Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

«You will have time to luxuriate in this feeling later. Right now, we must find you a weapon with which to fight. Something you can manipulate through my telekinesis with ease.» The angel laughed. «In fact, I have the perfect idea.»

"We're going to scare the sheet out of them!" :p

The fairy snickered at her, and the world abruptly slowed down. «If I might borrow terminology from you, I am the fucking Simurgh. The future is my bitch.»

Returning her attention to the people trying to hurt her, she blinked as they kept moving at half speed. They also had echoes or something similar in front of them that they looked like they were chasing down. She asked for this, Laura reminded herself, and pulling off more of the sheets wrapped around her chest and head she cast them out to wind around the ankles that were going to be where she was aiming. A tug dropped several of them onto the hard tile floor.

I really like this

Edit: We really can't afford to let the Fallen be now. We need to hunt down that magic capable cape and put the rest of the Fallen in the ground. We need to make a call with Legend or Alexandria.

Taking them out has certainly climbed a lot on my list of priorities.

Of the capes who escaped, one of them (one of the locals) had a clairvoyance power keyed to people he "tagged". Similar to Mouse Protector's powers, but Thinker not Mover. The other local was the one holding up the barrier.

With the timing of the light returning, I thought it was Purson or Empusa being taken out that caused it to fall.

I don't have any such interlude planned, but if anyone wanted to write it as an omake, I could certainly canonize it if it's good enough. *hint hint*

Why do I get a scene in my head of the end of Ghostbusters II, when Louis(Rick Moranis) is firing at the wall of slime and thinks he's the one who brought it down?

*winces* Unless she receives immediate surgical treatment she's probably going to bleed out on the ground in short order. We might need to relabel Non-Lethal to Less-Lethal at this point.

It's cauterized? If they want to save her bad enough, and can get her stabilized, Panacea IS in the Wards now. Her dying wouldn't really bother me any, as I voted for non-lethal this time because of the high chance of collateral damage, not any worry about voluntary members of the Fallen.
At least we saved the two civilians being tortured in the Spa. Unfortunate that there was apparently a bunch more who had already died by then... But eh, Taylor can only save so much.

This fight probably took a good chunk out of the Fallen and their organization should be disrupted. Pretty much the perfect time to strike while the iron is hot and try to eliminate as many of their problematic thinkers and masters as we can. After the Masters and Thinkers are down the PRT can take care of it. If the PRT and Protectorate is unwilling to do so? Well, then it'll be about time to establish Taylor and co. as a serious player in North America with the destruction of another chunk of the Fallen and establish some ground rules for capes in North America.

They play nice and local, at least long enough for us to build up enough to kill the Endbringers, or they get blasted into chunks.
[X] Reforge Armor

This is pretty much the best possible time to waste a spell pick on a spell we hope never to use, and in the process unlock that oh, so tantalizing second cross training.
So anyways, next arc, we need to talk to Alexandria or Legend. We need every little bit of data they have on the Fallen.

We took a chunk of them out. So no matter what the Fallen will be out for revenge (even though the idiots started it in the first place). I'd guess a social event will be used on the Protectorate talk. For the other... I think we should social Kayleigh more and scan Laura.

I think one of the keys to getting Laura to break with Winter Hill is gaining enough power to stand on her own, not to mention support from Calamity Witch (the cape whom stood against the Fallen and won). Giving her a device or template should also allow her to break with her past identity more cleanly by leaving her power (and the inferiority complex encouraged by Winter Hill to better keep her with them) behind.

If we can get another event, then getting Missy her LCM is another high priority.
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Oof, I think in the back of my head I knew Laura's situation with WH was complicated, and this interlude made me face palm.

Laura will probably have questions for Taylor after this, and if she's willing to open up, she can probably score an invite to… i forgot the group name, but CW&co

My only concern is if Jotunn would be enough of an asshole to use Kayleigh as a way to keep Laura in WH. I mean… Taylor would definitely put him down if he tried, but that wouldn't erase any trauma Kayleigh/Laura go through. Not to mention how guilty Taylor would feel if something happened to either of them.

After this mess, I'm SUPER ready for a social arc. I suspect we'll still be getting into plenty of conflict though:
- fallout from Missy being Mastered
- identity stuff — at the minimum, the PRT will be able to ID Taylor as CW
- CW shouldn't face actual punishment, but the public will be wary of how powerful she is
- Not sure who would bring it up, but Taylor and Laura have a lot to talk about

Poor Taylor's going to wish we had a "raze the Fallen" arc instead.
Would Missy demanding LCM be a quest event or social event?
Actually neither. See, events have fallen into place for me on that one because at the very start of this arc, you voted for Tim to experiment with the Mutagenics skill. That means that he gets a chance to show off what he's done. Then you got the crit fail that will make Missy jump onto getting magic no matter the cost. So, uh, yeah. You don't have to do anything for her to make the demand.

Whether Tim (via your votes) actually goes along with that demand is another matter entirely and still very much under your control.
she can probably score an invite to… i forgot the group name, but CW&co
We never have given the group a name. If you get another mage or two, I'll probably put that in as a vote.
My only concern is if Jotunn would be enough of an asshole to use Kayleigh as a way to keep Laura in WH
*snrk* Oh god that would go so poorly for Jotunn that he wouldn't even try. That's near enough every kind of bad he could possibly pull on, all at once.
I can just imagine how that might go:
"Alexandria, I need everything you have on the Fallen."
"They ruined my vacation, and I intend to End them before they double down on Stupidity."
"*eyes Legend speculatively before sighing and turning back*...Okay then."
Honestly, taking out another chunk of the Fallen (preferably the Master and Thinkers) and publicizing it would segue nicely into building up a reputation to tell everyone to fuck off and play nice or Calamity Witch with a twitchy trigger finger will either erase you or make you wish you were dead from all the pain she'll inflict on you in the process of blasting you unconscious.

And we can also accuse the PRT of inaction if they don't act against the Fallen after this. Especially once we've killed or captured a good chunk of their Masters and Thinkers.

Oof, I think in the back of my head I knew Laura's situation with WH was complicated, and this interlude made me face palm.

Laura will probably have questions for Taylor after this, and if she's willing to open up, she can probably score an invite to… i forgot the group name, but CW&co

My only concern is if Jotunn would be enough of an asshole to use Kayleigh as a way to keep Laura in WH. I mean… Taylor would definitely put him down if he tried, but that wouldn't erase any trauma Kayleigh/Laura go through. Not to mention how guilty Taylor would feel if something happened to either of them.

After this mess, I'm SUPER ready for a social arc. I suspect we'll still be getting into plenty of conflict though:
- fallout from Missy being Mastered
- identity stuff — at the minimum, the PRT will be able to ID Taylor as CW
- CW shouldn't face actual punishment, but the public will be wary of how powerful she is
- Not sure who would bring it up, but Taylor and Laura have a lot to talk about

Poor Taylor's going to wish we had a "raze the Fallen" arc instead.
Honestly, Taylor's identity as CW doesn't really matter if its public or not at this point. PRT and the Protectorate won't want to alienate someone who's been so beneficial to them and who can throw down with the Fallen while massively outnumbered. Not to mention being able to cause near unprecedented damage against Endbringers.

We don't have all that many people whom are vulnerable if someone is out to get Taylor.

Lacey, while she doesn't want to fight, can run away and hide pretty good. We need to get her on a couple of fights to get her flight and she'll be pretty set. Oh, and get her a Guardian Beast. Socialing with Kurt to get him a linker core to act as Lacey's bodyguard is a thing too.

As for Kayleigh with Laura... well, Jotunn isn't a idiot, he knows that he'll bring the wrath of Calamity Witch down on himself and Winter Hill if he tries that. And he won't be able to hold a candle to Calamity Witch even with all his capes and flunkies. Not when Calamity Witch has killed almost 20 Fallen capes in the space of an hour or two.
The primary issue with dealing with the Fallen is Mama Mathers. Taylor and Sam are immune to her, but she is likely always surrounded by who knows how many capes.
The primary issue with dealing with the Fallen is Mama Mathers. Taylor and Sam are immune to her, but she is likely always surrounded by who knows how many capes.
Which is why we hit her from well beyond any range of retaliation. 5 miles up in the air with targeting assistance of Dragon should do. Solar Wrath spam should take down anyone she could have near her. And ask Dragon to commit her Dragon Flight to help with the destruction of the Mathers branch.

Once Mama Mathers is out of the equation the Protectorate and other hero Thinkers can actually use their abilities against the Fallen to help mop up.

Anyways, folks, anyone have any objection to trying to draw Mac and Epoch officially into our group? With Dragon's budget, Epoch won't have to worry about funds, and pretty soon Calamity Witch's reputation will become a shield against villains.

Mac should be continuing his healings and if he's at all smart he should get some contract going with the hospitals to provide healing for a reasonable rate.

As it is its highly doubtful that Epoch will fall afoul of the Protectorate as Alexandria and Legend will likely put him on a very low priority in terms of treating as a villain due to his ability to actually time freeze a Endbringer.
Mac should be continuing his healings and if he's at all smart he should get some contract going with the hospitals to provide healing for a reasonable rate.
He already has such a contract. He's actually getting paid more than Lacey is because he was willing to negotiate on his salary.

EDIT: Also, for anyone worried about Kayleigh's safety if you try to poach Laura from Winter Hill, you could always just check to see if she has a Linker Core of her own with which to protect herself.
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Didn't she already say she wouldn't want to be a parahuman if given the choice after seeing how it is in part from Laura? Why would she view being a mage any different?
[X] Reforge Armor

Anyways, folks, anyone have any objection to trying to draw Mac and Epoch officially into our group? With Dragon's budget, Epoch won't have to worry about funds, and pretty soon Calamity Witch's reputation will become a shield against villains.
Not in general, but I think we should do it later.
We're at a critical point with Missy and Laura and I think we can get them both to join us relatively soon. Trying to do all these things at the same time would spread us too thin and likely cause us to fail at something(probably Laura's events). I like Epoch but they should wait their turn.

Also, if Laura's a Fate expy we should totally get her a dog. It'd probably help her cope with the recent events too.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Calamity Witch wouldn't even be in his top 3 concerns if he messed with Kayleigh. She might be his most powerful enemy at that point, but she wouldn't be the most damaging.

Wheres the "I have questions" reaction button?

Do go on ^__^ Laura smothering him in his sleep, because long term hostages are a classic but dangerous gamble? K's papa and his wealth/business ties? Mysterious backstory to explore further in social events?!? (Silly parents haven't had dialogue either at birthday party or first day of trip, or even to the cape who rescued their daughter. I assumed they're boring)

Didn't she already say she wouldn't want to be a parahuman if given the choice after seeing how it is in part from Laura? Why would she view being a mage any different?

Its worth considering that that was before she had to live through a hostage situation writ extra BOLD large, hiding in one building or another from the Fallen. Maybe it will make a difference, maybe not (she's lived through Laura's trigger in some sense, and the beasts at the party, without an urge for power and its attendant safety).
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