Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Been several hours, gonna roll some tanks!

Aw yessss!!

Edit: Hammer's be Slammin!!!

Edit Edit: I think I blew his stump off... 16 was the same shoulder Fortunate Son's removed...
BadKatt85 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Hammer's Slammers Total: 28
10 10 10 10 8 8
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hammer's Slammers hit loc Total: 16
10 10 6 6
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: conv tank Total: 7
7 7
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: conv tank hit loc Total: 8
7 7 1 1
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I -know- it might meet some resistance but I'd like to see our Elite Troops kitted with EQUALLY elite gear.

Imagine Hammer's Slammers rolling in a shiney new 'Mastodon' Super Heavy DEW, Wojtek commanding the Iron Bitch wrecking shit at more than 2x the range of anything in the conventional arsenal with indirect fire (w/o the indirect fire penalty due to their unique perk).

Nothing breeds a desire for success like seeing successful troops getting the brightest of shineys. Akp becomes elite gets combat jacket powered armor, elite performs miraculously when given a Combat Jacket, same elites then goes on the short list for our first Mk. Zero Mini Jaegers, etc. etc.

Edit: (point of information)
Max range for Iron Bitch using indirect fire is 8 km (80 units), the curvature of earth blocks line of sight for a 6 foot person at 5km. So you can have people lobbing shit 3 km farther away than they can physically see... that is just insane to me. (In the best of ways!)
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@Nixeu your my dad's go-to-science guy. Any chance you understand the formulas involved for figuring out at what distance a Jaeger would lose LOS due to the curvature of the Earth?

Saw Formula's laid out here but it was all greek to me.

Lets use Gipsy Danger as our example : 288 feet

Edit: with DEW's becoming a possibility, functionally useful LOS ranges would be neat to know.
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@Nixeu your my dad's go-to-science guy. Any chance you understand the formulas involved for figuring out at what distance a Jaeger would lose LOS due to the curvature of the Earth?

Saw Formula's laid out here but it was all greek to me.

Lets use Gipsy Danger as our example : 288 feet

Edit: with DEW's becoming a possibility, functionally useful LOS ranges would be neat to know.
Well, for one thing, those are the wrong equations, or at least the wrong question. That picture example is flawed, as well, since it doesn't account for how light gets bent by the temperature of the sea and the moisture in the air. You should have looked into artillery, especially naval artillery math/science. That sort of thing gets into optics, which is one of my big weak-points. The curvature is usually less of a factor in long-distance shooting than how air distorts light and creates mirages.

Edit: Curvature tends to be very subtle, even in high altitude (I.E. major mountain or taller type heights) footage, so even at skyscraper heights, it's not a big deal.
It is a neat question... How far could a Laser Eyed kaiju snipe :drevil: if beam diffusion was not an issue?
Depends on how the air distorts the beam, but, in a very basic answer, as far as it can see. Air acts kinda like a series of variable lenses, constantly shifting due to temperature. That said, if there isn't a major shift, a beam weapon would be distorted about the same amount as visible light. The complications usually come with non-beam weapons.
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Good solid answers... I was wonder though at Jaeger scale how far a distance a beam weapon mounted at roughly 300 ft/ 90 m would be able to shoot before the horizon blocks line of sight.

It was actually a plot point I never investigated in the anime Aldnoah Zero, a giant robot had lasers that had satellite killing range but was defeated by naval bombardment over the horizon called in by a hidden spotter all because the horizon blocked the naval vessels completely (No line of sight laser bot couldn't engage.)

My question is how far could a 300 ft / 90m entity at Sea level see before horizon blocks LOS?

Edit: google is a god once I formulate the right question. Bouncing the info off you @Nixeu usually generates the right question.

Distance to the Horizon Calculator 33.9 km / 21 miles

Edit-edit: The Mighty Moe aka USS Missouri could have done it (the naval bombardment).
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BTW Aldnoah had tons of sciencey stuff like that hero faced very tech superior forces and beat them -with science-.* On my recommended list for giant robot fans.

*(or at least very sciencey techno-babble, sold this laymen 100%)
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Good solid answers... I was wonder though at Jaeger scale how far a distance a beam weapon mounted at roughly 300 ft/ 90 m would be able to shoot before the horizon blocks line of sight.

It was actually a plot point I never investigated in the anime Aldnoah Zero, a giant robot had lasers that had satellite killing range but was defeated by naval bombardment over the horizon called in by a hidden spotter all because the horizon blocked the naval vessels completely (No line of sight laser bot couldn't engage.)

My question is how far could a 300 ft / 90m entity at Sea level see before horizon blocks LOS?

Edit: google is a god once I formulate the right question. Bouncing the info off you @Nixeu usually generates the right question.

Distance to the Horizon Calculator 33.9 km / 21 miles

Edit-edit: The Mighty Moe aka USS Missouri could have done it (the naval bombardment).
Yeah, Google tends to be like that. Glad I make a good sound board. It helps that I know a little about a lot of things, and thus can help avoid the major pitfalls.

There are ways to reduce the impact of laser weapons, though enough energy can overcome them. Shredded foil chaff or steam, for example, can mitigate or block them. But yeah, over-the-horizon shots would work nicely. It's entirely true that one weakness of lasers is that, barring physics breaking BS, is that you can only hit what you see. You can get amazingly accurate with over-the-horizon shots, even with all the conditions that work against them (waves, no visuals, etc). Iowa-class battleships like USS Missouri were the apex of that kind of gunnery, before guided missiles stole the show in that regard.

As your calculator notes, that's a rough estimate. Humidity, air pressure, and temperature can all screw with the optics of such things. This is most reliably seen around bodies of water, for obvious reasons. As for how I know this, well...let's just say that certain people who believe in a planar planet have a really bad understanding of optics to go along with their lack of understanding of gravity. As do a surprising number of really out-there conspiracy theorists, who take optical illusions in footage to be reflective of reality. And I watch a lot of videos taking that sort of thing apart.
BTW Aldnoah had tons of sciencey stuff like that hero faced very tech superior forces and beat them -with science-.* On my recommended list for giant robot fans.

*(or at least very sciencey techno-babble, sold this laymen 100%)
Certainly sounds interesting. Might give it a watch.
these are the required rolls to process your turn.

Available forces:

3 cobra's (2 conv. & 1 Elite 'smooth operators') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+ (4+ Smooth Operators)

2 Garrison Artillery 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
2 Tanks (1 conv. & 1 Elite 'Hammer's Slammers') 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
3 elite jacketed AKP's (Roys, Fortunate, & Burn Unit) 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
(Roy's roll is same to hit but damage is special snowflake; ALWAYS K-scale Scratch Impact [does NOT Cauterize] (+ on explosion) )
1 garrison AKP 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+

Then roll for Mammoth...

So Cobra's remain, then we shall see if any twitchy bits remain worth a stomp...
Conventional Garrisoned Artillery #1 - Crit-failure Misfire die 8 - non-catastrophic failure (shells primer is defective)
Conventional Garrisoned Artillery #2 - Hit roll modified to 9, hit loc R. Shoulder. (To hit target 5, AV 4, -1 dam) = -1 No Effect
Elite AKP 'Burn Unit' - Hit roll modified to 9, hit loc Neck. (To hit target 5, AV 4 -1 dam) = -1 No Effect, Special Conditional triggers ACID
Garrisoned AKP's - Hit roll modified to 10, hit loc L. Hand. (To hit target 5, AV 4, -1 dam) = 0, Scratch damage Impact, Glancing wound
Elite AKP 'Fortunate Son's' - Hit roll modified to 9, hit loc Spine. (To hit target 5, AV 4 -1 dam) = -1 No Effect
Elite AKP 'Roy's Raiders' - Hit roll modified to 3, Miss!
Elite Tank 'Hammer's Slammers' - Hit roll modified to 29, hit loc L. Shoulder. Location was destroyed - shift to next connected body location Chest(To hit target 5, AV 4 -1 dam) = 19 (one point short of impact destruction) Major Chest wound, 5 strikes, 3 vital damage rolls (1st - Extensive internal damage take an additional 1d5 strikes damage [ 5 strikes ], 2nd - Heart Damaged 1d5 additional ongoing [+1 , ongoing now totals 6] , 3rd - nothing vital hit
Summation: 10 Strikes, +1 ongoing

Conventional Tank Hit roll modified to 8, hit loc Pelvis. (To hit target 5, AV 4 -1 dam) = -2 No Effect
Conventional Cobra #1 - Hit roll modified to 8, hit loc L. Ankle. (To hit target 5, AV 4, -2 dam) = -3 No Effect
Conventional Cobra #2 - Hit roll modified to 8, hit loc R. Shoulder. (To hit target 5, AV 4, -2 dam) = -3 No Effect
Elite Cobra 'Smooth Operator's' - Hit roll modified to 4, hit loc Chest. (To hit target 4, AV 4 -2 dam) = -6 No Effect

Yet again Savannah's conventional forces give an amazing display of accuracy proving their proficiency in the use of their weapons. Out of all your forces only Roy's Raiders shots fail to strike the target and one of the Garrisoned artillery suffers a technical glitch when a defective primer robs them of their shot.

The remaining Artillery strikes the right shoulder, Fortunate Son's land a blow against the spine, Conventional Tank hits Sammael's pelvis, first conventional cobra hits left ankle, second conventional cobra strikes the right shoulder, and the Smooth Operators spray his chest. All landing to no effect other than some charring on the leather hide.

Slightly more effective Burn Unit strikes Sammael in the throat, the initial explosion is ineffectual but the acid payload begins to sizzle and eat into the armor (-1 AV per turn to the throat and if not neutralized once the armor reaches zero, will inflict 1 strike per turn).

Once more it is one of your elite troops that lands a telling blow, 'Hammer's Slammers' line up a perfect shot striking the decimated left shoulder and blasting their way into Sammael's chest, collapsing his left lung and piercing his heart. Each beat of his massive heart is shown with arterial spray squirting outward from his shoulder arcing out 30-40 meters before splattering the ground. (+10 strikes & +1 ongoing, bring him to 6 ongoing total)

Sammael lapses into unconsciousness, (-13 Dura, 0 Structure remaining, missing an Arm, a Lung, and suffering a perforated heart) he will exsanguinate in moments...

Victory is yours. May Whitecaps victory be as complete.

(OOC) Your shineys are Safe ;)
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I will shortlytm​ be producing a Map for the forces aligned with Whitecap. If any of the forces positioned here wish to relocate to the other front in support of Whitecap they may roll to do so at the turn 3 of whitecaps battle. However I will remind you the western perimeter is far from safe, we have inbound Graboids along the same vector the 'armless Sammael used.

Edit: footnote, just for the record this is the second Sammael battle the conv forces tooled Sammie into the ground leaving Mammoth standing impotent. All of Sammael's incarnations will not be underestimating the worth of your conventionals in the future...
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Edit: footnote, just for the record this is the second Sammael battle the conv forces tooled Sammie into the ground leaving Mammoth standing impotent. All of Sammael's incarnations will not be underestimating the worth of your conventionals in the future...
Sammael [Origin] gains the Trait: Seething Hatred (Savannah's Conventional Units).

Savannah's Conventional forces gain the trait: Favored Enemy (Sammael).
Today's update will be late, Badkatt is springing to take her Daddy to dinner and a movie. (Avengers Endgame)

I highly recommend corruption of the young into all things nerdy, it pays dividends ;)
Saw it yesterday with my roommate. 10/10 did not see ___________ or ___________ and especially _____________ coming. _________ and _______ was kinda stupid and __________________________________________________ was just disappointing. ____________________ was pretty cool though.
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My apologies to all, I have been unable to muster a 'feel' for the game lately. BadKatt has had some RL disagreement with me on some personal stuff that I will not go into here.

The long and short of it, she is not ATM speaking with me in RL or on the board in the near future... I am on her shit list and she is not likely to be willing to participate in the foreseeable future. As she seemed to be our resident tactician & I'm not sure if anyone will be willing to step up into her shoes this is one reason I've been slow to get back into the game.

I am willing to try my part, but it is also a chance if the interest has waned to put it to bed. I will leave it up to my loyal readership to make that call.
I have been reading this for awhile, and found this when tacit ronin vs the world got slow. as this has slowed down and i cannot seem to find the other quests like this (I know they exist) would you mind posting some links for me and perhaps those like me?
I have been reading this for awhile, and found this when tacit ronin vs the world got slow. as this has slowed down and i cannot seem to find the other quests like this (I know they exist) would you mind posting some links for me and perhaps those like me?

Welcome, it does my heart good to know I have some stealth readership :)

If you have not read through the 'Original' grandfather of the genre, I can give no higher recommendation than Cherno Alpha vs the World the designer @open_sketchbook set the bar high for myself and all the various imitators. I myself have read the following list...

They are listed in no particular order, although the first few had the most long lived success.

Verde Mouros Vs The World
Red, White, and Romeo Blue versus the World
Horizon Brave Vs. The World
Wild Ronin: Destroy All Kaiju (Wild Ronin was Cherno inspired BUT not ran under the Jaeger variant of O-s's Hardbroiled rule sets)

Not even remotely in this vein but deserves a glance as it is a stellar homage to the Zillaverse set on a Pacific Rim backdrop.
Godzilla is best Jaeger (Godzilla X Pacific Rim)
Less long lived but with some pearls worthy of note:

Coyote Tango Vs. The World
Brawler Yukon vs. The World!
RED STORM RISING: Crimson Typhoon vs the World
Striker Eureka (vs The World): 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone!
Gipsy Danger VS The World: Putting the 'F' Back in Freedom

I have intentionally omitted @Fyrstorm earliest works because they did not gel with quite the right mix of wonderful readership and practical experience needed, All were pivotal in teaching me persistence and love of the genre were prerequisites for developing the gem that is the current Tacit Ronin.

As an aspiring QM (Iron Dragon, Katschei Havoc, Hotpoint Zero, Forgotten Hunter, etc.) all had teachable moments,

I hope this helps answer your request satisfactorily, I -AM NOT- giving up on the idea, I have fallen into this shared universe and it has captured me totally, I am just taking a small hiatus so the bad experience with BadKatt does not taint a beloved Alternate Universe. If when I start again my readership is hanging around and willing to forgive the break. I will run it for the joy of seeing what comes next, even if it is for a Council of 1 person remaining :)

If you were asking about 'other' currently running quests... I know of none. Several writer's I would gladly follow have threatened to begin Quests, but none beyond the planning stage.
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It's so weird that this thing I made in literally another life is still trucking in some form or another.

What can I say O-s? Your jaeger variant of Hardbroiled has the right, 'brutal' feel to capture the intensity of Jaeger/Kaiju battles. I hope you can forgive my bastardization of it :)

It just seemed, so many tales could be told if I extended your metaphor of the the Giants being boxers duking it out in an alley and conventional troops were rats with pistols, I could extend that to make individual squads of soldiers be 'fleas with shivs' and have them deal with kaiju lice/Cloverfields spawn and make the battles effect all scales of combatants. The giant robots our our heroes, but the man fending off pitbull sized lice with a shotgun has a tale to tell too...