- Location
- England
1. Alot of things. Gaia, you, Gaia, Karen, Gaia, The Light, Gaia.Ok then, here are some questions:
1. What happened between the Clocktower and Counter Force to start this war?
2. What happened in WW2 to form the Clocktower?
3. Why/when was the Counter Force formed?
4. How did the Clocktower cut the Counter Force's feet out in China? (My guess is that the CF tried to get magic info from the chinese magic organization, and the CT went "No!" and killed them)
5. What has happened in the war so far/who was winning?
6. Is the Light sending Not!Demons all around the world or is there a single epicenter that they are focusing on?
7. What are relations like between the Clocktower and Counter Force right now with the Light attacking both of them?
8. Does anyone know that the Light is behind the Not!Demons? I don't think it is common knowledge, so maybe just the higher-ups in both organizations?
9. At the very beginning of the quest there was stuff going on between Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. What was that? I'm honestly curious.
10. Could we get Cuifen's Character Sheet? We know she is very strong, evidenced in both the Una incident and throwing boulders around when training with Daiyu, so I would like to know more about her.
11. Could we get more on Daiyu and Cuifen's backstory? We have known them for awhile and still know very little about them.
12. What was Gaia's original plan for us and how/why did it change?
13. Do we get a choice in where to set up our organization or is Gaia picking it herself?
14. How is Gaia going to help get Cerys set up? What information, territory, personnel, equipment, money and other resources will we get and do we get a say in any of it?
15. What is the Counter Force's opinion of us? Can we still work with them like we are willing to work with Karen?
16. What is the Clocktower's opinion of us?
17. What are regular people's opinion of us?
18. What are the magical girl's opinion of us?
19. Who was it that was annoying us and we decided not to murderize in "Its not a date"?
20. What are we known for and what is publicly known about what we have done and why?
21. Could Cerys get regular information updates once we get set up without having the thread vote to check up on them and just have her do that automatically once we have them? Like, we ask for information updates and Cerys checks them as part of her routine and voters don't need to make her do it every time we want to know something.
22. I think this is a spoiler, but I'll ask it anyway. At what level does Infinity Edge gain Unstoppable?
Less serious questions:
23. How can we get Cerys to accept Sabina's affections and start a harem?
24. What are Daiyu's, Sabina's, and Cuifen's favorite foods in case we want to reward/spoil them?
25. What sort of activities does each member of our group enjoy?
26. What sort of date would Daiyu enjoy the most? Sabina?
27. If, after we get all set up by Gaia, we fly down to a restaurant with the group, how terrified would our waitress be of us?
I do have other questions, but this is enough for now and some of them might be answered or change based on these questions.
2. A lot of people noticed magic, kinda hard not to when the fighting is everywhere and didn't approve. It really didn't help that Karen was still in her angsty years and took her frustration out on whoever was near her. Also, there was a pretty big breakdown in the suppression of magic and monsters, on account of everything being on fire.
3. They 'officially' formed a few months ago from the group who were semi-known as The Shadow, who picked up the slack after The Light stopped doing their job. It's really just a rebranding and moving into the public eye.
4. Pretty much, except the CT didn't know that the CF already got what they wanted when they stopped them, which is why the CF didn't bother trying again.
5. The war has been an odd mixture of lightning advance and massive fortifications. The CF can bring a lot of well equipped soldiers to bear and a shit ton of heavy ordinance, which lends itself well to extremely rapid advances and smashing through things. The opposite is that the CT has magic to muddle the waters, which can turn a 100 mile advance into a rout as your supply chain is eaten by a Grue. CF fortifications are the only places that are relatively safe from being magicked into a pretzel and they are a slow process to establish.
Generally a battle goes: CT Summons Meatshields, CF is forced to drop the hammer to get rid of them. If the summons last, the CF is usually forced back to the nearest outpost or fortress. If not, they'll punch through the squishy mages and make a ton of progress, if they aren't suddenly surrounded by another summon, or their tanks suddenly forgetting what they were doing, or seeing friendlies as enemies.
The war has been going in the Counter Forces favour so far, they've pushed through Spain and a little into France, where their lines stop at Switzerland and loop around to the German-Polish border.
6. They are sending them everywhere.
7. The leaders both know exactly what's going on and don't terribly mind turning their attention away from each other. The Public and Soldiers on the other hand, are more than willing to continue tearing into one another.
8. Higher-ups know, but the common solider doesn't.
9. Early Instalment Weirdness, I wasn't sure exactly what I was doing there. The situation has concluded though, with them forming a fledgling African Alliance.
- (Ebony Knight) Cuifen Feng
- Stats
Health: 120
Base Damage: 90
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: N/A - Weapon
Bare Fists
Level 3
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: N/A
Ability: Grapple | Double Hit
- Abilities
Skilful Dodge
-Sacrifice 4 actions to dodge an incoming attack
Stand Amongst Mages [Locked]
-If your opponent has at least one Affinity, increase your ApT by 300%
Inhuman Agility [Locked]
-Capable of performing incredible feats of agility.
Never Outdone
- Skills
Hand to Hand
Master. +100% Base Damage on unarmed attacks.
You know how to throw a punch and take one.
11. Daiyu was the student of a sword and was semi-aware that magic existed through her training and her sister. Cuifen has spent a great amount of time with Monks through her life, and picked up a lot of peripheral knowledge of magic and mysticism. Cuifen always tried to take care of Daiyu, but fond that she was more than capable of doing it herself and was very independant, it always saddened her that she couldn't look after her, but at least she could protect her.
12. Gaia's original plan for you was to create someone who can lead future magical girls, her plan hasn't really changed, but she's been using you as an EMIYA until now.
13. You get to pick.
14. You'll get information on the area, a few things of interest to point you in the right direction and a bit of land in the area. Building, maintaining, housing and feeding people are your responsibility.
15. The rank and file both hate and are afraid of you. The leaders are perfectly willing to work with you, to an extent. It's quite likely that they'll ask you to join them.
16. Karen is still somewhat fond of you, annoyed at Gaia for forcing this and generally disappointed at the general direction the world is going. The Enforcers are horribly confused as to what happened and angry at you.
17. Most people don't know about you, of those that do you are viewed as horribly dangerous, but also a sad story. It's generally believed that you aren't doing any of this of your own will and are being forced to by someone else.
18. Of those that know you, you are a very intimidating person. It's well known that you have a habit of appearing wherever you want and horribly outgun every other girl, having proved you have no qualms killing people. Most of them would run away if they saw you and didn't have a reason to stay. A few are very interested in meeting you, either to talk, fight or just curiosity. One really wants to find you.
19. No-one was annoying you, you got the xp for not continuing your normal habit of murdering everyone you come across on a mission.
20. (Among the magical society) You are known for a lot of your work with the Clocktower, your fight in Portugal and both attacks against CT/CF bases. People who ask can probably find the path you tore through America as well.
21. You can.
22. Never.
23. First, have Cerys stop being content being with Daiyu. Good luck with that. Death works.
24. I plead the fifth.
25. Daiyu likes training and napping in the sun. Sabina likes taking care of her sword and people watching. Cuifen likes reading and cooking.
26. Daiyu would be happy to spend a day lazing about with you under a warm sun, or training together. Sabina would honestly be happy just spending time with you, I suppose if you were to go shopping in a sword maintenance shop though...
27. If she didn't recognise you? Baffled at you blatantly flying. If she did? Either freak out or very, very carefully do as you say.
It's more of a personal animosity between their leaders. They really, really don't like each other, and have been fighting a spy war against one another for decades. Also yes, they were absolutely terrified when they thought that Karen had cracked the knowledge of how to manufacture Magical Girls. The moment the local commander heard of it he ordered you to be eliminated now.I realize that, but that is like saying "Germany invaded Poland to start WW2" which is true but does not highlight the underlying causes for doing that. It tells me the what but not the why. Why did the Counter Force try to kill Una? Where does the animosity between the CF and CT begin? Was it just because of what happened in China? Difference in their ideologies? We know that the CF does not approve of Karen's ideas and policies from Annabelle and were fearful that the CT had discovered a way to make magical girls so is that why? How deep does their divide run. People don't just randomly shoot missiles at children for no reason.
You can, you will of course have to deal with being in such a shitty location though.Can we choose to base ourself somewhere that is a pain in the ass for Gaia to set up, just as a small way of paying her back for past annoyances