Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

One day Savannah will bring the 'Real War' and if the Rig stories are the right of it, the thugs of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, the sodding fish fondlers, will suffer a rude awakening. I swear, Savannah even has two Jaegers!".

Michael thought to himself, maybe one Jaeger piloted by two untested rookies in lord only knows what current state of disrepair, and another buried on its last legs in the heart of enemy territory.

Maggie continues on with barely a pause to inhale. "Mammoth is a beast with at least a half dozen kills, and the other one, whatz'is name Pak?"

Pak smiles 'Whitecap Triton'.

Maggie grins "That ones thin and wiry, same way a Sea Lion is and he looks like he'd not leave a ripple in his wake."
Michael sits for a heartbeat like he'd been pole-axed, mouth half open forgetting he was in mid-chew.

At least Six kills?!? Ezra and Keerat were owed an apology when he got back. And a second Jaeger and it wasn't on any of the active rosters -OR- even being planned as far as he knew of, and being regularly melded with a Marshal there weren't a lot ways to keep a Jaeger a secret.

Could Savannah be doing good enough to have -built- a new 'Jaeger' from the ground up? Jeez Louise, was he out of the freakin loop.
Yeah, I was wondering how he'd respond to how well we've been doing. I wonder how he'll react to us discovering magic, or Doc Brown's experiments?
He came to himself a few seconds too late to cover his slip, both Maggie and Pak were staring holes in him.

Maggie is the first to break the silent tension.

"I'll be damned, you -ARE- him! You're Michael Casey,one of the co-pilots for 'Bracer Phoenix'.
You had the same look on your face when that talk show host during his live interview brought up the death of your wife and daughter, a lost look mixed with confusion. I cried for you that day, that heartless bastard ambushing you for ratings.

Everyone Savannah way, they think your dead! Where are Hunter and Angel? Was Bracer destroyed? Shit! I'm just concerned and curious, share no more than you will.

As the leader; I'm scrubbing the arms delivery, Browdrick has missed the last two meets and left our dangly bits flapping in the breeze waiting on him. He takes a back seat to getting this man home to Savannah. We can drop the MRE's at Sally's squat she'll see it gets to where it's needed.

A half hour after this Mist lifts we'll be Savannah bound running hot and pray no drones are watching. We're not far enough in for us to be likely found. And I feel getting you to Savannah's Council ASAP may get us a step closer to giving Charleston the finger."
I'm going to go a step farther: knowing that Bracer is down in Charleston territory, and that Marshal Deveraux is there, and in a bad way? Yeah, we're launching a targeted raid, at the barest of minimums, ASAP. If not a full-blown, multi-front offensive. Which I'm honestly more inclined to do, since I'd prefer to have a diversion to keep a chunk of their forces occupied while we grab Bracer and company, to hopefully minimize the risks.
Miss Shirano Cartwright thought about their recent discoveries, there was another matter she had meant to breach with Richard. But it was hard to remember every errant thought, especially when Light devouring world enders hover lazily overhead. It didn't help to maintain a train of thought that apparently they possessed a 'spooky' book that -helped- give you information you didn't know you needed!

Seeing the efficacy of the empowered Elder signs versus actual G.O.O. creature when they were a local threat . If they were ever needed it was when ancient evils were clawing at your door.

Both the Derleth Pentacle and the Lovecraftian Branch were available to field test and if the illumination in Chaat Aquadingen were to be believed they were hard on the Deep Ones (and hopefully their masters as well) causing debilitating Nausea and Pain. The armed forces could probably use the help.

The horned pentacle was supposed to have been what held the Greater Old Ones locked in slumber for ages, it might be prudent when Sammael remains were interred with the blessed salt if we hedged our bets and then sealed the container (maybe a railcar would be large enough?) with an active sigil.

Richard seemed quite capable if a little bookish, his dusty academia pedigree aside. He hadn't fallen to the trap of treating her as a secretary or a lab assistant and treated her as an equal, (granted her degrees were more in the hard sciences and 'magic' was never on the curriculum at any of her target Universities.) But her being the actual 'Madame Curie' performing the hands on acts of Magic with him being the theoretical 'Einstein' with the historical chops to point her at how magic 'used to' work. Maybe Madame Curie wasn't the example she wanted... death as the result of ground breaking research with unseen force struck a little too close to the mark for her tastes.
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My thoughts re: "The Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty"? I -really- like them. Maggie and crew are a small sample size but if they are indicative of general attitude, I can see involving them in depth on future Charleston ops.

1- 'Maggie's Jacob is a helluva gunsmith, to revive the Pancor Jackhammer from scratch is a helluva feat, only 3 models ever constructed and 2 of those were broken down for the analysis of the weapons testing lab, schematics detailed enough to reverse engineer a working model (scarce as hen's teeth).

He also picked some of the best, most reliable, most versatile WW2 weapons platforms to build a resistance from the ground up that supports Liberty's rules of engagement. Harassment with enough punch to be a threat to a force outside their weight class. A base model rifle that adapts to sniper usage or poor mans artillery (spigot mortar). And then the Browning Automatic Rifle, hell of a punch (threaten light armored vehicles easily) high cyclic rate, but short on endurance. (Perfect harassment machine gun as by design it can't maintain long term engagement).

2- True altruists, not primarily devoted to vengeance. A vengeance consumed ally will have blind spots and can be manipulated while enraged. Never seen a person motivated by warm fuzzy feeling suffer from ease of manipulation.

3- Actually limiting their engagements not to bring undue heat on their benefactors (Us.) This above all else speaks to character.


Plan come soonish...
Yeah, we're launching a targeted raid, at the barest of minimums, ASAP. If not a full-blown, multi-front offensive. Which I'm honestly more inclined to do, since I'd prefer to have a diversion to keep a chunk of their forces occupied while we grab Bracer and company, to hopefully minimize the risks.

I'd support this, need to noodle some good use for our SOCOM equivalent forces. Small elite forces that can hit big loud noisy targets make EXCELLENT distractions while not risking a stand up give and take brawl. If we get jets up this next turn, a Strike Eagle led bombing run (seeding anti-tank mines) at supersonic speed sounds like something Charleston will never see coming...

If it's turn after next add Apache Longbows for some near over the horizon style missile strikes from their co-op drone spotters doing target acquisitions another tactic not to be expected in the current worldscape. Oh, wait there's more... The 'Spooky' gunship stationed in Macon is ALSO a jet that brings all sorts of nasty to the table as well.

Prognosis for some serious ass kickery in our near future, it's looking sunshine and roses up their whazoo!
Step one of an X-able plan...

Summarize troop availability;

Mammoth Apostate and the 3 Elite Jacketed AKP's are @ impact Site for Albino Widow. (We need the capture team dispatched here to take mommy long legs into custody ASAP full on race mode to get that bitch into containment ASAP).

Roy's Raiders / Fortunate Sons still at full strength. Burn Unit combat effective 8/10 with one of those limping along almost out of the fight. There are 2 jacketed AKP soldiers that are paralyzed, one more who's suit is in dire need of an overhaul. Damaged suit grabs a suit from paralyzed compatriot. that should bring Burn Unit back to 8/10 fully functional.

With current lack of proper Medivac chopper, Outriders (pathfinder w/t Radar O'Reilly) should retrieve the paralyzed soldiers and do a hospital run.

Mammoth gets quick connected to Jumphawk after elites mount it, this is Sammy #2 meet & greet committee for Western DP (grid coordinates c-5). With conventional reinforcements to be detailed below. Use our shiney new bonus of 1x tactical knowledge (thanks again @Nixeu ) versus Sammy#2.

Whitecap take to the water (battle in his element!) to meet Sammy #1 (move to grid at e-0), he has all the boats in his wake ASAP.

We have 5x Jumphawks currently uncommitted, 3 carrying the MRLS, the SPLL (self propelled launch loader) reload vehicle, & the supplemental SPLL trailer, move to support Whitecap. Primary load is ALL 'Divine Thunderbolt's' but one load on trailer will be the area saturation grenade warheads.

Little Bird will act as GLTD spotter for divine thunders.

The other 2x Jumphawks carry the T-100 AK tanks (1 elite 'Hammer's Slammers, and 1 conventional) to reinforce Mammoth and friends at the Western DP.

(More cons will be moved as we free jump hawks, logistically them moving the 4/turn, battle will be over before they drive out to DP, jump hawks mv 10 ;))

The 3 Cobra's will act as support for Mammoth and crew.

That wraps everything I saw... Please critique the hell out of this, hungover is no way to plan... :eyeroll:

[ - ] This will one day BE the plan, but this is not THAT day. (Discussion only)

All forces will engage targets of opportunity, let's take back our skies.

Edit: Addendum

Assign the Lovecraftian Branch to be carried and displayed boldly upon the front of the Little Bird. Put the Derleth Pentacle on the 'Smooth Operators' Cobra, and make sure the cameras are good to go on both, we want real time footage of reactions to those empowered elder signs!
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With the arrival of the combined report from Councillor Highwind and ?Mage? Glass, the Council have at least a coherent report to allay fears over the light devouring entity and concentrate all efforts on foes they actually have experience fighting - Giant Monsters.

LOCCENT also reports they have fixes on two possible locations for the sources of the Radio Jamming blacking out our Northern Border guards, they used a form of triangulation based off the circumference of the known jammed areas. IE the edges where radios go out can give the size of the circle, the jammer sits in the center of that circle doing their annoying trick. If someone/something flies to that point we may catch the culprits red-handed.
Use our shiney new bonus of 1x tactical knowledge (thanks again @Nixeu ) versus Sammy#2.

That will take the use of a Unit of your Combat Engineers and preferably a write in of 'how' your utilizing the urban landscape to your advantage (Nixeu's post that earned the bonus here details several fine examples) based on your write up you can earn some bonuses to the success die roll, and when in combat we'll roll to see how well the plan was implemented.
Also of note is a Non-standard Mixed militia unit with Councillor Knight in a combat jacket, BadKat in disguise, and some enthusiastic off duty workers and such going out to assist versus the swarms of flyers plaguing the streets. We will visit this in play as well...

Sorry. Moving weekend

No apologies needed, I'm just letting you know that my 1 week absence didn't mean I've quit on you.
That will take the use of a Unit of your Combat Engineers and preferably a write in of 'how' your utilizing the urban landscape to your advantage (Nixeu's post that earned the bonus here details several fine examples) based on your write up you can earn some bonuses to the success die roll, and when in combat we'll roll to see how well the plan was implemented.
Water-mains, power-lines, and buildings are probably the most prevalent things we could exploit. Could quite easily combine bursting a water-main and dropping a power line to create an improvised shock trap, especially with a small explosive charge to direct the fall of the power-line. That's also slightly easier to fix than dropping a building on the bastard. Not sure if Electric damage is the best type to be doing to this enemy, though. Gas-lines are iffier as to their presence, and probably more deeply buried/reinforced, but might be an option.

Other than that, I'm having trouble thinking of other ways of weaponizing the environment. I suppose we might be able to create a "pitfall trap" if there's a underground metro in Savannah, or maybe via blowing a big enough underground gas-main, but other than that, I can't think of much that's practical.
Could quite easily combine bursting a water-main and dropping a power line to create an improvised shock trap, especially with a small explosive charge to direct the fall of the power-line.

I'm all for trying this variant. Simple, solid, easily repaired. For omake style wording how's this:

"Combat Engineers will do their best along current lanes of approach to ready a shocking surprise for Sammie, in addition to the Prep detailed by Nixeu above , lets see if the engineers can also override some safety features and maximize available raw current (voltage and amperage) for as long a duration as the transformers will hold."
Miss Shirano Cartwright thought about their recent discoveries, there was another matter she had meant to breach with Richard. But it was hard to remember every errant thought, especially when Light devouring world enders hover lazily overhead. It didn't help to maintain a train of thought that apparently they possessed a 'spooky' book that -helped- give you information you didn't know you needed!

Seeing the efficacy of the empowered Elder signs versus actual G.O.O. creature when they were a local threat . If they were ever needed it was when ancient evils were clawing at your door.

Both the Derleth Pentacle and the Lovecraftian Branch were available to field test and if the illumination in Chaat Aquadingen were to be believed they were hard on the Deep Ones (and hopefully their masters as well) causing debilitating Nausea and Pain. The armed forces could probably use the help.

The horned pentacle was supposed to have been what held the Greater Old Ones locked in slumber for ages, it might be prudent when Sammael remains were interred with the blessed salt if we hedged our bets and then sealed the container (maybe a railcar would be large enough?) with an active sigil.

Richard seemed quite capable if a little bookish, his dusty academia pedigree aside. He hadn't fallen to the trap of treating her as a secretary or a lab assistant and treated her as an equal, (granted her degrees were more in the hard sciences and 'magic' was never on the curriculum at any of her target Universities.) But her being the actual 'Madame Curie' performing the hands on acts of Magic with him being the theoretical 'Einstein' with the historical chops to point her at how magic 'used to' work. Maybe Madame Curie wasn't the example she wanted... death as the result of ground breaking research with unseen force struck a little too close to the mark for her tastes.
Is it weird that my first thought after re-reading this was that we have the perfect excuse to add a standard-bearer to each of our squads? :V

Step one of an X-able plan...

Summarize troop availability;

Mammoth Apostate and the 3 Elite Jacketed AKP's are @ impact Site for Albino Widow. (We need the capture team dispatched here to take mommy long legs into custody ASAP full on race mode to get that bitch into containment ASAP).

Roy's Raiders / Fortunate Sons still at full strength. Burn Unit combat effective 8/10 with one of those limping along almost out of the fight. There are 2 jacketed AKP soldiers that are paralyzed, one more who's suit is in dire need of an overhaul. Damaged suit grabs a suit from paralyzed compatriot. that should bring Burn Unit back to 8/10 fully functional.

With current lack of proper Medivac chopper, Outriders (pathfinder w/t Radar O'Reilly) should retrieve the paralyzed soldiers and do a hospital run.

Mammoth gets quick connected to Jumphawk after elites mount it, this is Sammy #2 meet & greet committee for Western DP (grid coordinates c-5). With conventional reinforcements to be detailed below. Use our shiney new bonus of 1x tactical knowledge (thanks again @Nixeu ) versus Sammy#2.

Whitecap take to the water (battle in his element!) to meet Sammy #1 (move to grid at e-0), he has all the boats in his wake ASAP.

We have 5x Jumphawks currently uncommitted, 3 carrying the MRLS, the SPLL (self propelled launch loader) reload vehicle, & the supplemental SPLL trailer, move to support Whitecap. Primary load is ALL 'Divine Thunderbolt's' but one load on trailer will be the area saturation grenade warheads.

Little Bird will act as GLTD spotter for divine thunders.

The other 2x Jumphawks carry the T-100 AK tanks (1 elite 'Hammer's Slammers, and 1 conventional) to reinforce Mammoth and friends at the Western DP.

(More cons will be moved as we free jump hawks, logistically them moving the 4/turn, battle will be over before they drive out to DP, jump hawks mv 10 ;))

The 3 Cobra's will act as support for Mammoth and crew.

That wraps everything I saw... Please critique the hell out of this, hungover is no way to plan... :eyeroll:

[ - ] This will one day BE the plan, but this is not THAT day. (Discussion only)

All forces will engage targets of opportunity, let's take back our skies.

Edit: Addendum

Assign the Lovecraftian Branch to be carried and displayed boldly upon the front of the Little Bird. Put the Derleth Pentacle on the 'Smooth Operators' Cobra, and make sure the cameras are good to go on both, we want real time footage of reactions to those empowered elder signs!
I can't think of anything to add to this plan. Looks good to me.
[X] This will one day BE the plan, but this is not THAT day. (Oh Yes it is, edition ;))
After some strategic revue your Combat Engineers wish to offer a modification to the whole Atlanta-Macon-Vidalia-Savannah line, it appears to bring Vidalia into the loop will require some new tracks lain or some extensive re-routing to grab spur lines not designed for an Atlanta-Savannah express.
(Lines do exist, they just were not designed to allow a 6 hour Atlanta/Savannah speed run without risk of derailment).

Rather than reinvent the wheel, we could use the existent lines from the old Nancy Hanks 2 commuter express . Wadley, Ga would be in a position to work along that old express line as the Vidalia substitute for radio relay leg from Savannah to Macon AND would also position us to do a radio relay at a later date to tie in Augusta with minimal effort. Atlanta-Macon-Wadley-Savannah would be their suggested new route.

(OOC) read this as your QM didn't invest quite as much time as he should have reviewing rail maps, that has been remedied. :cool:

Edit: Plan is a lock... Designing appropriate maps. Battle will probably begin tomorrow.
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(OOC) a side effect of my newly gained knowledge? Guess who found there is an 'Abandoned' track running from Savannah to a little town in the middle of nowhere? The map named it Okatie SC. Certain freedom fighters we know would call it 'Liberty' . :drevil:
(ooc) As promised some shiney maps to get my players the 'lay of the land' first a 10km grid

Then a zoomed in to 1km scale to aid with Mammoth and your inbound forces placement.

The actual battlemap will require a bit more zoom to 100m squares (ie units). I'll make it when I know where Mammoth and the cons are making their stand.

(Mapping is a HUGE pain in the ass to do it right, and I salute those who came before me. )

We shall begin with the Mammoth battle 1st, distance between Mammoth & Whitecap are too vast to get any timely reinforcement from the other Jaeger. (After the Jumphawks drop their cargo, they MAYBE can grab another wave of Cons as they sit on cargo pallets ready to deploy)

And there is ALSO the fact I don't have Whitecaps map finished either :p
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