there be some truth to these strange messages? Or was it part of the cabal, finally making their move? He was sick, yes, and the defeats were a problem for him as well. He knew, he had lost significant support.

All these thoughts were quieted, when he stood in front of his majesty. He bowed. After that he looked around and saw some members of the cabinet and astonishingly the German ambassador present. There was an unknown man present as well. He saw the Tenno holding a thin metallic tablet with a glass face. There was a colorful apple on the backside, which had been bitten. Strange, he thought.

"Heika, you called for me?" Tojo said.

"Yes, I did. We have heard about some rumours of buildings appearing and disappearing. And a new German embassy. Do you know something about that?" Hirohito asked.

"Hai, your majesty, I do. But only rumours for now, since I hastened to this meeting before I could verify these ludicrious claims".

"Ludicrious or not, these rumours are true." Hirohito. "I think, all of us in this room would have thought the same as you did only a few hours ago. However, the unbelievable has happened. I can tell you, that the German embassy of the future, from 2014, has appeared in Tokyo. Also, both Germanies, that of 2014 and today, have somehow merged."

"Merged?" Tojo was far too astonished and interrupted the tenno, which was under normal circumstances an affront but these were circumstances were far from normal.

"Yes, merged. Somehow. I think, there are few people on this planet, who might have an idea of what and how this could have happened. However, I am not one of them. As you will see, the information they brought with them is precious, very precious, indeed."

Hirohito showed Tojo a small movie about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the surrender of Japan.

PM Tojo was deeply shocked. "Heika, I will do anything to spare Nippon such a fate."

"Needless to say," Hirohito continued, "we need to deal with the new situation. Prime minister Tojo, you have served Japan and the Imperial House very well. We have to honour you, Baron Tojo. For your loyalty and for your achievements you're ennobled. But we also know you're sick. The Imperial House and Japan, can't afford to have a sick prime minister, in these days. Therefore we accept your offer to resign with a heavy heart. We know, that you served Japan and us with your soul. And we know about the difficulty of this decision. And the courage in it. Therefore, we will make you an Imperial Consultant, someone we want to hear his opinion on things happening. We hope that we can rely on your opinion much longer, now that you have time to heal yourself."

Tojo was stunned. He was fired. The cabal was successful. Or was it? If this strange event was true, all cards had been given anew. And he was a patriot. Japan had to be saved from the fate he saw in this strange "mini-cinema".

He couldn't do much more, at least in the moment, than to accept this order. He knew as everyone in this room did, that he would not be consulted in any way or if then, rarely. He had saved his face, yes. But what else? He needed time to think about this new situation.

A little while later Hideki Tojo, ex-PM of Imperial Japan had left the building, deep in thought.

In the throne room Hirohito stood still in the center of the room. "Mr. Werthern, do you think an alliance with your Germany is possible?"

"Yes, it is. However, you need to solve some problems. Like you did in the last hours." Werthern answered.

"I see. But we need to deal with it the Japanese way." Hirohito said to the ambassador.

"I see." Werthern answered. "I will do everything in my abilities to get the German government the to understand your actions."

Hirohito nodded. He looked back on the tablet and restarted the documentary of the Japanese surrender. After it ended he looked back to Werthern. "Can we win?"

"It depends on what you define as winning, your majesty." Werthern answered. "If you mean winning not being nuked and occupied, yes." He didn't said it loudly, but everyone knew it. A war of conquest would not be accepted.

"I see." the Tenno responded. "Gentlemen, I would like to talk to my new prime minister, Admiral Suzuki."

The other people in the room bowed and were leaving, when the Tenno said: "Ambassador Werthern, I would like to send an important message to the embassy in Berlin. Am I allowed to do so?"

Werthern turned and bowed. "It would be an honour, your majesty."
these two chapters have been interesting, it is good that you are back.

As these chapters go, you will make this part of the story from the beginning of the story to catch up in time with the last part of the previous arc. It is also good that we are going to see the different politicians of Japan, knowing that the war is lost and that Germany can help them win it, but with the cost of having to change their government in a radical way.
That is problem. If Germany from 2014 simply replaced Germany from 1944, nothing would happen. But now? in 2014 instead of Germany we had crater in Europe. Bigger Baltic sea ?
Well, to late to change it now.
P.S good to see you again.
That is problem. If Germany from 2014 simply replaced Germany from 1944, nothing would happen. But now? in 2014 instead of Germany we had crater in Europe. Bigger Baltic sea ?
Well, to late to change it now.
P.S good to see you again.
I think to avoid a mass death scenario it could be justified as below:

(1) It is like a CTRL+C (copy paste) or

(2) It is actually a cut and paste but changes are made to avoid any deaths resulting from it.

Hey @Tyr Anazasi ATP has a good idea. An omake of how the world is freaking out would be fun to read if (2) does turn out to be the case.
That is problem. If Germany from 2014 simply replaced Germany from 1944, nothing would happen. But now? in 2014 instead of Germany we had crater in Europe. Bigger Baltic sea ?
Well, to late to change it now.
P.S good to see you again.

or uptime no longer exists and never existed. temporal mechanics give me a headache
or uptime no longer exists and never existed. temporal mechanics give me a headache

Because of this I let it open. Especially as there are too many theories about time travel. Perhaps only a copy was sent back in time, perhaps multiple universes, perhaps a great earth quake and flooding in Central Europe, perhaps that TL was destroyed,...
Chapter III, Part 3: A Senryu
Tokyo, Imperial Palace, June 1st, 04:26:

The Tenno stood in the palace garden. Yesterday had been a long day and night even longer. Since the Event he hadn't slept. He felt tired, but still was unable to sleep. So he went to the gardens. The Event seemed to be divine intervention. He knew Japan was losing the war. He had been against the war, but was unable to act against it. Even if he was considered a God, even the Tenno of Japan had some rules to follow.

He knew, the only chance to go on was with the Germans, present and "future". Would they be trustworthy? Would they honour the alliance? What would their price be? Would it be that the price would be too high?

The fears, that the Germans could throw them under the bus, were exaggerated, at least for the moment. The Allies had rejected negotiations and declared the German government illegal, a Nazi smokescreen. It would be amusing to call a foreign government illegal by the US and British, as they did so too often. Although it would be considered treachery to overthrow one's own government, there is one single excuse. That they succeeded. And they did so. No, for the time being that fear had no facts to be based upon. And in the future? Well, one had to see.

In this moment the Germans had to continue the fight. Luckily these gaijin allied fools continued attacking without checking if the Germans' claims were true. The air strikes was perhaps the best what could have happened. The best for Japan, of course. If the Germans would honour the alliance, Japan would not suffer the fate it did. Nuclear bombed twice and forced into a humiliating surrender.

But what would be the price to pay? Manchukuo? Chōsen? Holding on to both would be impossible. It would be possible to hold on to Chōsen. Considering what Tenno Hirohito had learned about Korea in the time that would now never be, Chōsen had a hard time after the Japanese left. Among the Germans there were factions who would have few problems if Chōsen stayed Japanese, in the short and midterm.

Formosa and the islands gained in 1919? Could definitely be held onto. One had to see. However, it would be a good idea to keep the Germans in the boat. If pro-German and pro-Japanese governments were to be installed in Manchukuo and Chōsen, one could keep some influence. As far as domestic matters were concerned? Before the army got too much power, Japan had been a democracy. It would not be a bad choice to reintroduce it. One would have to see, what the legal experts would say.

That would lead to new possibilities. New chances. But also great changes. And not everybody will like them. The most obvious changes were not concerning. From the information received from Ambassador Werthern wooden houses would prove to be a problem both in terms of longetivity and durability. The US bombardments would have done much to speed the process up. The cities have to be rebuilt with more caution and with materials less vulnerable to firebombing. This time signficant bloodshed would be avoided. The rebuilding process will not be a problem as there will be no opposition to it.

But the loss of territories? The loss of so many privileges? So much power? There will be many who will dislike that. And some of them will fear the courts as well, as they were a bit too, well, ambitious. Some officers were sent to places where they could do no damage. But there were others, who might make stupid decisions. He needed loyal men. Yamashita was such a man. But he wouldn't be here for some days. With a little luck the opposition would be scattered and uncoordinated until then and unable to act.

He looked at the rising sun.

"Through darkness sunrise
Fights the mists of the night
To enlighten day."

This senryu, which would become a famous and an often quoted one, the Tenno wrote, shortly before going into the palace to sleep a bit. The coming day would be as busy as the last one.
It might be suggested Japan turns itself into a federation like Germany is, and allowing Korea and Taiwan to be constituent states alongside various parts of Japan.
In order for Japan to maintain its alliance with Germany, it has to make changes mainly to control the army officers, since many average army officers carried out actions disobeying the main command, the Germans will not accept those in addition to stopping the abuses that are carried out in Korea.
There are oil depots in Manchuria, Japan never discovered it, but Mao China start using it. And considering, that local people never considered themselves as chineese, Japan should hold it. Of course, officially as allied state.
P.S on one island which belonged to Japan since WW1 are ruins of some stone city abadonned before european come - Nan Bator or something. Since islands belonged to Germany before WW1,author could gave it to Germans.Or at least send german archeologists there.
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Chapter III, Part 4: At Night in a Park
Tokyo, Meiji-jingu, June 1st, 17:43:

The shrine had been dedicated to the kamis of the Meiji Tenno and his wife. It was late, so there were few other visitors. Both men meeting "coincidentally" were glad about that. It should not look like the secret talk they wanted to start. Otherwise it could have severe consequences. One of the men was General Baron Tojo, the recent Prime Minister. The other was the uncle of the tenno, Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko.

"The evening of a dark day had become a bit lighter by meeting you, your highness." Tojo greeted the Prince.

"The days are dark, but the sun will prevail at last." the prince answered.

"Hai!" Tojo bowed slightly and went into the nearby Yoyogi park. The Prince followed a few minutes later. There, after being sure, nobody else followed them, they met at a quiet place, where no other visitors would be expected soon.

"I am sorry, that you had been removed from your position." the prince said. In honesty, he knew, it was the only option, even if the Event hadn't taken place. But he needed allies.

"It was a move, I had expected, but not so fast. I could not defend myself." Tojo answered.

"Indeed. It was a shame."

"It isn't about me." Tojo said. "It is about Japan, that is why I am worried. We are in an interesting situation." Tojo knew very well, that the actions in the war might haunt him, especially if the Tenno followed the Germans' way.

"Yes, we are living in interesting times." the Prince added. "And I fear, the Germans, or better these new Germans, will lead us away from the Japanese traditions, from the Japanese soul, from what defines Japan."

"Do you have any knowledge about the plans the new government is elaborating in these regards?" Tojo wanted to know.

"Yes, and that's the problem. Unit 731 had been disbanded and many members were arrested. That might have consquences for you." The prince wanted more than to warn him. It was a threat to Tojo as well. Tojo knew this.

"I am not a problem. Japan has problems."

"Well, it seems, we would need to give up Chōsen and China. And we would need to apologise." The prince added.

"Apologising? For what?" Tojo asked.

"For nothing." The Prince remarked. "We didn't do anything wrong."

"I know. But what can we do?" Tojo wanted to get more information.

"We need to stop this. We need to prevent this. We need to save Japan."

"But the Tenno..."

"Mad. Like his father. It would be needed to make Akihito regent." the Prince said. He looked around. Nobody was to be seen and darkness became greater.

"And you would be regent of the regent, desu ne?" Tojo knew the prince's ambitions too well. "Well, I know some trustworthy officers, who we could contact."

Soon after they departed. The prince towards his ambitious plans and General Tojo to the palace. It would be a long night with people he despised.
Tojo is being smart and playing the double agent, plus by doing this he makes him self useful and probably gets immunity for everything he had done and never goes to jail.
I know that there is a saying that the young shouldn't read "Water Margin"and the old shouldn't read the "Romance of Three Kingdoms". If even I know that, those two have absolutely no excuse, they should know it too.
Ah, well, let's just sit back and watch who gets splattered when this shitfest hits the ventilator... as in, sit well to the back, for the first few rows are going to get wet.
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What the Hell? Is the fourth time you update this since the hiatus and is the fourth time this doesn't send me an alert. I tried to unwatch and watch again, check all the older chapters (and this story has 122 chapters) and check if the mail is blocking the alerts, but nothing. It's starting to be annoying.

Only happened here, the rest of the alerts here are working as intended.
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What the Hell? Is the fourth time you update this since the hiatus and is the fourth time this doesn't send me an alert. I tried to unwatch and watch again, check all the older chapters (and this story has 122 chapters) and check if the mail is blocking the alerts, but nothing. It's starting to be annoying.

Only happened here, the rest of the alerts here are working as intended.
For some reason this tends to do this on all forum posts (not just SV) that haven't been updated in a while. Maybe it is something to do with forum software used by many websites.

Although he was a child at this time and was not even told about the coup I hope this won't affect Akihito's chances of becoming Emperor after Hirohito abdicates. Would I be correct in saying only Tojo, Naruhiko, Suzuki and Hirohito know about this?
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