Hmm. I don't think the Philly PRT are going to do anything to the Villains here.As for the Endbringers, one's dead and you're actively trying to kill the other two. Legend and RCB are both aware of that.
So in Worm the ratio of Parahumans to humans is 1:8,000 in urban areas and 1:26,000 in rural areas with two thirds of those figures being Villains. That gives a ratio of 1 Villain per 12,000 humans in urban areas and 39,000 humans in rural areas. With a ratio that low rural villains can basically be ignored since they would pretty much all be lone villains or two villain partnerships at worst.
Of the 311.6 million people living in the USA in 2011 80.944% were to live in urban areas. That gives an urban population of 252.2 million. With 1 in 12,000 being Villains that means there should be approximately 21,000 Villains living in urban regions across the United States.
We don't know how large the PRT is. However the FBI operates out of 56 field offices while the PRT has 67 departments. So it seems reasonable to assume a similar size. Using that ratio gets approximately 42,000 employees. That comes to approximately 627 employees per department. Now here in Philly that is a big deal since 5% of that gives 31 Mages of which the expected distribution would be:
- D-Rank: 14
- C-Rank: 11
- B-Rank: 3
- A-Rank: 2
- AA- or AAA-Rank: 1
Across the whole organization 42,000 employees translates into 2,100 Mages distributed:
- D-Rank: 945
- C-Rank: 735
- B-Rank: 210
- A-Rank: 105
- AA-Rank: 63
- AAA-Rank: 42
An extra 1,575 combatants is nice, although a fair number aren't going to really be that good, but given how many Villains there are it isn't enough to tip the scale on it's own.
The trick is that these combatants can be produced fairly quickly. Quicker then the Villains can reasonably react. With the Philly test demonstrating success and some bugs being worked out a large scale rollout will be the trick.
If this can be kept fairly quietly the PRT can pull out a high speed response team of Guardian Beasts seemingly out of nowhere. That can be used to steamroll all the major villainous organizations before they can react. Especially if they can buy enough time to for their Gear Guardian Beasts, the non-random ones IIRC anyway, to put devices in all those Mage's hands.