Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Let me attempt to redeem Burn Unit's good name.

Edit: I'm cursed... I need to find more sacrificial virgins. Back to the M:TG, tourney I guess :rofl:
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: burn unit - scorch Sammie Total: 3
3 3
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2 more elites need rolled Roy's and the Fortunate sons.

Edit: will check back tonight and see if I need to do a write up.
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I am currently writing and Delta Green interlude/omake/prequel. It will be starting before the Breach and have a little bit set during the initial years of conflict but is mostly set during one last mission happing right as the Great Storm is unleashed upon the world and everything goes to hell.
Rolling the Fortunate Sons!
Edit: Fortunate indeed.

@Highwind, Smiths always accuses me of gaming the system. He's not wrong that I seek EVERY legit advantage. Case in point:

Unique Elite Perk - 'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.

I say reroll that 3 and go for some REAL ouch.
@Highwind, Smiths always accuses me of gaming the system. He's not wrong that I seek EVERY legit advantage. Case in point:

Unique Elite Perk - 'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.

I say reroll that 3 and go for some REAL ouch.

That would not be gaming the system just reading what I wrote, highlighting the relevant part.
We are in combat mode, so all it takes is Combat Consensus (1st 2 like minded votes)... BadKatt has called for use of the Fortunate Son's re-roll to maximize damage with the explosion dice. A second will allow that or 2 nay votes given first will deny it.

Do as thou wilt ...
@Highwind, Smiths always accuses me of gaming the system. He's not wrong that I seek EVERY legit advantage. Case in point:

Unique Elite Perk - 'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.

I say reroll that 3 and go for some REAL ouch.
Well, the current attack will likely deal a Minor Wound. That's 13+1 from the attack roll, minus 5 or 4 from the to-hit difficulty, minus 4 from the AV, minus 1 from the damage bonus, equaling 4/5 points of damage. We need the re-roll to be 5+/6+ to upgrade that to a Major Wound.

...Well, what else are we going to use that re-roll for, anyway? To fix a misfire? Screw that, we should always try to grasp victory instead of holding back in fear of failure. Let's use it!
I am currently writing and Delta Green interlude/omake/prequel. It will be starting before the Breach and have a little bit set during the initial years of conflict but is mostly set during one last mission happing right as the Great Storm is unleashed upon the world and everything goes to hell.

As always @cokerpilot I await your submissions with giddiness.
Not intending to rushing anyone, just putting something in to keep thread active. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend :)

Still need a roll for Roy's Raiders. ;) I started the maths to consolidate the info but haven't finished them until roy's is in.

Artillery #1 to hit roll modified to 9, striking the head - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -1 ineffective
Artillery #2 to hit roll modified to 11, striking the L. Thigh - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = 1 = Glancing wound, 1 strike
Conv Cobra to hit roll modified to 9, striking the R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -2 dam = -1 ineffective
Smooth Operators (Elite Cobra) to hit roll modified to 6, striking the Neck - (to hit 4 & AV 4) -2 dam = -4 ineffective
Mammoth Apostate to hit roll modified to 5 (+special conditional electrical in Mist +2) 7, striking the L. Ankle - (to hit 5 & AV 4) +3 Damage = 1 = Glancing wound, 1 strike
Conv. Tank to hit roll modified to 9, striking L. Hand - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam= -1 ineffective
Hammer's Slammers (Elite Tank) to hit roll modified to 8, striking R. Foot - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -2 ineffective
Garrison AKP to hit roll modified to 6, striking R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -4 ineffective
Burn Unit (Elite AKP) Missed!
Roy's Raiders (Elite Akp's wearing combat jackets) to hit roll modified to 9, striking r. ankle - (to hit 5 & AV 4 ) damage capped at scratch (unless explosion)

Fortunate Son's (Elite Akp's wearing combat jackets) to hit roll modified to **27** (Double Explosion!!!), striking R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = 26 = Right shoulder suffers a Destruction wound, HtH & Dex -3, Arm severed, 7 Strikes, 5 points of ongoing
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I'll roll for Roy's.

Roll of 8. I wasn't sure if we needed a hit Loc roll as well, but if we do it's to location 4.
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Roy's Raiders Total: 8
8 8
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Loc? Total: 4
3 3 1 1
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I'll roll for Roy's.

Roll of 8. I wasn't sure if we needed a hit Loc roll as well, but if we do it's to location 4.

No problem Fyr, Roy's are a bit of an odd duck and as such are prone to engendering a small amount of confusion.

To-hit and hit locs are rolled as per normal troops - Unlike 'normal' troops they don't deduct the to hit target number to calculate damage as they are capped at scratch (explosions will escalate from glancing for scratch >minor @ 1 explosion >major @ 2nd explosion > and destruction @ 3rd stacking explosion. Although the damage cap is hinderance the ability to almost always inflict a glancing even vs the most protected opponent should balance the scales.
Artillery #1 to hit roll modified to 9, striking the head - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -1 ineffective
Artillery #2 to hit roll modified to 11, striking the L. Thigh - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = 1 = Glancing wound, 1 strike
Conv Cobra to hit roll modified to 9, striking the R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -2 dam = -1 ineffective
Smooth Operators (Elite Cobra) to hit roll modified to 6, striking the Neck - (to hit 4 & AV 4) -2 dam = -4 ineffective
Mammoth Apostate to hit roll modified to 5 (+special conditional electrical in Mist +2) 7, striking the L. Ankle - (to hit 5 & AV 4) +3 Damage = 1 = Glancing wound, 1 strike, Electricity inflicts 2 pts temporary strikes
Conv. Tank to hit roll modified to 9, striking L. Hand - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam= -1 ineffective
Hammer's Slammers (Elite Tank) to hit roll modified to 8, striking R. Foot - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -2 ineffective
Garrison AKP to hit roll modified to 6, striking R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = -4 ineffective
Burn Unit (Elite AKP) Missed!
Roy's Raiders (Elite Akp's wearing combat jackets) to hit roll modified to 9, striking r. ankle - (to hit 5 & AV 4 ) damage capped at scratch (unless explosion)

Fortunate Son's (Elite Akp's wearing combat jackets) to hit roll modified to **27** (Double Explosion!!!), striking R. Shoulder - (to hit 5 & AV 4) -1 dam = 26 = Right shoulder suffers a Destruction wound, HtH & Dex -3, Arm severed, 7 Strikes, 5 points of ongoing

The amount of raw munitions applied are impressive and although only 1 cobra and Burn Unit completely missed their target, Sammael's defenses prove Epicly Strong!

A single artillery strikes Sammael in the head, Conventional Cobra plays their miniguns across his right shoulder, Smooth Operators miniguns chew away at Sammael's neck, Conventional tanks rounds impact the left hand, Hammer's Slammers impact the right foot, even the Garrisoned AKP's barrage of rockets strike the right shoulder... Although an impressive pyrotechnic display It sadly proves ineffective

The other garrisoned artillery is marginally more effective landing a Glancing Wound to the left thigh Inflicting 1 strike!

Roy's Raider's tungsten carbide flechettes again prove able to consistently damage even the strongest armor, Glancing wound of SCRATCH damage to right ankle inflict 1 strike!

Mammoth and the 'Nemo' connect with the last 5 round burst before he gingerly sets aside the auto shotgun, it was a narrow thing barely playing over the left ankle causing a Glancing wound, 1 strike, Electricity inflicts 2 pts temporary strikes. Sammael although affected by the ongoing injuries, seems only mildly shaken by his repeated head traumas, his overall injuries have not begun to degrade his performance. (Not yet over Dura!)

Although a slow whittling away of Sammael will EVENTUALLY work, it may not save the city in time to prevent the carnage a battle in the city proper is bound to cause. The proto-Hippies of the Fortunate Sons level their Gustav Recoiless laden waldo arms in unison pointing towards Sammael accusingly, this is the center of peace in a war torn world. How-dare-he... The recoiless rockets arc upward, the impacts staggered a few seconds between detonations are uncharacteristically effective!!! They slam into, against and through the right shoulder Right shoulder suffers a !!!Destruction!!! wound, all HtH & Dex actions suffers a -3 penalty, Arm is completely severed, it causes 7 Strikes of damage , and an additional 5 points of Ongoing!

Sammael wails and roars, his endurance of wounds has reached its limit, he will suffer a permanent -2 universal penalty on all actions (over dura) in addition to the head trauma penalties suffered on his turn.


Sammaels turn up next... (Fixin me a samwich ;))
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-5 to attacking with integrated weapons, and that's without taking the -2 stun penalties into account. You could say Sammael is nearly 'armless now. :V
Don't go stomping around the hippies herb garden.:V:V:V

I'm almost ashamed about pointing out their perk (I'm really, REALLY, not :p).

I see what you mean about this combat system can suddenly get -BRUTAL- with one really good roll. Destruction means what it says; Sheesh!
My headcanon for what happened here is that the hippies tapped into the primordial powers of magic to empower their weapons with sheer force of hatred righteous anger.

(OOC) Hippies don't espouse hatred, that negativity is toxic bro... we gave him some negative reinforcement out of love. He just must not have understood we need Savannah to spread good vibes, we just gave him a lovetap to let him know stomping the peeps is bad and his karma did the rest!
Temporary strikes dissipate.

Sammael snarls as he turns the ruined shoulder away from Savannah, interposing his body as a shield between the gushing sulphurous wound.
(Sammael suffers 1 strike from the ongoing fluid loss. Universal over Dura penalty rises to -3.)

Keeping his good arm facing Mammoth he charges around the Jaeger, heading full out for the Fortunate Sons position on the Defensive perimeter! He was really attached to that arm!

Sammael the Hound of Resurrection understands each life is a fleeting thing, destruction and carnage are eternal and the entertainment of his masters crave; why fear death when he grows splitting his essence with each fleeting death? The city reduced to rubble is his mission this time, not the metal man that would hinder him.

Smashing those men that wounded him to jelly will be a priceless memory to treasure for his next 1,000 incarnations, and they are enroute to his objective!

Sammael charge Fortunate Sons six units Away! 1d10 +4 Agil (-3 over dura, -2 from head trauma) if charge is Successful, at 3 units away he initiates a "leap attack" versus the Son's position. Shoulder check is verus the Wall they stand upon!

Leap Attack
After completing a charge attempt may leap upto 3 units and perform Shoulder check**
**Shoulder Check (Slam)
Attack dice: 1d10+2
Attack type: Blunt
damage bonus : Strength
Special: Knocks target prone and 25% of stun 1 round.
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Charging the Son's Total: 10
10 10
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: shoulder slamming the wall Total: 2
2 2
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Although Sammael made the charge, he fails to gauge the slam his head fogged and his body off balance, he impacts the berm throwing earth and concrete in all directions, but not close enough to endanger the men whose lives he sought.

250 R damage, Western DP has a 1 unit wide breach, until repaired.
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I friggin hate, intelligently played monsters, that have no desire to save their skins! Thank the stars for universal penalties.

Edit : I saw the '10' for the charge and began mourning the Son's immediately.
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