Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I know charge & gore with the tusks are kinda standard operating procedure for Mammoth but he -is- sporting a fully automatic shotgun with electrical ammunition.

It'd be a crying shame not to gather some performance data vs a K-scale opponent.

Edit: max walk forward & "empty the clip"
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I know charge & gore with the tusks are kinda standard operating procedure for Mammoth but he -is- sporting a fully automatic shotgun with electrical ammunition.

It'd be a crying shame not to gather some performance data vs a K-scale opponent.

Edit: max walk forward & "empty the clip"
That could work, but then we'd have to take the movement penalty to the attack. It isn't exactly kind to those with low Ran stats.
How about we charge/gore, and if Sam's still kicking next round, we shoot him in the face with the shotgun?
That could work, but then we'd have to take the movement penalty to the attack. It isn't exactly kind to those with low Ran stats.

Mammoth's mv walking is 5, that brings us into short range (no bonus/penalty to scatter weapon) movement penalty according to the Hardbroiled is -3, Nemo is a 1d10+1 to hit weapon, and rng 1 reduces roll to be only 1d10-1. Roll range is 0-9, to hit requires 5+ not to shabby odds IMHO, if we get to point blank we gain an additional +2 for scatter weapons.

How about we charge/gore, and if Sam's still kicking next round, we shoot him in the face with the shotgun?

Charging failure can be pretty ugly opening us to a counter-charge. From the hardbroiled rules (Smithsguild linked where O_S gave permission and could find the base rules) .
"Falling short of a charge leaves you more vulnerable to a charge by your opponent. Charges can be made against targets who on their rounds failed a charge, even if they are within the minimum charge distance. Counter-charged characters are Stunned if the counter-charge reaches them."
The Nemo has some nice bonus damage AND some AP :o

'Nemo' Scattergun 600 Resources
Ranged Weapon (Scatter)
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
AP: 2
Damage Type: Electric/Impact
Damage Bonus: 3
Range: 5/10/15
Ammunition: 15 round drum
Selective fire: single shot, 3 round burst, 5 round burst.
A single round targeting a patch of ground could generate a non-lethal stun to all man scale targets (SSC) sharing that terrain, whereas a 3 round burst would generally be enough to overwhelm Cat-Zeros (or become lethal to SSC combatants), a full 5 round burst is required to achieve K-Scale effective voltage (becomes Lethal to Cat-Zeros).
Mammoth's mv walking is 5, that brings us into short range (no bonus/penalty to scatter weapon) movement penalty according to the Hardbroiled is -3, Nemo is a 1d10+1 to hit weapon, and rng 1 reduces roll to be only 1d10-1. Roll range is 0-9, to hit requires 5+ not to shabby odds IMHO, if we get to point blank we gain an additional +2 for scatter weapons.

Charging failure can be pretty ugly opening us to a counter-charge. From the hardbroiled rules (Smithsguild linked where O_S gave permission and could find the base rules) .
"Falling short of a charge leaves you more vulnerable to a charge by your opponent. Charges can be made against targets who on their rounds failed a charge, even if they are within the minimum charge distance. Counter-charged characters are Stunned if the counter-charge reaches them."
I guess it's worth a shot. :V
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! only slightly less known : "Never give my daughter access to the Rulesss!"
Just double checking; does the below equal your support? Combat consensus only takes the 2 votes...

The :V denotes humorous intent, I just didn't want to take a chuckle as policy by mistake. (I'm cool like that.):cool:
Pun aside, I'm supporting the plan if only so we don't have Mammoth spend a turn letting Sammy close in.
Actually I want to modify it with Highwinds permission to do EXACTLY what Highwind says he doesn't want...

Let Sammael begin to close the distance to Point blank, holding our action in reserve (overwatch) and then fill his face full of arcing buckshot.

Cancel our moving, Stand our ground, If -he- fails his charge and comes up short we resort to a counter charge (against a stunned/defenseless Sammael) and business as per normal Mammoth doctrine, if it looks like he'll make the charge overwatch shotgun to the grill. ;)

Edit: this incurs no move penalty, 1d10+1, our rng of 1, and a +2 PB scatter bonus. A readied action should take precedence over a charge.
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USUALLY, I go with a 2 vote carries the day policy but with one party withdrawing their vote before I declared a lock, I'm open to allowing further discussion.

And her reasoning holds water, Overwatch would trump a charge.
Actually I want to modify it with Highwinds permission to do EXACTLY what Highwind says he doesn't want...

Let Sammael begin to close the distance to Point blank, holding our action in reserve (overwatch) and then fill his face full of arcing buckshot.

Cancel our moving, Stand our ground, If -he- fails his charge and comes up short we resort to a counter charge (against a stunned/defenseless Sammael) and business as per normal Mammoth doctrine, if it looks like he'll make the charge overwatch shotgun to the grill. ;)

Edit: this incurs no move penalty, 1d10+1, our rng of 1, and a +2 PB scatter bonus. A readied action should take precedence over a charge.
Let's go for that, then. Staying on overwatch isn't the same as doing nothing, after all.
Okay that will detail Mammoth conditional attacks (charge fails counter charge, charge looks likely to succeed shoot his face in the face at Point Blank.

Now we need to detail your elite AKP's -
Roy's Raiders will be using : XM-Shotshell* - a precision, scratch k-scale (safe to fire into cluster), AAP 3 ( a volley of discarding sabot 25mm tungsten carbide flechettes)[ This is a unit attack] 1d10+1 impact rng 5/10/15 [ does not cauterize] (Represents a UNIT attack)

*(Specialty mechanic: if a hit is rolled and AAP + roll exceed armor - Shotshells will ALWAYS do k-scale scratch damage; however they will NEVER do more than scratch damage unless the dice explode. On each explosion they leap one damage category. IE scratch/glancing becomes minor, 2nd explosion becomes major, 3rd explosion destruction. ) Normally to cause damage a roll requires to exceed hit threshold + AV.

example: 5+ hit and 4 AV requires a roll +bonuses = 9 or better to scratch. On a successful hit XM-Shotshell roll +bonuses = 4 or better to scratch

Burn Unit will be utilizing their: 'Experimental' XM-DB prototype-Dragon's Blood 1d10+1 Acid/Fire rng 5/10/15 [cauterize] (Represents a UNIT attack)
This ammo has chance to inflict both conditionals (Caught Fire & Acid begins to dissolve armor).

Fortunate Son's are still doing standard AKP Recoilless rocket barrage: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage. rng 5/10/15 [cauterize] (Represents a UNIT attack)
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(OOC) Some weird shit is a afoot at the Circle-K, no body roll anything until it's called for please. Thanking you in advance.

Sammael Begins his Charge!
1d10+4 AGI vs a distance of 10

When he reaches 3 units away he launches himself airborne, coming at Mammoth with a flying shoulder tackle!

At this time I now need Mammoth's Overwatch roll:

1d10+1, our rng bonus of 1, and a +2 Point Blank scatter bonus. To hit 5+
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: charge +4 AGI Total: 10
10 10
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(OOC) Some weird shit is a afoot at the Circle-K, no body roll anything until it's called for please. Thanking you in advance.

Sammael Begins his Charge!
1d10+4 AGI vs a distance of 10

When he reaches 3 units away he launches himself airborne, coming at Mammoth with a flying shoulder tackle!

At this time I now need Mammoth's Overwatch roll:

1d10+1, our rng bonus of 1, and a +2 Point Blank scatter bonus. To hit 5+
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Overwatch Roll Total: 5
5 5
Easily a hit, @KnightDisciple care to roll us a hit location? (Giving you until 7pm EST, then I'll roll to keep combat moving)

Nemo ammo expenditure, 1 single shot widowers, one 3 round burst Widow, and now a 5 round burst. *6* rounds remain...

Rolled a 5 +1 weapon profile, +1 for ranged stat, +2 for scatter weapon at point blank = 9

AP 2 no help vs AV 4 armor, 5 to hit threshhold and 4 AV = 9 reducing hit to a zero BUT weapon damage is +3 bring it up to a 3.
3 on electrical damage chart (my version) does 1d4+1 temporary strikes and would stun, situational bonus: lightning in a Mistbank.
Water being an excellent conductor, 1/2 of any temporary strikes are also suffered as REAL Damage!!!

However Category IV only suffer a Temporary -1 penalty when they would be Stunned! Cat IVs suffer this as a universal penalty to everything, while Cat Vs only suffer it to a single, random stat!

Edit: @ 7:12 pm EST rolling hit locs
Smithsguild threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: hit loc Total: 12
9 9 3 3
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The veritable wall of leyden balls strike Sammael solidly in the throat. Current arcs and involuntarily his muscles spasm changing an athletic leap into uncontrolled flight as his body shifts and contorts.

The flight that would have struck solidly falls just short and Sammael suffers 4 temporary strikes, and 2 normal strikes of scorches as the Mist sheathing his body in dampness is proven an excellent conductor of electricity. A lesser creature would have been stunned and fallen prone to the ground, but Sammael is NOT a lesser being, He is Sammael the Desolate One, Lord of the Shadows, Harbinger of Pestilence, Seed of Destruction, and Hound of Resurrection. He is merely shaken ( Sammael will suffer a -1 universal penalty on all actions until AFTER his NEXT turn). Sammael sways but keeps his feet and catches his breath a moment, (his action lost this turn).


(OOC) Now is the chance for your Elites to contribute, Please list which unit you are rolling for BY NAME.
Roy's Raiders
Fortunate Son's
Burn Unit

Roll 1d10+1 , hits on 5+. If you land a hit please roll 2d10 for a hit location.
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Rolling for Roy's!

Edit: Right on the left shoulder. Nice.

(OOC) Heh, to shake things up I don't use the same hit loc table as -most- Vs the worlds. And some of the other tables are modified as well. Prevents too much familiarity with the nuts and bolts behind the scenes. :D;) Most likely targets chest/torso center mast still sit in the center of the probability curve, but I exchanged positions for the outlier results.

Makes the uncertainty of combat uncertain again...

Combat write up will be produced after all attacks have been rolled.
Rolling for Burn Unit.

well crap... at least my crit failure was on high end.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: to hit Total: 1
1 1
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crit fail Total: 8
8 8
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Roll 1d10+1 , hits on 5+. If you land a hit please roll 2d10 for a hit location
On it.

Edit: Eh, light blow somewhere center-mass-ish. Not terrible, not great.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: (Mis?)Fortune (+1/5+ h) Total: 4
4 4
Nixeu threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locs Total: 10
4 4 6 6
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Sometimes "not terrible" is the best one can do. I'm just interested in seeing where these match up to Smith's modified location table.