Erengard is an important trade city, that had Elven presence for a long time. Who's not to say, that said spies aren't already there for decades if not longer?
I mean, how did the Asur fleet even know about our expedition and just happened to be around to intercept us?
:eyebrow:...yes, indeed.
even if we don't find any recruits we at least know who is trustworthy and who isn't. It should not be too hard, Swordmasters are expert investigators as well as great warriors.
Also true.
Still, recruiting some humble humans wouldn't be amiss. They were some 30 Ungol horse archers around, right? They would have both bows and horses.
You could make the same arguments for why anybody would become a mercenary, especialy nobles. And yet some people still do it.
Yes, but why do people turn to selling their sword?

For money of course and for a lack of a safer profession that pays equally well. That means most volunteers are down on their luck fellows, who want to get out of the gutter. Some want to escape problems at home (debts, enemies, weddings, the law, etc.), a few like adventure and others like killing. Personally, I don't see many Asur from Erengard in any of these categories. Not, when there are way safer alternatives for them.
Azyr is the wind who makes most divination spells, so i trought it would work better. But Hysh could work too.
Hysh has a spell that gives supernatural charisma to those who speak the truth, that implies it can recognise truth in some way. Azyr seems to mostly be for scrying physical things, like objects or people, and doesn't interact much with thinking minds.
Also true.
Still, recruiting some humble humans wouldn't be amiss. They were some 30 Ungol horse archers around, right? They would have both bows and horses.

I am okay with the Ungol horse archers (i proposed them a few pages back) but first i would see if we can find some more elves to recruit. The "marketing" of our company until now is that we are a group of elite warriors lead by an experienced leader, i think we should follow this direction and keep building "tall" rather than "wide" if you get what i mean. We could upgrade our equipment, maybe find some monstrous mounts like demigryphs or pegasi and recruit other elite warriors.

In this way we can charge our employers more as "elite troops" or find another job as leaders of a greater army, while at the same time we don't have to pay too many soldiers and we can invest our money in upgrades for Fanriel and the company.

For money of course and for a lack of a safer profession that pays equally well. That means most volunteers are down on their luck fellows, who want to get out of the gutter. Some want to escape problems at home (debts, enemies, weddings, the law, etc.), a few like adventure and others like killing. Personally, I don't see many Asur from Erengard in any of these categories. Not, when there are way safer alternatives for them.

I am sure we can find some poor schmuck willing to risk life, limp and maybe his soul. And maybe we can find some naive young elf seeking adventure and glory.

Contacting the Elven Quarter could also give us access to new contracts. Who knows, maybe they will want some Swordmasters to investigate troubling rumors on some Pleasure Cult before said rumors reach the ear of the Boyar of Erengrad.

Hysh has a spell that gives supernatural charisma to those who speak the truth, that implies it can recognise truth in some way. Azyr seems to mostly be for scrying physical things, like objects or people, and doesn't interact much with thinking minds.

And so we will make a Hysh spell. But the Greater Wind Elemental comes first.
Hysh contains truth/clarity/harmony/knowledge. Azyr has space/time/philosophy/theory. Ulgu has deception/lies as part of it.

You could probably get somewhere with all of them, but for a straightforward "is this the truth" Hysh is likely by far the best. Azyr may have to manually fact check whatever you are hearing instead of whether its a lie, and Ulgu could perhaps get there from telling what is not a deception, but both of these are roundabout and may not be always applicable.
I am sure we can find some poor schmuck willing to risk life, limp and maybe his soul. And maybe we can find some naive young elf seeking adventure and glory.

Contacting the Elven Quarter could also give us access to new contracts. Who knows, maybe they will want some Swordmasters to investigate troubling rumors on some Pleasure Cult before said rumors reach the ear of the Boyar of Erengrad.
Fair enough.

I just don't except many new recruits if any at all. Yet some naive and adventurous younglings less than a hundred years old are not impossible. The question is, whether we want them, since they have never served in the army and have no formal training.
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Fair enough.

I just don't except many new recruits if any at all. Yet some naive and adventurous younglings less than a hundred years old are not impossible. The question is, whether we want them, since they have never served in the army and have no formal training.

As i have already said, i was not planning for a very large company. More of an elite unit.

The younglings can be our aides or fight in the back as archers, we would't throw them in the frontline. And we can always train them, it would't be fast but we have some of the best teachers at our disposal in a Loremaster and a bunch of Swordmasters. Some youngling would be eager to learn from us.
I don't think we can find that in Kislev. Those animals are native to the Empire and Bretonnia respectively, and prohibitely expansive even in those countries.
Demigryphs are native to the Empire only, but Pegasii can be found anywhere in the world where there are mountains, and Kislev borders the World's Edge Mountains in the east, and the Giantshome and Goromadny Mountains in the northeast.
I just don't except many new recruits if any at all. Yet some naive and adventurous younglings less than a hundred years old are not impossible.
The younglings can be our aides or fight in the back as archers, we would't throw them in the frontline. And we can always train them
It appears to me that we are courting Tragedy.
Oh well, at least if Fanriel falls to darkness it will be meaningful

"There won't be a Dark Lord, but a Dark Queen. Taller than the mountains, faster than an unladen swallow plummeting from a peak, more knowledgeable than a stone tablet, beautiful and terrible as the mountains of Yvresse. All shall love me, and despair!":tongue:
By the way, why is he half-divine, what sorcery is this?
He gets explicitly called "a fallen god", "a mortal god" etc. He picks up divine power from the Flame of Asuryan.

Yeah, the problem for Games Workshop is they invent these cool situations and plan out all sorts of endings for them, then hold big game tournaments to decide what ending actually happens.

But... well, they get grumpy because the Elven/Eldar competitive player faction generally stomps on everyone, and when they don't someone else does and Games Workshop's favored child Chaos gets their ass handed to them and the writers get pissy.
Well, no? The problem GW had with Storm of Chaos wasn't that competitive players won, it was that most people weren't playing Chaos, so the larger number of non-Chaos players kicked the hell out of them (and I think the Greenskins actually technically won the whole thing?) and Chaos should have stalled out somewhere in Kislev. But they only had one storyline so they forced it through anyway.

Hence the End Times made by GW out of spite to put an end to Warhammer Fantasy, which backfired on them spectacularly.
That was mostly a result of GW wanting to actually make money off its property. And has backfired very little honestly. AoS is a lot more popular.
Why would the chaos players being outnumbered be a disadvantage? Aren't the matches one on one?
Sure, but it wasn't like, one big official tournament. It was anyone playing at a GW store could send their results in to the GW website. Which meant that even if the game was perfectly balanced (and it wasn't), the Chaos players being outnumbered meant that they would win less games. Not helped by the fatc that IIRC, they'd just got new models and a new book, so a fair portion of their players were completely new to the game.

Age of Sigmar didn't make a huge hit because it's all about Ground Marines and Games Workshop had to bring back Warhammer Fantasy when it didn't work out.
AoS makes more money than Fantasy did during the last few years of it's life. Sorry, but AoS hasn't been a failure, it's working out pretty well for GW.
Because hobbists don't have much alternative without Fantasy.
I mean, they do? Lots of people just continue to play Fantasy, or they go play one of the dozen other wargames out there. AoS is popular because, much as I love Fantasy, the rules are incredibly complex, and AoS is much much easier to get into.

Sounds like a failure to me. Besides, it's all about Space Marines being shoe horned into Fantasy.
Your argument is literally "It's doing better, so it's a failure". GW do not actually care about the setting, or the lore, they care about the money it makes them. Fantasy was selling so badly before they killed it that the basic Space Marine squad sold more than every Fantasy model put together. AoS has been a huge success from GW's viewpoint, and if it cost them a few people who liked Fantasy so much they stopped buying, well, they gained way more new people, which is better anyway.
Your argument is literally "It's doing better, so it's a failure". GW do not actually care about the setting, or the lore, they care about the money it makes them. Fantasy was selling so badly before they killed it that the basic Space Marine squad sold more than every Fantasy model put together. AoS has been a huge success from GW's viewpoint, and if it cost them a few people who liked Fantasy so much they stopped buying, well, they gained way more new people, which is better anyway.
Nah, GW is just salty everyone made their Creator's Pet, Chaos, a joke and killed Warhammer Fantasy with End Times where Chaos is the ultimate winner in a shoehorned manner. And it backfired when no one likes Age of Sigmar, besides you, which is just 40k but Totally Fantasy in a nutshell.

They are that spiteful.
And it backfired when no one likes Age of Sigmar, besides you, which is just 40k but Totally Fantasy in a nutshell.

How can you say 'besides you', if it's more profitable?

Doesn't that mean that more people are buying?

And besides… Age of Sigmar is actually pretty cool. As a high fantasy setting, it works out quite nicely.. the only notable issue I have is that it still carries the burden of the End Times like a chain.

I think it would have been more successful if they just made it a new setting entirely, not a 'continuation' of Fantasy. Even so, I enjoy it.