Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Fight the Simurgh

- [X] Blast her into dimensional barrier

I don't actually think this is a good idea, but someone has to at least suggest it. Heck, even the fact that there is a watch and wait option speaks for itself from a metagaming perspective. BUT:

Fire Ragnarok in such a way that it will score a hit on either Ziz or the device. Also, immediately call in the TSAB and have as many of their people as they can teleport up and do the same, for additional firepower and less room for error (if we tell them the Lost Logia of super-engineering is trying to steal a Unison Device, that ought to light a fire under their asses).

If we hit her, try to use the force of the beam to push her into Outer Space. We know there is a dimensional barrier covering Earth that wrecked even the TSAB's supertech battleship, so we can at least hope it would help hurt the Simurgh. We at the very least suspect dimensional shenanigans are afoot, thanks to what we saw in Phantasm's dimension thingy, so who knows what kind of effect it could have on her. If she breaches the barrier, call in TSAB high command for an orbital strike (don't actually think this can happen, but best to overplan).

Maybe we can't win, but we can try and make sure she loses. I realize trying to Morton's Fork THE chessmaster precog (since Contessa is presumed dead) is futile, but we have to try. You don't give the Simurgh mind-affecting tinkertech without a fight.
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Such an evil /readers/ we all want to see what will happen, no matter if its the best for Taylor or the world :p (like, I kinda hope if we did choose another option, we'd get an omake of what could've been xD).

If we were going to try and interfere..... I am not sure if we can fire off even Shooters will also charging up a Dimensional Transfer, as that'd be my preferred bet for escaping Simmy wrath...but then she did grab the Travellers so that might not be enough o_O (And thats a good vote for why its nbd if Simurgh gets this toy, to go with "could've stolen it more subtly later" and "could just grab nukes or something to destroy world already" )

Another option, probably good even if we say "We can't do anything to stop her but maybe it'll turn out fine" ..... screw contacting the Triumverate, how about we try contacting (would we need to send Tim to the radio, or can telepathy or other PS/IAE tricks do it since they're "closer" now) the local TSAB seeing as.... they're already inclined to help with the Simurgh....and oh yeah, they are WAY MORE EXPERT on how a Unison Device could be used.

[X] Wait and watch what happens
-[X] Try and contact Teana and crew to get their imput and help

The "Simurgh is Cassiel" theory is really tempting, but at the same time, I recall a bit about Cassiel's grandmother being a problem. If Cassiel were Simurgh, the grandmother would be Eden. However, Eden is dead. Very dead.

Consider another perspective.... the Simurgh is a world spanning telepath/precog right? Surely Ziz can figure out info and details about the Fallen, enough to convincingly provide if Simmy was able to contact us with a detailed fake-image via telepathy (which PS doesn't inherently block like Master effects, and we told him to allow) to manipulate us via normal social means? Basically all the evidence we saw pointed to a Fallen person.... because thats what Ziz showed us to convince us to build this
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[X] Destroy the Unison Device

I know this won't win, but at the same time I don't like making OC votes, which waiting definitely is.
[X] Wait and watch what happens
[X] Attempt to open dialogue with an ur-Thinker (a winning move if ever there were one)
What's the worst that could happen? We die? :D
"Worst" case: Taylor's self is locked in a cage while Taylor's body zizbombs away everything she knew and loved, then calls in those offworld allies for "backup"…

(It can always get worse, of course. "It menaces with spikes of suffering and outrage and suffering and pain and suffering…")
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I don't think we should let her have it. People are freaking out and thinking the Simurgh is the one we are trying to help.
...Uh, who are the ones freaking out?
The "Simurgh is Cassiel" theory is really tempting, but at the same time, I recall a bit about Cassiel's grandmother being a problem. If Cassiel were Simurgh, the grandmother would be Eden. However, Eden is dead. Very dead.
Well, strictly speaking, if Ziz is Cassiel she didn't have to be telling the truth the whole time. She could easily have created a persona that either mirrored her real circumstances, was designed to evoke specific reactions (can't be too public with investigation or Grandma will find out, child who needs saving, only one possible way to save her), or some combination of the two.
Well, it's perfectly possible that Cassiel does exist and she did manage to contact Taylor and ask for help... without realizing she's just a pawn in Ziz's plot to acquire the Device.
Or that.
I know people have been saying we're not a blind spot but last I checked I thought we were? I distinctly remember the last EB fight having some shenanigans about that...

Unless I'm mixing up my quests or something...
Another option for what the Simurgh is planning may be to create a child of her own. As is, the Simurgh can't communicate directly with anybody except her two brothers. Placing a personality that can understand both human and Endbringer minds, and has the knowledge of how to communicate with each, could be intended as an ambassador. On her last appearance, she demonstrated that she had been holding back all of these years in order to, according to SW, incite a level of fear she felt necessary to achieve her goals. As such, we've had a demonstration of power, of terror, which makes the next step communicating her demands. Who knows, we might even let her have whatever it is she asks for.

I doubt it, of course. Unless this whole Cassiel plot line was completely unanticipated and she is changing her plans to make use of this device, her plan started off by letting people know exactly what will happen if she doesn't get what she wants. That kind of fear who not be needed if what she wanted were something nice, easy, and reasonable.

Up until their creator was revealed in Worm, I thought that the whole purpose of the Endbringers was to create more despair and thus increase triggers and to force humanity to rely on its parahumans. The Entities couldn't have us just kill off all their little experiments, after all. Are the comments about the Endbringer Engine from things written after Worm?
I know people have been saying we're not a blind spot but last I checked I thought we were?
Yes, Taylor (and any Device-wielding mage, as far as I understand) is a blindspot when she cast spells.

From a precognitive perspective, every time you exchange a lot of information telepathically with Perfect Storm – such as getting the calculations for a spell or doing a training simulation – it is very similar to a trigger event. If you're just sitting there quietly doing something non-cape-related, she can predict you, but as soon as you get in a fight, you turn into a recurrent blind spot in much the way Eidolon does and for the same reason.
You know, if this does turn out to be Magical Ziz-chan? I think that would be the first time I've ever seen that in a non crack story. And it would be done well, too. But I can see one other option for what she might want that mind-slurping device for: Eidolon. Not empowering him as per the previous option mentioned, but for removing him by giving him "power" and creatively interpreting his orders enough. Once he's attached to the device, if he no longer has a connection to his shard, she and the other two end bringers don't have to listen to him anymore. And that doesn't necessarily make them less of a threat, depending on how they respond after the fact.

The three of them might even start trying to become the new cores of new entities, to replace Zion and Eden. Or maybe just the Simurg, while the other two get assimilated due to her superior control capabilities making her an idea new core.

...Really would like seeing Magical Ziz-chan though in a non-crack fic, just for the novelty of having weakened Ziz setting the stage for the final fight against the other two endbringers and their unknowing master who has to be put down, or at least taken out so that he can be de-powered, to save the world. Eidolon as final boss would be different.
Okay, if we're at least pondering the possibility of blasting either Ziz or the device, it's worth checking directly:
@Silently Watches , do Barrier Jacket and our basic flight count against the 'no spells' limit for Ragnarok? And do we actually have ten mana cartridges on hand?
...You know, I was going to suggest calling the protectorate (Legend could probably get here fast enough to matter) but that could lead to some awkward questions.

"The Simurgh stole a piece of tinkertech we made!"

"Oh no! What does this tinkertech do?"

"Rip out someone's mind and stuff it into a tiny magical fairy body."

"...And why did you make something like that?"

"...It made sense at the time I swear."
You know a interesting way to explain this would be to imply that Taylor was gonna use this to get around Danny's brain damage. Just slurp him up and stick him in a device. Sure he won't get the memories he lost but at least this way he gets to keep new memories again.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Omniatrix on Nov 23, 2018 at 1:23 PM, finished with 81 posts and 49 votes.
It just dawned on me, shouldn't Leviathan be next? I mean the last endbringer to show was Behemoth so is this truly a Simurgh attack, or is she just readying for her turn in so many months for something big?

That logic makes it sound like there might have been many tinkers over the years who had tech mysteriously vanish on them.
We have a couple of demographics who are going with wait and see; the curious and the people who don't think we can do a thing to stop ziz from doing what she wants. If we hang around we should at least get to know something new.

[X] Wait and watch what happens
This is a disturbingly good point. I'm going to try and track down our previous Cassiel interactions and re-read them from that perspective...
(A little girl with an angel's name who wants to break free of her chains?)
From WIkipedia: Cassiel is sometimes described as the angel of tears, the angel of temperance, or the angel who presides over the deaths of kings. The name Cassiel translates to "The Voice of God" or "The Anger of God".
Adhoc vote count started by Omniatrix on Nov 23, 2018 at 1:23 PM, finished with 81 posts and 49 votes.
It just dawned on me, shouldn't Leviathan be next? I mean the last endbringer to show was Behemoth so is this truly a Simurgh attack, or is she just readying for her turn in so many months for something big?

That logic makes it sound like there might have been many tinkers over the years who had tech mysteriously vanish on them.
As I mentioned earlier, the Endbringer rotation is not fixed. The odds are highest of the next Endbringer attack being Leviathan, with Ziz coming next, and then a Behemoth repeat as the least likely since he's the last one to have attacked. This comes from canon Worm, with, as I recall, some speculation mentioned that the three were deliberately mixing things up to keep people off kilter. The exact attack date varies, too, by +/- 30 days or so.
[X] Wait and watch what happens
-[X] Inform the authorities. Call the Chief Director. Call TSAB. If we need to fight, they need to organize it as soon as possible.
Can I add onto my vote? If so I would like to

[x] inform the authorities. Call the Chief Director. Call the TSAB. If we need to fight, they need to organize as soon as possible.

Because a plan never survives first contact with the enemy.
Okay, so, we've used flight to get up here, so if we do want to Ragnarok it'll have to be mana poisoning.
Yes, but honestly the cartridge mana poisoning is the better option. If you cast Ragnarök without casting anything else beforehand, you're still unconscious afterwards, whereas with mana poisoning your awake and not in great shape. There is a reason the "cast nothing and get knocked out" is the most barebones option and the only one you start with. It's useful when you don't have any other spells around to lighten the load.
I just thought of a glaring problem that might occur even if Magical Girl Ziz-Chan is 100% legit.

Awakening magic burns out any shards that are connected to the person acquiring the magic, right? This happened to Taylor, and it happened to Dragon.

So, what happens when Leviathan and Behemoth ? Do they just shut down...or do they do that thing that happens in 90% of action-oriented works and go completely berserk?

(This post is void if the burnout only happens "clientside" and not "serverside", so to speak.)