Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] No

Not now at the very least. We still have much to do that would get severely inconvenienced by not being taken seriously, even if it´s just from the law side.
Ultimately, I wonder how Alexandria will change her treatment of us, assuming she is operating under the same misconception. So, why not find out?
Lexi PERSONALLY wouldn't care about Taylor's age. She is actually one of the Worm characters who would agree with the TSAB's position on military promotion and early recruitment (i.e., you get rewarded for what you DO, not how old you are or how long you've been around). Professionally, either as Alexandria or RCB, she has the same restrictions as Chevalier. More, in fact, since one of the scandals that gave the Youth Guard so much authority involved her treatment of an LA Ward…
[X] Yes

I am not sure if it is actually the best idea, but it is the one most likely to cause something to happen.
[X] No
People will start treating us differently if they find out we're a minor. Especially if they find out the situation with Taylor's father, making her more vulnerable.
People do not treat teens with the same respect as an adult. They tend to adopt an "I'm older and I know better" attitude, and dismiss teenagers as being stupid. Granted, teens do a lot of stupid stuff, but still, it is a double-standard we don't need.
Adults will take a lot more from a 20 year old that they would not tolerate from a teen. Finding out someone is a teenager who has been acting like an adult and fooling them will invite a backlash.
It's just a whole can of worms we don't need.

tl;dr? Adults don't treat teens with the same respect, and our true age will be seen as a vulnerability to be exploited. We don't need the complication.
Adhoc vote count started by SlickRCBD on Nov 6, 2018 at 2:43 PM, finished with 16684 posts and 32 votes.
[X] Yes

While not the SMARTEST decision, I could easily see it coming out like her and Cavalier talking about Vista and Taylor casually remarking something along the lines of "You're treating Vista and I so differently, but I'm only a few years older than her" and Cavalier just going "You're NOT a college student?!?!?!"

(Also it's totally BS that we treat highschoolers the same as we treat elementary schoolers in terms of responsibility, but as soon as you hit 18 suddenly you're an adult and are responsible for everything)
particularly when she is all but guaranteed to bring her Mover 10 Brute 10 bodyguard

Ok I'm going to rant a bit. 3... 2... 1... start!

Sorry but no! Samantha is just not brute 10. I think we can somewhat safely assume that Alexandia is Brute 10. This is small bit of what worm wiki has to say about her.

Worm wiki quote about Alexandria:
Her body was virtually invincible. She could endure flame hot enough to melt sand into glass. Her power didn't defend against abilities that made heavy use of inter-dimensional phenomena, such as Scrub, Damsel of Distress, Foil, or March. Eidolon made use of this vulnerability to destroy her clones. She was, however, capable of being pushed around by external forces. Alexandria had vastly enhanced strength. She was capable of picking up Leviathan and slamming him to the ground,[19] and knocking Behemoth back. She was capable of lifting over 1.75 million tonnes, although she had a limited ability to prevent such a massive object from breaking under its own weight. Her blows sometimes produced shock waves that shook the earth around her.

Even if Alexandria was in PRT rating system Brute 12 instead of 10, Samantha still doesn't deserve brute 10. Brute power classification relates to durability as well as strength and Samantha just can't take nuke to the face or Behemoth's punch and be ok.

Rant end.
[X] No
Explanation is after the quotes, I just wanted to make it easy to spot the vote.

Also, as I cast my vote here- to all those US citizens frequenting this site- have you voted yet?
While I understand the sentiment, it's best not to bring politics into a questing thread.

While I generally agree that politics are not welcome here, it was at least completely non-partisan. I'm just looking forward to the end of all the political ads.

The Prt and Protectorate dont know that Vistas new arm has a particle cannon in it, do they?
Also, that its a piece of self repairing tinkertech. And that her other prosthetic doesnt seem to require maintenance (as its magical engineering and not tinkertech)

You think a motorcycle or robot doesn't take maintenance, even if we're just talking about factory bots? Her arm DOES require maintenance. It has to. This tech is high tech to cutting edge tech for a multi-planetary empire, tech that is based on a radically different aspect of physics, using energy that Earth Bet tech doesn't even know exists. How often it takes maintenance to keep it running is something SV would have to rule on, but the need for it at all doesn't fit the logic of the setting.

Now, as to my vote: I was torn between the two at first. On one hand, I do want to be more honest with Alexandria, at the least, but my vote was decided when I realized something rather important: They already know!

Think about it. The Protectorate knows Captain is her father. They've known this for some time, certainly long enough to discover his daughter's age. Right now, they're treating CW as an adult because they can pretend not to know better. If we bring it up, if we force them to acknowledge it, then they will be required by law to treat her differently. It's like in Worm, when
Armsmaster became Defiant
, Weld nearly brought the whole thing down, because if he said something, his superiors would be forced to follow up on it.

If we do wind up telling anybody Taylor's true age, could we at least make it directly to Alexandria? Combining that revelation with the information about the TSAB she really should have already shared*, Alexandria will have all the reason she needs to avoid putting that information into the system. It'd be far from the first time, far from the thousandth time for that matter, that she's made that kind of decision. After all, her only contact with a foreign military force representing an incredibly advanced and massive organization is one teenage girl who accidentally contacted them**.

*Specifically, that the TSAB ship Alexandria already knows about has arrived, that they want to minimize contact with Earth Bet, especially Earth bet's government, and why they want to stay out of things.
** The first time

Having gotten a long way into Worm, I now realize that that warped space surrounding the 15 inhabitable planet cluster most likely means that we are inside the sealed off realities containing Scion's real body. This makes exploring other worlds potentially very, very interesting.
[X] Yes

Honesty is the best policy, and if I remember correctly, several important people already know.
Sorry but no! Samantha is just not brute 10. I think we can somewhat safely assume that Alexandia is Brute 10. This is small bit of what worm wiki has to say about her.
Samantha might not objectively be a full on Brute 10 but people certainly seem to think so:
I suppose you haven't heard how other capes, other people, see you after the debacle at Brockton Bay, have you? Samantha, you fought a fully grown Lung alongside first Alexandria and then the Butcher, and where the Butcher died, you lived. I know there is more to it than that – I was there, too – but that is what people are talking about.
Part of this is driven by the fact that Samanatha is flat out immune to heat and radiation. So given that her major durability feat was fighting Lung, someone who dealt massive amounts of thermal damage, it's easy to see how people could mistakenly rate her higher then she actually is.

Brute power classification relates to durability as well as strength and Samantha just can't take nuke to the face or Behemoth's punch and be ok.
I wouldn't be so sure about the nuke part. Remember Samantha is flat out immune to radiation and thermal damage so she just has to survive the shock-wave and nuclear blasts are actually pretty terrible at killing people via shock-wave. Honestly the biggest risk for her would be the debris which strangely enough means being closer to the nuclear blast safer since if she is inside the fireball that would disintegrate everything else removing the risk of damage from debris.
[X] Yes

Voting this partly because I think it would be interesting for Taylor to see the institutional difference between how the TSAB and PRT treat age.
[X] No

Remember that, as it stands, Taylor's father, Shipwright, is suffering from a severe form of amnesia and is utterly incapable of taking care of her. Lacey might be able to claim guardianship due to being the one actually taking care of her, but I have distinct doubts that this has been done officially. If the PRT's aware of Shipwright's fate (Which I don't actually remember if they are, to be fair), then they have an un-emancipated minor with extreme power at her hands flying about getting herself into danger. The chance that they won't take advantage of that to attempt to gain governmental custody, either out of opportunism or because their hand is forced due to the laws and the Youth Guard, is slim. That is, frankly, a can of worms with a good chance to causing a lot of things to backfire pretty hard. On the upside, it might drive Taylor into the arms of the TSAB, so I won't be all that upset if we do tell and it goes down that road?
To those of you voting no, don't you think that it'll only drive up friction between the PRT and Taylor if it eventually comes up, rather than coming clean and giving context to Vista's feelings?

Furthermore, don't you think the leader of the Philly Protectorate finding out the competent adult he's worked alongside is barely older than Missy change his viewpoints, and/or ease the pressure on her?

I just don't see the point or benefit on not telling the truth beyond preserving the status quo for some reason at best, and earning the PRTs distrust if it ever comes up.

And last, as a known liar once said: "Just TALK, people!"
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