[X] Proboulos: Epiktetos Linos (Demos Drakonia)
[X] Xenoparakletor: Obander Eupraxis (Demos Antipatria)
[X] The Harbor of the Daorsi. Placing the Kymaians near the town of Epidauros in the central Adriatic would help secure the routes to Hellas from that section of the sea and strengthen the Eretrian presence in a region that it has so far had less influence in, potentially opening up new trade routes to the middle balkans [-20 talents per turn in grain shipments until Kymai is evacuated, Xenoparakletor will negotiate with the Daorsi].
Once again each of the Demes has put forwards an excellent plan. I commend Korydon Morys Drakonid, Epiktetos Linos, Kyros Gennadios, Obander Eupraxis, Mnemnon Keylonos and Theron Archippos for the speeches they have given us on their intentions if they should be elected.
It is unfortunate that the Ekklesia must choose only two. For my own part, I believe Epiktetos Linos has the wisest proposals for military reform. Eretria needs more ships, so my vote is his. Also the register of merchant ships and the expansion of the harbour will multiply the funds of the city, allowing us to act more energetically. To those who say that we need sewers, it is true. But I say we would do better to clean up the city by encouraging the growth of our colonies. Eretria herself does not lack for the labour of men and to encourage solid Eretrian stock to seek the opportunities of the colonies we may reap great advantage as those colonies will be more Eretrian in culture and the triremes the colonies may send to aid us in war are of greater value than an overflowing metic district at home.
And yes, I did call the metics of Eretria solid Eretrians. Those who fled the tyranny of Gelon have had children and grandchildren in this city, and though they do not join us in the Ekklesia, they are surely more Eretrian than they are anything else.
That said, the plans of Epiktetos Linos and Theron Archippos work hand in glove. We need both the larger fleet and the expanded Ekdromoi. We need both the larger harbour and the sewers and cisterns. We need both the skilled craftsmen Epiktetos would seek to attract and the great numbers that Theron would invite to our city. I would not be overly sad to see Theron win the election for proboulos. As to the policies of Kyros Gennadios of Demos Antipatria, I believe all of his plan is desirable, but his plan does not address any crying needs like those Epiktetos and Theron seek to address.
On the matter of our next xenoparakletor, I believe Obander is the man of the day for he is the best man to go to Athens and to go to Epidauros and Melaina Kerkyra. Since he will not put himself forwards in 4 years, he must be chosen now. To bring Epidauros and Melaina Kerkyra into our league would greatly strengthen our position in the Adriatic, especially since Korinthos will not be weak and distracted forever (though even with their current ill fortunes, Korinthos are still very mighty when compared to us). When it comes time for the Ekklesia to choose a policy for the xenoparakletor, I intend to send Obander to straighten out the Messapii.
@Cetashwayo ] Obander, your mission to Athens is on balance wise, but I fear the risk of upsetting Taras. If you are able, perhaps a visit to Taras to propose a joint visit to Athens? Such a joint mission could strengthen the peace party in Taras, which is to our advantage, and also ensure the Tarantines can see we are not in Athens to break our promise to them. And perhaps it could lay the ground-work for a joint mission of ourselves and Taras to Sparta. Such a mission could help strengthen our position as a respected neutral and would allow us to hear if an opportunity to move against Korinthos without enmeshing ourselves in war with Sparta and her other allies ever presents itself... Is the first step of my dreaming, the making of a joint Eretrian-Tarantine mission to Athens possible?
Now, onto the matter of where to settle the people of Kymai. I like best the idea of settling them relatively near to Eretria, and also wish to position them in a place advantageous for trade. As such, I believe the lands of the Daorsi near Epidauros is the best location.
So says Kleon son of Aristophanes.