Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) Mammoth gets a passing attack of opportunity, but for dramatic purposes I ruled even a death blow couldn't prevent that charge.

Edit: I know it is NOT a perfect solution, but Sammael is more agile and stronger than Mammoth, and possesses the Cat 4 trait - "Unstoppable" ignores incapacitation 1d5 + Toughness rounds.
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The Rule of Cool takes precedence over everything.

Do we still get to perform the attack of opportunity, or do we move on to the next turn?

You get your attack, robbing you of the opportunity to prevent his rush to vengeance was enough of a departure from general rules for 'rule of cool narrative purposes. (only Non-viable attack option --- No Grapples)
I am grateful for the heart attack inducing moment (It was definitely, cool & cinematic, and even in the damned beast character once you explained it's motivations and thoughts). I hold no ill will, totally worth it imho.
@Highwind, Let me float an idea - also in a cinematic 'rule of cool' vein.

Mammoth knows his strengths 'intimately'. He charges, he slams, then skewers -or- stomps.

Mammoth -could- take a tusk swipe at Sammael (Nah :eyebrow:) or he could do what he does best :drevil:. He pursues (charges) after Sammael [5 units away], and then slams into Sammael from behind, working every designed in bonus to END him.

Smiths admitted he robbed us of the opportunity to prevent Sammies charge -and- although charge/slam is not a normally valid attack of opportunity grapple would have been... Smith is big into if he bends the rules for cool, he'd be as likely to allow us a minor bend in return as recompense.

@Smithsguild , am I right old fart?
@Highwind, Let me float an idea - also in a cinematic 'rule of cool' vein.

Mammoth knows his strengths 'intimately'. He charges, he slams, then skewers -or- stomps.

Mammoth -could- take a tusk swipe at Sammael (Nah :eyebrow:) or he could do what he does best :drevil:. He pursues (charges) after Sammael [5 units away], and then slams into Sammael from behind, working every designed in bonus to END him.

Smiths admitted he robbed us of the opportunity to prevent Sammies charge -and- although charge/slam is not a normally valid attack of opportunity grapple would have been... Smith is big into if he bends the rules for cool, he'd be as likely to allow us a minor bend in return as recompense.

@Smithsguild , am I right old fart?
I like it.
It's Slammin' time!
Charge / Slam locked by combat consensus.

Roll a charge, distance 5. If you succeed apply +2 charge bonus to your Slam or Skewer perk roll as appropriate.
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shared perk posted for ease of reference:

Shared Perk: 'Scrambling Stampede Skewer'
By lowering his head and shoulders like an American Football Tackle, Mammoth exploits his Chest Vibroblades design and upon a successful charge may attempt to impale his opponent upon his chest blades. Normal slam attack, with appropriate charge bonus but each vibroblade doubles its STR damage bonus. Must be the result of either a charge or may be triggered in a grapple by using a throw maneuver to toss opponent airborne and catch them on 'tusks' using slam damage instead of the grapple damage.
Edit: welp. That's why I like the 2d5 charge dice system.

(OOC) Heard, and acted upon... a player appreciation gift. (During upcoming repair and maintenance phase, techs realize that the hydraulic backup systems can be co-opted with no ill effect to boost the musculature response of the leg servo's most noticeable for short duration sprints! Jaeger's charge dice become 2d5 ;))
You know this would be the time for someone who still possessed their new years eve councillor re-roll token to save the day :p

(OOC) Roll of 1 +2 AGI = equals a charge of 3 ( you needed 5), distance to Sammael 2 Units.

Whether it is through equipment failure caused by lax maintenance, the servos being nearly past their prime, or just fate being decidedly fickle Mammoth falters and fails to achieve his top walking speed. (Ezra Carter's thoughts dance across the meld, 'There will be some rather pointed questions asked during mission debrief; like: How the hell do they expect us to win if we can't achieve a simple sprint?' Keerat's thoughts mirror back "As long as those pointed questions don't involve picking up and shaking the Maintenance Chief -again- I'm sure the Council will approve. He never did seem quite the same after the sensor lens cap incident.)

Luckily Sammael is near prone (on his remaining hand and knees to shoulder check the shin high berm), facing away, and in no shape physically to counter charge.

Your turn; begin planning. :)
Sammael is near prone (on his remaining hand and knees to shoulder check the shin high berm)

@Smithsguild , would Sammael being 'near prone' make him a valid target for:

Keerat's Perk: "Flying Elephant Gambit" Following on the heels of a successful slam (forcing opponent prone) Mammoth goes airborne and lands with both feet upon the opponent performing a two footed curbstomp (not a kick) 2x (1d10+1) , + Str+2 Damage Bonus. (may be used x1 daily)
@Smithsguild , would Sammael being 'near prone' make him a valid target for:

Keerat's Perk: "Flying Elephant Gambit" Following on the heels of a successful slam (forcing opponent prone) Mammoth goes airborne and lands with both feet upon the opponent performing a two footed curbstomp (not a kick) 2x (1d10+1) , + Str+2 Damage Bonus. (may be used x1 daily)

It would, HOWEVER slam victims are usually dazed and make easy targets. I'd rule Sammael has access to his full defensive options in response.
[X] Curbstomp 'em while they're Down!

Conventionals take advantage of the gap and pepper Sammael before Mammoth closes to clustered.
Mammoth Stomps what's left until it quits twitching.
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Plan locked, these are the required rolls to process your turn.

Available forces:

3 cobra's (2 conv. & 1 Elite 'smooth operators') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+ (4+ Smooth Operators)
2 Garrison Artillery 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
2 Tanks (1 conv. & 1 Elite 'Hammer's Slammers') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
3 elite jacketed AKP's (Roys, Fortunate, & Burn Unit) 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
(Roy's roll is same to hit but damage is special snowflake; ALWAYS K-scale Scratch Impact [does NOT Cauterize] (+ on explosion) )
1 garrison AKP 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+

Then roll for Mammoth...

5+ hit, 2x (1d10+1) , + Str+2 Damage Bonus. Each d10 rolls separate hit loc. (Each foot)

Please name Who you are rolling for and if it's a hit roll your hit locs. When all need dice rolled I'll do a mass write up.
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(OOC) Now for the news you -really- don't want to hear.

Defensive perimeter has been breached, but it isn't in the populated portion of town (Yay! no K-scale Civ casualties to worry about!!!)

Bad news portion - your battle is occuring in the terrain of Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield risking the shinies I've yet to give you... :sad:

The more protracted the battle the worse the odds you'll retrieve the goodies fully intact.
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Aaaargh! AT&T screwing up again. Friday a tech is scheduled out, intermittent service until then I will try my best to get in here and do my part.
I am a stubborn cuss, I'll either redeem 'Burn Unit' or see them destroyed :rage:. I'll roll for them and the Garrisoned AKP's.

Edit: Figures the conv steal all the 10's on hit locs... :V:V:V
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Burn Unit Redemption? Total: 8
8 8
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Burn Unit hit loc Total: 12
5 5 7 7
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Garrisoned AKP's Total: 9
9 9
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Garrisoned AKP's hit locs Total: 20
10 10 10 10
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Available forces:

3 cobra's (2 conv. & 1 Elite 'smooth operators') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+ (4+ Smooth Operators)

2 Garrison Artillery 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
2 Tanks (1 conv. & 1 Elite 'Hammer's Slammers') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
3 elite jacketed AKP's (Roys, Fortunate, & Burn Unit) 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
(Roy's roll is same to hit but damage is special snowflake; ALWAYS K-scale Scratch Impact [does NOT Cauterize] (+ on explosion) )

1 garrison AKP 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+

Then roll for Mammoth...

Still needing plenty of rolls done...