Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Why are we making another weapon for Samantha? Didn't she get a bone harpoon that was working?
We could use the slot for something else.
Oh, and I like the idea of a device that can teleport us nice, hot, perfectly cooked bacon on demand.
Hm. So are we going to work on drawing the former Adepts closer to Taylor to help be the building block of a mage team/organization?
We should at least nudge them in the Protectorate's direction. They don't have any goals right now and won't be able to make money as villains or mercenaries now, when there is only two of them.

[X] Plan Grenades
-[X] First project: Teleport Beacon for Vista
-[X] Second project: Samantha's Weapon - Grenade-launcher -> Spear -> Multi-tailed Whip
-[X] Third project: analyze Clockblocker bomb

Why make a weapon without ranged option?
We should at least nudge them in the Protectorate's direction. They don't have any goals right now and won't be able to make money as villains or mercenaries now, when there is only two of them.

Actually, with the healing spell that Mac has, he and Epoch can make quite a bit as Rogues. Mac's heal seems to be a general healing, able to at least improve and stabilize even stuff like organ failure and diseases instead of just wounds.

Hospitals and people in general would pay a fair bit for such a service. Even being able to stabilize a dozen patients a day would help a hospital immensely in terms of resource allocation and triage.

Mac can be the healer while Epoch can be a hell of a bodyguard with his abilities. Hell. If Mac can learn to interface with a mana battery or supply/small reactor he can spam physical heal a lot more.
Yep. Next time or can we spend points we're getting this turn?
You can spend point you're getting this turn. You can even buy a skill and use it in the same turn.
Mac can be the healer while Epoch can be a hell of a bodyguard with his abilities. Hell. If Mac can learn to interface with a mana battery or supply/small reactor he can spam physical heal a lot more.

This. Is. Not. Possible.
[X] Plan Small Investment
-[X] First project: Teleport Beacon for Vista
-[X] Second project: Uparmoured costume for Vista
-[X] Third project: Weapon for Samantha

I figure, a discrete teleport beacon... something she can wear in her CID or under her costume... maybe a ring or something? A properly armoured version of her costume... clearly Vista, but less childish and more serious, styled to match the aesthetic of her combat arm. And a improved weapon for samantha... Frankly id ask her what she wants/author fiat rather than pushing a specific weapon. This way we get all the little bits out of the way and can focus on bigger projects and research without having all these little 'oh next time' things hanging on us.
[X] Plan Never helpless
-[X] First project: Teleport pad Push
-[X]Second project: Teleport beacon
-[X] Third project: Armory
[X] Buy Exotic Physics

Vista isn't likely to bug out from danger unless there is nobody she is abandoning. Give her the ability to call her combat arm and costume to her anywhere, any time. This upgrades to calling her armor as soon as we build that armor, but building the armor first means she would only have it available while on duty as a Ward.
How is not possible?

Precia did it herself, it where her rank comes from and Relics show that you can add batteries to people cores.
For the purpose of this quest, you cannot use magic from generators to power your spells, nor can you have machines cast spells with internal mana. It's largely a game balance issue that SW has to repeat is absolutely not doable on a very regular basis.

Edit: Also, Precia was kind of nuts and dying of mana poisoning, so her doing it doesn't mean it was at all safe.

Edit again:
Cuz a whip is a range option? Seriously, have you seen Laevatein? Besides, Sam is fast. Shooting capability won't help her all that much when she's so much better in melee. This is my subjective analysis, so feel free to rip it to shreds.

Having a backup option is always nice, and if Sam's defending something, a ranged weapon would allow her to participate in a battle without having to leave whatever she is defending. The grenade launcher option also adds an area attack that she currently lacks.

@Silently Watches I know we can't cast spells from things Tim builds, but does Tim have the ability to produce corrosive projectiles? Acid goop, whether chemical or magical, seems like it could be quite useful, if strong enough. The acids we currently have access to out in meat space* aren't fast acting enough to make them worth much of anything compared to Sam's powers, but this is a superhero setting. Cinematic acid rules could be called for, if you'll permit.

* I refuse to call it the real world. Let me cling to my delusions.
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[X] Plan Never helpless

Good build up towards giving Vista power armor that can teleport to her. It also means we can deploy any Bakuda Bombs we unlock next time with the Exotic Particle research purchased now.
How is not possible?

Precia did it herself, it where her rank comes from and Relics show that you can add batteries to people cores.
Your brain runs on electric impulses. Stick your tongue in a wall socket and tell me if you slurp any up.

There are methods to dump mana into a mage's Core. Cartridges are one, and the Relics were basically larger versions of those. Generators and batteries? Not the same thing. These are for magical TECHNOLOGY, and just like you can't run a machine on cartridges, you can't run a mage on batteries.
@Silently Watches I know we can't cast spells from things Tim builds, but does Tim have the ability to produce corrosive projectiles? Acid goop, whether chemical or magical, seems like it could be quite useful, if strong enough. The acids we currently have access to out in meat space* aren't fast acting enough to make them worth much of anything compared to Sam's powers, but this is a superhero setting. Cinematic acid rules could be called for, if you'll permit
Yes, I will permit projectiles with some magic-like effects, including corrosion/acid. I believe they are actually in the Idea list.
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[X] Plan Small Investment
-[X] First project: Teleport Beacon for Vista
-[X] Second project: Uparmoured costume for Vista
-[X] Third project: Weapon for Samantha
Pseudo-magical effect bullets. Unknown number of bullets per slot, will depend on effect.

Yes, I will permit projectiles with some magic-like effects, including corrosion/acid. I believe they are actually in the Idea list.

"Pseudo-magical effect" was vague enough I thought I'd check. We're underutilising our greasemonkey, thanks in large part to the "can do nothing but focus on unison device construction until it is complete", but not having enough good ideas that we can get people engaged with plays a role, too. Without some measure of excitement, we get twenty votes for twenty different things.

You sure you want me to pick Samantha's weapon out?

Magi-tech chopsticks! They can transform into a fork and spoon!
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